HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1998-05-20, Page 3. „ rimeitateta Sentinel, Wednearde% gei, IOW Paige Under the law,• _..Approve.traffie detour you ar. e your • for reunion parade • kee&r. the Lucknow reunion committee to establish a detour Ashfield Township council has given permission to . . through Cont..12. Ashrield. on July 4. This detour is to They came from across Huron. Perth and Bruce connties: n ownem, emplo.yees and members of bars, restaurants. Municipalities, insurance companies, liquor steres, private business, sport clubs,. and community organizations who bold licensed. events. The message from Professor Robert Solomen. Associate Dean. of Law (Academic), University of Western Ontariowas clear to everyone who serves aloe- hel anywhere to others - in the eyes of the law, you. ARE your brother's keep- er. It is essential under Canadian law to ensure both the safety and the sobriety of everyone who Oonsunies alcohol on your premiss.. Measures can be taken to prevent alcohol related liability by pre- venting alcohol related injuries. Using an entertaining, blend of legal facts and humor, Solomon had the audience alternately shalt-, ing their heads in wonder andchnckling with anittiernent. The numer- ous. caSes of law cited pointed out the need for faiflties:to have alcohol • related' policies, well • trained staff:and stew premises. The presentations were co-sponsored by .MADD •Canada; hosted 'by the Huron county Health Unit, Huron Addiction Assessment and Referral Centre and Perth District Health Unit, Additional funding was provide(' by the Provincial Substance Abu se Strategy Community grants Fund as well as donations from area insurance companies. In addition to his talk "Getting sued can ruin a good business: The rising tide of, alcohol related Ilk-, Soionion also offeredan afternoon ses. sion on federal and provincial impaired dri- ving legislation. The Attdi- ence, conmosed of mem- bers,' from Mothers Against Drunk Driving (NIAPD), Ontario Students Against Impaired Driving (OSAID), police, lawyers and health unit staff Were strongly encour ,' aged to create the politleal will to have impaired dri- ving treated like the' crime itis, ' ',lf my child is killed with a oar by a drunk dri- ver instead of with a: gun, why. should the murderer get a more slap en the waist?" asked Solemon. 'He cautioned the midi - epee itOt to lOok tQ tit government for leader. ship, The laws already in • place need to be more • effectively enforced and ' provinces ned(1 to turn to page.6 assistwith traffic CCrtitot during the parade. • At the May 7 meeting, council direeted the elerk to inform Colborne Township that Ashfield would be will- ing to meet to discuss restructuring following the eom- pletion of the County qf Huron Strategic Planning Centmittee consultation discussions. %. • ' The Ministry of Environment requires the township ,to replace the OW -2 monitoring well at the landfill site. The work will be budged for in 1998. Council gave its support to. a. resolution for the • Township •of North Dorchester that petitions the Provincial government to enact legislation to permit only a reusable plastic pop bottle program, Notice of this silppert will be sent to appropriate autherities. Charles and Marne Wilkins have made a severance application to the countv's lauddivision committee. • The Clerk was directed to notify the county that Ashfield Township requeSts that the severed parcel be merged on title with that of the purchaser's property to the east.. • A severance application to Bruce County, by Larry Henderson, was diSCUSSCd, Notification will be sent to Bruee County that Ashfield does not support the sever- ancing of surplus residences which would restrict in anY way. any agricultural holding in Ashfield Township. A devcIqpjentagreement httS- IVett signed with John Barrie BrwnJe entracevvay to the property subject of • the development 'agreement at the south part of Lot 4 Cone. 3,. ED- must be constructed within six months of, , the issuing of the entrance permit. National Drinking and Driving Statistics In 1995, 1,529 people - were killed Kr03S, Canada by impaired (*vers. AR A A.4 • • 1.4 3 a I Zat alla • • "k .1N 422.:-'11 41414 IS410423 '"11:11fis `,••••••••41•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• . • 1••••••••••••••••• Limiting for a Design*ttild Landscape Firm? :why not try... ' 0"4,000 JImd1 rig int South of •519-R9-7.247 V7.4141.111"777,,Te'r ArPri'C0.440,000plet. ,veHICLEi .. Ong ro 11004f#10,.**03*. E ciECIPassetigo:',4,garo 11:k. Vans. Pickup Trucks.. 13 '1(1 Y' • logo. i4oth, .01rthday, In 44114 Illt-1001#:1400 hao a supply of Morlot.ahOPINISOnnay, in sin,: gias or gilt boxed. Tho product Isa; Collo Wiwi. made In lietteW- The .001tIos. toatOro, the rounlon logo- Make It Great 10,190, and a picture ot therecently new iflilage cigna. The local .L080 Chose collo,winea because it is the newest Vitloultoral area On the. north., Erie lakechore and the 0901000Y: has. been. awarded the wine ot the year award f9r the last two Year* (1-10hgaton phOtO)., r • • 11 call at IllickitillOALS IDivision of Snncoast Fora - 500 HuronRd,, Gadoricli coal coRter 40, for 'Helen 5244347 Impaired drivers kill 45 people in Canada every 24 hours,. every day • of the. week. • LISTINGS; WANTED: PAULNN ivisINTEE I I a -a5(1.1 52862411. gLri. IRO; - Raised bungalow, garage, $144,900. 14AORES.-Eulicling lot, Kinloss. WAREHOUSE.- 35' x 60' with office area on daub's, lot, $69,300•'. 3/4 ACRE - bittiding, lot,- serviced, Ingils4$35,000, • ' RETAIL %roan'. With 2 bedroom. abailnien,t. Expellent condition $.99,900, • , AUBURN- Three bedroom riReep Pius,eXtra 101 with•24 X, 30' Shop. Reicinced to $61,900. :NEAR WINONA811 bungalow, 2 barns, new kitchen, 4127,900. • • BUNGALOW- 1}11" carport, ..bodrdoortsioitritiat: Havelock,st- 4educed10154,303,, • BRICK IlotAk- 5, bedroom. 'IA, acre country 101. 5110,000. 100 Amine:- Kinloss, brick homo 40x50 shed with 6 box stalls,, 5E', crop, 15 hay, is pasture.. aguanAve, - 4 bedroom, sIdeSplit wiirj, garage, gas heat $1$9,900. S0 ACRE Suitt retreat, 2 bedroom eonage, $99,900: HAVELOCK ST. -,Attached name "With double garargii $85.000. astwigte -A.dedroom 000k, 4.0. apres, parklike setting, 6 BEDROOM horse, attached 3 hay garage. Bob St, $125,040: ,Aanetet.b - 3 bedroom, house llth conc.. over ',„4 'acre., lot $62.600., • 30'x$-' SHOP- with 14'x14,' ao,Or, °Ince, area, I/2, acre rot, 564.900. 1.5 4P.REs, with idtidroonia, -10! $69,900.• ERICK, 8. tfNer. aparttrlept, corriPex, 2 bedroom units. Good ionSttetrh Investment, $245,00, EDGE OF TOWN 3, hedroorn house,.; 2 oar tier4ed ciarairoiyotic0)op. 75, x 622: lot' with-strearn4POrld. $07,100: $0.600,,, 1 acre; lot, 4 liedroom. homerecigeOt Lucknow. 0,4 ACREa., $1,1-1e10s..P,s(norigaf tor 2 lOte, S10,000. 'YEAH. ROUNDHOME -,ori NII MHo eiVer, •bedrooms, wood/propane„ • neat, Nico I/Vorkhop. $46,500: WANTEDtakttne.... . , • ()tilers still heist accepted ter reanion deastations Phone. 528-33t2 Don't Be 1 of the 1865 People Who ,Couldn't Get Dry Wood This Year! BUY NOW FOR NE -XT YEAR! ' elwitimolop leaselleonk, Veleorpsei SLAB WOOD! . • ,,.. . ' ...k., '°14:aleojigivel°freerAcitterrY:itiieThijrrkocill4lkilletttar.. Me OW11$11000$1.1Tti' . . . .. AUBURN, ONTARIO 1. 7 NOTICE OFTHE PitssiNG1'4F A.ZONING BYLAW AMENDMENT BY THE CORPORATION OF THE: TOWNSHIP OF ASHFIELD • TAKE NOTICE that the council .ot the Township of: Astifield passed By!law No, 8, 1998 or the 7th day- of May, 1998 under Section 34 of the Planning Act, 1:3;.S.O. 1990 as amended AND TAKE NOTICE that any person or agency may appeal to the Cntario Municipal Board in respect of the by-law by tiling with the Clerk of the Township of Ashfield, not later than the:9th day ,of June, 1990, a notiae. Of appeal aatting out the objection to the by.law and the reasons n support of the objection, accompanied by. Paynkertt et the fee wet 41,1004 tAntler tit Qoliaxick Boar -Mt. •, •• AMOUNT QF FEE payable on appeal IS $1gOinn• : Only individuals, corporations and public bodies they appeal a zoning by-law to the ()Mario Municipal Board:. A notice of appeal, may not be filed by an ,unincorporated association Or group However a notice of appeal may be. ,fil.ed in the name of an Individnai who is a theMber of the 'aesOciatio.11 or the. group on its behalf. , • 'AN EXPLANATION of the purpOse and 'effe '.ct Of the by - describing the lands to Which the by -saw applies is provided bele* The complete by-law is available for • inspection at the Clerlesoffiee during regular office hours. Dated at the TOWnshiP, of Ashfield this 12th, day of May, LinclAndrew. •• : ' CRIFie‘r74,TQuLInnsehvv1°, OofNA;thotpiiM2di-i. 0 5207383 • 1:PIJDPOSE-AND EFFECT — This by-law is a general update ot the Ashfield Township Zoning By-law and includes the following changes • • A provision is added to remove the need for a rezoning • as a condition 01 consentfor minor tot enlargethents, •• Adult live entertainment parlours are prehibited in the, Township. • The definition of .hothe occupation is expanded to include a bed.and breakfast establishment.. • • The nori-coMPlYing Use provision are expanded. s Non -conforming buildin§s may be rebuilt subject to . certain conditions. • A new proVision is added to permit an encroachment,of 25, meters into any required yard. • • • A -new provision is added, to. residential' zoneS. • Truck bodies and similar structures may be used for storage only, • The provisions of section 3.11 shall'apply:te aU • accessory buildings. • • The Ng1-2 is amended es,embleol-to the PrO.VISionS..0t- 'the VR1one regulations. • Minimum to size in, the,RQ1 zone is enlarged from 1400 Stt, rn- to 1850sq m• ' • The Recreatiehel Trailer Park and Pomp- (RC2)z�00 previsions are arnended by includind park model trailers (not exceeding 12 m in length) *permitted structures • A. fo rmprou4te2,,ioznoinsea. ed to ,t,egulate "ho additions to trailers inari •The new Minimum' Distance Separation Formulae replace the former, Agricultural qode of Practice MDs As a general airiendinent to the Ashfield Township Zoning By -taw th1,5Ainendrnent aPPlies tO all lends within the Tewriehir) o Aehtield. • •