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The Lucknow Sentinel, 1998-05-27, Page 1
n.1 ...r.:. art 'At" ....r. n.....s. •.(::. x.v.,..v.. ......i.... VOL; 125 W *' 2 c ami y ort Ira let teletho Moagatt Logtenberg. of Ashfield wnshtip, will be st guest ort, the. -Children's Miracle. Network telethon. 3this weekend.; along eith her mom and dad, lay and `Jenny,• and siblings. Derek, Carrie. and. Gerrit. Ther; iLogtenberg family will be on. Sunday sornetirtre after #,2::44 pan, You can catch it Q11 CKN:X TV <; Meagan will present a cheque Qn behalf cf the sits- idents and stafftit lrookside Public Schaal, where site:' his a student. The money- was raised in user school yam..» . :.muntty by selling Tracie Network balloons and hQst- ing a. dance. As of press time, no sural figure was avail- i.able, however, it Was estimated to bebver $6004 Mom and Dud will:be interviewed about Meaganas: Amedical history and the are she received at Children s; H:ospitel of Western Ontario, London, After being s:iit- .' $i+ atly,injured last, Deeettiber, in a singfe vehiete acct;.. 5deut,. Meagan has made, -alt *Urging recovery.; needs The Cree11%1w4,y' walkway has been awarded $1.000 . <froni the �olsan's, Local Heroes program, Lynn peck, one of the 'organizers tar the applica-. .bon, says a work bee will be held , this weekend on. Saturday Eti4,1 Sunday to spread 'Stone dust 011111Q11411",;:: 'Volt nteers whq'd be interested in len ding, a hand, are laslted.to calk Lynn at 528-3308 or George Gibson at'. 2a-.6840, . , t Providing .the weather;cooperates, the work. bee amts Eget underway at:Waterworks Park *9 ent,-bout dugs .,; f baring a rake or shovel. res: tin o . fir•e atrtrirns..w thtf. abbOUI 20 minute,, •Saturda : caused,; sott>e excitement; in I,,itcktt w. Tlie; In 1 4t t f•e f`r ' yy o r s st c t. stn , b t 4�4 ., a o i t. .ea,:, � pm, . e.p.l.nd, a �.a.. tthe, ort?putty of Mary Nonkes On the Dtvisien.Lino of .Ashtieldl'en!ushtp.. Vhen the Lucknaw clepartttta t ;arrived, the irtachinery. stiedwas completely :e ngulfe.d, , : ipley 1" ru Depatttnient",s. tanker was called:to assi;.t. LtieknOws tanker was laacik lit tarura fillittgtiP when the;secondcall salsas in.le respotidto a; re a�t`t.hc•prc'p=. city of;Ditvid trrrngtoti in West Wawutivsh Township,. where a wood pale and caif fence were On tyre. Luckrtnw's: tankcerwent to:Erk'itx ,gton's, atttl was f4>t. lowed by thu ltploy, s pt►lr►por ttutck' was dispatcktitci. At. tris `Nattkcx fire, the shed wan destroyed .plats Sento egUipinetit..' WEDNESDAY MAY ; 1 6 CilG.S.T.. . Speedi by Pal 1< iv ton OPP wilttic monitoring stns speed- of traffic: on Havelock Street north after the concerns of .resin dents vim brought to light,. recently, '1'he speed littrtit is 5(l km/h. A group of residents in that area approached Lucknow council asking that stops: signs be erected . in the area of the. play ground on the corner of • Hamilton Street, They are concealed for the safety of young: children crossing: Havelock te•utsu-the pack, be c,attsei-moterasts tend ria exceed the speed limit« Ccutt6l was. hesitant; to. eget the .step 4igns. Where, itlta OPP:were'qcci'ntacted:.it w:n. ,144,010.'00W a stcupr, i n s is dd riot ins 14 under various conditions.. including the tatlowingr' as 4 sped: control device,` at a ,haunt s'of deterring the niovenuent of through traf- fic raffic in a •r'esiidential .area, • (from'WITQ's manual fur°, traffic cOntrcol deuices) 'I`ltis .contrary tolast;: week's revert Ogre it was. taken. twirl the eonncir;l ,montes tops "a stop sign is riot omitted,":. : g s a . At they May streeting of i.�ottttcil, CQn table Andy f`urness suggested other methods of making the area safer. One of those is for the 0.Pp to monitor traffic speedsby using 1 according to a, nti,:xrtbee of.the'delegatiarx from Havelock Street. they . agreed to this mews for six. week per=iod .at which time the' probletn:. WOtlld be: reviewed:. OPP'*MI no monitoring Havelock *rent us radar in an;etfort to stow *Ago tract , • It.ast week. OE tabl: ?auil Davis et : the it 4+arrdiite staiort,ecl i ks vehiiwle iu. the ,are:a:.tt� eheek mt.. the problem. No. charges were taaitafter One hour, however,.. it- was int the morning. after most peot>b woufd have left forr, work: and not conStdered. a. 110 v9l4ttte aatf t: rt e: : While "`.off• patrols. with. :Davis, this reporter learned sonate interesting •factsthat' $ome -.of our readers may. not be; aware of. The radar .:rrart "used by the QPP ean be utilized in to stationary, mode, When:. tbbe;pai, of ear is 'parked. or to a moving mode when tb , p rra6 , is trav iw a, rr ...ttu st�sa�y eke,:. the radar caiiw'aceurately: pte:kup and 'registe -the' • spcod of ve%iecles fronn. #(1Q' to 150 metres.. the ruovtng:- tnede:.and in .ideat conditions;, the radar Q40, capture the 'speed" at vehacle_up to°,1.$: ktu, a*ay, if you are chargedwittt£ spccdi.rtg', the; sir cs. eaix �b7e quite sulhstanUal4,Soni • Ott a se . e 3 by l nt tivi igston t1 rriaiinr tote in ti car», pier of the awiinkititng pool' liner hard tile .dint ation.liu rd- in 4 hit of. dither tat•t. week, when members did their, spring.. inspection, The hole is to' targe for a simple patch. 14wb; The liner. his pulled. away trent .the eoi"sten expo$in$ ttte corneas, ' ftkt the poot_retttrbtsh-. tueitt s.ched(tted for this fall, a mater outlay., al ittoitey 'w'a,$. clot sorrtettiing the. board wanted to be faced With, The ceSt'ef , .new 'liner including and labor would run ai'ciuticl, _$10,0(0. The; c4tr- reitt:Iirter w.s installed inn 1991. y last IFrittav, J a.,ve �UIack, recreation cot?rdir nator, had. a 40lntr tctos, whip was going: to try au r,p,air ttolkcgecannerRorot4 rill! v�ehe ll' eti a > sLariux%©r .se awns, thick hap I to Kaye everythutg. ,t'u,tirung, eady: this wectc.to see • if the repair would. ,hold water, Playground e:4tuip,.wnt Two pieces, of play- ground equipmenx'at the swim, ing pool 'will be'.. `removed in; the near €titure. They dont meet the latest safety rules for; such equipment., SpoComplex: •,'Tkue;'rtsectrance to the sports: iomirplexhas been panned and certainly gives it a bright', fresh"look.. Staff did: the painting., The 1 kArri;. `> ad es. •etoitated $,15(X) towards• thR 'ea t of the paint first did Aeoin lack is propo.in:g • to, the bard that the, current ,. office he uses ,bccorne •a, tirpt aid room and apt office- for staff, Tho: rami is large enough, •.tri: acconintodate. a hed ' Black's officewould to tits glassiK4-int portion • ,e; loser• to* the entranceway and still leave. eno;ctgta ,lana for a ticket. taker. Cost wilt be ;tmaf as, : - most 011ie Materials are of hare; ' •New P , -Z