HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1998-05-27, Page 2w Sentinel, Weduesda%% y 27, .t. tt �rthday Club Ings. Vi rmann • May= 2•.100u lot Years Ott Amber Weir May?,a‘ taaa. tQ Y0444 t21oY�. Naar Via Onch Ma's 2a« 1 a@a Yawn Qid Alrelinnat Atkinson May 2a. 1904 • a Years Qk* Anna MMiltenburg, magi o,1996a Y441'4014. lilt Sl tje May 3Q, t$9s a Years 04 fM *thew Via Osch, jig* 1,, 1989' 9Yea14 G?lct, .belie Van 8QWen- ,lure , 1994 • 4 Yaws ON . Emilie Hoon «lures 19.9, 4,Yaars:Qkt , Ryan Smyth Jurs.z. tit Yam Old TAI,, Ir1n Aimi ittau,, $. Yeorsoict L ltli' 'horri i actual .2, 19 Years Qk Esalt3 1 eadpi*r .1Q at /stud &ma -sized cam fad "' Par/senr: Cargo it kiEcCulit +riux Inti kugF't'rucl 7i Pally. Weekly at Mond* • B linn : Rentals . XI loxes/ Free DeliveW Et !� ft Q l&T$TlcKlicSITTAM.� porisiolk f suomast foil, 500 Human Gadtriel>K at es441:4141‘14511.1or Helen. 52.48"' atemeemeneme WE 0!N'OS Petia k- y auriara$un car auxi> anararriattlearcitapat fratrandarrarainallorrart For tracheate* CHOMMOEKON >t t't >O Etra*ALLERI2.44724. CHR1STENJNGS iJoien, Ober } !awn f1 l ik tat y, 4464 l 4. %pm t'am Wingham Arena *laic bX f,,. Advance Ttckete $S..QQ At the dour ;°,QQ Age of MeiPtity Tiokete colt Share n° ofoir sin ►t t.l_ • J$fQ e< 4 1ptels . Haien • +•• t xat~ t,cewi hauls ram koolovi,o00i; bu onfoi* WALARTOM MIh 411164 F FCrA 1.40ollpy�t t1.4: Mµ4n. GA 44, ,NutK.G. fit vanso GA, K,.12414Qi!Niy4t, cA 11144 GA Qik • e4t421t 3414419i Ctfv . 1twS. h itiore+, GAS uzrz-. til. l+ea : 15 kstae.(Aro trsted: speed- $42.50 plies. a vie:tim. she: km over - $91875 plus $15 30 kru over - $117,50 p ; and 35 km over ,15 plusr Inadditio to the rine, u driver will receive demetit paints: KT to 2c km over you ger three demerits; 30. to 49 km over, you'll. receive four demerit points; and if you am50+ km over you. cannot settle out of court and if convict,' 4.d. you will receive six demerit" points. Day is. said tltiu the Ministry of `l'ra nsport;ttion will send 4 warning letter to is , lit:einse holder . who has collected nine demerit points; its; 12 points: yQ.0 get an interview; and if you, have 15 ppinesyou will lose your license for 30 days. 4ei er1t points are kept ctn; k driver's: rr ord for two year&: • Drivers. who. rely on radar Warning devic+es* sometimes called "f'utz b1,ters"; should, be aware Chewy am illegal,. They am not fraolvont beekwe if• tom, p,oflcq raottiu unit is no Tell the LVCKl\tQW'SEIs4TlNEL which bodks•:you've; enjoyed reaclinR' this summer. ,tudents in grade 8 and. under :may Send ua,. book reVievvs for publication. Wtitb, a, review, about the-,'bogk" you recommend, in 10. word •or,. hese,. me tiding. the lisle,. aid; thy author, include ,,.our name, a0e). hgme• addrr$a,, phone, sGt1et21,, grade and .date at tttt~ top left corner of the pale, Writers„shoiaid inciudtr, antsll co Qr ptiQk'?*2 ofthenlael' ea, with, narti s written on, the back=$erry,.neither, entries, net Photos can'.be returned. Attialts..'my v►trite chil¢renA exact bre! regponses,when nee; essary P s, -many ot. the .reviaWs,' ill ba pvblishbd as. passii�le ReKiewts, win bo,..pubitshed, June,July &, Au9+;ist nd revievirs.tt7:. SUg4ADR 1VIl W, Attention: PAT L11VIN6 $TQN �4c,N9143($ 7f104:4 ” P ¢� P9k„40.0 4 1014,1,16 Qnt, : ,raF�, xnPMrvp, .;+F�q Acer's e engaged,, the drivers radar warning device emits at, sign_a 'Uncle the officer ar mosses the little but co activate his aanit; it is usu- ally too late: for tb* duvet' to react, to his/her warning device; and redw e speed, T' fine for possession of st, fuzz blister is $.145 tr4 the deviec will be: seized ,and tlestl'oye p.• by In addition to facing, fiucs and demerit paints., a. driver who spoeds .will be looking at.+irie.a arced itrsttr- COAM rates, Me Donagfr Insurance gave some average fid for t driver with 4, Clean record. This ..person casi have one minor violation in three years and not be pen:aliAed However, two minor violations In; three yttats'will• result in. the ve.r's rating being: dropped,. wiitit, the, nce cost .increasing,: substantially. Collect four nrtinor viaia� dens in three years and theles is a. 25 ler' cent sur- charge oxt yours into tt its .. phis 40 additional 15 vcsitsuix:,luulge Awateb.;a eves minor viofation.over feet; If you, are charged, for 'inipreiper p SLOitag in a school err, playmandl.zon ! or 'speeding, in a school or p1aygrou.udl zone' the increase int, your insurance will be substantial tar.. err is one of the: violation insurance increases am dependent on individual efrrving, re cont!&... A driving reward, for ivauehu - peri pose#, is affected, for 4 . years front the dal .of eon-- victim MSpeeding caa be a, cost- ly affair, however,. more importantly . in this, . • instance* * speeding couiJ4 result" in a . child: of adult being seriously injmied o killed. Please intakes a q i-. scions effort to be more aware of your 3itted when. travelling • iii. town, Aceiden s • happen quickly* but the guilt, you wilt feel: if someone is seriously, Mimed m kif;l d wilt last.. your ltfetarte., • i e . ; T. Chemical Storage: • in keeping:w.eihthe; risk nria ago.enena :policy,: then board agi & 4 for anaire,,1 in the• eri.tr4au,4gw,aky, ' the adjoin* the ,carrel storage and heating rooifl tet be pactitiorred oflF; This will.• give awe separate roem. for safe storage of-tho•litpi. 'l\vo,bfoel y waifs aid: a: still; dt,Kti` vti l' br< rr t , The 6oar:41, approver eacp ,ncl itu ea n0, (Ct exceed .. .l,00Q to 010plete:the: rel evatiQi1. fir•, !lJafdltafl has,font teams:; tltns year Rookie,. asglrit�, Pee. Wee. aat Midget.,_• . 11r,rc;c,halt t ere.ar_e:lvts. Of 6;7 ap 8;•yeap olds, playing as.vwcil as t b rig; lrisufttc.ient nertiib9rs; t gisteied in 0e, i 2. to 1S, age eats oiy, Rt funiis;.NtiX1A be mailed Qr, y4e1 can : 4c k •thein up.at lhc•ttwu•hll. . Black says,"there, has'; been a,. large migration of children to OK soccer p' o grata. The soc6pf 60,MINrs. POW; o(0,00 ilio hc?c,.kcy rc,g°- isttatsonS, is. li'Grt!¢: icen •ucruss Garuda, 11c attiibytes the be xiir;.: i g. sr cel program tp Jack 4n4f:Dur4 on • IVialt sayiri ;. they, do •an "eNceptio r,ai jclb ' A f>?.urc skat►ng stlhii will also op•crat4 forthe testi week. Period in,' August \uhers; the surnp r; heCkey, svhoot es ached, .: ince!.. gitt4k. ays :ilec;,:bxllk Qf ice tit o wili'lie,usrd;up ;- by the two•.sc;hQgls,, hQw- .Gver thc;rc will' bt some; trues thawb a°r?ettted at: $$4` per liQ4rr ° Call the sp rts,ountrie/t if interest- ed.. There's sLj,f l; 2.9.:tiic els . . le ta• sell it), tl!►+. Way tci May !Query, ,!ted;.. that -R A.4, to• bleakeverg.ort' the may primo.: You eaau still buy: tire , $5011ek ii,to-getrih.oit.. grand ..prize draw, fo $7500 .and, five $.1,0Qe PflzQs,. to be held June 6 Call;52;3 Ted -year eld •Jessie t!d�atllailcr ot;eary, and Janet (Whytoek)', • lids, orf Vraser• i akee *Cy rec4 ellt1r,;pa ,cipatewcf, •tin. a: iia;kiona1;, secoff ary `scno01 band contest, for,, Grades 5 to 13, in Vaniouvet Jessie brtitght; florae .;a gold;ni def Sne .i$thtF granddaughn ter of Reiberta, and Lloyd, Whytwk, of Luelumw. DIST Q I t)1P;N JUN Fri. 5, 12,19; 26• Sat. t3' CALI- 54$,3312 ,Evc.tltlst n} pion era. Cift4;` .5;30 pan.