HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1998-04-29, Page 1VOL. 12$ WE. 11
4t DNE$DAY,.
W 29,1998
Board rubber sta
by Triish Wilkinson
With iittle discussion Or
board input, the: Avon
Maitland District School
1 card (AMDSB) has `rub,
ber stamped' the '1998
stub year budget,
Trustees at last
Tu.esdhty's. meeting voted
to adopt the draft 1998.
stub year expenditures
budget, for Jan. 1, 19911 to
.,Aug: a1, 1998,in,. the
amount of $7$,7S7,994.
"In many respects it, has
been a rubber stamp effort
for the administration aatd
a rubber stamp effort for
the board," Paul Carroll,.
director of eduction, said,.
"It. doesn't. require level..
98 stub
°prnent,. it only rey,uire's
that the board passes it.
Carroll noted that 'the
money was revejrue guar-
anleed to the board by the,
province earlier in .the
year, He added that the'
short year, or stub. year
budget was necessary
since the government is
altering the fiscal year of
tiro school board front a
calendar year basis to ope
that corresponds. with the
school Year.
la order to: maakethe
change; school boards. wilt
operateon a short year .or
`stnh yea froth- Jan: 1,
1995 . to Aug 31, 1998,"
Carroll stated in his_ tuition;
Trustees noted: their
disapproval at having to
pass a budget they had lit_
t1e influence oh, but noted
that predetermined figures
and time restrictions left
them, few options
"1 knoutto sortie extent
our hands are tied."
Trustee Atje Tuyten. said .
'",But it frustrating, , to,
endorse a . burciget that
because of time restraints
we had little, or noipipact
ort, •wi atseever."
in a:brief Presoptattc+n;
before the board votedto
adopt the draft budget,
Marilyn . Markievitz,,
superintendent '.of bust-
ness, reminded trustees
that finalization of the
1998; estimates caunoeyet
be co.m,pteted, She noted
that after administration
receives the official format
and calculations from the
Ministry of .Education. and
Training, these specific -
details may mean;. small'
changes in expenditures in
order le achieve a bat- '
anted budget;,
M"W4Aee. wnzstatill requedire: some
minor adjustments,"
About "I5i Pee*. Were in Lucknow on the wr ekend.for the annual meet.
ing: of District $ Horticultural Society held at: the:> ttcknow Legion.
hook, frQtrt left to right are "'Harvey $nett, assistant director;, Gerald
Baptists public relations officer.;, Art Turiand; assistant director; and. Carl
W d. Preuss, secretary. In, front, from, left- In right: are Merry Francis,
assistant .director; Ruth Rogues treasurer; and Jean ,Whitby, :district
director. (Helm photo) '
me -
'After a public meeting last ,week, , grass, and Renold Stanley the Ackert
Kinloss ,Township Council approved two,' monument site>
amendments to 'the municipali"ty's con-, . Council' :su,pportett , the Lucknow
prehensive.toningbylaw, ;.. District Joint-Recleatiol ,Beard's rccoiit ,
One was for°Larry Henderson :who -had= tnendation to accept the tender of Datr-
applied,to rezone.a 100 ace parcel from '' Lyn Pools to refurbish: the s vitntning•:
Al: General Agriculture to Al General; pool,..
Agriculture Special, in order to portrait • Murray Kraemer attended.the meetinig~
the :creation. of a 5,1, -.acre (350' x, 640') to voice his concerns : w"ith. 'rhe
surplus farm dwelling lot. Fisherrtt.an's Cove proposal Kraemer way.
The balance Of the fariu,lanci_will hayo told that i+ishcrulan's Cove''have been`
a zoning restriction placed on it. prohibit- notified timet council ,eatinot legally pro
ing the establishment of any new residen cued, into any, sort of an agreement until
tial,dwelling, an u(t tial plan aartC ndttteti't
David Gibson's. applica """77�` ""��"7 and zoning ai cncluicnt have
tion was. to amend the Al , O ,jl',J9 ,5; been approved.
'General Agriculture zoning : The Bruce Grey Owen
of certain lands to facilitate O . Sound Health Unit reported
the';se.verance of a • farm _„ %tocouncil that, a physical
dwelling• that has: becutoe stir'- : inspection was. done:ou.the sop-
plus, to te needsof a bona tide fanner. > tie system atptho Cove,`-) verytl ine .is in
The application' proposes to create order; as it presently exists, It was irotcd,
aabout a',two-, acre non-farm residential that the system was.. designed for 126 four ..
lint 'encompassing an existing dwelling, season units,. .
•stmt garden/storage rhea, well and pili- Murray and- Michelle:; Barr have indi-
vale septic system.A, s
tIo and large dri- cated they wish to put'chose a parcel al.
wing shed will:re:main with the; retained landthat abuts,thetr property.; Gounci1
lands wants all `abutting property owners given
(,rays caner: for the Whitechurch Bali, ati e‘1" l:opportunity to act tulle the hull,
Park andaround the Ackert monument so letters will be; sent to the.C'httt'cri of the
have been hired for the season. Gordon
and c'athy.Dale.with tet d,the ball p k- Ascpnsioti,andthe Pentecostal-Asscll bly.
A 41 -year-old Kinloss.
,Twp, • than is dead:"
following a collision with
a grader on, Monday "night..
Perry ' Archer was
prounCed dead on arrival
at the, Winghan and
District, Hospital after his.
• westbound" pickuptruck
hadertissed into . the
eastbound ° lane and struck
a,grader whichhad been'
slopped,' during; road repair
on Grey: Qx Avenue, in •
Kigloss ,Twp
At. about 5;30' p.ni., OPP
and the 1ncknow `and,'
District Fire Department.:
were, summoned to the,
accident near Lot 5.
T. h'.
OPP are investigating the
accident. •
30 -year-old Darlene:
Sineltzer was rushed .to,
Victoria Hospital in
London following an,
accident at 1-uron
Landscaping near
Lucknow on Monday
'afternoon,. reported
Constable Steve Beasley
of the Goderich OPR
The RR1' Ripley woman
is. a 10 -year .seaonal
employee of the business:
She was unloading potted
plants from the rear of •a
semi -trailer. While the.
•truckwas being, moved
forward by the driver, a
large steel cart on caster
wheels slid out of the
trailer pinning her to the
rum to'page 2
in4jte it Great in ,98
Ken Irwin,
Once; you've filled your tummies with the delicious,
food to be cooked at the reunion, those of ago can then:
wet their whistles at the beer gardens that, are sure to be
busy at the arena.
The _beer gardens will ;be 'located outside` the arena
and will be open throughout the weekend., ..-
There Will also bebars at the dances. Ont at the
arena and the other at the Cotnniunity Centre for both'
of Saturdaynight's dances The bat' will also.. be open at
=r 'the arena for' Sunday night's dance.
Age of majority will be required.
', As of now, the committee is formulating lists of peo-
ple to work at the bar', said:: bar committee chairman
Ken Irwin.
Pleasenote, there will be food booths all weekend at,
the arena ,and community centre. Sharon Petteplace:
could use sonic helpwith one-hour' shifts at these loc;a-