HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1998-05-27, Page 12—Luc low Semite Wednesday, May 27 UMW tA'Y ELECTRIC LTD. LONDON, ONTARIO Positions Available Irrimediately, For: ELECTRICAL. SUR RWSARS t; ENSED Et' ECTRICIANS 3rd„ 4th & sthTERM APPRENTICES ' clnnmafrcial, indust►iat and now conatructiorrexperience • ragtiired, Automation 0nd144 uxpuriance, aun asset 'excellent hanalit Package available,: Fax resume, attention; Don Murray at 19'5 `(London n umbil0 $i15Q,00Q1yr potential as an information ,broker. Canada's tartest growing Franchise. ExOltlehre oppor4 tunity. Profit from 'Rha year 2f (it} bug', employment and computer based training.. t AMAZING PACT. the. - kitlamet wHt y ow by. 27G1i1 & in 24 rrtw's. Earn up tat t5kima. with Canada's. s fastest growing Internet Frarichisa.Full. training.. Investrrrent Req'c#. 1S$� 5r7 75884 -21 be l & I ECT PART•11Mg HOME SUSINESSI ,Achieve unl[mitud $$$$$. 2 hours per clay. Hand. on Training. Learn for free, FRE .24: hr. information' message:: 1- W -29E4001, Ext; 5tt4Q1,.. 2lbq' START YCLIR 'OWINt busi- ness or. expand your opera hoer with. i rrrrorTbane Coatings,; Qartada'a #i sprayedkon truck[ :halt* liner: EXcitusivo dealership oppor- tunities, avaliehie neve, Call 1-.$QQ- .eica..2,109. , .. • Operations� Mager AECI„ is at the. forefront of environmentally conscious companies exploring the peaceful- applications of nuclear energy. Our Chalk River. Laboratories site:is located 190 km.northeast of Ottawa; on the banks of the Ottawa; River•and - adjacent to the family -friendly communities of Deep River, Petawawa and Pembroke. Our Sheridan.. Park facility is situated,in Mississauga, oil the western border of the rrew Toronto'Megacity; As a .key member of our 1sotopir,Busiriess,'you.- will work, initially, at Sheridan Park, and then be relocated to Chalk River in approxirmately. • 1 year; AEC], is constructing two MAPLE Reactors dedicated tothe production of medical. isotopes, You will be resppnsiblefor the day to day safe .eperation of the reactors, and for provision of irracliated•materialsfor.processing as medical isotopes. This includes Managing; shiftt staff, and- providing technical support for maintenance and licensing. activities. During: the construction period', your rote will preparing docuinentation in support of reactor start-up, operation • and maintenance. You bring to this Challenging mandate. eithera baghelor's degree in engineering, an. hotiours degree in Science, or. the couivalent in relevant ' work•experienec 'Qualified and authorized to •,Operate a nuclear reactor, you.have proven team- • building, judgcineht and eumrnunication,skit{s . .Highly eapable.of performing well under **fill situations; and multi -tasking with efttciency, your work background, preferably,'includes experience in a production environment. You must be available for shift work and will be required to write the" AE•CB, certification examination, has -an Employment Pro ages. applicaticYris from.wom rioplo, visible minorities an ties, A,,I:,CL provides smo e., •: , ard,youraesrlrrie and eoveri #7729, by Mrrj+ 29 199„$; to; dart Park Qn• Ontario,L5�C 113 -5182- ti�arci.ca AECL gram and Qncour . en,. aboriginal B d�people with disabilities, ke- ac free workpl `Please forty ng letter; • quoting; File AEGL -Sheridan Human Resources. 2251• Spealtiuart Drive Mississauga, Fax,: (905) 623 ttiiriai{: recrui 2 For further information :o n.AECL, plc web site -at www,aecIce • .. We. thank all applicants, but advise that only eandidatgs selected, for ititervieivss will be notified, e. visit oil le YEAR OLP looking for lawns to out. I have my own lawnmower: Call Oen Mcaonagtt z2B4466 —is. 21'a>' ~ . WORK W'ANTEP M Matt° ltioking.for general laborinn, buliding and farm expert - Once. Phone S2$»245014.. 2fi„211,t _ is 4,5` ETQRAQaE TRAILER for rent. Econ.entical story aged, ideal tar contractors', farmers, and home owners. Phone 29S-$167. y$4tic . Iii 1p 'IAtantAq Gegtionnair .P des o e atR Societe d'Etat federate au premier rang des entreprises reeonnues pour lour• conscience - environnernenitale, EACL explore les applications pacifiqucs de I' nergie nuclealre. Nos Laboratoir'ess de Chalk. River sont situesen bordure de la iiviere des Outaouais, a 19Q !kilometres au [lord -guest . d'Ottrtwa, lis sant adjacents aux municipalitea • fatniliales de Deep- River, Petawawa et•Pembroke, Nos bureaux du; Parc Sheridanse trouvent a .. Mississauga,, sur la frontibreguest de la nouvelle inegaeite, de Toronto. A titre de meinbre pivot,:de notre Division des.: _ isotopes, vous travaitle rez. d'abord au Parc Sheridan avant d'ctrc reinstal{e Chalk River au bout d'environ lin ail. EACL s'affaire presentcmcut a eunstruire deux•reacteurs MAPLE destinds•d la production d'''isotojpesinedreaux. Vous serez charge - de veilier au fonetionnement securitaire quotidicn• des rcacteurs.et de fournir des.rndteriaux irradies.. qui feront t'objE t.d'un-traitement a titre d'isotopes' >rtedioaux. 11 Vous. fatale, en , Ott lese quarts de'travail.et appuyer techniquernent les activites d'entretienet le processus d'autorisation. Au coins. de {a periotto de construction, votre rule consistera, a preparer des docurnenta stir lesquels seront ctayees:les activites de lancetnent, d'exploitatioh et d'entrctien des.reacteurs.- •• P ur.r+enipiir Ce matidat stitriularyt, il vats fact detenir snit un bacealaureat en ingenier'ie, scut ur>e specialisation en, sciences, soit,encere . l'equivalcnt.enexperiencede travail pertinentc, en phis d'etre qualifie poureicploiter to rcacteur. nu�ieaire et de disposer desatitorisations voti{ues, ' vous.possedez du jugcnient, des aptitudes iinanifcstes,pour.• inettre;sur pied; one equipeet.one• grande capacrte.a communiquer. Vous no eraignez• pas, lt. travail, softs pression et savez,mener d bion • - plusieurs taches,11-serait preferable, gad vous,' ayezdeja cvolue,dosis oh milieu.de production. Votre horaire de travaii se deroulera per quart, at vous atircx a rediger l'examen.d'attestation de tai. CCEA. l.a cortnaissance de la :lapg,.ue.;anglaise est essenttellt• E LACI. ,applique, un programme d'equit4. en 111.t140'd'emploi at encourage. les femmes, los autochtones,,, les rneinbres.des ininoritus visibles.et les.personnes liandieapeex it postuler.'EACL offre. un,;mitieu de, • :'travail sans furm,e. Veuillex faire par enir votre cu-riculunt vitae et use ,,lettra d'aceompagnement, ei1 uidiquarit.le numuro cln.dossier 7729, 410 10 2914419K a; • • ACL Para Sheridan liessourcea. hutniilnes. 2251 SpeakrpalkDnVe•. • . Mississauge'Itliita rio)1 K 1 B2 Telucopieur: N05)444914 _courrier,.electrunique : recruit@aecLae Pow:4 plus emotes reriseignements,sur t✓A.C4, visitut notre site: W b t l'adressowww.aeel.ca. Nous. remercians.tots les, a andidats,.rnais..seuls;ceu*;; consideres pont one-entrevue seront anises,' ..• . i fake, CON ACING Box 20£ Taraswater, Ont.. NOG 280 •04.1 4:44-4,44' • "AigriOutturat • i.:cuticvisireig4 *Supply Anct Pr. eruct PrenEngine14r00 $1401 a*iklinur AG$RW JEWELLERY REPAIR. watch, clock, jaw- eilery. • Free estimates, Pickup and delivery owl be arranged, 598 Havelock, Street, acre• from Medica 'Centre. Call 5-284632 or 528,3640.: -.1 attar A :oornputenze4t water coalitioner winch dgsCafas .ar►a prevents-..'. I1rnesc01e.Na salt. chernlcsls. s►r maintenance, 4c000m.. I - "Ait thetienerlts of ScltWatet Call.KOMY Rivett (519): 396-Q366 • Pax (5t9) 595.49l3 . Toli Frae'1.8aa-462,8108• he; , AVENS ELECTRIC *Residential & Fara[' `Cornmerciat [electrical Contractors tight fixturee lamps, bulbs; eIectrie& supplies Neter for' BRAQFQRR exaHAN0g. • twve.ingappa(ntmentsavatfablo Aod Havens. fAdS14QW 5213-2867 mall` engine Now • en For , • r . Lawnmower Chain Saws . Free pick up & deitveiy,' 5294232 r,, Perri { lhi1 '.. ^'A;;cart. wilt be incurred ayANLY:C AYs . Psychic A:nswera. Policia use ue..;:Rated #1• in Canada: - instant answers about lose, money, career, lucky •`;1a,• relationships. • Achieve sue- cesslII $2:99/rnip,•, •18+, 24 firs ,•1-900-451.4055. --10- 24pq B.,W: M, early 4As, tacking for- someone quiet and gen-. tie, between; the age of 25;- - 40 for relationship. Kid$ wel- come, Reply to Box 3, Lucknow, • Qnt: NOQ, 21,22x; RouRefemon • "A. cost Wttt; t11#r IrnctrrtlO, RAve YOU CQNEUt:T,1*l REAL GtA1RVQYANTS end mediums before? Then gime discover the unexplic able exparienros' of Karononna Zanrr 'int.)i• 28: years, experiE -cry . precise, $h- ;,, scribed and gine yot , r sign. Learn front her other well known madiurns and ciair-. voyartts. To find out `your • future, GAL[, 1-900-481 - 9602. 18.+, $4,991mirt, 24 hrs/7daya,-•21bc - • Lift we lift your spirits!. 0.00,604 wcyma°. Atmouncoments MARYL;O.U't , EI:AUTY Lounge, will be closed June 1 to June 8 inclusive.'- 8.1,22x. Raising- .a, tihil t Qt;the+: famous. Qr,.'Spoelk help:' you. with the: NEW: REVis8D- DR. ' SPQCK'S;'• BABY &: • CH"ILPCARE, Available, where, tnoolcs ;are sold; 21be.. 00000. will be • ciQsOd".frc�to, M•7 a t r; fo .hofxdays.. 'hrrnk$:.for- •ahother, busy yetis. vii4AGEO, LUCKNO'i NOTICE TO PROPERTY, OWNERS R f '1 N,1► Notice is: Hereby Qiveh .to all, persons, in •poscgssion- af< lands, in the Village oi'I:uGknoVi►: ; In accordance with the, -Weed Control Act, Statutes„ of Ontario,; • 199Q, Chapter 'Section $, 16 aind 2'3; that tabs rioxicauu: woad$ growing on lands are destroy[' ct by tho property. owner :by, Juno •1 1480, and thrQujssuLt o` -04On, 1110; Municipality niay anter upon the sale[, Ialtrda and have ..Wee4 destroyed, charging the: costs against the, land in` taxes, as sat. out by the Weed Control., Act, Tho ,Co-Operation.of all citizen: is eartiestty,solicited,:; ith�Tc A,U$TiNOEM, wkotoROFi', -Nil4t ,41N$PigIOiis: Gf-$BK,TREAPVRf ",