HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1998-05-27, Page 134sowitely No Upfront Fees
• Avaiiahle is low as
+1 .;5O'* frattttrost
.Personal Loans
If you qualify; payments
10;000. ° es.as
455500G • #J25,.00 -
consolidate your debts
tell (519) 353Q21$1 3$1193* :
Ain t•.. -ll `u3' deli..
RI The War Amps Al
:Qt' tractors, farm
machinery & rnisc. farm
items to be held 5 mi.
north of Auburn or 5 mi.
• south of Whitetfrurch
on• the corner of County
Rd. 22 & Huron Rd. 20.
on Thurs., May 20
at 5130 p'm
Property - Kilowatts Gond. 8,
Pt, W. Part Lot 28 - 96.97
acres more or'Iess,'Twsp. of_
East Wawanosh, County of
Huron,. Consisting of steel
clad driving: abed approx. 24'
x 48', small barn - Cement
stone foundation, Cottage
style, residence which
'oonSists of 2r ay cars
nicely, '.deco 01.04, &
comfortable w/spring led
• Pond: in front. Avery scenic:
view of the country.
• Anyona,wt>t<htnlg to,visw,
property, contact J, oaeph
• Zehr - Auctien040
•Tractors .Machinery - Int,'
• W4, Nuffield Universal 4
wlload'er (diesel),. 1060'
Nuffield, int. W 6 tractor, • AC
manure• spreader; MH binder,
MOP 3 fur. t2" sat:) bottom
'New ,. Overum S pth 3 ter. 14"
plow, McC•8' pull typle cult; 2-
47 sect. drag harrows.,
•iobsinger • Mildmay threshing:
machine 24. x 36 ori. rubber
(exited.• cond.)..Casa 200
balers 2o railway ties, cedar
• posts •& poles;,•siderekes, V
type snowblower (pull or
• backup). 20` hale conveyer;:
McC 15 run seed drill on
.steel, `trail' mower,.3 p"th post
holo digger, truck,cap, 3 pth
grass sender hammermilr,
,truck racks, .cement_r►lixer,
Kawasaki Kt
gene:rator..binders, Water:
tank, 2 rotary push mowers;,
quart, of lumber,•skflsaw,
:Ernort to western. saddle, 2
wringer washers, trankirn'
stove: and M(isu, farrrt toots too
numerous to list. '
Vehtcleai - 20 ft: Attu RV, trailer;
1973.Lincoln;Town car, 1.976:
.Lincoln Mark IV (rjever•winte'r-
driven), 450 Ford par rnotor,.
Honda Excel djrt bike; 2 tires,
3.x16.5 en rims o callent)
un e
Traetprs •.wilt_ yerw: sold at-
appr6x., 8-8:3U ern. Property;.
will;ti ;ofer at 1
r : Fro rt .ub" ct't
'Fe itis P -e y le . 4,
'reaienahles reserve bid! 10%
•down•day of sale,•
balance ih .30
Chattres• 3 Cash or t Hallus day
of sake.
P t to udtl hears n'.t€
rQpr,+s rs.�r A, R a. ,R:,
respgnsiblo f ('any £ cciderita or,.
deletions day,; of sale
Propri. t r '..' Vi kenswiller.
p .:R.P � V da, fie.
& LateFrank Eckenawiiier
J ••
.:,p .
• Dou4Jaeot
(•5.19)2' 1- 8914
Selling at our
Auction Centre rtr
your premises ..
Robert Yost Auctioneer
5199595-8 'SB
' 519.528.3814
Gonsi nmenis for May 30 Sale
JI o':
Saturday May 30..
Jessie Joynt„
Monday, June 1
Eric & Sandra. McDougall
Farm Machinery. , .
RR #1, Kincardine
'Wednesday June 3
Mose •Shetler -
t ivestock. Machinery
West Wawanosli
Saturday June 6
' ' Leiper Bros.
Farm. Machinery
' • HuttottTownship
Saturday Jive 3:
Ron Campbell .
Properly & Houstr
Kincardine Township, Armow
Wednesday J101+9 20
• • Ken Nethercet ,
Tues. & Thurs.
KW, Stockyards
Fridays. .
Brussel* LiveStQck
.• Brian Rintout "•
3572349 ,
u ,0 , ALE
of furniture, antiques,
China & ttqusehold effects:
will be held for
Mrs. Jessie M. ,loynt
at the .
Lulknow Sports. Complex
Satury. May gyp-•
FURNITURE: Round oak,
table .with claw feet (3
leaves), butternut• & maplehutch, antique desk,. carved
wood• hat rack 8r. banch, hall:
. table, cherry . chest of
drawers, oak bookshelf,: 4;
Piece badrwin suite. parlour
table, coffee table (Mass
.'top), 2 arm chairs, 4
reproduction Windsor dining,
chairs, iron crib, 2 wash
stands, 2 coffee tablas
• SILYERWMRE: Limoges,
Nlppon &, Prussian china,
collector plates, lead crystal,
silver plated items. ' ,
• Wall- clock with pendulum
old mantle: clock, Victorian
• lamp shade, tamps, llgh.t
fixtures, Kerosene lamp,
steartier trunks, old' tin, old
Ironing board; wash stand
set, old pictures, wood:
picture frames, .enamel
items, linens and lace.
O' An; Classic 1973 trhevy
Monte Porto only 35,000
miles, Sell as is. '
Numerous small collectibles.
Plan to attend as 'MIS is -a
good clean: offering. Owner
has.. moved to a nursing
home. , -,
TERMS: Cash of acceptable
Cheque with proper l.Lt,: day
• of sale• Not responsible for
accidents; Verbal'
announcements` take,
'Precedence. over •advertising,
items listed as deScribed by
For more,lnformation call :
Jane (5,1$) 28.2705 .
• Auctioneer:
Brion. Rintoul
Farm Machinery & M sceHaneous
vtfi l be held, for
Eric Sandra 111 ;u all
R.R,#4 Kincardine, Let 27, Coria 3.Kirfcardine,Township,,South •
•Duram Road, South Line;: Fire No 1433, •, ,.
:1 corner S. of.Kincardine 1k2 corners..E. of Hwy, #21 OR 3
cor""ners•N of Ripley en Bruce Cty. Rd#7 & 2 mil'es:W.
Utlaatch;.far signs.
11'0114 in. .
wTRheAe0l Tv+ -,:1896 International. CaSa,,cah air ties 10.4-38
approit,.1840 hrs.,272 Leylandwith lader, 18- 3,
tiros,: 270Leyland tractor.
togoINERY: 1405 Gehl round. baler -good• condition,..4x.5bale;;
MF model 10`baleG Case iii 5100, seed drill, soybean special, 21;
run, press,.wtieets, with, fartilixer and grass. seed,,2600. John.
Deere plow,. 5 18, 21;70 Gehl haybino, 103 Vers( ttin •12'•ft.
swathe(, 65 hl m
cieix mill, 45,0.0>Vibrashaank Ii -1 cultivator,' aapprox,
2,wa ons. and Ilat racks, 400 Ghl:harvesterr, 1 row core:
ea ' d hh . is 8 , Gehf:: rhanu ' -s read r model: 56 IH, 4
1i • d,e>1.,, EYP ,t<YPr t..4 ...:. • , , rp p .. -e .. ,.... , ,
row. cern planter (30 In.),;Hydrien 4-16: plow, 25ft. Harrow tater;.
triple at 3,furrow plow* 252'•White 14: ft. disc, Alied 6 in. auger
on wheals, MF 3 P11 rake, BearCat12' ft packer, hay inoculate
applibator.(carnpteto,-, Papac forage :blower, '' ,:f1. single auger.,
"-snowblower;'dump:waigon to„ton heist,':.'
•M,IiScEx4NA9. 9;se9,tort diem andha f'rows r. hain harrows
pont(-. haarr ry�t, calf -c reop,,h oder, For (host cattle chute with seif:
locking head gate, 2 secti•Ana of dilute; -;truck ,pale (bestn) wash;
checker plate`floor-(as:,is), 2ound bale feeders,'lurnber, zero'
grazing wagon (Heads repair);: 'whoer'spraa+ior with 20:ft' boom,•:
cedar posts• .approx.; •50 ,(alts, approx• ,15 farrowing• crates, aniot
slats, hog corn feeders, roofirip;steal, air cornprassAr, PTO grass;;
seeder, trtfrck.cap. aeon*. 3o,drysowstalls, acorn stabte::oleanef..
'tor p ,•.fiat steel and n ie aro(-new,19821/2"ton truck•(as is).:
•:2 Watton loaa'ds of•farol,i'oiated item's, Luncti`.booth. Plan, to<
' aottend Fam;is,ae
TERMS:Csh or acceabl..
chque wth proper t.•daofa
dot xaspon}ldneondarta Ve,ralan ao en s•tako
prwoedenceoeradvertisingitems as listed as described
r»or fore tntorrmationi rill Eric McDougall,;;#19)39 .
Bila intoti (519)357-
t.'@0'qr /0!Ci .Lrlyd p��itri7 4.6,. e-`ey,R , V 6>r
Luteknow $eptiipe,l, ''eltaesdaiy, May 21',1 -- Page
. JUNE - 9198
if you have aomeethlhe;:
to heli, Sive 40 a t %
392417.0 .
7 Er—
Livestock, Horse -
prawn, Machinery and
Household •Effect
will' be held for •
Mose & Sarah Shelter..
R.R.#2.Lucknow, frit 23,
• Coad.. 9iWest,Wawanostt
Twp. 3 corners S. of
- ' Lucknow ori Cty; Rd #1
and 3.)4 corners E. c..Q 71
mile W of Beigrave
Wednesday, dune••
LIVESTOCK: Horses, 5 yr, old.
Dark Bay Mare broke to
harness?. yr.. old Sorrel Mare. ,
. green broke, 10 month old PH
Standard Bred (cross :edit);
'Pattie; 7 beef cows - 5 with:.
calves, 2 due at saletirne - bred
• Simmenlat.
e cylinder: Red Seal 60 HP
power unit on gear, MH 7 ft,
grain binder and truck, IH cern .
li with
IN corn
etantar�IH13, run drill: fee
hayloaderJohn Deere
drag harrow, Flury Bisset disc,
New idea 4 bar side relics. three,
2 -horse cultivators,;'f rost $i..
Wood• hay mower time #4 John -
Deere, mowers, •two. steet.
wheeeled• wagon grears, wagon
' & fiat ,,rack;' wooden wheat
'Wager), land roller (2.drum), ,4,.•
section •diamond harrows;•
f aped 15, In, .:cutting• box, three:
hammer milts, 2 -Wheel horse
cart, Jahn, Deere .manure•
spreader, McKee blower &
pipes, Massey 2 furrow trail
pshakelow, bob • sleigh & rack, single ;
furrow riding plow,. power corn
r. •
EFFECTS: Water cool 'motor;:
•cast; Iron seats, WoOden barrels;,
wardrobe, dressers, 4burner oik:
stovo,,ice box, W000den,bed
child's. rocker,: gun,.rack,. wash
.tub, crocks, gallon )ars.
MISCEt,4ANEOUS:; Cutter,• 2;.
seater cuffer,buggy gear, buggy
box; buggy,tongue, neck yokes,.
• tongue& 2.3»4 horse eveners,,.
team harness, pig;'feoddrs,•
farrowing crates, laying nests,„,
. feed cart; 14 4z saw,; hammer
milt beeits, patio doors, post hole
digger '
Two wagon loads of house. &
farm related; items, ''
' Lunch,t th and bake said '
Plea to attend. Owpner,:reriring:
•T401140: Gash or acceptable •
cheque with; propaer, I D. dray .of
saccle,idents. Not: Verb• responal artnosible,nfor;
uK carents:
” r en'ce oi in
taKe,pecsd ,escribed by
iterris t(sted;:as dv
ITER... `with, our great.,
hotxte�Stu"dy cqur$ra Cali
toda . Y.for: our FRET= BOOR•
1-.800 267-1829. ; Tho .
W'ritiig, School, 3A McArthur
Avenue' Suite, 3 3'1'
Ottawa - ON KI L 6R2.--
OE Jonaii Obituaries
Classes held August 15-21,.
'9th. F'gr intornlation contact;
Southwestern Ontario -
Bchocil of Auctioneering,.
R.R. • #e, Woodstock, ,
•Ontariie N. 4 -:
8 7V9. 1-888
673.6999.-.2 bo
COMPUTE .tie preutoua;
computer Overhangs •nee-
- essary.
ee-.essary Exciting oppartunt.
ties new available in +coral
Peter programming. We will
train suitable ap.(itioants,
Ca.il GMS foil-free1-800'
40 Lost. and`
Foult1;i: ,
F.teginala Brown. of R.R. 1,.
Halyr000d passed away sub
denty at his residence en
may 20,. 1991at the ago
es Mr. Brown was born in
Kinloss Township on. ARril
13, 1932. His parent:. the
late Frank and Elsie~•
(Shelton) Brown. Surviving
are tris . • wife. Mary Fr
(Courson); : 3- children:
Patricia Trento and fiend:
Kevin Burgess, of Guelph,
- Thornes Brown, P.R. 1
Hotyrood, and Valeria.
Pennington and •husband
Allan of Vtlhitechurch. Also
survivingare two grand,
daughters' Courtney -Trento
and Megan Pennington.
one cousin Ellen McBride
of Mississauga.' Mr, Brown
w.as predeceased by his
parents and: one infant
TIVt' daughter, Visitation was
hold. from' MacKenzie and
M'oCreeth f=uneral Herne,-
Lucknow on• Thursday,. May
21 with:'the funeral service
from 'St, `Mary's Roman
Catholic Church Lucknow
WOULD THE person who.w
took the, red wheel barro
from - •33Q RQ5s 5t.,,
Lucknow, 'last Friday on
targe: item pink -up. day, ,'
please return or leave mes
sage at .$19.528.2516. -.. •
42.. Qh!tiikOalaar,% •'
At Wingham &, District,
Hospital,. Wingham on
Monday, May ' 14,-1 9 9E4,
Mrs. Triudie Burke ;of;
.. Miss:issauga, The ttirrner:
Gertrude Mae (Ross)'
.Brewer .beloved wife `of
Arthur Iturke • `:•of. •
Mississauga. Dear mother
of Ron and Sylvia, Brewer of
W.aterdown, Sister of Norm
and Flo Ross of RR1, •
Bluevale, Eileen' and Bob
Million of:Kipaara, Quebec, ,"'
Dave Ross of Tiverton, and
Edna and -John•Marohuk of -
Redding;: California; sister
in -taw Margarot Rosas of
:Oxford) Mills and Densie•,;
Floss of Kipawa, Quebec,
Kathleen' Pavia,
Mississauga. Alan: survived
by, seven grandchildren• -and
five great, grandchildren.
Predeceased by her parents
Jack and- Edith:110e0, .4( •
husband' Wiliiarr> Brewer, .
`her .sari Otrd0.tas Way'tio.,
Brewer; hell -stater Mabet
MacKay, brothers Wither*. ,
Arid Donald Ross anal sis�.';
ter -'in -taw: Janet Rosa,:
Visitation was at McBurney,
Faiviak1,1060A, Wingham::on
Wednesda , Marr 0
` hursday,YMaIy 21 with coir► `
pieta funeral services being
tlafcl at St, Andrew's
C .resbyterian '.• ' Church;,
Wingham on Friday•'`May
22; Reverend:Alan Barr
Reverend John Vaudry Oft- ..
ci,stirlg,.;-` interment irt.
Alli) rove: f _erne ter•
lirtil.tgrove, t?rrf Merriorial
deflations to Canadian
Diabetes.>Asscciation would
be appreciated as express-
slons of sympathy--21aar:..'
on Friday,, May 22..wi.th
Father H. Reitzel Officiating;
Honorary Pallbearers (Mare;
Pahl Howell and Robert.
,Fischer. Pallbearers wore; .:.
Don Wail, John. Hodgins;
Jim Thompson, Bob VNalt,,;
Jack. Barr and pave
Greenhill . • Cemetery,
Lucknow, w�21 ar
Robert Mann of R.R. 2`
Teeswater, • passed away at y
the Wingham and District
Hospital, on. May 14,
in his 66th year. Mr. Mann
was a' farmer. `He was. born..
in West Flamborough.' •
Township, on June 4, •193?
to, Amos and Nina (Binkley)
Mann, Mr; Mann is survived
by his, wife Mina
(Davidson'), of
Teeswater; children Ctlff, `
"'and• his. • wife' Anne of.
Lucknow;: Marlene and;'her•
husband 'John, Revelancl cif`
B.C., • Chad• and his Of,
Jude' of RA, 2;• Teeswater;
brother, 'Stanley. Mann
Courtland, four sisters(
Francis;, Rhorer, of
Ti1•l-sontrurg, Pet.
Hesselgrove •vf B;,C ,Pit I iS:
Travis. of Grimsby, and;
Noreen' Atkinson'
Grimsby.:`Mr. Mahn will;be
Missed- by six:°grandchi T.
dean, He was -.redece
e, p... . nee ,, • .
t> ; pa i
his- encs,-: Visitat
.y. .r ,,cn
was at the MacKenzie•,,,lda
McCreath Funeral.hor
Lucknowi, where? the funer,aeal
rvice.'waa,held in the
chapel on May 18 with i
Peggy Krnslrian'offrciating :
Two grandsons, Russel:
and, James Mann, weal'e,
Flower. Bearers. ,Paiibe arer
were Nick Mann, Dav
' u ka l
� ou s oat s `.
Moffat,.ChriaDonkers ;and
Alex Travis. Interment
"Langside ' „ Cemetery. -
Donations . 'Were ie.. • the
Canadian Cancer: Society.,or
ideon'Bible: -21ar