HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1998-04-29, Page 13201 ousinoss pp. AMAZING FACT. The Internet will grow by 270.1% in 24 trio's. Earn up• to, 1Sk/mo. with Canada's fastest growing Internet Franchise. Full training; investment Req'dl. 1-888- 878-75138,-100 -888-87875138 17bO CHRISTIAN FRANCHISE' ' Join the World's lst Online Christian Franchise. Exclusive territories yielding. excepti*nat ROL Full train4 ing & support.: For free info call 1.840.668-7326.--1.7bc: START YOUR OWN busi- ness or expand your opera. tion ' with ArmorThane Coatings. Canada"s #1 sprayed -on truck bent liner. Exclusive dealership oppor- tunities available now. Call', 1 800-363-6100.•-17bc START 7 AMAZING HOME BUSINESS'S next Week. Toll FREE 1.888-522-9690; Ext. 149, 24hrs "-17bc 30. Ellnpi•. Wanted BABYSITTER AVAILABLE Monday to Friday ter the summer. References avail able. Paula Taylor at 528- 211OT--17.20x 3.115 Service Directory AGNEW JEWELLERY • REPAIR' -,watch, clock, jew- ellery, , Free estimates., Pickup and delivery can be arranged. 698 Havelock.• Street, across from Medical Centre. tail '528.3;512 or 528.39440.--18tfar 45' $TORAGE TRAILERS, -for rent, Economicai .store age, ideal for contractors, arniers; arid home owners. Phone 695-5167.--34tfcc ' LAWN SWEEPING avail-. ' able. Walk behind sweeper, sweeps.debris from lawns. or -gravel from ditches and 'aerates lawn at the .same time.. Debris is bagged and* hauled away. This machine also sweepspaved• drive ways or smolt parking'lota., • Reasonable rates. Phone 395-5655.--16-18xc The Fully. Computerized Water Conditioner For Your: Hard Water Preibiems •Removes and prevents limoscale . -Environmentally friendly; sat chemicals not required •No plumbing alterations - •Gives all the benefits ot'saft water •Guts energy bills,,saves appliances , •Water remains drinkable. ►Much kinderto skin hair and 'plants • •Maintenance free; -safe and ', hamlless- •Only costs $10 a yearto run •Absotutelyguaranteedto work - •Five year factory warranty, -100 day 'No Quibble' money back guarantee FOR MORE INFORMATION AND ORDERING CONTACT: Brian and Kathy Rivett R.R.#1y Kincardine .. 519-395.0366 Fax 5197395-0473 1488-462-8.108 31. Service. Directory 311. Service Directory CARL G. i, 1 ( ►:i9) 392-.6491 Fax : ,(519) 39R-13199 '`.t . t. ,n,ted GENERAL fONTAAC77NG Box 209. 'reeswater. Ont. NOG 280 Residential • Agricultural. • camnierctst • Pre -Et *Supply nre nd S. Steel Bur ilding, R.A. HAVENS ELEC.. TF.1 . '.Residential # Farm. "Commercial Electrical Contractors. • Light fixtut'as,. tamps, hulbs, etectrigal.supplies Peeler for; BRADFORD 'EXCHANGE. Evening appolntmantS: available Rod Havens LUCKNOW 526-2067 Hi -Hoe 'Dozer Gravel & Top Soil, Barry Johnston Holyrood' (519) 395.5231 32... Babysitting`': BABYSITTER REQUIRED for summer" 98, for active energetic 4 and 8 year old' in our home near. Brookside SchooL, Spine, Saturday and Sundays involved. Please send resume to A� Hendriks, R.R,' 7, •Lucknawt' ant. NOG 2H0. -717,18 BABYSITTER NEEDED irl: Holyrood area. Willing to accommodate for shift work; To 'Start May 24 part-time. C4 39544228. --17 34. Personal •A octet wits be incurred. EVANLY-RAYS Psychic Answers, "Police.. use us....Rated #1 in Canada: Instant answers about love, money, career, Lucky • #s; relationships. Achieve suc- cess!!! $2.99/min., 18+, 24 hrs., 1-900-451-4055, --1O 24cc - *A cast will be Incurred. HAVE YOU C.ONSULTEb REAL CLAIRVOYANTS and; mediums •before? • Then come discover the unexplic- able • experiences of Karononna Zanmort (Inc.), 28 years experience; .very. prrecise. She can describe and give youyour sign. Learn fromher ether well known mediums and :ctair Voyants. To find out your future, CALL <1.900451- 9602.. 8+, $4 991min., 24 hrs/7days.--17bc "A cost will be incurred. 1998 • 'FORECAST! , Relationships, money, advice or any other. topic. It is your choice, .Severai live psychics to choose ;from, 1 - 1 ,No recordings; $3.95/min. 19+. 24hrs: -17bc 34. Personae 1A cost will be incurred. LIVE ,CANADIAN: PSY- CHlOS.1.1. Get answers to. all your questions. Dream interpretation, love, money, future. 1-900-561-2005, 24 lira, 10+. $3.99/min:-47bc MALE IMPOTENCE .cor- rected and prevented. Decline associated with age, medigations, surgery,, diabetes, injury tan be over- come. Frear information/advice; Performance Medical Ltd., Box 892, Vernon, BC,' V1T 6M8 1-800-663.-0121;•• 17bc y*wr*******w*******. KATHERINE'S PSYCHIC * *Falco & Tarot Card Readings . * • advises on'r111 problems *.. of Life, Love, Marriage, ' • ,** Business, Health, Travel. * Free Question, See, her * * • • she can'help you. •919-238-8404 s*.. * Available tqr Parkes: • ***lilt*;k**1s !ver**fink".*** ONO AMPUTEES WOULD JUST URE TO SAY, TRAM! i`2 kW"The .War Amps Al 38. Anlnouncf.ments 1ucktnow Sentinel, Wednesday, April 29,:1 99 - page 13. 7. No tgime* 1P > 2" M,ortga a Money Abaotutely No Upfront Fees. Available as low as, 0.5O Interest Petspnei !,Dans if you gvatiiy, payments Anit. AOvr9),4 M.a. PaYMPri , 'a14.,000 6.004 ' 41.66 # 83.33 '155,000 '126,00 Consolidate your debts Cali (519)3634211 14QQ-307-1032 ,ASTRAL. FUNDINGINC• 38. Auctions . • A • udio - Sale Saturday May 2 Peter & Evelyn Cook • Property & Household. Effects Lucknow • Saturday May 9 Robert Maybury Farm RR #2 Wingham Saturday May 16 Kurowskii 2ygmunt Household Items & Tools Brussels - Monday May 18'. •: Wayne & Kathryn Todd St, Helens Saturday May 23 ' Dave Dennison Welding, Automotive& Tools, West of Lucknow, Hwy #86 Saturday May 30. Jessie ..ioynt . . Lucknow ' Saturday June 6 Leiper.Bros. • Farm Machinery. •• Hutletttownship Saturday Jurtie13 . Ron OampbetI Property'&' House • Kincardine Township, Armour- ' Tues. &.Thkirs, K.W. Stockyards Fridays .B. russeis'Livestock AUCTIONEER. Brian. `Rintaul • . 157r2349..., pinery Antique Flea Market Located 3 chiles south of Grand Bandon Hwy #2.1 Open Every Sunday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Beginning May 3rd • 250 vendors under the shade of Oak Savannah Forest • •.paved walkways • concession stands • • newtncrchandise anti antiquities in'main•buii'ding • • Wheelchair accessible* handicap facilities ! '. Ph/Fx 519-23$•8302 1VU( 11 THIS PUBLIC '.1ION FOR 17[:IaiES OF OUR NOSTALGIA ANIIQ['[: ( O[.LI:(.tOR SIR)1V Saturday July 18 - Early Bird Friday 3 p.m. - dusk Mlnldtrynit "ot ttotYtli BRUCE COUNTY Ontario Housing .. Corporation HOUSING AUTHORITY The Bruce County Housing Authority ,currently -has one bedroom rent geared -to -income' apartments available On, the ground floor in the towns of, Ripley and' Lucknow.,. These accommodationsare'available;!to Canadian'.. Citizens or Landed immigrants, 16 years of age or older and applicants must be able to live independently. These units are wheelchair; accessible. Application forms and additional information may be. Obtained from: Bruce County Housing Authority 325 Larnbtan St,. P,O. Box 1450 Kincardine, .Ontario' N2Z 2Z4 1.800-265-3022 or. .(519)':396;•3439 38. Au0ti0n44 YOST AUCTION SERVICE FARMS ESTATES HOUSEHOLD Selling at our Auction Centre or your premises Robert Yost Auctioneer 518.595-8756 519-528-3814 Consignments for May 30 Sate IT H IN • CANADA! 30* Auctions AUCTION ALE Monday, May 4 Wilma lit. Ellwood EWott at the farm. Friday, May 22, •. Lucknow Arena Two household lots from boundary east :Lucknow_piuS '' other consignments. Alan R. Miller: . Phone or Fax 395'5067 .c.TION ,AL.r, Farm Sold Auction Sale of truck, tractors, combines, farmmachinery, mise. items to be held at`Lot 1, Conc. 0 Kinloss. Twpp. 5 mi. north of •Lucknow & 2 mi. west Of Hoiyrood on .Monday, May 4 at 11:00 a.m. Truck rn 1982 Int. 5.1724 w/345 motor, 10 ton hoist, .14" stock rack - (excellent rubber, certified March. 98). . • Tractors:- 40. 6400 w/cab, dual remotes, weights, excel!.. rubber, 1770 hrs., J;D 2350 w/146 loader, rear .rubber, 1 yr, •old; -Ford Ford. 4000 wrndustrial loader, rear rubber 1 yr, old; JO 3300 combine w/pickup, rubber oxcart.; MF 775 hydro. 12' swather- w/conditioner; Knerveland 4 fur. semi -mount adj• 18" plow; • Knerveland 3 pth,16" 3 fur. plow; JD 21514' disc.; AC 16' cult.; Allied 5 sect; dreg harrows, (new); 9' Chain harrows; 40 825f118 run seed drill w/grass seed & fort.; J!? 7' trail mower; JD 6401 hay rake; JO 336 baler; Allied auto bale stooker; JD grain auger. wagon; hay tedder; 10' packer; 12" .Oanaiaser.post'hole. digger; • JQ 100 mixmtll; JD 450 hydr. ram manure spreader; 444 races & wagons; Arno 51' x 7" grain auger; Westfield i6" it 4." grain'' auger; McKee. 6' single auger snowblower; Mise, - Cockshutt 21 walking plow; water tanks; 80 cedar posts, - .32' aluminum ext; ladder; hog feeders; Snow fence; :alt compressoplus2r; wagons Natiofonal. grainitemss.cale; quan. of lumber & scrap iron; mise, 150 pullets (fall 97) ' ` . . • Feed - approx. 1000 bales of straw, 1000 bates of .hay & 8 • tonnes of mixed grain. Machinery to be sold approx,1-1:30 p.m. ',Terms - Cash or cheque day.at sale. Proprietors & auctioneers riot responsible for arty accidenta•:1. deletions day of sale',. • • Proprietors - Elwood dt Wilma Elliott ($19):395-2750 Auctlorteer* " • I. Joseph ZOO'Doug Jacob. Allan Miller (519) 8879599 _ (510,271.7094. (519) 395-5062 4UcT1q1N. - Livestock, Machinery & Household Effects will be held for Mayburry Stock Farm (Robert P, Mayburry). Lot 16, Conc. '12 Turnrerry Township,, 4 mites north of Wingharn on Hwy. #4 Saturday, May 9th, 1998 12:00 Noon HORSES Registered quarter horse stud (DNA) 8. yrs. old; 3 d• year old filly; 9 year old grade mare - broke ride; 2 year old. quarter horse, gelding; •Pinto pony : mate broke to ride and drive. CATTLE: Blond Herford bull 2 yrs. old;• Long -honied cow with: calf; tong -horned cow - bred; 3 Herford heifers:- 1 Slack heifer; 2 Herford bull calves; Long -horned Herford heifer calf. HOUSEHOLD: Mot Point fridge (almo'nd;, table; dresser; Westinghouse 30 in. •stove (green); 'couch & chair; armchair; chest of drawers; dining room table & chairs; many small items. MACHINERY:. Cockshutt 1354 with cab - new rubber, 3 PH 16- 30 tires; North American 6 1/2, ft. snoWbiower,:single auger; '10`; ,ft. Kingskilde cultivator With levelling harrow; New Holland bale elevator; bale thrower wagon with 18 ft, rack; New Holland 327 Manure, spreader; 4 section diamond harrow: • LIVESTOCK TRAILER: Smith 16 1/2 ft.''steel stock trailer, goose -neck tandem ;2 Yrs. 'old, with divider, 7000 ib; axle, like new. MISCELLANEOUS: 40 ft. aluminum ladder; chain saw; cement mixer; bam;jack; .wheelbarrow; pbny harness; driving harness;. pony cart; roping saddle; western saddle; pony saddle. Numerous tack boxes & horse related items. Wagon load of miscellaneous, Farm is sold. Pian to attend: .TERM$: Cash flr acceptable Cheque with proper Ip day of sale,... NOt responsible for. accidents. Verbal announce/nents take .precedence averadvertising; items; listed 'as described by, owner. , For more information call Robert Ptvlayburry. RR 2 Wingham, . (519)392-8363 • Auctioneer Brian Rintoul (619)'357-'2349'.