HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1998-05-06, Page 2Page — Laei ow h7Y *, refilne' tic `'r NAYNi, 1990 Pinecrest commendsgovernment f corn 'Last t'areek.Minister of Health. I Iizabetkx VWitmer announced. a investrrtent of ►1.2 billion to improve i'ong term tare in the largest -ever expansion of. health' services in -Ontario. This. tzaulti-year plain is` great news for tate resil. denies of pitiecrest Manor, ,ucktiow. Tie plan , includes ,a.c:apital, feuding process..to encourage c4nu4, vataoiis of dire' n* facilities is well as more operating funding. for Pinecrest it 111Cans mora: t:ron;t-lin' cure prOvitlerS as well as a additional programs to meet the needs of resi- dents. (for .eicample . d.ieciciaun tQ planfor resi'. ent to residents then irtipls ta:ntc d wvel of. care funding,. a rational and fair 'system .Haat tics feuding' to the care requirements of residents. in 1997,.they commit, ted ata 4001 41 investment of $100.m•illion in oddi, tional, funding to irtCreastw horsing care, programs and services in,the 49.E l'a ilities' aiatosA Ontario, And now, in 1998, as the hospital' System "is being, restructured, "the overnment has denion- strntead their ctrniixtitmtr:nt to reinvest where Ilei; funds on be most effee- Ilya;, in voirimofity-hosed care including long term care facilities,. idents, at nutritional:risk). Inere;nsed operating dollars alyu mean that Pineo,r4st can meet the - increasing care needs. of residents in.the ptQvi5iu 1. Qt :Oxygen therapy, nthe- ifeeding .and intravenous therapy, etc. Thos is a wru: eictl piece Of the health. Care restructnriog, :as hos- pitals toc;us, thei "resoitrces :Qi.. more atcnte .patientS.: PthecteSt. is, ready, willing .and able to take on this s:?tpancled :and this. - plan rtiakcs it pussiblti. ' • This.government- has derntonstrete 1 a: Major ' csairirnitmeet to the resi- dents of Ontario long term care facilities.. In 1996, a vg.1141tlt:Att',lt lrtr'i Feliitirrtiftti aks.ii!tr t4 rn40 ii,t !1$ . r rr 1 , Qpti qqr .i '...,..... .. o rr"" a lo *Ariarkmettiors, rrtft.5,ANDrLUWE4 +$U4 &flQUsas. +41 Cr:,,159Rr NEW R, ►N. ' ARNP 234,. HWS $+4 (? nAdN►a* ryat►uerr4+Y A1+(!►. . Mon.•Ti UV*. 94 -R►i: 5,5 s Sat. 31)+!ir. more brQk n g d of rQtttn fermi posts? v rw posts,, ntanufactu,,red. from ' recycled plastic co itainerra ars +ry&rlasting.; ILL, Nl ED REQ! lttfQtmatiort and sypplies•avaiiabiefrom YQ1tr. Loco, Farre S41PP!Y P10:0 417. R P P . For tlealerr inquiiie cOritAct .; EyEI WQQ1, — Tel rs19) 717' - 1 `l FOX: ((49;) 773» PS reW vn liquor, la.id n Ash The Hinton detiiachinn nt of the OPP Import that 19 liquor violations tools plasm. in the a.Qunty over the last week, Sevett. char es woe 'laid in Ashfield:Township. six in tho Viilage -of Bayfield„. four in Httllett'ihwnship� and: two in Tttkersrxtith Township. These' people' were all charged under the, Uigttor Licence Act. A 1'T -year -oh Qoderihla youth was charged with public mischief. resisting attest. police assault and brea4alt of proba, tion after an incident On. April 25. Police were dispatchedto a r uisy beach party in Port Albert at about 24.111. A.male wits :seen committing a liquor vtaal'atiun He became argumentative, giv- ing officers two different names. police: say there were signs of intQxiettt.icttt. The. youth resisted arrest. striking an officer,. He was token to Goderich and released to his parents, Court has been set,in Attie. . A' 19-year=gild Lit.- 2 l: uafknow man. has been charged with impairedancl'over violat n d To snip 80 lugs after a .motor vehicle ccttlisiaria ci marred on County Road 22, •Mast north. of County Iniad 20., iiron County on ,pdi1.26, at about 2 mu, Two , passengers received minor injuries and were transported. to Winghnm hospital: a id released, The driver: had a heavy odor. of alar hot on his-'breath'and wits taken for breathalyzer tests. He was, released on a promise to appear iia QQdcrk* court on, Janie 1. Abuitt $.250Q damage was done to a shed at Maitland Valley conservation Authority, The incident was reported to police on April 24. • • Wood. was ripped diff .`l shed and horned. The bonfire wits: found a short clistt; n e front the bedding. Antique ftarniture was stolen front a Port Albert area Cottage. A pane of glass was broken oot of a door to gain entry, The report was -filed oh April 24. The theft occurred about S part. Value of the furniture was $2,U0(l. . • 9,1,1 is the three digit • telephone number used, to. report an emergeneyy or to: rrecitiest ein rgenQy canis-. range. 'This telephone number makes it faster atn . °easier to reach Polc, Fire aaad Annbttltnnee{ seer. ' vices, 4rwee Co:tnty will implement the "Enhanced" 9.F-1 emergency respaiise1. . `sYstenta• ,an May 29, 1998, eigrtlaancedv 9-1...1 relates: then capability of the systeita to cl'isplay. the t ddress, ctt' thte 9.1-1 caller' On the computer screen 'at tine Emergency Dispatch Centre..if voice communis eatxotl"is cut off for what- ever itwsQil► errnergenc,y.,:: ;sPrvikes.can..stikl be.sent to *C4111094011, t.. • Of Whl lia'my Adm?' . The"enhanced. syster}lrequires every property to have its owti, identifiable address'tn.. order that the computer system can link your tele- phone' nr}ber with year location, • Rai a1 'properties have ail -been assigned- a: ner"w. Civie'Address which cow. sists of •gin tr.ber -A 11? road name, Together,. the It ay 29 number and; name .make ug your prpperty address, j!$t like in a eity ori tt*wn,. The reflective ngtttierk ai -Sips were posted "at rural adlresses so emergency. vehicles-'.oan locate the property in an, .. emergency ..Enhanced9.11., service.. its ca mirig to Bruce:Caanty - on May 29, 199$. Kinloss and Lueknow , , j 1 phone stickers are,: now available at." Bver1astings. :and The.. Lilc..know, +i Miner, �yimrir�,win..T L A ga.Jacksonvil woman will be 4ompeun8 . the llcirida" State uvanrr '. en's softball chairipir onships this•weelcgnd in a. hitt .to advance to the., Q acv nattQnais national: championships. l • ond:lace in their league Was won by • eQuuelph Missy Biemaii'and iter The top two teams its: ach: Gators, with a deeiszon,r . Florida Community col. of the four l?iorida leagues over thew, he Surre,y, lege of Jacksonville J -Star ' ,qualify for the state crani, Sfoxrti, te,alriiriatos are in Taisney . ; pionship. One.of the pitchers tor' World beginning . tomor Tho state chainpiori,; the Storni last yearn .was. row . to Compeio. irho and only the state champi- ' Kelly Zeilstra who, pitch- state.championship tour-,. on, advances, to. *the .es, for Lake Ci.t{y`. nainent. The J -Stars are in National Junior' College 'ConinittilitY Cotlegc, the, • the . Midi .F1orad4 ';Athletic Association; team which finished first; Conference, championship tournament. in the Mid Florida 13ieman• is a pitcher for • B•ieman, the. 19 -year Conference ' ahead of the team old daughter _of Neil and . Florida Community She-'eoinpited' a 25-3, , Nancy Bientan of ::College at,iacksonville. record `during the season: Wingharri is a first-year , Although the.Lake .City '.and posted the best ERi _ student at'FCC-J ,tri the team , finished first in the state and the second sports. management 'pro- .$roman has posted a cou-, best'.in the country, at .21., gram. She is attending the pie of "'ons against.. She was also fourth in, that two-ycat junior college. on Zeilstra, They were the country.• in s,trikepttt.K with a full softball seholar.'.hip. only defeats suffered. by 184 Ks, Iii 1997_, the young . Zeilstra this season, Woman was" the, winner Wingham. pitcher was a Bieman's parents and .of the team's,. coaches rtiernber of the London rgrandpafentsWilma and award aid was.; a first team' Lightning, tkie.host.'teatn Grant:. Chisholm aof all -conference player. for the Canadian' Midget t.uckn'ow, will be travel - The r',Start , caneluded, Girls Softball champi- ling ;to: Florida for the the regular season, in sec- ,ofShips, That tournament competition. •