HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1998-06-17, Page 5Rei y farm et OdS. The'1iaelc carpi]( of. incardrne• xs genii# :rMI,Y to; bosh 4 tk94V (Qr. C010,040.- at dxs< AsspexatOn of Ontario The crani, wb +ch is ....NM Wes,t, o A rrnoW, . hfas•. been the wife "of41iy tours in the past but this is: the • first Qn ` $.10., the 44:0th of former E?AQ :4tnre4?tor, Sernard;.li ick 'fb & is a larger Kale, :c:461. crop, attd' ilVatQci4. fat .:whch ,teres bite. oartiic farming meth Qtr 'fbc tori=::starts at .1. ?.a ,, Pni.JunC? 2Q'40d .wilt include, rho' Batu: 'with its. co s; aoct- *kr r cattXc.. `'` 1 :ficl tQus wail. ,See 'soybeans, hu:l.less; R t$t .batxcy, want x, ryQ, hay 3n41 ,CRx111t spring 'OR* alma]" flu. X Att►Qtb r ' ilAc os4ng featu;z of the kit t farnf is tbk witi•r, ‘brealss, w,hich.. wore >ast4b1,ish00 by p1a00, 22;QQO 1,1: 0; f►.Q tour v�tllls.h, wit ucs. .bort$ and ansWet*,. 4.110t 044,,Y t eQ�&`.in tka faxen' Dear editor: I am writing to you. at the request of the Deputy iui.e Minister,- the lionnrable Herb Gray„ to provide you and you€ readers with infacvnation on the Canadian Miltennnitim Partnership Pr.ofFant. As we all know, t Mi!leonium is ]Cess than two •years away: In as effort to celebrate and cotmuemprate the passing of this, important mile- stone. the Prime Minister and ' Mr, Gray recently launched the Covernmeut of Canada's millennium initiative, The .purpose of this initiative is to: support and encourage canitnuuity and nationally" winded activities: that endeavor to provide lasting benefits for future generations af• Canardicns, under the thee Sharing the Memory,, Shaping tht ' . Damm The Canadian Millennium Partnerships Program has been de' ei- oiled te, .azuong ,Other things.., eaceorage Canadians tri Create halt a.: 'taxes that explore our hex- itage* celebrate lata achievements, boild.ear Itatuxe,, and ezitdeavat t'O• leave a basting legacy. TO' • assist with this,. the federal government will provide, fuudinag for national ,and cotzxtitu;nttlty-•o-rr~ented. events and aetf v,it es,. 1" tndiug will *he allocated: according tet the regioual. d yerszty. a the requests 40' based upon five "phase datesq or deadlines that have r ow been estab- lished. The deadlinues a fa kows.,,Phase I: km 199 p`ixaser 2: October 31, 1998„ l��'h�aEse.. 3z May 3i} .199 9 PM,se 41 October 3t 1999, Phase 5 It vj 1. mi; To be eligible fru: fund= ing under the Canadian Kincnaxium Partnership Program. projects should: ▪ encompass one or: more of the program themes, * tatlte place or be well. underway before December 3/, MOO *be non-cOmmercial, +� provides lasting beuedats' to the community into the r1 tour ..ages various Hu 13ew11111 tti$a'r * involve participation by Canadians nationally cion a. community !eerc1; 4 show tangible communi- ty ty i.uvaivettnreaat .and sup- port, and ,* produce measurable results, As f have indicated above,. Mere are specific trogram themes that must be bscrved to attaint fund ilag under this. gram. The themes are intended to be reflective el Canada's history. natural beauty, ethnic .and cultural diversity, teehnicid and scientific excellence, and its pursuit of Fairness and egti;al opportunity lin: all lams of society. Funding will potentially be avail- able hbr projects that meet one or =re of the follow- ing; Celebrate achievement sa that C taw are inspired to remember Oar past ands look forward to the future. • * Encourage Carry to explore Canada more fttlly� * Exchange ideas :and approaches that improve ow international ac * Support a sustainable environment while pro- madas a: smug economy,. Stintarate cornmunity involvement ant eveluti,Qne by bringing our. youth tegetl *A4V411= Cals141144 itxnca* vation hence contributing to our collective well - mid *Demonstrate our heritage throuF,4 attntic mut al expression. lbr Widow to direct ftl miing. certain events. groups and projects may wish to seat ficial mil- lennium: il- len nituu endorsement.. This would pennit them to utilize the official emblems. • This 'prow= is- a won- .deaful opportunity for as to demenstrate and cele: brute Canadian aceont• plis zments past. present and . future. l v ttld June iT, Mitak a Ives ezxuage all interested iuc:liVidUauls and groups IQ consult tie Millennium Website at www..millen tabni'.ge.ca or to call toll fi):e to 1,418S-77449991. lir additiomrr if you require further ,information or clarification ,please' feel faree to contact my office at ((51S9�1)���5�IlyyyZ4,49-Aor 1•4400, As we tntove closer to. the year 20,(X),I look for- ward to, irking with all of the residents of Huron- imam to mark the milieu- Want illni:uru in ways that will, make a w ui differ, en= to future generationS of Canadians, • • Paul Steckie, l P New 199$ Escort Sedan 'n Wagon Ne4ti i '4 t otci',Anntistcrr Mertuly VI;iagtAt New 1993 "ora vantoirr 'Mecum r Ifiyst+que 44,19i0Cd3k'?tt! isil~ o r vitel • rye r<lo: .RAI?+?rt+ is , .IN•'44tir mszRn�al nstOrkr* +99R,lard•,l3s t R,. C!m ut wrn�s*AfiAOst..: rru44M s; '40,4444f ,a.m .tclsfm�f,411 sishr�' f: mppsrb44500iti. p . o annua!'plco0 O.rateror404004molith!1uAYmirit;i 31Z%cost;4t.orroiylns,h,.iOr:anitIQ It+kbk:14'trrlifl.is;Si fK14,wi1''�4�RVitipaY,m k444w0. nm*18r+ ukf440,,,?tOtk Et o f) r a 0 : oil pire t rtefo;, tnQn Co of,4.0,016i. tE 0',:corn .t. ,toad. itf<. ,:fid QielkoLafk?�tfi' ?IAPthir- i1 f010g i ,.,5M rY,444 ft#c;M,Ki}SZte,¢QO00.104 5 $,4qQ r4a.ced t '�!+� Ai S„4, A... ,C'>� b4 'ki . � .tf�,Rii , R + 4A:. ,, � r... ., red.t an.av r "fin 1 ,ra ;o :Q ;hoc t .t 4 borA 1. 04 s? 0,41 ,ft.t.4 Svf144 #1440441.141.4 14 41 ,i 59*. Rifc4.4t4�rate for�m.o4thsucvstof ba,oM1nq A,$Or,t4mA4 c ..R�A� , rK+.�� ..� .�� � ,tsN!+nRlih'«,P1t, � � M!,ti�. ,: �'Q! (. , , 4004:11 p ctgta4r rat* ***IONcast of troWr°a.,s sgr cv r arad,to;xn a}rRC, 'n,146+4 t o Q..,4,fgf4Lm*oU ,<cosk0 lila'. .0411 .2 ii„1M 9i0010lr1�i�;,wit11; R.f,3a1 A1! Sf+ V I4 soN$3Q.41 :find! di 3t.�N4a11NW_41•Pr<kOX sk rat for 44:rTWnt 4, tosf 01 }f ftriMrlO•IRStie omplCNdt+ •a!Tk,*a,f04 clrfp,ta;i fQc 4 t!109 ,; ro, R H(RW 'tI $.$,.,1,5,4 Ar YM 2grk Al{jf1i �> , •,,, _ linin,O notavgi(ep1t; With r.ORt r,r4tRt iiiitetjtL r 0ftrr, Offgr ilia) 5!Wnge w th4N.tnotfe• Sisk.dAee kr:511t 1004±Aock) )f!irC.3Of 1. t Rt aft ^gcn'pbl40,R 0,A4I1144F131NkFi tial! ;f �fn•;:: 1M S1Rfl rItit, rol 01tnu# ,