HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1998-06-17, Page 4Page 4 Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, June n,nes
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I'm ane of those, peo-
ple who make mistakes -
hey, Frn human.
Sometimes I hate to
' admit ^ I've erred, but this.
is one time where I'11
freely admit I goofed .big
My latest excursion to
the grocery store set the
.scene for this. geofup. I'm
not overly keen on shop -
Pine, but, someotle has to
do it, and; it falls on my
list of duties. I.very
rarely send the love of
my life to do a full gro-
cery shopping. I've seen
what he's like on .those
rare occasions he has
accompanied me. H;e's.
great at fillingthe basket
with now things to try.
However, 1,• must
admit if he had been with
me,. I probably wouldn't
have made
the. poor
choice 1 did.
Ihad fin-
is hed' run-
ning around
the •sta"re,---t
and just at
the last
minute, 1 .
1' needed
. miracle
' whip. Back
to the cor- -
ner I go. I
stand there
e lesson
I adore on sandwiches.
and in my potato salad.
But no, I'm
being Ms.
Frugal and
decide to try -
brand at .a
It .. too
was called
whip, but
when it hit
my . • taste
gazing..• at,
the selection. '
my biggest. mistake. 1
should have grabbed.' the
Qne I always buy, the one
enlzee. anyone? The year. wee 1988 and
these .Kingabrtdge- students were winners in
the publlc speaking competition at the eohool:
from the left, front row: Julia. pogaanatz, Katrina.
'.Colinas, Nichola Sherratt; back row: Jane.
Brophy, Joy.' Foran end Jenrnlfeer Redmond
buds • that
was not
tt9gt _ ; what leaned
I was so disgusted. rd
been looking forward to
a yummy sandwich with,
my favorite meat, leaf,
Letter policy
'Letters tp'the editor
'must be signed 'and
ineiutl'e the author's
address and telephone
number for verification:
:purposes. Letters
'should be -topical and,
are routinely edited far,
`.length, style and clarity.
Rrief.letters which
make': a point, have more
impact and stand, a, bet-
ter chance of. inclusion.
Personal'ettacks, con-.
sniner complaints and
potentially libelous leer
ters will be rejeeted,
lettuce, tots of pepper
and: miracle whip.
The worst thing about
this, shopping gaffe was
it was the second in as
many. weeks; .I hate to
admit it, but I did the
same stupid thing the
week before.
So now my fridge has
two bottles of dressing
and I have' no idea of
how to use them up.. So
Inch out the cost of those
two bottlesand this week
>l'll purchase the real:
stuff. It only proves that
you shoud buy what
you're familiar with - it
will pay off in the lona
run. It was an expensive
lesson. but Qne I'M' sure
to remember,
setS Oxa.mpie
Dear editor
The .lune 8 front page
of the Toronto Star fea-
tared. the 22.004. cy. clists
who took part. in the "Ride
for Heart" fund-raiser for
the Heart 'and Stroke
Foundation. The photo
;showed hundreds of aduk.
cyclists all -appearing to be
wearing helmets except
for ode person. Most hel-
mets, also appeared to be
worn properly to protect
' the fore head.
It is good to see adults
protecting themselves and
being, good role models
for.children. A parent who
insists that his or her child
wears a helmet.properly is
saying "Your head is pre -
dens too."
''Congra'ulations to
organizations who encouee•
age safe events, to photo-
journalists' who take pho-
los of safe practices and to
the cyclists. whe practice
safe recreation.
The Huron .perch Injury
Prevention Committee
encourages all cyclists to-
ohave a safe, healthy and
Bicycle Safety..
Kathryn ajorkgt ist,
The Canadiart'Red Cross
Marguerite Thomas,
Huron County kleatth
Unit, .
10 years ago
lune iS, 1988'
wo weeks and! reunion.- The countdown was;
on for, Celebrate in '88. 1nthusiasm was run-
ning high in and around the village, The exec-
utive of the planningcornnrriittee had been seen parad-
ing around town in their ,"reunion 'long -johns" and,
store owners were gearing up to put on their best for
the eelebration:
Finding baekysrd mtedivine . Herbalist David
Carroll introduced several area families to backyard, ,.
medicine. 1 -le spent the weekend: in the. area showing.
".beginning herbalists how to find, identify and use,.
some co iron: weeds; slid how to avoid poisonous
' 20 years ago
June X4,1
ore sod forJu; new co-op978 The sod was tutned
for the new Lueknow District co-operative
store and warehousetobe built on Huron
County road, 1, south Lucknow. Construction was
to be completed for opening in November,
Market opens. - The Lucknow Farmers Market
Opened Saturday morning and the turnout for the first
morning indicated,the market may.; go over well.
The largest number of patrons at at one time-
imeattended betWeen, li;',30 and 9 a,tu. and within the first
hour the 10 loaves. of, home, baked bread: brought by
,One, vendor'werre gone.
50 Years ago
June 10,1948 pales are ui . far park lights - The poles for -car'
eying the'floodlights in the Caledonian' park
were raised by a hydro crew and work of':
installing the lights was. proceeding.
The. position for the diamond_ had been"moved.
somewhat to' :the north, with the home plate ;al Quit
half way between where. third and home bases were
formerly. located. ,
The diamond has been, `!skinned" and work is.
going. ahead without delay under sponsorship of the
Legion who hope to have the grand opening at 'an
early date. Moveable bleacher seats are being con-
structed to be situated along, first and third base :lines.
They will'aecommodate:some 50Q spectators.