HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1998-05-06, Page 4two daughters to an Oxford County'
school as'a result of the recent .teach-
ers strike
In: a letter to the board, Kenneth
Taylor aid that he was paying $68,18::
per month for a total. of $204,54 for:
the remaining months to •tlie Oxford;'
„County Board' of Education. to send
his!daughter~s, Brenda and Theresa, to
• College Avenue Secondary School in
Woodstock .
•The board's reaction to Taylor's
. requestwas that there was a rebate of
.tax dollars which resulted in a saving
from _ nit: paying_•teachers.' : salaries -1
during :the Strike,, but' there is hO1
rebate .for •a parent who chooses to
rernove as child too another system.
Page 4 - llueltnaw Se
Met', Wednesday, MAY .0, :199
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Guest column
Bowes Publishers Coxna wnaatty Newspaper nan Campbell $L, I.ncknaw. QantariP
P:tJ,15ox 400, iAt+ li tow. Ontario NOG 2H0
phone: (519) 528-2822 fax: (519) 528.3529
-established .873
Tom Thompson -• Advertising
Pat Live stow Manager for ' PC,
Phyllis Mutttaiom Helm -.Ofllee Administrator
Joan, Coiurtneyy -. Titter
Subscription hates advance: Regular., 4$25.6e ttnel, postage and G.s.'t l : Senior
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• Foreign. & UM - 89$.e Publications Mail Registration No. 67656
bell at Goderich, Published 52 times a year,
e-maif> lue11401e04onteton.ca .
B.aek in the 'saddle' again
by, Amy Neilan
1. must say I have had, a
great time, here in
Lucknow and I look for-
ward to:, returning later in
the summer.
This ppast week,1 havebeen, filling. in at, the
' Sentinel while Pat has
been on a much. 'needed. -
vacation I'm, sure. ,
And, what a wonderful
little town you have here:
have never seen so much
spirit and pride for ones
community. This is evi-
dent, from my point of
view any way, in all of the
effort 1 have seen- being
taken. in organizing the
upcoming reunion.
Everyone. seems to be
involved and very -enthusi-
astic about the upcoming
The support that has
been 'shown for Dress
Down. Fridays in support like trying 'to ride a bike
of the swimming pool again,
repairs has, been amazing . Happy Mother's Day
Sunday .is Mother's Day
and 1 would like to wish a,
Happy Mother's Day to ail
mothers out. there. It's too
bad we only take one day.
out of each year to -show
our appreciation and love
to our mothers, We all
know thattheir hard work
continues 24 -hours a day, _
365 days a year and
though we don't always
show it, all that work is
always appreciated.
I also want to wish my
mom a happy» Mother's
Day and tea, thank her for.
all of those tireless hours
she spent withme and any
Rout brothers and sisters.
teaching us, helping us,.
caring for us and support-
ing us with everything we.
choose to pursue.
as well, I know around
here nobody minds throw-
ing on their jeans for
work. It's nice to see a
community alt come
together;like .this. "1 hope
other communities 'wil'l
become infected by this
village's. spirit.
A big thanks to all who
have been a big help to me
this past week, especially
the Sentinel staff, 1 have
been out of the newspaper
business for over: a. year
now travelling and purse-
lug "other interests,' 1
thought it, would be diffi
cult•to be thrown back in it
again and, to try to remem-
• ber alt of the functions of
a newspaper. Everyone
was very helpful, and after
a. day or two it was just
e n tai'• f a l
10 years ago.
May 4, 1988 .
whining sold The "Ashton
Building" o, n Lticknow's blain
street has a new owner,
`. according : to BA. McDonagh: Real
' Estate. The new proprietors, of retie
Campbell..' Street location are.
Dewayne and Marlene: Oreig..af
F Wellesley.
The building consists of four com-
mercial ;businesses v: Your. Favorite
Things, ' DeeVee's Ladies' Wear, Hair
Creations and the Lucknow Variety
and Dry Gods, as well asAeight sec-
1-ond f1OOttpartmeri0.-"
'Farmers are back -< A drive . down
almost; any concession road .these
days will find the local farmers culti-
vating and. seeding. According'to the
Bruce County Agricultural Office in
I. Wallkerton, the season. has gotten off
to, a much .slower start than last spring
but is still about tiornial for this •
"Today, we look • to, be .'• about
eek behind the normal : date for
seeding," says :Mac Bolton, District
Agriculturist'for Bruce. County, but
if the weather holds;; we should, be
.right on schedule Last season was an
"e tceptionally early 000 .4
20`yea1's• ago
pard on.'t pat. A. Lucknow
:area than, has. requested :a
r . rebate from the. mon County
pard: of Education as; eirnburset ent.
f '.r tui ion.'he " a : in �-..to, send hist
�► , t,.. s p yt �
•S0 years ago
May 6, 1948
utdoor. telephone booth
The Bell ' Telephone
Companyhas installed an
outdoor pay telephone - booth ':at the
corner of Mason's garage•
;Awards for safe drivingx ". In;
recognition . of ' accident. -free driving
records to the end of1947, truck dri-
vers foil SilverwoOd Dairies :;al the
Lucknow and +Cargill :pla>ntss were
awarded- ';last :weep with 0,ntario
Safety Medals
The local awards were made last':
Thursday at staff n'ieetitig held at
they creamery, Charles Steward
received a gold medal, emblematic of
12 years' accident -free, .driving;
George .Hassal, a seven -yea` Medal;
and Cameron', MacDonald. a;tw -year
Inter*t address: Orap://www.bowesanet.Ccfinflticluva'wr
Youngster 190
for a. good piace'
to go • fishing
Dear editor,
Recently, me and my brother decided to go fishing..
We went to the •spot we go every year, Beingcourteous,
we went to the door and asked the owner if we could: go
fishing on their property. the reply was no, The owners
on both ' sides of the river
decided to .make it private
My reason ,for writing is
the Town of Lucknow does-
n't want young people "hang-
, .......
out on thestreet, but they won't let uson their prop-
erty to fish. If me and my brother were destroying
things; then they would have reason, to say no to us. But
all we wantedto- do was walk: down to the river bank
and'stand, and fish, 1 don't see any harnS.in that. Every
good place in town is private property. And that
Shari MacDonald
Cheek out
Dear editor.
At the Monday, April
27 regular board meeting
of the I1uron County
Federation of
Agriculture, members
raised' concern with the.
number of companies
who are signing tap
Mineral Rights leases for
oil and gas exploration.
Lease rates vary from•$t
to $5 per acre.
We would recom-
mend checking any lease
with your lawyer before
signing. Terms under
Various leases appear to
be negotiable.
Henry Boot, President;
Huron County FA,
Synodical meets ire Straford'
"Much Ado About
Missions" was the theme
of the Hamilton -London
Synodical Society held in,
,Knox Presbyterian
Church, ,Stratford, April
21-22. .
The president, Helen
McLeish, Niagara
Presbyterial• presided for
the meeting.. • .
Special guest, Iie;len,
Kuo from Taiwan brought.
greetings from the Taiwan
Presbyterian Church and
mentioned' that after 126
years "the first Presbyterian
mi ssionaary,_.Dr._ _Me=Kay•
from Harrington, Oxford:
County is a legend there.,
Margaret (Greig)
Robertson,. program secre-
tary for WMS •told of.'her
experiences in Taiwan and
Japan 'Although only •six:
Per cent; of the .population'-
in Taiwan is..Christian,'
there are 'more
Presbyterians,' than in
roost .lowly' people in . Presbyterial''s • " from
India. Niagara, Sarnia and
.• Since the arrival of the Hamilton,
Buchanans and other nits, ... ,The 1998-99 executive
sionaries, Christian.hosp- vva's installed by 'Esther
tats, schools and churches pal/4;0,11, president of the
have been built. •
• Her tour guide was:
Pauline Brown. who has
served as a irissionary in . included:' Agnes Bregman,
•India for 45 years and will . Tee'swater; Brim a.
receive honorary Haldenby,. Kiniough;
Doctor of Divinity at, the: Shirleyal,l
Mit), 4onvocaton at Knox . Kincardine N[cClsabel.
e;;Colege: '• 'MaymeWAshfield,
`a _Bble stu-dy_op•feed-:.MafJor v3;-1eInbreC sfeld,•AEC,'Eileen Chambers,. RippImo,
Ink-thevthousand WithMarion MundeI,. Corrie
'five loaves ilii two Fishes, And Wilma .•, Clarke and,
The "worship'. services, ";.Margaret deBoer, South
were led by the gnloss•
WMS: council.
Delegates, from..
Maitland . Presbyterial
The; Presby. terian•. ,1
Church'in Taiwan. soot
$7,000 "Canadian to assist
the ice storm ;victims in
Eastern : •Ontario and
.Quebec" The olid way. vas, '
us doing; for them. and now
;..we are working in part er
Ship:- us working with
• Esther. Powell,. presi-•
dent Ofthe W1 tS eottiictl
.told of her tri; to India to. Thomas.Henderson, . a Lecklnois native, neer-.
labiate t -:' bilee o . talned, Student*: :Bro ,:kslde� School: hist t� weak.'
ce �. tt�.ltli � l t �� .
• Rev, and• Mrs, Buelianart`s Henderson 'and iii :_$roup, Brt sif l In a, along
arrival to ive'rnedical Withhis Wife.'40.1i:Mont9oiiterY were spacial
, .. .
"assistanoc to the Phil. -. ir►ua•1.cal gunata, at .Lucknowr Presbyterian
pie in :Northern India:, The Church for .the 125th. anniversary last Sunday. •
hrls are considered the ,; C diiands photo),