HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1998-05-06, Page 9ruce Pres
Baty ' Ritchie chairai
the. meeting of R Error.. e0
Presbytery held April 21 at
St. John's United Church,
Wiartoin. David .Nixon
welcomedeveryone on
bell of she host church,
Opening worship was lead
by Rev. Gerald MgFardane,.
the chairperson . of the
flarniltuu Conference. He
brought greetings .erre
behalf of the cotrferenee
and staff. His message was
on the theme "Let US Go'
Forward Joyfully"
The wissiouti and
Stewardship Division gave
4 • sptciat presentation on
The Healing Cling Fund. • urging
participation by allc.ongre-
gartons, and. Presbyteries_
The' 12 minute video,
"Words Ar'e Not Enouub",
was shown. and copies are •
available through our
Presbytery Resource
Centre, for ' showing. ' for
Mission and Stewardship
purposes. lb date. monies
"thised for the: .Healing
Fund iu Hanniton
Conference rue lust :over
$501,000: The campaign
date of June 21 (designated
as First Nations Sunday}
has been set: for reaching
our goal of 5150,000.
Other videos and resource
materials are. also
able. - An offering ihan the
=own of $22740 WAS
reeved : for the Healing
Fttnd: ,
1ln the . Division of
Finance • and
Administration, thele was
an update from Fort Elgin
members, Ernest Ackert;
and Brut,;fides, n rePrds
to their proposed new
church building. Approval.
in prior ipat was given by
the Presbytery Court for
the new church and for ibe
sale of the present proper-
ty, with proceeds to the.
t'1ew church fund. This
division also recommend-
ed that churches should
by Janet Rhody
Recentvisitors with•
lira and Fran Farrell' and
family were Joyce and.
JQDt1. Farrell; Karen.
Leonard', and Marsha
Fa�rtall+ t rk,'Logteuberg
and Mariene Godfrew of
Gaclrzich: and Jeal and
Kay Logttnherg and'
Currie Colwell visited
Wednesday returning with
]Vary Anne Kukoly arid+
Anne -McCoyh. Saturday
visitors vv re Stewart ;
N1 igen. t:u'liatina and'.
Christine Clifford.
On Sunday, Norma and
Graham 'Morrison of •
AtAltur visited with their'..
cousin Gladys Arnold;,
Anne McCosh and Mary
Anne Kulcoly. Pat.larvis
also visited Sunday,
The play "Where Is
Crari n a`r Presented by.
the I ttcknet,A ;rtieultural
Sccicty attc . sportS.09d by•
the Riph v Agra ttlturai
S,pciety, wad well attend_
4d. (2ongratuulationS to all
those who participated in
the. production
• Michelle ifihi dy., kobert.
and JD front Soarsbotough
and Marianne Rhody..and
Skylar from L.rainpton
visited with Wayne and
Janet Rhody last Weekend,,.
$ancxa. Exeter visited
vulth'. Alma Gilles on
Thursday' Ott Wednesday.
lv ter_tay..and-,Wanda-1eit1t: 140117 --
and faitliiy, froth Goderich
visited with;Sandra,
Wilda' and ,haat x `
'hotnpson ,visited with
Donna, and Red ]young of
Dun4;anfan art
Tile Reid, and linsX
:' Indies• gathered'' to cele -
karate Gregory Reid'sfirst
birthday .recently
[rune and. Francis $eyrie
recetxtly. returned froth' a
two weals; v sit. with their,
daughter auric ho is a.
tnissi.ouar y! ,in St- Kitts.;
While th ~re, Francis Qei1
t xAted hiss `5tltbi iih4ayt:
• 544 a,nci . ' e4fiher
Firtttie attended • the
National . Cehtt'ry, aI
Cess entton i11 Taroxlto this,
vNeekend. Qabcielk" Went,
u W
cheek into their property -
essess mL t5, oaffirm thea
they • are . reasonably
assessed:, it is aonL'G'.rn
that church properties stray
Int: subjt t tOi to .lion iIx
future yds.
Rem .Kathy Young of
the %steott •elunge was
appointed as the new sec-
retary, of lime Presbytery,
efteenve;May 1. 1:99ll.
• The . •Division of
Qhristian Development
to a 01t7g0ng c9AN, nttpn
in 8ra, ttran44 artd
JQ$Ppkt. visited their
liarrt n 4oaSXns, �k11
Drayton and SpQncOrvista-
ed with .. his T outher
eensilm in Walkertttitl.;
and . Ccaaxslmtunis;ations
highlights included the
offer too, hoed wort shop
sessions for one-root11.
Sunday sc;bools: those
interested should tutted •
Laurie Neat at 3S9.5279,
Port E,I itr, On Satluday,
?ct. 3,. C#averrng, there
wilt. be + workshop for
Sunday Sc;huul tt»achers.
AU are weteorne tcx.attend
utnd.review this various cur"
ricuttun available.
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Ei *rot CollitsComPteit 111
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tiE' ally. eddyf.
iztsulratlsT•l to %& R
Fret DeAvety, E
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at eta* Timms Riatms.g.
rim; P0401114 of Suncpast Frere ti.
500i;iurpa R4, Qade ieh
M, upl irntnt tt;rstpo;.
^EMS* - t x ev taattx
att a.` mai=d uJ is tut: SoUlo
4isACRE n to . sorvaactdi
. toRETAi14 $1t"QI E - bttt• 2
*adreun' apalttnrartt. ettaplipnt
uandltkarr: *RU
Attitti>illttt-'tt to :ledezcart:rzt‘liit•
Rasa to $4 X311 sl �p •
NeAR WINONA*. - 01144
0000 2' Nth*, new Maher
' 40140.4%0W - Wier dafceo.
;#zarircomt. Ori heat Havolc*K St
Reduced ter$s4$ !X •
1 ROSE " ,z edicao, 1.4
0,010 ddutttti trot, $I1V,QGtt •
'104 AHRRSr MOPS , tzrtch
hew; 40x50 attract with: eo tern:
stand, 55 crash, r5. hay, is
tataDRA,Vg dadsasunt.
eideopii1 wttir gar�3ge. gag,MaL
$�- ADRe •- Redd 0*tre10.
17,410100rn:cu0450: $99.iK%
MAAIt t o,CK S7[: - Attached hem
watt aput>te gprago. $85QQ9.
ASHRIEL,D,4. dr .rrblck,4,6
acres, parkit 4dateng,
St•ACRE Trop. "4»
tame pais 1Q year Olt
prne: S 0,100 ttaOdwaad $70,,444
•'' E ^..haus% 4044000
aaar para eatr4t $1A51000;
AStmagt - a bedroom, hp4o.
' $.5450D
1�1 tC&�'�yc,oma., dyer uk 441". lac
3Q'x5UP t4:x14'
drar�r, alticer, ares, 112 acre, tat;
!1.4 M RESt < with a.reek.
uataarns4 1 F X 24' stle*
4.1114it 5 ,UNfr apa0trnsnt,
bedloom units. Dada
t'oor7g tet tr Neett A $24S:
Etaog OF TOWith G.00thaaa
taus**. Z Car,• haartetd'
'dintt/stt'cath•AP r 507;30Q...2` lo•
,SMD, - t' acre; lot! 4 hadrooni
barna,agge,al- Laalani*
54AC.R04- Sr, Helens,•PetenttaF
for.? tats. $•13,044„
• Mite • river, 2 : bedroorttit;;:
•.waddioroparae, • treat • Nta•.e=
worKshop, $d6,5QQ.
• l'ASTWOOlegt
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rr phony
i ter aur
arrives, we wilt printt