The Lucknow Sentinel, 1998-05-20, Page 10rag ' F t ylliS. haws*to'.1.01*. .-000„0114" ckno1 C nk of Montreal; Luckn w .Glut _ l r:►x R:A. Havens Electric; Ide m � � l know. entral 'ul lit✓ j,M Bona l Real Estate. e, ,� i surae ce;Lucknow Rx entral; eeker'' told.,,; `Mayfair Rest rar t; �. .hoer Debi n : `bio . 's t ail ;f ill : Pinecreat Manor Nursin Home; Pizza,` Delight; .ucknow Villa e. r t; ,ell's. discount, .ucknow Sentinel; T'he l i s. he pr_ Kranenburg'sButcher Shop.. • er egate Shirley McCaul intro. dud the, guest speaker, Ira McCc skery from Stratlu oy, Anna: had been one of six, delegates from the Fres.byterian Church int Canada to attend. the Z3rct General Council of the World • Alliance of .Reformed Churches in, Hufgtt y iq AUgliSt, 1997. There was over 1,000 pea - pie fr'itm 104 countries, meeting to worship and work together to break the Chains of injustice. They were given a. ttatts atiQttr. headset that could . be tuned into: seven different, languages. • • With the rise of slides, short videos,asci several theirnc>taes she was able. to share with everyone some of her memorable = experiences One delegate from Myanmar. (fortherky . $urina) had ten 10 days to . arrive at . the Conference He had ' walked three days; rowed a boat for.two days;; spent. • two .days on a ship before taking: a. small. plane to Rangoon, another plan to &Bangkok, `another to, Zurichu then front there to autiapest which is three hours west of Debrecen.. tach morning worship co> ie.„ced at S a.m. with. the Bible studies based onr. Isaiah 51i: 1 - t2.. It was - prepared. by. contributions from di.Xfefent pacts of the world, anti edited by .Dr. Stephen Farris, a, minister of the Presbyteiaxt;Ctturch ili ;Canada, It WAS a very„; emotional experience .to be able to sing the familiar !hymns in many different languages,.• ' rt.rtta Haldenby thanked- the: speaker for sharing this. memorable time. with .as :all. and *len tliatr of,Jrussels thanked: everyone for their contri- butaons to the meeting. Q1lowing the singing, '1 Of the hymn'. "Jesus Shalt Reign,” Wilma Clarke of South Kinloss closed the meeting with .prayer. (sub.. mitted by'Mildr'ed'Losee). If 11 • • 'i tion byfdck Kew The Avow Mal;tland,District Schoal'Board education director said he.>is rtot 8atisfied•withthe: funding .the province is providing to boards -in ;fact, -he_ said he's disgusted.: • Paul Carroll, coenting.an the new' provincial fund ing.. riiociet, which.* suppose rnud to equalize funding. for Ontario .students; at' a meeting.. at the. Mitchell district; high; school- (MDHS) Iasi •Wednesday, said., I'vec used, words like frustrated and: discouraged ttr describe hew; feel about it (the new funding; model).. i• never used,.the worddisgusted, but: U tagging to now `il ibitkklesi.4bioluwly. unconscionable that the Lowest spetidirkg•board-ge s less.-'' Addressing; membrs, of the public and members, of ; Mitchell arca- student eounciks; assembled; at the ltigii school . gv , he'explained that the, promised equitable fundi,ig for students has not,tal en place He: said the school board will• receive, on a pupil basis„ approxi mately $6,200,-"pfier student, while bigger boards *411 receive $• 9g -"Only. tponey has. been shifted around: and .that ss dis- gustin$"'-Carroll "said noting thed_ifterence� in per pupil' funding, s similar to. what it was before implementation Of the:new ;funding anedel , The •ecchtdatiorkdirector underscored; his feeling'.about the..Iuinding; the. board..is, receiving from; the "Prey inue w>ten he answercd.4 parent gquestion with the faliowing • statement: `"13otto.rn. line, your, kids. are not getting a'fa)r share ; 13xplaining-to member':of the-pulattc;and rnennbers of Mt c4te11; tea school. councils{t;>a 5naire.9 is One of the biggest challenges; facing the new st hoe; board„.he , silid;, "In.isty opinion we (the board)„arc ,going'to have. less' 'inoncy than helbre.,' The new funding model. take away innoney frond •school boards quicker than before, he added,.notinq �t •slight drop;in student enrolment, is anticipated over the • next. two years, which:;incans less money for the board :yet again This Setateinbcr carrell said 200 fewer. students will mean, a decrease in-.ther h ard's budget of appruxitnately $.1 ,mild on. t-tvwevc,r. nc said enrolment would'not drop by 2Et(} iii' one school but individual schools would only sae leLrca es in student populatitans,of about two., of thrcc, me,; iiing c:lasst•ooni costs w, uId leinain the; same,° •turn; to' paw. I.'.