HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1998-04-29, Page 4rag 4 -lett 110 Sentinel, Wednesday, Aprf129r 1998' Changes sfaikkess orders Air subscriptions. and' ursteliverab1e espies ireturri postage snraranteedl are lobe se' `rhe Voc6ow Sentinel at the address.indicated here. Mvertising is aiccepted An the condition that* Moven( era `typwgraphlcal error, the por- A Sows Publishers Community Newspaper 61:u Campbell St., •saelxnnow, Ontario R0,130x 49Q, Luelxnow, Ontario Nom. 2110 • phone: ;(51:9152 2322 ax: f5I13 528-3529• . 4...Established,1873.- Tam Thotupsoxt A4trertis er. . Pat Livingston - rxeneral mer tor Phy is Matthte .s Beirtz �- Hca Atiministr'ator Joan .Courtney,TypesettOir ubscrpptimn Rates advance: Regular $2.5.6 . postage and G$ T l Senior $24,52 li,ael. psistage and G.S;T;h Frrretgsi & USA - $98. ®; Publtcattons Mail .t egtatraGUon No. 07656 held .. Qdeniolr, Orrtarto. Pubitstred 52 times a year. „ lion oldie advertising. space optupied by the erroneous #tem together nth a reasonable aQuwanee for signature, wilt not tie charged 1- . paidpp .t. . e«rTnart• ducksent�+�uronccl.on•ca � Internet address: tattP%%'I.wvww.t�owesi�efi.cramft�rcl�oir!f Pm but the balance of the advertisement will he at (be applicable rates, Pnylliis and 1, were to king the other day" r. about the people in our.. ornmun.ity. Nit, we weren't gossiping. . . We were talking with - pride and amazement at the facilities we have here. We've hardly taken a few deep breaths since everyone worked togeth- er to .pay off the pew' sports complex, Next•on the agenda. was the aging swimming pool. A little slow to -get off the ground, tliis pro- ject .has, now taken preee- dente and various groups and ind'i:viduals are Putting . their, support behind this refurbishing: That project just gets going and we hear about the. proposal of •the Kinsmen Club to add: two more S.QC°Ge'r• fiel'd+, mak- ing a total of three, • Here' we . are, a vlilage of 1,100 •with three. close,' inter- -knit munici palities combining our forces. to .' bring about all these great things -. most•of grants: Volunteers we them that enhance the have More than aur fair lifestyle of people in our'. . share, .I'll bet there are communities. • ;: larger communities .who The governments keep.. are just a'httle jealous. gutting, but .our people , • Let's take stock of,the keep .forging ahead to- recreational facilities we �n-ethin 40000} l+i b `at' C.W n StQtt • alk abouWriter. feels t°wn should sho mo elastin: we: have: two top notch ball have . the diamonds, <a new sports• best sports complex, squash cs tirts,. foci li t i:,4' s a' soon to be newer 'swim - around. ming pool, .three. soccer It takes 'fields, threeplayground cooperation areas, `'lawn' .bawling to 'pull off greens, tennis courts, a these feats nature walk, and.'park And onbe , fcilrities; beach volley- a c c o in:. , ball pits.:. plished %it w We should' bevery takes the proud of our coni unity( dedication As we work together of .marry .you can be sure that volunteersouter cornirntinities are to work at talking about ass. But we• the pro, don't mind, do we? L,et`s.continue giving them -something to talk about Never hesitate to strut your pride when ' you tell theni'*here. you live. s: nt neI Memoirs �stxns 1+��e ►�hf� 10 years ago • Apri127,.198$ _ . ire r ' Wilfred and Marion Austin of the., • Fourth Concession. • of.' . Ashfield Township lost their home and:all pos- sessions in afire last • Wednesday !-afternoon. • ` The Austin's noticed smoke pour-'" ng "from the ;residence upon their. ,return home • at about ' 3 p.m:' Wednesday and were able to ;place, a: call to. the Lucknow Fire Department before being forced from the home due to smoke and flame. jockey awards - Shawn`-Behriore' and Chris Stevenson were recipients of Minor Hockey. Association Awards, Sbawii. received .the Allan Maclntyre Memorial • Award, Chris` received the Stewart Mann Memorial Award. 20 year ago; April 26, 1978 SHIP ,- •;Murray Gaunt.' MPP Huron-Brucehas chaired. the ' committee that recommended the'OHIP premium increase- lye with- drawn and the Ontario provincial government present alternatives to it: Holme from South Africa --: •f rnship Russell , Barr, who was raised in _ E nlough and ' graduated front;. Liieknow District High. School, has. returned home` from South' Africa where. he worked as. a consultant: -engineer for. four years. ' He has accepted a transfer 'to Thunder Bay:. where he and his wife, Trixie, . and their four children will make their: new home, . 50 years ago April 29, 1948 ,aby' chicks perish `- t�crnon `Hunter lost 225. baby chicks :A 'last Wednesday afternoon; when tire broke our in the colony, • 'house. The •- chicks were about 7; weeks old. Two more Dutch families have set - tied on farms in this district, having arrived at Goderich on Tuesday of last week- . Mr. and Mrs.: 1-L Bourma,and fami-; ly, and Mr: and Mrs L k1aev,r and; family are the newcomers: Lucknow Sepoys, were honored on Thursday night at -a banquet lir the Town Hall, at which ,the Free Pres Trophy was presented, emblematic of. the Intermediate ."B" championship of Western Ontario Association. prideof iocai hero bear'editor::. • ,goal. He has been consid- I am °a Lacknow boy, :erect' for the Hockey Hall Even though 1 im in of Fame- in Toronto and. Australia at this moment Canada has recently put and •haven't lived: in : his face on a coin- to cele- Lucknow for over three brate the 25th anniversary . • years, 1- still consider of his achievement . in n yself a Luekno:w boy. :1972. kiss goal in 1972 and an proud to say I was made every Canadian raised in Lucknow, proud to he a Canadian. l . have. read .Paul' Even though wasn'tborn. Henderson's autobiogra- at 'the time.. when 1 think . phy and he is also proud to :about his goal 1 am proud say ' he was' raised in• to be a Canadian. More Lui;know. " ; than that though 1 am proud to say I grew up in, . and played hockey in, the same town- as Paul Henderson. . The purpose of .this let ter is to ask,, ''Why: hasn't Lucknow done something 'lhtrn to page 5 Paul Henderson is a hockey heroin our caun try, ,He had' a . great career in the NHL and the WHA;. He represented our coun- try -in 'the.197.2, Canada vs. • .Russia Slumtnit Series. He scored -the series winning. >'�'�e best uiterest Qf s�tud�nts • being met, writes Huron MPP. Dear Editor; ;lance, and'board adminis- I would Tike to respond 4ration;. to the questions posed in a ' . ' These numbers will., recent letter to the editor remain stable if the enrol - coin Paul yck, merit lovl a the boar fD d President, Teachers Union remains stabie..If the of Huron. enrolment level increases' Question #.1 , Are the the •board, will. see an best interests of the.:stu- • increase .in :dollars, if';, dents being met? Question •.en'rolrnent ,declines .as #2: Pas the government forecasted by the board, kids fit?. Tanswer -lantount of'' will toput each.;orsf ,.these.he is, .a-. decreaeaase: Hencedoll, warsish a resounding YESI 1 give . projected decrease in: the following reasons to enrolment for 200010, the support my answer. ' board will have less dol Spending for. the Avon- tars due to a decrease in Maitland District School enrolment. Board will increase! The It isin the best interest. board' has received -more of the board to:, ensure' that dollars for classroom the public is cognizant of expenditures -°and - non- the Meritsf public educe - classroom .expenditures:. tion because this board In 1997 the board. needs to ensure enrolment received: Classroom? levels remain stable or $77,728,097; :non-clasig. increase. room„ $43,184,375; total . ' Students at the board operating, $120,912,472. will receive the same dol - In '1998199 the board will , lars on their education, as receive:'. classroom, the students inTitnnit'rS, $79,533,435: non --class Toronto and Windsor for . •room, $45,063;506; total the first time in the history operating; $124;596;94' o- publicty- funded educa- - A total increase of a.0 j tion. This is:, very.good '. cent. news for the, students of Classroom"expenditures Huron, because they have include such things as, traditionally received, less classroom teacher, teacher . dollars for their education. assistants, textbooks, sup- Fair Funding is something plies, computers, library that the students, parents and, guidance, Non -class- and teachers in Huron room expenditures include County` asked this govern - light, heating and imainte- ment for, through a peti- - tion.campaigta. The .gov- -ernment listened to those requests and responded- as previous governtrients had' failed to do. . This government and; the taxpayers ,of Ontario ;are•putting students;: first.. We are directing more dol-' lars -into the classroom to ensure students, have text- books and- learning materi.- als that -they need to reach their full •poteritial: and ; .. receive the' best education in the world. No longer will administrators make over $100,000 while our children to without text- books, ext-books _ . This government has always placed students fi'by'nsuring at ey . have theerCsourCes needed to excel i`n an` ever-changth- ing world. Quality educa- tion and placing students first' have always been the number one priority Of this government: I believe. our policies reveal this coin-, mitinent, Policies such as: * Standardized report cards *.Introduction of coat prehensive testing.• - * $50 million for text- books * New, rigorous and . demanding curriculums Fair funding model . rri to page 5