HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1998-05-13, Page 15$ Wanted to Buy . WANTED - •fDLI fuba amps/receivers e.g. Scott, Fisher, Elea etc. Please call "-- 8324234 or $32-2147,...., 5ltfnxe WANTED TO BUY hearty trucks any condition, also scrap copper, stun -11,14m, brass, insulated copper .and aluminum': wire 519.143- 112e. --18"19 26. Help Wante WQRK FROM horse - Cati for frein information toll free 17800-881.6782. -17.21 cc GENERAL LABORER required full timer seasonal Call Porters, t cknow 8537. - -19ar" $ATFENTIQN STUDENTS$ - Make a lett of money selling chocolate bets. New prod- :. ucts available. Nothing to pay in advance. Fast deliv- ery 1.800-383.35,89. --19bc LOOKING FOR A NEW -.CAREER or just need extra • money? Sell C&M Cxifts` Unique line Of affordable home decors. toys and gifts. Cali ;. 519-258490.5, Fax:519-258.0707.for fres catalogues and information about this wonderful.. oppor- • tunity.--19bC{ .:.... . WEL.DER!STEEL iC FABRICATORS REQUIRED MINIMUM EDUCATION 0.S;S.G.D. fVIltVIM.UM TRADE EXPERIENCE - 2 YEARS TO TRAIN AS • ASME/MCCR FITTER/ • PRESSURE WELDER/ BOILERMAKER PRiOR'PJ ESSURE WELDING TICKETS OF - BENEFIT: APPLY IN PERSON Sy FRIDAY, MAY 22 WITH RESUME AND REFERENCE LETTERS 'TO. BOILERM► i -i1lCANADA S BOILER *'MAKER li 156 MAiN ST SOUTH: SEAFORTH ONTARIO 28 BusinOss . .. FINALLY....HEALTHIER HOMES!' The Beasties Withinl,According to Asthma Societies in Canada, Clean- ing methods relying. on mas- sive amounts of Moisture t4 clean carpets may be dam- aging to your health. An ideal prescription for these • problems is Chen-Iry'.s, patented deep clean, quick dry, • process Deep cleaning' occurs because, of . the incredible patented Hoii Carbonating Extraction., process rather than; using; harsh chemicals. ' Check your yellow pages and try it, You'll love, it! Forfranchise information: ENTRE P.I4E NEU•RS call :1>8.Q0-665 9090.--19bp; 28. oul tinetaat . Business, Loclalina!tr sentinel, Wetlues4ay, Mai i$ .1998 - rage 10 Armouncenvettst OPPORTU o ewer ers needed in your area. Earn extra income working from. your hoxue, full time or part-time. For free information, please sexed. self-addressed stamped envelope to: First Capital Promotions 46O Kingsway Suite 450. Burnaby, B.C, V5U 4143. 50,000/yr potential as an information broker. Canada's fastest growing Franchise. Exclusive oppoi- !unity, Profit from "the year 2000 bug", employment and'. Computer based training. 1'- 088.879.2201.-19bc AMAZiNG FACT. the Internet wit grow. by 2700%a, in 24 :trio's. Earn up 10. 15k/mo. with -Canada's fastest growing, Internet Franchise. Full training. Investment Reed, 1-888- 678.7580.--19bo 29. Tenders izieQUEST FOR Proposals - • The: Bruce County Public L,iirary invites proposals. for the acquisition• and• installs- lion of Internet, capable eompdter/software to ser-: vice 1.9 sites through 18 library branches and Headquarters, Thertiwilliaa single and multiple station • sites. This is a Conrrnunity,. AcCessfrogram." The .dead - tine for submissions is May 22, .1.998: 'at :3 p:m. Documents detailing the site requirernetttso ,are available- at Bruc•e`.C.ounty Public Library Headquarters. .1'9ar • 30. EmplI Wanted BABYSITTER AVAILABLE Monday to Friday for the summer: References avail- able. Paula Taylor at 528- • 2110.--17-20rt `16 YEAR OLD' looking .for fawns to cut. t have my own. lawnmower. Cali . Dan McDonagh 528-3406. `--18- • 21ar I,. Service 1)000garty.': 45' STCR,AdE TRAILERS for rent. Econcimical''stor- age,ideal for'contractars, farmers and home owners, Phone 396-5167. •-34tfcc 314 Service Directory ACaNEW JEWELLERY` REPAIR.. watch;: clock, law.. eilery. Free estimates. Pickup and delivery can be arranged. 693 Havelock "• Street, across frets Medica' Centre,, Gail 528-3532 or. 5280940,-18tlar A • computerized water cdnditioner which desceles and prevents.limescale.No salt chemicals er maintenance. .Economical •Gait Kathy Rivett (Si 9) 595.0366 Fax (519) 395.0475 Toll Free,1-698.462.81 b$: v HACtT . Small Engines Now Open For Repairs awnmowwe r L C� .5 Chain Saws, Free pick up & delivery .. '529-3232 .WAYNE WILSON Electric Motor Repairs ,! Swimming. Pool Motors /_- Sam . Fans ✓ Auger Motors Power tools PICK-UP & DELIVERY Sales & Service Dungfnon 24 Hour Service, Hi -Hoe Dozer Gravel & Tap Soil Barry Johnston Hoiyr'oad (519) 395-52$1 (519) 392-649i Fax a (519) 392-8199• + % NERAL-,; CONTRACTING' Box 209 Teeswater Ont, NOG 2S0 Fieatideritiaf * Agricultural! ' "Qornrnerciar * Supply And or Erect': Fire-Englrieerec Steel Building 1A. EIAVIEtIS "ELECTRIC TRI *Residential & Farm *Commercial Electrical Contractors,• Light fixttrras.'farnp's; ulbs, ' electrical supplies p'ealer fon • PRAIrOPP EXCHANGE" .iMtraninnappointrnent$availao/a Rod -Havens t t9CKNQW 828-2061 32 Babystttting MOTHER OF two to babysit in her home; • Indoor and outdoor activities, healthy meals and snacks. Flexible beers, reasonable rates, ail ages welcome. Rfease call 519-529+8660.--i8,19cc „34,.Eforsonot *A coact will be incurred, VANLY-RAYS Psychic -Answers. Police use us...Riated #1 in Canada. Instant 'answers about love, menejr, career, lucky #s, relationships. Achieve suc- CessI f 1 $2.99/min.,. 18+, 24 hrs;, 1.900.451-4Q55. --1OR 24c *A. cost yell! be incurred. HAve you CONSULTED REAL CLAIRVOYANTS:and mediums before? . Then cernnediscover this unexiilic • ;able expetienoes, of karapgnna Zanrn art (1110i- 28 years fnc ),a2f3.year5 e3tporienCe; very precise: -She can describe and "give `you your sign, Learn from her other welt known rnediurns and clair- voyants. To find out your future;; CALL 1-906.451- 9602:' tat, ,$4.99/min:, 24• ,. hrs/7days -19bo "A cost will be Incurred: CANADIAN P6YCHICS•- Uncover"t'ou'r destiny 24 hrs. Let us .tell yoU the: answers. • Accurate' and Affordable.1 X900-451.7070. $2.89/min 18+.--19bc MALE IMPOTENCE dor- rected and. prevented: Decline, associated with age, medications, surgery, diabetes, injury can be.over- come... Free intormation/advice; Performance Medical Ltd., E3ex 892, Vernon, BC, V1T; 6M$. 1.800-6;63.012 1 19bc LACK '•. SELF-CONFI- DENCE? Then•buy, read and use • " Dianetics"• by L Ron Hubbard, only .$8,99 (pb)*G$T. Call 1.800-561 5809 today.--19bc `3T„ Mortgages "1' &, 2"4: Mortgage Money Absolutely No Upfront Frees ' Ayailabie as low as 6.50" lrttsrest,• Personai•toans 11 you;qualify, payments Arnt Aoprok, Mot Payment * 5,000 • ' 41,68 'i0,004 83,33 .i .00 • 115,000..iidateyotir..datita Call (519) 303-02111.800481-1932 ASTRAL FUND1NGINC'.' Would the person who: stole oul expensive carnero Atr ors r -parents' auction: sale . an May 2 please have the decency to drop the roll of film in the post office box in on envelope with our 'name. , Also would the party who walked off with, the antique table please give. us- a call because we know whoou are and will: take action if we don't t' hear from you. Peter & Elaine Steer • 30. Auctions AUCTION SALE of Household & Farm related' items will. be held for. •Mrs.. Kathleen Forster... Lucknow . plus other consignments. ' at the LUC KNOW ARENA Friday, May 22/98 5:30 PM List to follow . Auctioneer Allan R •Miter" 395-5062' • AUCTION SALE' of Household 8ttects a Toots;' will, be held far: . Z,YGIUiUMT KURQ,WSKI •Lot 2&, Cart'c; 6, Morris: Township 1 mite went. of :Brussels on County Read•1f: Saturday,May1�,10 .11.:00 errl''I. HOI SEHOLD: Zenith colour, TV (console), chesterfield;' ioveseat & chair, end tables, coffee tables;, recliner; bookcase, large,;wooden box, lamptable & cha(rs,. small desk, -miscellaneous pots; & dishes, small; appliances,, crocks,. Gainaday wringer 'Washer, coal 011 lampi, .barbecue, 2 large wine jugs, picnic table. LAWN MOWERS; Turf., Power i2HP, 3e" cut riding. lawn mower, 2 push lawn. mowers, 2 whe,at;, lawn sprayer, lawn roller, "Gibson'5. horse tiger (powerseverse). • .TOOLS: 3 horse, rotor (1/2; in.), battery Charger, sander grinder,: drills; garden. hose; McCulloch chain saw, .motors, 2 shop stools, 2'x'4 it. luniber, honey extractor (es, -is), pruners, 2. aluminum ladders, 2 ,Step ladders,, fertilizer spreader, garden seeder, bench extension cords, electric' lance, , stakes, numerous: carpenter & garden"tools.. CAR TOOL SHED:- 1984 Dodge 2`door (sells, as Is), tool shed (8 x,14 ft,). 'Plan t4;.attend' Property is;. sold. TERMS: Cash or acceptable cheque with proper I.D. day 01 sale. Not responsible for accidents. Verbal announce masts take precedence over: Advertising, items listed as described by owner. For more information call Zygmunt Kurowski (519) 887- (3285. AUQTiQNgE ; BRIAN RINTOUL (19) 35.72349 380 Auctions EVENING AUCTION. SALE Of Farm. Machinery & Miscellaneous will be held for JOE, COURTNEY Lot 4, Conc. 6, Ashfield Township.1 corner north of q.ungannon and 5 corners west OR 1 corner vast' of Highway; 2,1 from .Kingsbridge Otirtrch Monday May 25 5:00 par. MACHiNER.Y; IH Vlbra ,Shank 20 ft.' cultivator with harrow; .'Allis Chalmers 18 ft. wheel disc: with cylinder; 12, ft. packer' with two 4 pt.' pups; Ford 151 4 -furrow plow; Kongakilde 10 ft. cultivator $myth 8 ft. snowbloweriglp•:auger;,.2.. 'wagons With fiat, reek;. Versatile; grain auger: New Holland ale batarw bale elevator; , .{Mase trail mower; Cockshftt rake; Casa steel wheeled rake. TRAGTORs & DO2ERS:.. 2755.John Ceere. tractor cab' with 146 loader, New. tires. 15-5-38. Approxi 4200, hrs,: 1951'John Deere. Fl - good .condition. 1955 Model` 40 John Deere crawler, John Deere 420 crawier:.1111 John. Deere lawn tractor. HQUSEI4OL.D: Uich" down draft stove; sebotdining room chairs; 2 press back chairs; •single- bed; set of ab9V:Glopedia; high chair;' .lectern; hedge trimmer;` weed eater; 4 x 8 fettling table; wheelchair; lawn chairs, pet ,cages. . MiSCELLANEOUS: Set of Chain harrows; gravity bin; 3 drum rolierscaftle chute with self lock; Lincoln• 225 welder; Stihichein saw; bate prohg;:5 HP standup air compressor-; cement mixer with motor; 30' cedar posts; torch set; 5 round hog feeders; vise; 31/2 ton 'feed tank band saw; numerous gates; wood lathe; shop vac; electric motors. FEED:: 1000. betas:- Wheat straw. Numerous other .household items: Wagon lead, of, miscellaneous, 'Plan. to attend, Farm is sold. TERMS: Cash or acceptable; cheque with, proper,! D. day. 'Of sa1e, Not responsible for accidents," Verbal, announce - meats take precedence over. advertising, items listed as'. described by owner, For.more lnforn ation call Joe Courtney (519)520189, AUCTIONEEF1; BRiAN RINTOUL (819) 357-2349. BITCH -1N. CANADA.