HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1998-05-13, Page 1VOL. 12$ WK, 19.
#H un, oss Lucknow. transition 1)9440,
New municipality will have four senior positions
The four senior psi- clerk, treasurer and public
tions for the new munici- works superintendent in
pality of the Township of the -senior positions.
Huron -Kinloss have been The transition board has
decided. now requested that consul -
The transition board tants be brought in to assist
met in ' Lucknow last with the next step of estab-
Thursday evening and fishing appropriate job
decided to proceed with a descriptions for these
proposed organizational senior positions,
structure that will see. Abe The consulting .quotes
new municipality with an• will be reviewed atthe
administratorfclerk, deputy board's next' meeting on
May 23, 7:30 p.m.at the
Huron Township munici-
pal building in Ripley.
The three municipalities'
received:' a total. of
$615,137 from the
province„ to be used.
towardsthe restructuring
of the Village of Lucknow,
and townships of Huron
and Kinloss which is to
become effective ,lan. 1,
1999, The municipalities
will contribute about
another $153,000: towards
the fund - as required
under" the grant. structure.
Stuart Ream, chairperson
for the transition board,
says the funds will be used
towards costs incurred'
with such things as office
renovations, consultants,
election, the :new official
pian and computer
*kM..I.1y .school .COffi:Ii.g to J.LL:J,.I1LOW
• by Pat Livingston
Lucknow's getting its
own hockey school this
summer, and organizers
hope it will be only the
first o.f�+ �a�numlier of succes
sive yZ rs to: come.
Black and Geld
Lucknow Minor Hockey
School. was the brain child
of Paul' and Andrea.
Hamilton, and Steve
Pritchard. Paul had been
thinking 'about .it' for a
while, but it wasn'tuntil he
ran the 'Suggestion past
Steve thatthe idea became
more than a. thought.
The Hamiltons have
seine inside knowledge
See page 19'40 find 'out
what happcnted to Eric..
Early Deadlines
All advertising and edk
tonal copy must be in the
Sentinel office by noon On
Friday for next week's
Have a safe anti happy
Victoria Day?
abouthockey schools since capabilities in the new All proceeds from the •
Andrea's step father is Al „sports complex, playing hockey school will be put
Godfrey, : a man'' with a hockey in summer weather back into the local 'system
long, long list of hockey is no problem. That vitas says Paul.
credentials and . about. 35 one . of the reasons Paul Since word of . the
years experience in hockey was anxious to get a hock. school spread, Paul says
schools. ey school going, But first many volunteers leave
Godfrey will actually be and foremost was the need come forward to lend a'.
designing: the program for • to give local• players the hand and more: ,are wet -
the Black°and Gold, school • opportunity to improve conic;
He has given up two weeks their skills, without having There will be a few jobs
that could' have been spent to leave town, The proxim- for kids during the two
at ' the Aspen Colorado. ity of the school wilt give week session as well.
Hockey 'School -where he more hockey players a The food booth will be
hasbeen a coach for. 30 chance at this. For many operated ander the Parent's
years,. Godfrey will be • families it is not possible Auxiliary who : willhire
assisted by a head. coach to senda child to hockey help.,
who will be a person with camp for a week, or drive a Paul believes the down
coaching experience. child any distance to and :.: ' • *turn to page 3
:. With the ice Making " fro on a daily basis.
1I!ltrtm County Restruet>nng
Onetier option for
by Blake Paterson
The idea to toss Huron
County's 26 tnunicipali
ties into one bag may not
be popular, but it will stay
on the restructuring dis-
cussion table until further.
At their regular month-
ly meeting May 7, Huron
County Council rejected.:a
proposal to stop consider-
ing a one -tier option for
county. government:
Reeve Robin Dunbar of
Grey Township said there
is "overwhelming" sup-
port for two-tier'governi-
ment in"Huron County and
asked the council :stop
• "wasting time" and take
the one -tier "off the
table" for further discus-
Reeve Mason Bailey of
Blyth agreed with, Dunbar
and said the county should
not be misled by apparent
savings of a one -tier sys-
"We can't dwell .on
money,,' said Bailey. "It's
imperative Ave concentrate
on scrving the people.".
Reeve' John Doherty of
Goderich joined theattack
and said a lot of ..conte
stituents in a lot of munic-
The Kincardine Detachment cif > the OPP raised
$5,000 for cancer research in the Cops for
Cancer campaign. Last Saturday, Constable; .,
Andy Burgess.. said goodbye to his hair cour
tesy of lan Montgomery, Who generously donat-
ed $200 to the fund-raiser for; the privilege of
shaving Andy's head A. total of 12'officers par-
ticipated in the fund-raiser. (Kincardine News
ipalties do not want a
two-tier system of govern-
"I haven't `heard, one
single person in the town
of Godcnch say they "want
to go one -tier," said
Doherty. "Let's. get on
with "two-tier restructur-
Reeve Laurie Cox;' of
GOdericli Township dis-
agreed with •Doherty :and.
said he knows plenty of
constituents who want to
know more about potential.
savings and efficiencies
under a"one-tier system.
He said people, are not
stip on table
enamoured with one sys-
tem `over another.
"People just want ser-
vice," he said.
Likewise, Reeve Doug
Grant of Bayfield said,
"The realpurpose of mat:
garnation is'. to save
money." He saidthe two
things constituents most
care about are taxes and
serrvice,: and as such, ""If
we don't 'explore •this, we
are net representing the
interests of our con-
Dunbar said res tructtir-
ing county government is.
more than finding the,
cheapest. way to provide.
He admitted some: ser-
vices could he mere, :eco-
nonnically. delivered under
a. one -tier. system. but as
for one -tier making the
entire :system: more _effi-
tient, he scoffed at; the
idea. He said if that were.
true, the federal govern-
ment would he the most
efficient government in
the country.
"How can.. we put `a
• turn to page 3;