HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1998-05-20, Page 6rage ;6- Luekiew +Sentinel,. Wednesday, M02%1998
Last Saturday, a group
of Lucknaw Scouts and
l iyth Venturers assisted
the Huron Stewardship
Council in.. planting
seedlings to enhance
wildlife habitat in northern
Huron County, near
The seedlings, which
consist of a mix of native
hardwoods and fruit pro-
clueing shrubs, were pro-
vided by the National
Wild TurkeyFederation
through their local chapter,
Scouts assist with tree alantin
the Huron -Perth Wild
Turkey Association, The
seedlings will enhance
habitat for wild turkeys as
well as other wildlife
species. Wild turkeys.were
released, not far from.
where the planting took
place, in 1992; one of the
first releases in Huron
County. Since then, a
number of other releases
have taken place and wild
turkeys are now present in
13 townships in the .coun-
rid' atuve
with '"#fie
Darlene. & 811
you Know
The planting area is at
the north end of an almost
contifu.0 s corridor of,nat-
ural vegetation extending
from the north tothe south..
end of Huron County. The
corridor includes two,
major wetland, complexes,
(the Hay swamp and
Saratoga Swamp), .a num-
ber of wooded watercours-
es and assorted' woodland
areas and has only a few
major gaps along its
length. •
The Stewardship
Council is interested in
promoting development or
enhaneement of natural
corridors to increase the
suitability of our remain-
ing natural habitat~ for
wildlife species. Many of
our woodlots or other
remaining natural: areas .
are isolated Mocks, or
"islands" of natural habi-
tat, Without some fon of
connection: between them,
their suitability as wildlife
habitat is dirntnished` since
most species need a yari-
. + t �"4e •Deiros
Socia Evening
for Getrda Ilendrils
and Murray DeVos
Sunday, May 24
'at 5. p.m.
at :Gilley's Feedlot,
832 Queen Street,
For more..
infonnation phone.
laan't t�fi. youir :prom corsage
became a
ie a
Leat sari f11
Mothers Against, ,Drunk Driving
Drive SOBER - Save hives!
Tel. X51 9}. 357-4552
ety of types of habitat dur-
ing within .them to meet
the variety of habitat
needs that many species
require during.different
stages of their life cycles.
Wildlife may then not use
the areas, or be faced with
travelling. across; unpro-
tected open areas -where
they are more susceptible
to predation or other dan-
gers.. Establishing natural
corridors between remnant
natural areas could help to
improve their suitability as
habitat. Other benefits
may also result from corri-
dor :development.
The logical location for
corridor establishment is
along existing boundaries
such as field edges, ditch-
es, $tmazns, rete. Wind pro-
tection provided 6y the
corridors can be of benefit
to crop production. Also,
corridors along ,water-
courses can act as a buffer
to filter or slow -runoff and
thus have a ttsitive
impact on^water quality.
The Huron Stewardship
Council is currently look,
ing at approaches that
could assist landowners
interested in developing or
enhancing natural corri-
dors.If you have ideas,
please feel free to contact
the Huron Stewardship .
Council; ci'o Steve Bowers
. at 482-3428.
• from pogo 3
• adopt administrative coup-
termeasures such as, igni-
tion interlock' systems,
administrative license sus-:
pensions and vehicle
As a follow-up, Huron.
:County Health Unit and
the Addiction Research
Foundation; will offer the
Smartserve, program, host-
ost-•ed by, Benmiller Inn on
June 10, Contact
Marguerite 'Thomas at
482-3416 or 1400-265»
5 184 for further details:
Whileall drinking .estaib.
lishments are encouraged
to purchase their own,
• training package, this
' training session on iintroi.
duce those unfatniliar with
the training and offer a job
skill to` those, seeking
employment in:. the 'ho$pi--
tality :industry.
Cancer can be beateim
we generously
STAG 0016
Ray :Dalton
Kristen Thomas
Sat., May 23/98,.
8 pmh4 am
Lunch Provided
• Age of Majority;
Bus available from
' Lucknow & Kingsbridge;
Gall 529-323.6
or §2477177 . ;