HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1998-05-13, Page 12•-11 rucl*uw , net, Wet iesd Malt- at la*
*MOW 45 * seg wan
+;It1C ix4
;km *at* tpt.
tnutA,t`"xaa. % tat. sem'
SETA. *Torii - Win
40igum rtpttrt14e0t: Iwk$plryr4g'.
AUiiirik-171r04 tardrQorrr tour
p14$ 3xtra ti4 24' X age*
ARAB" WifttOtAtk - tir4ok'
;tluogawQw. 2 hams,. nom tncchvn.
IltUMPALOW - t (ift► carpQfl a
nog/oink art halt savelootc, $t,
line tupitto3P4.9QQ:
!;*1f.tteig HOW lataidt0001.• 1;4
;Agffit,Mi 11111 iQt. 411(ZQQQ:
#RR Aeon%,- Minta ,„ arigtt
hctm@k 4Qx sf9xt with & .ba*
$14)14, ss MP,' "IS heti, • 1,%
8 1,Qt4:Rt11 - 4 tags roost,
sistesPUt wont a94; ggts,beat
Cott A.QR.1 8uatr rgtrea.t., z
bothoranoottaim $419:90%
i tAVolt,,Q K -71A. -41140•4
t . it T'
with daryu�lAtoratto .4{ yyQ
,Astiai•RAMI-Abokd 049
*rge, Riiirk wktt se.
Kit44Q11. 9, lot wtth:
W t - boo* 040 04
_40y, galosh aott fit: $.12%9Q0:
• AANFat a - •ttadrQQrrt• house
' •11 tot . Ggnst.. aver .4P IQk
;alt' 114' 8tIQlr with 1'4 i4c
asci QtaQe area.. V ogre, too
1•.* AQrts w with oust. -
*edrggms, to:. * Z4' shod
a,9QQ. •
b albs a ONO' aRQrtment•
GRmptkx;, 2, t Boobs unit*: fiQQ<k
14t4terrrk invoitftl t tt $24%Qi1Q
*Rail.$: eft `rQWk4 ttttclrgQrrt
• hg44QI$x CQr hr2letett
..9a,4a41lw9r104:4 7 *fe ',144
with straain &pm# $ 1
', •;0F+:.--1 acre- tut. 4 tz ,t(toofn.
hair a 1�e. of t44G04114 .
'@,RIA .atR ti@I M Mtttmtlrat-
ipr 2100,. 41%0Qtt
Y4Af; RQUN 14Q1OR bit Nilo,
Mtwp Muer, . Z. 11QctroQms,;
WQQdiPrQAana haat, 1410Q
r:11 Y1NN4G$ WAK hit'
9 ' T
Fri. 15, 22,
Sat; 16, 23
JUN, .
Pri. 5,
Sat. 1
IgA1 L52s-;i31z.
v. erlastrnt Rowers Mics
9 ta.rxlr. - 5:3Q Ram
rthdtti- to
6r*ditty{ tt c n han.
• May 14;199,
'digivrnt Van Oyfro
May..15. lee%
Yeats old`
rit++t + ►lay
Mie+ tr‘1944
.QQtY Goy.
Muy.17,.1t 9'
7 Years Old•
Caltlirt Simput
may..1'7; 199a
Year's -Q10 •
Mirth, 4rtnit RitQhio
MAY 1 w,, MO
a y'ea4041.
Emily t it ao!nl.
M0•1:8 1Q9Q
• .»Yeai.Qld • .
.Pauit t Ritchie
May 10i1990
YQara Qkl.
Ty.,lor Qorshht
ftp#4 flc•r±
el e. t, ''444:. , 'OP
tee 4+4,874?4;
Local veterinarian.,d£en
1.3rtdge rep:40y returned -
frwu the eastmo.atit where
Ito was; invited to promote,'
the Premium Added Calf..
Prate, .a
Bridge, along with Den.
curry, were 14 Nova
Send-% frOnx April 2'-.Zb,
wherethey visited some of
the . TQvinees fermis and
spoke • with produeerS
about the emu:ept and pro",
gram, Bridge started the
program in; Wei= County .
., and it developed through-.
out the prvvtnc:e. iratcrthe"
Ontario Frenailysyl: Added.
Calf Program.
Under the program,
calves ate m nitQrcti. in-
ail stti : of growth. 'My.
are: weighed WI at. birth
and at Weaning time. and
breeders •can . use this
information for genetically
selecting, mini* thaL Witt
be optimum weight and:
leanness'Limitt 'Limit* by today's
The i;.alvas • arc en a,
vac;ctin tictIt program;
dawned. castrated and a
three-week bunk feed
adjustment period all
before sale to the fcedlat
operator. This 'eliminates a.
mat deal of stress roil tttci
yining arrirnal and. Sures
the: feedlot operator botl;r
tinie and Mott e,y.
:If a cepteid kry east:
coast fatmer's; °tire Allard
Premien* Addeci:.Calt
ProOttnr could soon: he
inplemerute , welt*
.The t lane ept is spr,� td .
its," s4ritt Judge. en,plarn-
irig •
that. this rrtarketiu'g•
eoneept; is riesigtt,e4 to aadd
value to calves. .
"There. was a bot of,
interest,." lie said,, adding;
tlrar several people signed
Livestock prices stead
The •fed steers amici
heifers sold a steady
prices The eQW$ also SQ14
Steady, Vee. .salol: 4tn
$lien . trade: Lambs. abs. were
tr#tdin ort a gQQ4 stro4.
Wive Market, Allc leSses
of stockers. were $Z 1ti00
a $russels...l ivostoQk lot
• er+e wort, 552 steers.
QI1 offer sel>rttg. from 90:QQr
to 95.04) to the hig.lt of
1Q1.75: •
There were Z70 heifers
. on offer* selling, from 90,00
to 95,00 to the high of
' There werera5Z cows
on offer selling flranr k 1
and D2.50;00 to 5.2.00.
high cif $G,00t 1, 50.00 to
55,Q0; D44,40.00 to 5x,00.
These were 17 bulls ork
offer.selling from 49.50 to
64,00 to the high of 76;50.
There were -318 veal on
offer selling; beef: 8500:
to 123.00, Baisteh1 70.U0
to 8Q,.00: plain holstein:
WOO to 70;00. •
L anrbs; under 50
80lbs. 17Z,50 to 18000..
$0' to 95, lbs. 165.00 to
Sheep. 5Z50 to 69.00.
Q`04.4». 35~00' to 160.00
per head..
Iii t1 pat few years, a ° y:,.
ntortber• of now lrertticides..
have eQrnet ori' the Market,
These prQduets, llfaye great
epvitQnntenta1 sfety, anal
are treniendhusly efeetiv4
nt 1+Q�v'ttse rtes,.
Prablerris carr ttappeh,.
thougkt if you: don't het1 .
of the rescues. ilia rJ(yottt'
sprayer before rrht#virrg,;
onto another ,crop, A few
grains of leftover; herl}i-:
ciao dnn damage, acres,, vf'
the scot chap you spray,
Ad ..:ins:, :to the risk are
the,surfaCtants used With,..
many ot'thee• new. herbi-
eidus, These oils" eat dish
solve:pe$liei4e rt tduos.:
out of csdtl` corer xn the;`
spr'ayetr $-y stein, .ox strip
Ile,rher Me,Qug,an4. press.
repQrter; ..lanie& deIoer,
We, also discussed what
w.e Would :bo. doing at, the
rest of the ineetings, There.
is a new program this year,
that'is rrrui11-snore Flexible:
We are .loQ13ngk fo rward, to -
training.. our' calves this
reSidlies,..Out or the plastic.
1>seif,; siznp%',"rime and;:.
a; practise" clea.,nng; won't
be enougl to • keep
ufntwenteexdt chreop,i
cdes. out
Tit herbicide, label :
11a*Rt' sperYiffc instrtaC,tioxrs.
rQr clearhing the sprayer
after use, but the cork*ri
factor itr every program is, ,
to use, lots. of water., 'Axis:
means filling the sprayer,
corxtpleteiy,.,: w.it t. clean,•
NOW, , and eireolalting, this;
w ter,• through' all: -'of the,,
',tops and noses on the
sprayer.. This shenld be
dotxe tmtnediatejy •after •
spraying= before. the
•residues., 'have tad . a5.
ehiaaee to::d.'xy.
fallowing the cleat)
water rinse, refill the
sprayer and aril the clean-
recarllmended. on the
lrerbiercie,1 1A This:may
be. hetrstlheld ammonia, af.
soap; or, surfact:ant, or "a.
detergent These' cleaners.
ark not iilterchar,4eable sqq.
fQ11Ow label instructions
Cleaning- the, sprayer is
a Ith;a,;nkjess job, bttt the
alternauvt is 64414.44017
age, to your crops Tara;
the:bine tQ• 4Q it. right',
up .to loam more bouts the
crnicept.e The concept has
. Wen left. in the hands of
• r Pave MaiGkayi a. Nova -
$ uii w extension veteri.
ttariarkwhe coordinated
• thio -meetings wit. Bri ge..
""d'really hope it is,'
implernent<ed; thiwte,'.. said
llriel e, a4dioi that he was
"ei4statie" to..be invited to
•N'ov*,Sexptia to;
the program. "There.are
I good ca•lve:s'ou •
there, it's just a. Matter of..
getting, -therm marketed
more effectively," • .
(7. 7.7.7:47‘7.71/7.7.77-•
. •c n ltiay •$., the Port
Albert. 44`units went
to. len lvlze`s grandpa.`,$
house where he showed` us.
a:bird hoose. he made,
along with lawn Qrna"
rooms like deer and, a>
snowman;. We•also toured-
his workrtorrr,.
Poring the: meeting, we
talked 4b041, fundwraisipg-
and, going., to Cana4a;"s.
Wonderland- .and a ,i akl
gaffe .
We thank;",teres grandpa,
for the, totrx> and, • the
snae s. (sttbinitted by
The organizational
meeting,; ;of the .441
1Lnckpow Dalry club Was
held at the Trinity: United
Cl ugcl - on Apxii, 2$1.1here,
*ere. 10 •merrlbers: present.
ah;d. •two- leaders Mel
Rite,hie,.and $arty Alliott.
At toe, Meeting We
'6 et;rted_th e,:e eGutive.. as
foll0vus pzeSident, Laura.
Wi:kt.ns, vice-president'
Slfawn: Ritchie, secretary;,
rt!ciedt#lir Rural thdiugue`
The'< ov'ernIm nt:of T ,nada-•wants
in rural and rernot"e c. smixnupitie .
llchvti,. 4�nx feriera1: pxtxgrains..anti, serv:ees. better .support
eo nrannities..irl rural• Canada? What are the challenges. and. tno
QppQrtttni,tit ;fvr y9:ur ,0.1t1).unnity.
Tally, about; tles.e :anct, orlhcrr i „Kues wit b. your .deaf hbours
•colxlhx norry.:l aders, friends and for a workbook anti.
koc!. in your -responses, Your. input!."5ub1,11itted by luly, 31, wilt be.:
irrlpgx> am as the goucrlurhctit ok Cartstda de; igna.futurt pc�lit ierx
.: an ,wur s.w th other 1evc;last,gave nnielat.to•;strd:ngtheia.•rurai
conipiUnitie ;
ear,.from (ranadi7 3s.
Or the.1 itd:rnet. at Www.rural:g$.
!Y'ry'rt n,e. nrn.
PgVernmept . 004}v$rilemq l
of Oenada. ' du Canada,•
t<he design btttid`peeple
{>3g090Budgw .
•Sbpepor t3ualit*Nut&awi�Sttf<
• WWtedaH &Foals '
• FiaAstorig Pab9s $ W x.104 $
Inis Gkfr19.P�vi it5tona5 • R9tainipgW
• pecgx g FgnceA
rlaWdt lrulaf14TO4n ,
by riga 4atle helist.
the second 'raving of
the 4,14. beet' club was; held
at 13la1Ce. ton`s ho sc on
May 5th. • .
17oug. w.ho oras`
otlr guestspcakcr' Galled'
about different.types, cit
feed:. Then we Judged
breeding' heifers, bay ditto.
shves� kop halwrs, were
.giuen to the first year:,
inQirS, .,