HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1998-05-20, Page 13fa►� W T.. WESTERN BO mountain resort now hiring: for summer employment. Various positions ,available. For application send self- addressed stamped. enve- iope to John Galt, Glacier Park Lodge, Rogers Pass, BC 110E 2$0:--20bc $ATTENTION STUDENT$$.. Make a tat at money selling. chocolate bars. New prod,. ucts'avattable, Nothing to pay .in. advance. Fast deliv- ery 1-800.383-3539. »-20bc INTERNATIONAL AGM - CULTURAL Exchange - Ages 18.30 with agricultur-, al experience to live/work with family in Australia, New Zealand, .Europe,. Japan. 'Oasts/details 1-800-262- 1827. Calgary, Atbertat.- 20bc . 28., ousIiness. ODP. $150,-000/yr potential as an information broker. Canada's fastest growing Franchise. Exclusive oppor. tunity. Profit from "the year .2000 bug', empioyment and. computer based. training. T- 888 -679-2201.-200c 888.679 22411,--2obo AMAZING ,,.FACT. The Internet will grow by 2700% in 24 mo's; Ea,r.n up to 15krno. with Canada's fastest growing Internet Franchise., Full training. lnyestment•Roq`d, 1-088-,. '6784$$88.•-20bc :. PLEASE MUM. Quality kid's clothingi Becomea Please,; Mum Independent 'Home Party consultant and you'll • have the. opportunity to make money in an easy tot - start career,. make new', friends; and .earn discounts for your own kid's :clothes with'our exclusive in-home line. Also, new far spring...ask'" about . our Women's Wear lint Catt us at 1-800-665-9644.'With. proven success we'll : guide you every step of •the 2obc • 30 'EmpLL 8ni •BAUY$ITTER AVAILABLE Monday to Friday for the summer. References ava9lY , able. Paula Taylor at 528- 2110.--17-20x Soririce' Mtory AGNEW JEWELLERY REPAIR watch, clock, lei-. ellery ' Free estimates, Pickup and delivery canbe arranged, 6.98 Havelock Street; across from. Medical - Centre. Call 520.3532 or. 528-3940—18tfar 45` STORAGE TRAILERS for rent., Economical stor- age, ideal for contractors, farmers and home owners. 'Phone 395-5167.--34tfco A cernpitterized water conditioner which de::catea and prevents limescale•,No sait chemicals or maintenance, Economical Oall Kathy Rivett (619) 395.0366 Fax (519) 395 0473 Toit.Free 1.888482-8108 HACKETT Small Engines N•o Open For Repairs Lawnmowvers Chain Saws • Free pick up & delivery 529.3232 RA. ' AVENS' ELECTRIC • 'Residential- 8l- Fenn *Commercial' Electrical' 'Contractors Light fixtures, (amps, bulbss;, electrical supplies.. • Dealer for: " BRADFQRD'SXCHANGE • Evening; appointmentsavaltable Rad Hairens LOCKNOW 5218-2867 • :' PERFECT •.'. PART-TIME. HOME' BUSINEr_SSIAchieve"':- 'untitilited $$$$$. 2 hours per day. Hands on Training ,;. Learn for free.;FREE24 hr. • „ information message 1- 800-290;500), Ext: 50401 2obc. PET FoOID. CO. requires pet lovers Who Want td sup- plement their income from home part-time. Ftllt-tithe, high earning positions also available;, (905)738-8228, ext. 23--20bc • Wantei 15 YEAR OLD looking for lawns to cut. I have. my sown. lawnmower. , Call :` Dan, McDonagh 528::3406..-2•19- • 21ar 28:3406, -=19- 21ar 'WI7f1K'WANTED � Male: looking for .general ' laboring, 'building and .farm experi- ence.. Phone. 528-2604. :20,21x - AVAT/1y1, 2 Hi -Hoe Dozer Gravet. 84.Top Soil Barry Johnston Hollyrood (519) 395-5231. r - WAYNE WILSON Etectrio Motor Repairs Of_i0a ✓ Swimming Pool Motors Barn Fans / Auger Motors Rower.tools PICK-UP & DELIVERY Sales & Service 29.. 23 Dungannon Z4 Hour Service 4. Personal. l. *A' cost Wiltbeincurred. EVANLY-RAYS Psychic Answers. Police . use us,...Rate4 #1, in Canada. . Instant answers about love, 'money,. career, lucky ye, relationships. Achieve euc- cessllt $2.99tmip,, 18+, 24 hrs., 1.900.451.4055. --14- 24cg HAVING A DRINKING. PRQI$LEM?? AA oar, help: Phone Goderioh 524-6001 or Walkerton 581'-3635. -r 2Oar ARE YOU experiencing the aftermath of :an abortion/emotions you can't explain? Most post-abartat women elcperience trauma in their lives. Cali our 24 - hr.: hotline collect (519) .322$ 3751 for Confidential sup- port. --20ar up_port.:-20ar.. • • *A cost wilt be Incurred. HAVE YOU CONSULTEf REAL CLAIRVOYANTS and mediums before? Then come discover the unexpl'ic- able experiences of Karononna Zanmort (Inc.), 28 years :experience; very. precise. She can describe and give you your sign. Learn from her other welt known, mediums and ctair- voyants, To find out your future, CALL 1.900-451' 960g 18+, $4.99/min., 24 hrs/Tdays.--20bc *A cost will be Incurred, OANADIAN. PSYCHICS - Uncover your destiny 24 hrs 'Let es tett you the answers. ° Accurate and Affordable 1-900-4514070 $2 89/rein. 18+,720bc ADULT ENTERTAINMENT, Order the best by mail :& pay less. FREE catalogue, FREE. • video offer, Discretion guaranteed. NMC Video 4840; Acorn,: 201-C Montreal; Quebec.: H4C 1 L6.--20bc lUlALE IMPOTENde cor- rected and .prevented. Decline: associated With age, medications, Surgery,. diabetes, •injury can be over- come. Free information/advice: 'e forraonce Medical Ltd.„. - 'OM( td ;,.'Box'; 892, Vernon, BC, VIT. 6M8. 1.500.663;-0121'.'-- 2obc • 37. Mortgages 1" & 2 Mortgage Money AbsolutelyNo Upfront Foes "' Available as lower 6.5O' interest PQrsonatLoans if you quetify; payments. Amt. Apprpx, Mo payment. .5,000 • s'41:9s {10,06 '•83.33 '15,000. ' '1$5.00 •Call'(519) 363.02111800-30priseildaie 7-1932 ASTRAL FUNDING INC: 31. -Service .. Directory CARL (S19) Sg2-8491 Fax : (519) 392-$199 ardt Limited _ O NERAL CONTRACTING Box 209; Teeswater.:Ont 14061 2S0 • Residential- • Agricultural •. Commercial •*Supply: Arid or Erect Pre -Engineered Steel Building Luc AnnGtinoi nonts ow Sentinel, Weduestdayy Kay 39* 1993 ^:'age 1$ 36. I*I n . =E n 'Village of Lucknow LARGE ITEM Garbage Pick-up Saturday, May 23/98 CONDITIONS NO brush, lawn clippings or leaves NO tires, hazardous V wastes, cQmrnercialwastes- - -building materials: batteries Alt appliances. with:Freon :must be stamped.frorn Freon. Free. Have your material on the curb before 8:00 AM. We encourage residents to help themselves to any 'item. Someone's waste may be your treasure, NOTICE T CUST011fERS Lucknow App�ance.. will be closed from May; 27t -June 8th for Thanks for another busy year. Petrie & 3l- 38, :Auctions YOST , AUCTION SERVICE FARMS ESTATES; HOUSEHOLD Selling•at our Auction Centre or •your premises .Robert Yost Auctioneer 519-595-8756 519 -529-3814 Consignments for May 30 Sale HUGE. AUCTION SALE Welding Equipment,: Automotive & Tools will be held for, :. D5 Welding Ltd. Lot 43, Concession 1, HUron Township, 13 km, west of Lucknow OR 6 km east of.: Amberley on Hwy. 86 $aturday, May 23/98 �Y. '9:00 a.m.• Preview Friday, May 22' Welding,.Hand, Power & Air Tools,,,Sht p, Misceltaneous ,Material` • Handling. Equipment, Automotive Shop Machines,. Vehicle & Machinery . Building Materials,°Office;. Household. • This is partial listng'oriiy, For more information • David Dennison (519) 395 -4603 - Auctioneer: Brian Riotous (519) 357.2349 38 Auction* EVENING AAUCTiON SALE of home. furnishings and antiques wilt be had l for ' The Estate of Mrs. Jennie Smith. . (Teeswater), The Estate of '- Ernie Ernie Back . (8ruSsels), and Local consignors, in Teeswater Agri -Curt on Monday, may 25 • at 6:00 PM Auctioneer*: Wallace Ballagh; Tees.Water 392=6170 Grant McDonald, Ripley 395.5353.. AuCti. !, • . sa+: ' Saturday May 23 Dave Dennison ,Welding, Automotive & Tools West of Lucknow; Hwy, 4186 Monday May 25 ' Joe Courtney • Ashfield Twp.. 5 PM Saturd iy. May 3u . Jessie Joynt .. •Lucknow Monday, June 1 Eric & Sandra.MVlcDaugall Farm Machinery, , RR #1, Kincardine Wednesday June 3 Mose Shetler Livestock, Machinery West Wawanosh Saturday June 6 . Leiper Bros., Ferro Machinery, ' Hullett Township., SaturdayJune 13 Igbtl Campbell ' Property &mouse -Kincardine;Thwnship, Armour Wednesday June. 20 Nethercot ,Ken Elma Township • Tues. &'Thurs. KW. Stockyards . Fridays Brussels Livestock AUCTIONEER: Brian. RintoUl 357-2349 30. Auctions AUCTION .SALE of -An Auction .Sate o Livestock, Horse, - Machinery ;& Household effects will be held for Mose and Sarah Shetler tl .R.#2, Luoknow, Lot 23, conc. 9', West Wawanosh:' Twp;, &corners,south of Lucknow on County Rd;1 & $1 comers, east or 7A miles west of Belgrave. Wed., June 3rd at 11 a.m. Lunch Booth ' Bake Sale Plan to' attend owner retiring, Brian Rintoui' Auctioneer - EVENING; AUCTION SALE. of Farm Machinery & Miscellaneous will be heldfor JOE COURTNEY . Lot 4, Conc. 6, A'ahfleld, ,Township 1 corner north of 'Dungannon and 5 corners, west OR. 1 corner east of ..Highway 21 from kinsbridge, Church ` : • Monday, lay 25 MACHINERY: IH . Vibra Shank 24 ft. cultivator with levelling harrow; Allis ,Chalmers 10 ft. wheel also With cyiinder,"12 ft. packer 'With two 4 pt.pups; Ford 151 '4 -furrow plow; Kongskitde 10. :ft. cultivator, $.myth a. snowblower - single auger; 2 wagons with • flat rack; Versatile grain auger; New 'Holland 310 baler; bale. elevator; Case trail mower; Cockshutt rake; Case steel: wheeled. rake, • •TRACTORS & DOZERS.' 2555 John Deere tractor - cab with 146• leader. Naw tires. 16-5-38, Approx•: 4200 hrs. 1951 John Deere R goad condition. 1905 Model 40 John. Deere crawler. John Deere 420. crawler:•1111 John Deere lawn tractor. HOUSEHOLD: filch down ,draft stove; set ef-diningreom chairs; 2.press 'back chairs single. bed;. sbt. o1 'encyclopedia;high chair;; lantern; hedge tr rimer; weed. eater; 4 x s folding table; wheelchair lawn• chairs; :pet. cages, MISCELLANEOUS:' Set ,of. chain harrows; gravity bin; 3' drum rollers; cattle chute with, •sett lock;iJrrcotrti `22S Welder Stihl -chain' Saw; bate prong; 5 HP standup, air compressor;, cement mixer with motor; 30. cedar posts; torch set; 5: round hog feeders:, vise: 3v toil .feed tank; 'band saw; • numerous gates; wood .lathe; shop vac; electric motors. FEED: 1 000 bales wheat straw: Numerous other household itdms, Wagon load of n:iseellanecus Plan : to: attend. farm is sold. TERMS:.Cash or acceptable cheque with proper I,D; day of sate Net responsible for. accidents. Verbal announce-. ments,aite precedence over advedising, items listed as described by .owner,- For ,more intormatien call Joe Courtney (519) 529.7189, AUCTIONEER: BRIAN RINTOUL •(519) 357-2349_ `Lift weights, lift your spirts!.. Om +Lr rebs aolinik **Oa IM rdk onto thatkiMlpM,dat