HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1998-05-06, Page 1• Ir010., 126 :WIC, IS WEDNESDA* M kt,199$ 64c. ANCIAJOES,O,S,M tudents raise Ay Amy Nellands After having three stu- dents requiring'eare in London's, Sick Children's Hospital, staff *and stu.= (kilts at Arooksidd' Pubh School have been busy fantl.ralsiflg,. for' the C'hildren's Miracle Network,. •an annual lbmd,. raiser for the hospital, We have seen a. lot of tutierilio that hospital," said teacher Patricia 'Aker, one of tho or8artik, ea, of the funtt-ralSer, She ne that lately, three stutlents. in particular have needed' serious care from the hospital due 19 den. anti illnesses. 'This has been impetus for us to tlo the funti tirive boto," The' sehool eommunity • Soren Lindahl, ktnOeniareinical: Hendrik% Weft Z ";°717.411:t1:; chNotteit in front Qt th 401 • Nobe"Ste, 't ckrota home bowittOws4111., ing,balloonatO s d, has been, very supportive, said Efaker. So fat', 300 Miracle Network balloons have boon sold, raiszwj. about $300 for the. hospi- tal. 'WO have almost reached our g.inal," she sant Only 200 more must bt sold for thent to reach their pal which they hope to meet by mid-May. 0444 they reach tho vat of sellin4 500 or Metre balloons, on of the students, Who. reeoyeteci at the hospital from an A441- • 444t. wilt be able, to pauict- pat in tho Miracle NotWorkTelothon which ah's,onlVlity, 30,31, • Those interested in ,k(ineAtieeke MjqI 1140ork,4-itgr, ink thqtyr,thr,o44.1t t,h9;, shoot within the nexty couple of weeks. Denatots. will be. igivgo, 4'. to, receipt which 4Att he, issued from. the 14Q/109119 Sick • • qhilrinin* 140ortitat photo) .',..;lticlt:V,elilent: made to the :coufl al t1.4,1/44,1‘1., vestigate suspicious fire OPP art investigating, A stispicious fire that which mewled about 3p.rn. on Sunday, May 3, at 3$ qv Ox. oati. in Kinloss- Township. A travel trailer was, 4estroYett by fire, POO world like to tak to two-naon' sen. IA/Q*1k*, gm, wit%51ege‘tibOil,A%rattleit ‘.74hite*„2Q t� 3tY years of tworown bait 1014 ktmll.Ntta, hevy grAtto/tc,4 plaid shot, The sCood:wfts, 40,410,44whitei ttkchgpistiObkilick tiotticittriod,,fiViintpOles.A04 were seen to,lea.voi areain 1 ,Ti • AliXtloW,I;ttith information is asked to cohtact. thp IgStiolloaWittkrtQu'OPPqt 3-9(1,33-41„ • h.tt fiwign- A t4x Iliko for 1i -race . , Toal, 044110N. Pad again! Just an updato,. on what's, going on for., thP-Par,ack " SP, far,. w have had a lot, of ihterestabOtitpartietpar tion, if you re intre&ted in tegisteriri&I we recorn,, triend doing so as ; early as possiblo', itwould make it much eaSier day of the parade. will be, very busy ,, . , for our conimittee. Forms, are available at the $entipel- office or the tourism' We have three groups. of Shriner& froth' Mocha Temple $„hrino participating. so far, arlQ•AlAybe.Afontth, 14k. 4N: s..011,wakin for confirmation. tor 100 Pqr-Qql)f q.Ofi1riPati00- git'anPtherbantf but it h?oks like w wi//, have lPt§,,.0frousie.iw-eur, parade!, As, in' PEPuiPtt,..1'ettntori-,Paraties,, snki,,PatOng will be pgratitte4 on cataPil'Street *PC.P- main- street has,' shrunk SO it is, important to give the atidiettee, andthe pQoPlc, in the. parade as, TAO) room On the ba.(41c Pf the parad, rvgistration. fo0.12, you will find a MAO- showing where the vari00$•'entries, arc • to lifig, up and where parking where will be availnble, 'Next, parade corArnitteq,'. rtic(,:Ong is May "141:, 7:30 at the tourisM olfie at the gP0t0.1, '01-11PI:t1Xi We NN4cPll'lq;anY,Pne,a114 • • oun1y. rcsicients is- in th,L._ works, 444Q0111g.tCrAdraft, • btldget tabled at POnntY. 'eOuneil's April session, ' The budget _ proposed by 4ruce,cOunty's, finance .00intruttee contains; a 3,3, levy increase aact clearly shows the impact of promittoial' downloading 4y" contrast, the total, increase in eeantY:t.AAP8' from 199..1,0 1992 was,. 0,,211)er'eent.or 1:4e Oottn,t5es, exPerlSe,S, are up 102:6 per cent a& 4TuQp, takc on $8.7 inillion Wer91of ser- liiRqs,44wit1o.444q& from: the province. At the' sante time, ePttntY, reventles,, are expcted 10 deeli,ne, 60.1 per cent, Deq414,W, Of Provincial grant Cuts., The taximpact of down- loading will be lessened by the provinee,'-s140ve to piQk up halfThqeducation fjortio, of the property, tax,' bill. cOunkty's ease, that 4rriourits, to Si 1,8 inillion. Financt'Aice-hair Daid Fax o?,110.4. A a "vit- • tuallY, task to under the Who Does What re.roons„ revenue neutral. Order for, It. to be revenne.ne4tral thQ: OWSY Virtually iii)s$ibto make' • .soeptce, • '( Y0011 rinieht, is,,o,xpeste4 to *over; 1,7, per, centsavings' or $40,000, riPiOnlY in Qtn'' current budget but, also- in tie new responsibilities„. that we. haye, 'been; assigned,” Ifts.,report badget.,..recoVerS, $228,000 in savings." Pox said the fact that: the county 'haS. no. say in running, most of the new services, means, it itaS,no ehanee to find Ways 10. tomthose bittlgol„s, For "the - triOt. part We .44 hot: adnikt4texint the7 new Sorvico,s, but only 4Y4riar: AVOIC9, • be stud: The reportnotesthay even afte aliowing fol., the, so,,called, education tax room, the eounty. will face additional costs for high- •' the health unit and , chtithetiaid, that 'are not covered in the. Community .1tpinvestinen.t Fund. A,. AIAler coneern is what'the countypredicts., a a. .$440,900 provincial. underesti Mate in ocia1 service costs. Th-ak item alone could boost the levy .inetease,to Vpet,cent. Fox 'admitted. 0e.. finance committee was 'surprised by th .astro-- n0iXtical figures". for set,-, Viees;•stteh as. land atribli- ititteo that cost is 6stiritat. O nt $2.8,1111.11i0A, dra= matie inrease froin .the province.s estimates of just four months. ago, But he described the draft bud= ,gst4s,.4 "fair otto,base.d'on thi,,,;; hest figures available. stitoi to page $,'