HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1998-05-27, Page 14Page 14 - lt,:u41111ew f eint
Larry and Janice are happy
to announce the safe arrival
of their baby, daughter
Shanelte Lynette. She was
born on. May 14, 1908 at
Alexandra Marine, S
General Hospital,-Goderich,
weighing in at:7 lbs„ .e 1/2
oz and: 18 1/2 inches long.
Her very delightedgrand-
parents are Keith end Irene
:Blake.. of Lucknow, and
Shirley Brown and Stanley.
Boyd:, Special thanks go • to
Doctors Rekha Lal and
Betty. Chen; and Susanne
and Sharon, the labor room
nurses; We aIao want to
thank all the nurses and
staff for the great care we.
received during our stay at
the hospital —21x
Michael Hausser and.
Katrina Howald are very
pleased to announce the
birth ;of their daughter
Isabelle. Greer Hausser in
Kitchener err May 21, 1998
at 7:22 a.m. Proud grand-
parents are Kathy and:
Nereid Howaid of Lucknow
and Oma and Opa, Trudy
and Karl Hausser, of
Petawawa are very happy
to welcome her tp the faint
Great grandparents are
:Howard and Helen Read of
Clearwater, ° Florida and.
Emil Buhler of Steinbach,
Germany. -'-21x
46. in
In loving ;teener -1s of a dear
Mother., Virginia Margaret
who passed away May 24,
Nothing can ever take away
The love a heart holds dear
Fond montortes; i;ingar.
Remembrance keepsher
near, •
Qathy and Jim.- 21.x.
7 Cords of
el, Wednestdsyr May 27, 1
Cord* of
The Knights et Columbus of
Kingsbridge-, :St. Augustine
and Lucknow would: like to
thank the Lucknow Village
Market and. Montgomery
Motors tor their assistance
in this. year Knights of
Columbus charity oar raffle..
-21 •
I would like to thank Dr.
Shubat and the nursing staff
at Lucknow Medical Centre,
Wingharn. & District
Hospital, and the staff of St.
Joseph,. London for the
excellent care .l received
during . my .stay. Everything:
was greatly appreciated.
Ken. --21x
We wish to express our sin-
sere• appreciation .to our
families, the COMMunity,
,neighbors, and friends for
all their kindness "and;. sup-
port during this difficult time:
We are very grateful" for all
'of the. food, flowers and'
charitable donationst, along
with your helping hand,.
Special thanks to .Rev.
Peggy kinsman and Joan
Pollard of MacKenzie and
McCreath'Funeral Home for
ail their assistance. Also,
thanks to Or. Hanlon and •
the ambulance attendants
for their special .care and.
`attention farBob. 'Your con
cern and' prayers helped us .
all greatly. Front the Mann
farnliy; r 2't
.1.would like, to thank the
doetore,'nurses and :Staff : of
Kincardine Hospital, Rev.
Chambers;. Rev, Paisley
and. Pastor Christensen and
many others who 'Welted,
phoned, sent` cards,' flowers.
and fruit while I was in hos-
• pitat or after returning home;
and to 'those*, who drove
Nina and myself when we
needed and,anyone who
helped in any way, The con-
cern shown is deeplyappre-
ciated. (Ed),' Edbert. --21x,
CAMPBELL on behalf of: the Lucknow
1 wish to thank all who sent
cards, flowers, and made
phone calls,' A special':
thanks to Rev, 'Cook for
making the long drive to
Owen Sound Hospital to
visit me..1 hope..my family
realize just how much 1
appreciate all they dofor
me as well. Noma. --21x.,
A very big thank you to all
our friends, neighbors': and
relatives for their help and
offers of help. Thanks
again, Rossand Sherry.,
I would: kke_.to thank every
ane whipmade Onetime to
Fleme of Hope Trail Ride for
diabetes. 1 raised 8615.
.Edna.: -21x. .
Thanks to everyone for the
phone calls, cards, visits
and gifts while l was in hos-
1)1101 and since returning
home. It was greatly'appre-
ciated.' Frank. --21x
Horticultural Society I would:
like to thank everyone who,
supported our soup and
sandwich luncheon on May
20 at the Legion. 1 personal-
ly want to thank everyone
who brought soup, sand-
wishes, squares, baking
and plants. A big thank you
goes out to all the members
who worked and made the
event a success, Special,
thanks to Margaret Lane
who planned the luncheon.:.
• It is a pleasure to be a part
of, an:, organization- that
works together Frank. --'21x
A community: bridal shower
for Ruth Anne „Durnin,:
fiapceo of Rick,.Aslkes, .at
the S. Helen's Hall on
Saturday, June 6, at •2 p.m,
Everyone • welcome. . -
, 00111109,
Gederich. Knights of
Columbus, every Thursday.
7 p.m. Columbus Centre,
390 Parson's court, $4400,
in prizes; progressive Jack
pot $1000.: regular jackpot
$1518 must go. LUc.
#157920. First Saturday of
every month, 7 Pare,
Columbus Centre, $500
Mini Jackpot, $1,500
' Jaekpot. Total; prizes
$.4,600. Lie. #310850. Super
Star Provincial Game every
Binge Night:.---Q7tfar
of the Whitechurch United
Church Sunday, June 7.
Services at 1:1 a.m. and 8
p.m. Guest speaker Carol
A. Adams, An evening of
song and praise. Music by
members of the Gerrie
Wroxeter United Churches;
Social hour to fallow.
evening service—21,22x
The Lucknow & District
Chamber. 0 Cordrnerce will
meet Wed;. June 3,. 7:45
a..m. at the Tourism Office,.
Everyone wetcorria.--2lar
Friday, May 29, 19 a.m. to 6
"p.m. Saturday, May, 30, 10
am.' to 3 -p.m. at the home
of Mrs, Jack McGuire's,
(Huron. Auto Wreckers),
R.R.' 5, Lucknow. 1 1/4
miles north; 4 miles wrest' of
Lucknow. Geed clean. dona-
tions welcome. Proieeds tor
overseas adopted children.
Sponsored by the. Huron. -
Bruce Children's Helpers,
Phone 395.2827' or• 395-
4150: —18.21 •
Windham Minor Hockey is
sponsoring a fundraiser
dance Saturday, May 30,
from 9 p,m. to 1 a.m at the
Wingham Arena. Music by
Lulu's' Roadhouse band.
Tickets $10.; advance, 912
at the door. Available, at
Stapleton Interiors;;: Barry's
•Esso and Ideal Supply in
Wingham or call 357-1676. -
At Kinlough Presbyterian
Church' on. May 81, at 11
a.m. and 8 p.m. Guest min-
ister - Rev. Rob Shaw;
Special music, Everyone
welcome. --20,21 xc
Tuesday, June 2,frorn 5 - 7
p.m. at 9rookside School
Adults ,, age 6: to 1.0�
$3.7`5 tinder free. --20,21
anti dowrriowf" oisidiWatk
sales; Saturday; Juno•bergainfi, ° itta
5eaforth. Lo#s ,
Trinity United Church,
Ashfield. on May 31, at 11
a.m. Guest speaker will be
Scott Pettigrew. 'There wilt
be speeiel: music. Everyone
Saturday. May 30, support
the Lucknow . Growing
Project pinch booth in, the
arena at Jaynt sale.
Sponsored by Soeth Kinloss
June 4th, 7:30 pm. at the
Tourism Office, Tom
Downey 395-5190 er Jim
Finnigan 528.3104. --20-
For Marilyn Martin, bl'ide-to
be, daughter of Joan Martin.
of Lucknow at the home
Frank and Loreen Alton,
690 North Delhi Street.
Lucknow on Sunday, May
31 from 2 to, 4 p.m.
Everyone Welcome -21.c
Saturday, May 39, 3 p,m,,
i uckndw Leo c ;, Come out,
and watch the fun. Dance: 9 °
ran. to 1 a.m. Music by DJ.
Food available. "Everyone
welcome. Proceeds to floot.
renovation fund. -21ar
• STn4 WBEiRRYt‘
::Presbyterian Church
Wed., June 17
2 settings and OM a"
Tloketariji advance only*,
Finlay Decorators 5284434
iMon, - Fri. 8'a.m ' 6 p.m.
Sat. 8 a.m. -1 p.m
Drivers please
be. aware •
the Lucknow Kinettes.
Bike-A-thon is being
held Sat., May 30,10-12.
There will be many
children participating
riding bikes on most
of,Lucknow's Streets.
Please watch
for them.
for everyone, bring your
family and friends 21,22cc
No Service
Anglican Church
Sunday, May81, 1998
_ Anglican'
Congregations in
Huron'Deanery are
St, Pauls, Clinton
to celebrate, De .r of
•Peftecos ;if 1'i arri
For Aenay Taylor fiancee. of . barrier...:'
John " Hardy iri the
Donnybrook' Church on" Plryskaltwirl
Tuesday, June 2 at 7;30 0104 to
Everyone welcome. -
Wd .farewell.
t 'S theriatids
by Ruth. Buchraekr~
Neighbors of the sec -
end and' Immix Concession
of Kinloss hada farewell
get together for Jim and
Syke Sutherland on Friday
night at the home of lanae
and Marlene 'Irwin. The
Sutherlands have moved:
to Whitechurch. We wish
theist well in their home.
Margaret deBoef hosted
a bridal shower for Christy
.Ton who is marrying:
Michael Bannerman,
Ruth Bell has returned
home from a three week.
holiday to England to visit
with relatives there.
Sympathy is extended
to the Mann family on the
death of husband and
father Bob.
Congratulations to the
proud' lxr• andparents Harold
and Kathy flowald, on
their first granddaughter,
Isabelle. Proud parents are
Mike Hausser and Katrina
Howard of Kitchener.
Oshawa folks
. • n
Recently, Harvey and
Wilda Thompson visited
With Kathleen Wilson of
Seagrave and Leet Land.
Joan Richard of Oshawa.
On the holiday weekend'.
Loraine and Frank
Burestallear of Barrie and
Donna and Fred Young of
Dungannon visited with
Harvey and Wilda, This
weekend Ray and Linda
Thompson visited ,with
Visiting this week with
Dianne and Arnie Clifford'
is Arnie''s mother Dorothy
Clifford from Dryden.
Anne .• McCosh. and
Mary •A.nneKukoly visited
with. John and Joyce.
Farrell on Monday to cele-.
b'rate their anniversary.
They also visited with
Ferry Colwell on,
Congratulations to':
Murielle- Mac Auley who
celebrated her 92nd birth-
Gladys "Arnold invited
several friends to R. Villa
to listen to a choir, of 16
Mertnenite. young ,people,
On Wednesday several
people ;',attended 'The
Youth Leadership
Workshop" held in
On .Friday the Batter:
Up Club invited Karen.
lliott and Wayne Murray
to demonstrate .cake deco-
rating. Menibers were able
to ice their own cakes.
Sunday, Karen .and
Leonard Farrell hosted
birthday party for their;.,,
daughter Marsha on her
'Sheena. Flou'ghton .and
Stefanie MacDonald are'
'working on Mackinac
Island., Michigan'again
this summer.
On Sunday afternoon a:
crowd •of nearly 100: peri
ple gathered at .Purple
• Grove Conitnunity Centre
to help Francis Boyle cele-
'trate his 75th birthday. .
On the long weekend
Doug, ' Shirley, and
Meagan MacDonald and
• great. neices Carly and
Caitlyn MacDonald tray
elled with the: covered
wage i train to Net stadt,.
Teeswater, and .Holyrood.
Twenty wagons tools ,part
in the ljth•annual trip..
.arshea I
Roely VanderKlippe
was the hostess for' the
May 20 meeting of the
Knloss:;Kairshea Institute.
Gladys Johnston, second
vice president, presided, in
the absence 'of president
Donna McBride:
Gladys ;opened with a,
poem "Life's Speed." Tho
rollcalt was answered' by
12 members, who named a
flowering; tree or shrub;::
The delegates to the
DistrictAnnual- to
Tiverton cin .May 28 are
,Elsie Houston; Marion
Mac1(innen, and Una
Qn June 2 there will be
a dinner and : social
evening for themembers
from the South Bruce
District It Will be the last
time, to be together: before
' 'the District disbands.
ely inoced our
guest speaker ' "khea
Bamilton BSeeger from the
Auburn area who spoke ori
herbs, She brought several
satiaple$ of the many herbs
from her garden, naming
the uses for each cine;
Some of the herbs have
ereedici. are°nialadeuses, into differenlet
teas, "others tray be put in
salads, for flavor.for Cook-
ing: Following her presen-
tation there was a question
and answering time.
Elsie Houston, assisted
lby h,, spine.
tlnembtheersostessServedand refresh-
metits'and a social time
:was enjoyed.;(subinitted
by, Allene Bradley).