HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1998-05-13, Page 14IN(.I T..4LZ1 TPP$OIL,, SAND, gravel,. ground: Work; .aUlpiiC aye- terns, and trucking and machinery. We wilt not be • ,knowingly Underpriced! Septic tanks are, currently produced in Orangeville,. son to be latedu e k by us • fpr -your :donvenience and • aavirigs For servirs anis • tree estimates oak §-5475 or 832-8023.--15-24. FLOWERS AND bedding plants• tctr sate at iHolyraod Mara --Oar SATELLITE ORALS Trade- in 'Your large 0' ta EQ`. Satellite or 18'F U.S satellite. for Canadian exptsss Vu Satellite system for VIR't' ., till;;L Y ria cost, Calf L Southwest Satellite' for more details; 5249-95,--19tfe.pw- :oR $TEFL.4.1,01.:DlNGS. • t iQNEER MANUFAC- TURED steel buildings. The brand you can trust: We .- won't squeezb you into just any building, Pricing; that can aocommodeteiany bud- get.. Call 1.800-6.5422.-- 9b STELµ8UIWINGS , . • F'UTUR.E STEEL aUIl,,l3- 'Nes. 1.00% Galvalurin.e•• Steel, guaranteed 20.. years Engineered to ;last a life *kr. invest In the best. Many, •models. Free esti. mate factory -Direct: 1-6QOs 00880 ext 536 --19th SAWMILL,. $4895 SAW :tops INTO $OARE,S;-' planks, beams; Large •. capacity: Best sawmil value anywhere., Free information 1-800.,:.. Norwood /Sawmills,, R,l t; Kilwortfty, ' Ontario POE 1 iO.--19bc 2n. Ya S,alO '. '0 . •GIGANTIC, YARD sate,_ Saturday, May. 16 from 8 a.r). till.noon rain or shine. 2` blocks sf:nth atd•4 way stop >. 3•8 Huron.$•treetr:Ripley. ,items include riding; lawn, ,mower, push mowers, ;show. blower, waterbed; railway - • ties Seim fridge and many KEN'S GARAGE SALE - 07 Itateen Street,. Ripley on MaY f'6 from a wart. t0 4 y.1tt., May 17frem 1 p.m, to 4: p.nt. and.May 18` from 9 a.m. to4poi. .19r ' Bitaa Wgtr r'Trodrng post OMR Okthillt, Threat* sMoll isRao Treasure i (dyliorgairn fOrru11�: t 1 3611.466+�' U,pc.ninq S,p.'tia1 We pqy °I TC:Wes, Your Hosts Rem 8rAddieSort 5.r Cara , 1989 OLDS 83; pld•, Pis, tilt, air, .cruise 175 km:, gpetcl • condition, grey. $3,000, certified- Phone 39S-2892.-•17.1$cc 1$65 BUICK :$OMIERSET - cylinder,, runs well, recent- ly certified, $80Q acs to o.b.o. Galt 482.1860 after 5 p.m. (Cr leave messagee. - 19- 22nxe 198Q FORD P-100no box, 300 au. in • 0 cylinder, new brakes: exhaust. $eib com- pl.ete or parts. Open, too offers. •Gail 524.6238.--19cc& 1987 YAMAHA motorcycle, %ZR 1000, Ouatem paint, Hindle. exhaust, . Jet kit, excellent condition. $4,20Q b.b o as x'524-4805,,--i0- •23nxe • :1981 900 CS 'CUSTQM. Hohda^motorcycle, 46,000'" gaits 10 gears{.with high and low range - : totiwt range, for city or town" driving, excel- lent condition, ready to. drive, $1500: Cail, 523-9866 t, fi various iteryns --19cc --19,20ccu' ............. 1!A1 D 'SALE'ftNay 16., .17 and 18. at 65 °Huron.Street Ripley• There -are alanyl ,tools of every kind, some • power tools,' bicycle parts, ;small farm items . and a few household;items. -19. HUGE ,,. YARD • SALE. Saturday,May 16, 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. 'Lot 2 'Carlo. 3 Ashfield;'T.oWnehip (ED) watch for': signs ori; Highway 21• at port. Albert: Adults and Children's: clothing, dishes,, books,.leweiry and a whole. lot Moro; Rain date May, 28. -;`19ar ' MULTI'EAMILY'yard 'sale May •22 4' to 7 p.r.r., May,' 23, 7 to,:1.1 a;rrt. Kintas,t C�rner of Highway 86; pic- 4nic area. Baby, stuff, house- hold, srrnall farm articles., Tracey and Cindy Simpson,; Betty McDonagh,--i9,20ar ' VQhiCI 8 1994 JAYCO-hard top,tent traitor, 8, ft., with awning, —sleeps 6, excellent condi- hen. $4,000- firm. Phone 5.19.528-2282,. --.10,21x .26' TRAVEL TRAILER - 4. -burner stovewith oven; .refrigerator, separate freez- 13r. water: heater,; furnace, bathroom; has small: tub and: .shower, sleeps; 6 (4 corn- fortably)-; 'very, clean.. Gall 519.522-i459-1;9-24nxe; . TRUQK CAMPER, $leaps: 6, furnace,, stove, toilet; and sink. $800, Phone 529=3232 or after: 6'. p.m. 529.7136. } PROEM GOOD MOS Young, 1 * 2 year ekt peat black tab, very friendly„ Caft R 'ah 20-3525:. Young female Rottweiler cross; 65 lbs., woukt like .a ..homer: Call Ralph 828.3525. Beautiful, and friendly, adult male and young.. female Chow doge. Need lovi.ng:: care. Call .Alphie:: after ,e p.nr. only,. at: 396,440W Mals Border Qotlie mos, fixed, gaol with kids and, cattle, 3 years ,old. Call Wilma 526.3136, Two, one and a hat year olkt pet% fixed, vaccinated, raised with .kids, need new home- together, owner. has •attergies,':Call Stephanie 3354789.- -1 - Beautiful tabby cat, is.an eXcellent rrtguser end friendly pet. • She ''was dropped off, and needs a home; Call Kathi 528.3Q45. Young; serbit, active. Celt Margalrette 6ga,a239.TO pGall aRaylpohurW 7111017410114"10 t110t7ain • cl9iei at 52813525 or Itatt:t Neweit 4a - 7 at 5840.45. - .-1211X. • • - `i't i Horse, TEN. YEAR OLD registered Hackney gelding pony. . -Reasonably priced to,,righl, person: 'Phone.52a-m34'--'• 1;B-19rixe. 6 YEAR Ql,f Quarter horse roar@ registered,-1laifrtted,. chestnut with'4 'whiter sticks and•litaze. 4 year old regis- tered dune. Quarter horse:. Boarding and arena avail-. able. 2' horse trailer-: Phoria:. 524.140$, 19,20Ce . • Want' to Buy WANTED TO, BUY - stand- ing hay:.: In the Nile. and Dungannon area. please: •. call' 524-4167, --19,2Qnxe 1. 0. For Sale ONE GEORGEWHITE240. gallon trail field, sprayer, 30; foot boon;, stair te.ss steel tank,, field ready excellent. cc nthtion; Phone 395-3108'> or 335-5428:--1:9,20ar • i rod„uce QAi RELLEfS ....... , High fibre, tow: cost, cereal based; feod, no additives, avaiiabie. in bags or bulk. Nott Farms, Ctintor~. Phone: 462.7439,, r l stfcc FON SALE. - Seed potatoes;: white, red andyellow vari eties also lawn seed,. Hay pasture.mixtures,, George, Errington phone 5297,7175.- -1'7.19xc' 14h�, Se011C05: E utessENT REPA.R On site repairs to farm allo- GROUND' FLOOR 2 •bed- oonstruction equtpnlent and: , room apartment,' newly ren- . ONE BEDROOM heated .• PUREBRED SHOW quality shish_ engines,. Rob ovatedi two bedroom -upper • `apartment downstairs,; cloee' f,ki'ANT.ER TO rent 004 geek crop land Phone 23$, --1f1't,.tc. p FOR .REIT - 30° land roller all hydraulic. Call 5.19,,52B- 4260. 1954 6O-.17-2Qco_ 140U -OW VALLEY YEAR ROUND COTTAGE RESORT. ,TWO vacation homes left. Were 559,900, now $9,900 with, waste front site, Rent one for, halt • pxice weekdays. Cait 1-8084139T 1--1 f 0 CO U:Kti BAN ll RLI OL WELLC�fl� BANE ►. ` Tt:l; #ilii,'; whet relocated, must Solt, all otters ;considered. REOUCEQ TO ;$a3,5QP, lncludef 3 bedroom$4. 'pc; bath', new addittan, main floor laundry, appliances, satellite, dish,: TV tower with aerial; check, it Ott #131$7-A; ti•:.' Totally remodettod; s• i?et$rporn, nBW. addition, open concept; family: morn, modern kitchen, sunken flying, mein, main floor laundry, • a..atici7 4 pc,' bath, protelsstonaty landscaped,. quality:hQtime witrhoh&rm, . • f'..A ad broortQkm, 4de Ia h bedQl#rpbms, 3ksornar dlningpend1- ac• onto , 4 pc. and 2 pc. baths, .double' detached garage, new' high. effft=ienoy lornace, main ftcpr laundry. $105,00Q• #i898 RICHARD' Sf#te. Reps 1019)52/178 ; Bus. ' Scenic $9:8 acres ,5 minutes east of Loknow, 40 acres:,. wgrkab.le.seededdown, t$' x ger Gatlin, Moe bullctinp site, hardwood and cedar bush, ski and walking traits, maximum pljvaoy.#138$74 D.: AsKe. lresentative • (.5i.)204935,. ROSS.: t t)1 I)11h11 tt\\hl i;• i \t,,,I Ih, h,.l. 401' Josephine Sir, Wtrrgham 3.57»1344- ,1NQLlS'ST41,1")CKNQw+r bdrrat.; R•.f±• 3,;"L4CKNOWt approx, 5 `. brick bungalow on dh1,1reed lot, .: acre cauntry.prQperty,.wittt wet garage, ,paved driver nice kttchon, ?.:kopt brick bun'guiow, tinishad iaC • buy. both tota.0or, .sepa•rate-tot-- rearm open"bg% iii k tchettr targe, . tiara, colt for more, details, ONE 8EDROiOM...apart* .meat, Outrarn $trreet, 50 month available uune=1. Capt Paul 520,2411..--14ttar 2 BEDROOM downstairs heated apartment with fridge and stove. Phone 52073723, Also tredsitttng, TOM furnished: -470W SONS- BgPROOM •apartment for rent en MAO,' 'street, Lucknow:, Phone 6213-3932'. -45tfar • GLEN HAVEN Apartments In Lueknow has: spacious ground.floor 1 and 2 bed- room apartments for rent, fridge, and stove;included, controlled entrance, corn mon room. and laundry room. Phone 5283227 or Gerrie or Jayne at 1419- 262.2029. --41 tfar LUCKNOW - LARGE 2 teed.- room apartment,, ground ft'ocir, laundry room, :mail deiivery, private entrance. Phone 520.5600, —130 . ONE OR TWO BEORQQM apartment, private grouted • entrance, park like sur- rounding, utility area, faun- dry gnat, Mail delivery, Cresthaven Apartments. Phone 58,36-11 or 848- ', 2215 after ap,m.--03tfar TWO BEDROOM apartment ' to Auburn, 2nd, floor apart- ment .is roomy with a great , view, has.laundiy room, eat irr kitchen, large livingroom,. •r, lots, of storage. ;$$50+Pius• utilities, Available irnmed't atety,- Call 519 526-7355. :- 05tfcc R R.'7 I,UCKNOW Rolliirg i40`: acres, •with century .farm hpuso, aid bank barn, small; orchard, •hardwaoct & cedar trees,. R.R." 5:i.UCKNQW - edge, pf own, completely done over, awe some oak .kitchen.with island,' • open staircase In dining: roprn,' 'sunken •.living room, 34- bdrms; A lot of house„call one of the gale. EAST AVWANOSH 100 acres. older bank barn, quaint 4 bdrm„ .,. Rfi4CKNO1[!t,•� 25' -acres °• .country home; strati shed;' hard. cedar, bush, great reoreationaf;< wo d&,soliwood bush,. /hurttingproperty. Asking $30:006. ,GallSales' Rept Cathy Fiendi•,iks 629-.1167 Gail M?cTavish 8&7`-9,374 RENT GEARED,tq;,incorne apartments, in Clinton, Exeter and; Goderich, . for " • women .and . children, who have experienced abuse. Call Phoenix of Huron 5.24 .1520, 482,5288, 235.3183.- 18.. H0015,0s COUNTRY HOUSE for rent,, S' bedlydom. • 15 r"riinutes frprri': Goderich or Luckriavv, $5O0 'pins utilities. Oall 529 7273__: =s11 t1c • Golder. Retriever. Available Campbell Mobile Repair, ; ,apartment $25Q:; bot dose, to downtown, .Available for stud service (no.papers). • 5:19-396-0806: Servicing to downtown: Phone 528-: June 1; Suitable for senior..:,. Phone 523-9122: n --18,.10k - Brace .,QoUnty.--06tfcG 2031.--42tfar Call 528.2845.=-19tfar HOUSE FOR rent: ; 2 bed room' house 10 minutes from Goderich: $550:Imontb Ava table May i • Phcftae 529-.7876 'o.r 529-3452.: 17-19xc FARM HOUSE, 3 bedroom, n Low and: Wbetweeingham; $500ucknper month plus utilities,first and lasi,> month required, No pets;':. Phone 519,357-1746'. -- 18,19 BUNGALOW,- 3 bedrooms, 1 in the couhtry, 7,miles from LuCknow. Qilheated..,Fridg4 aha.; "sieve, included.• References. 'required:. Available immediately.: Phone 528•:5643.--19.21xc 23Colriuorcrai , STORE. FOR rent, main. street` frontage, Lucknow. Phone 52873932.--S0tfar�”