HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1998-04-22, Page 14pyo 4 14 km*
Jahn Aitchisgrt• passed,
away at hist Acme in.:
Landesboro on Sunday,
-April 6, 1996 attar a tong
battle with; cancer. He- waa
• , "born: art, August 20x.19341rr
West Wawaanash. He is our.
vived by his •Sart, Stitt;
Aitchison and his wife
"Peggy and daughter, iDonn
anal; star huakaand, Randy.
Whitr3, all of Snassels Ha is
also survived by trissix
grandchildren,, Nicole, Katie;
Matthew, Mary, Colleen and
Natalie. He was prede-
ceased' by his wife Mary
Madeline (Snowden)
Aitchison in February 1907,
and his atdest .brother, Jim.
Mar -nodal donations may be
made to tha:.Clinton Public
Hospital, Caaneer Society
and the Corrtmanity Care
Access Centre far Huron:
The, .funeral service. was
held at the Betts Funeral
Hama in Brussels.41ev;.
• Oathrine Can pbett'otfieiat-
ed'. Interment was, at
Greenhill Cemetery,
Lucknow, .,16
Sealtinek We ;
Hi there! My name is Padge, -
E.lizabeth Arlene Weber,
made:my grand entrance on
Wednesday, April 16, 1998
at 5;17 p.m, at St, Joseph's' :.
Hospital, London. t weighed
6 lbs& 14 oz: :and i alarm only
19 inches, lona. My mom,
Jennifer Weber la so happy
thaat t. was born -on this alayi
because 1 am the greateat.
gift that my grandparents
(Bruce and, Sharon'' Weber)
cculdhave ever received act-
it .Was' their Wedding';,
anniversary, •48 •
Faye and Fernaria$q., of
Mssissaugaa,era pleaeed•to:
•annaiu nce the birtlf of Choir- .;
son' Ryan Adan, porn, an ,
April 15„,.:1 pa% weighing,)
iba., 14 oz. A wee brother
tor. ,,Lindsay -and 4: `new'
9randaaQn, for Kathleen;
Forster;. L unknow. 18 '
We would like to thank th
following people who,per
formed at;Breoltstda Public
School on April 9th: Floyd
Harman and Hob Bundy
who wrote the script and
'played in the leading mhts;
fan Clarke and Ross
-Errington who. were part of
the supporting, cast; Betty
Jinks as•soloist;. Ken Scott
and his trio, .Bob Mann and
Wane fuloCiineh�ey; the
quintet of Erin Mackenzie,
Chantetlk Fraser, Te$s.
G jabinys, Lola Bridges, and
Alison Simpson accompa
ni.edr by deb Culbett and
under the direction of Jacqui
Nickel: and the station Wen.
lineation singers, Jennifer
Barnett and Ken delBoar,
Thanks also to the Wltilaarrr
Curry caterers;,:te artl.the:
School Advisory! Council
members who'worked
bahtnd the scenes, and w-
all' whit purchased tickets to
alp make our evening a
success. We appreeieto
your support,• -16
e ,. Qui` sine ere thank& to rola,-
tivices, friends and narighbots
for cards, Mowers:. and
phone calla an. the asion•
sat our 44th anniversary.. A
spacial .thank you to our
family who arranged this
event, Thank you, Anrr and
A big thank :yoaa to the vols
unteers who participated, in
Adapt.A-Highways program;
Betty Anne S.Iphick, Ruth.
Alton, Jean' Whitby, Haatvey
Wightmanx D.A,Hackett,.
Chester .H;ackett, George
And+rson, Floss Errington,
Frank arid: Lorean Alton,
John and Alice Larnouroux.
Stewart and Mafgaroat Lana..
Over 2 pickup truck h ds' qt
as „gathaered it 6- .
miles; .Helping make a, tilt.
Terence, Lracknow District
Horticutturak Soociaty...lea1;r
Spacial thanks 1*,,everyone
whit ways there when I need,
ed'you.ati; illy family sup
port ,Rhe day 0 my heart
attack attack aand.:the five Weeks
ahead ‘plus, l .am :s4•gratekat
to •she•catiring. and kindnetrs
0 pr. Gtear,,, i:» • Michelle
Flowers, ter: Antoniaades;;Orr
Shrtbet and ail, rrurseai and, .
staff in eMergency. orad IOU
as well aas Cir, $rowry and
ambvtanoe., crew. . 'at..
University Hospital Qardiole- •
gy. . `Thanks for all. the ear*,
,Phone calla, •flsawers,
cillo, Annsh boys far doing;•
Chores, it is limes like this;
when you realize how:
Bilt.r1a: -
? ,Okoraing
General meeting: Tuesday,
(prit,28, 3 p.m. All members: •
welcome. Genre See What's
happening at your Le•gion --
16ar •
Far Angela Jardine dough-
• ter of. Rick and Barb Jardine
May 2,'2 to 4- tram, atthe
home at Betty Bmber,lin,-
657 'Harriilton $t., Lucknow.
Everyone Welcome, .,06.17
.Blyth Festival singers pre-
sent music; by Brahma and
•other lovers, Seturdaye`M.ay
9, Myth Memeli ail Hadi 3 and
an, concerts, Featatrirrg
snippetas, of Blyth Festivals
season plays read by. Snot
Coates and friends 1 ickets>
$13 'in advance or $12 at.
the dgar. Children' $ •.
Available from choir rnem
burs, Blyth . Festival Box
Office 523,93QQ; Snyder
Studios, Wingham:'
C'ampbell's Photography,,
Godes%ch; Dutch Store,
Clinton: Nifty Canter*"
SeafQrth, For another _$10
join the Blyth Festival staff
for supper at 6 p.m.
Srtroksida Publ.iq,$chool,
April 28.,8 p.m,. Lunch pro
video# Proceeds- to Grp 8
trip. -16 ,
CQG spanaors the •
annual town 'wide .gaaara
sale, .Saturday, May 9r
Bright and early rain or
April 23, 24 and 25, Thurs.
•• enrol Fridays 10' a.rrx, tQ 9 pan,
Saturday 14 a.m. lit 6 p.m.
Si; Marys Arena, Admission
" t11M+g
cancan with •apeciet
guests,. Friday, thy, B at that: "e,'
Godarich Arena, .180
M44100410 St. Licensed/4
ages OW Ticketa advance
$12 dear $ib available at
A.V.E. Entertainment,.
. Suncpast Mall, Phone 519.
624-6105, Website:
www.headstones,corn/ma In
Khan -16-18m
"Friday, April ?4, 8 p.m --12
a a.m. at :the- Luckrrew
Community Qentre,Music by
F.E. Madill Rance band
!interface," Prac Beds to;
F.E. Madill Music 'Pro aram
Goderioh 'Knights
Columbus, every Thursday;
•7 parr. Columbus Centre,.
390 Parson's Court; $4400.-
i0.`in prizes: progressive tack..
pot $1Q90.; regular jackpot..
,$1540 must go. Lie
#157921; First Saturday• of
veryr .rntrnt� ?`.
3rd. -e. .,, R..ma.,.
tr Columbus Gontre,, .:$600
shine. Be part of the map
. -.46-"T BEEF ptNNER for your- utmost l'uceesst
At Purple. Grove Comma hits Register youir garage safe
CeCentre on Saturday, ;,April for an $5 toe betgrs,Aparyt 24,
tie oro Pram , Fee: mottoes: .your garage
4 pan. Adults $8, ehri, availability One Week ek poo t
Serving ss? !e, sato location en map, .map,
• dren (10 end under) $4, .v t r. ,
faarraity raattr!,$28, �-16cc a -.ant, • map- dtstributtgn,
.. r .. fate . 0,_ „ advertising in local papers.
DQG.QBEpIENIQE • Qut.at.ta�w,ner& aeon •bopk• a3
CLASSES space rt.* °reek parking lot.
Mtnl.. Jackpot, $,1,5gti
Jackpot. Total prizes
$44,6a:10Q, l ic. •#31q b6. Super.
Star Provincial Came aver jr
Bingo Night..--Qytfar
AtOC►t?sTo "t �l AND
Featuring • toys, • sports
cards, •comics, beanie
babies, nostalgia and coins.
Sunday, April 26, 1Q:3oam
tta 4;8opmF Oxford'
Auditorium,. .W.00dstock'
aiIgrounds, Byer 125 deaf
Or fatties. Something fol
everyone. Adrnission $2,00..
far more •iniormaation,. t alt
525,2123 tQ resistor or -for (519)426 •?5,--1
mere #nfgmiatign ,�t8 � fN�Rt~AtwS
by. Canine Qtficer Andy . inforrrreation and retylstraaatit rr; F
' Stewart starting April 27, 7 Cava!! Malrctie Maaalxherson
AMPS t„ ` i ?Rortaattt family opo friends
in loving rnenmry of an dear
and mother :Maarian Caaampbeit, .
what passed away ARrll' 7,
Though. hair srriifo is gene
And her' hand we Q8 nQit:
tiltwte:h.> ve so many! mom
Li: r
tyh, a one w'e love;
► emory ia;;oa�r keep :
With Which we'll nover'part;.
God has her in•Mian ltoopingr.
e'havea:hor in pear hearts;,,
Lovingly rerrlembered! by
husband;;Haa„relpi;'and fa amily .-
Bare; :Hope to see everyone
p:m. at Mary's Perna) event ca -ordinator 528ti
Restaurant. Galt; Cheryl 2627,-44,16aar.
At. Ion antin U i
.1I . o . n130
Gaaderich District Collegiate,•-4,rrr.Quest.May peck` 1er. S,harttn0ran '
East GymMayb,. 7", 8 and (Wurto)'• "tNittia=Whttvla it,
aar 1 ,t 7:std .p.4)* Re$erved tnspiratignat music "Joyful,
aeatin ,Tickets available at Noise" Irene tot. a nd.Jordayi
G DCi Phone 424,70§3.(40- , Henry..Lunch. fottows N.1 rr.
Ani e),-16,,;i$cc 1•'7a r •
AT't ENYtQpt•
' :O�IOSS,, i,a , • MBAR
ITCHER$ (Life Enrichment for
Stytchtin mime Open'House . Alzheimer• alien s) A,
Saaturd.aay, -April 26, :.11 a aaaa. ' handi;on" workshop oh . •
to. 5 p.m 272 John St:'. Thursday, April 30:,at'Knox
Kincardine. Come! Sea ear, l rosbyrta,rian Ch arch n
new :selection of- kits, chart». Gaderlch, 7'; part. - 19, O311, Y `
and supplies,, -1 '' Organized bat the Aixfieimer
GI'1" @ARSECUE Society of Huron County
May , .10 a,m to 2.'it In a at- Seating limited.. Registration..
Knochtets` parhltag Iot.: , 6:36;- 7 P.M., Cost a1O. for
t?annce tp'.interfaacp April 24,
12 aa�m...aat• tale,.
LI CjcnQw:; • Community
0entrea.. Advance $ iaduit,
$4/12 and: under$24/fated-
ty, Tickets , Lloya .'s ".or
optimist, mernhers 4-44-
•-: 4 Joie• "'' •
wildlife r, van.;:
Cottee, rnulfins and. iunoh, Society r ambers, .$15, leir
With if ht t help th`s i as; rami-ri•ierrilxers PO 1-800-
COl'I lundraiteer for: prglects . 56'`175012 Pr .482,1482 tor,
sban aas 1 wendmy wayail a
back (r ta? "h144fiCigi yep,.,,
I wouaidlike to thank the Q11
'staff, Or's APPAVQew:Brown
OPO. Medi goigf•tir artd the :;
2nd floor stela' tat Alexandra
and M;aarino i oneraal.
MoapitaI, tertheir. expert.
flare. Thanks to everyone
;tarn the ;many lards, tioyt@rs, ••
•:pitta, food, klasits arrd phone
coils, t Orta --i e
Rt iii" 16x 17 ore cietatalis,-„i laeo
April.23, 24 and 28.0 p.m. a#
Lugkntaw Centr'at l tiblie
SchQQ!+ Adni'ission Adults ;
$a; children; $2, $pgnsor
Lecknow Agriouituraat
Sueipty. "Pickets at HatyrQQd'
St0r?ti Haelgi1 Hardwaare er
3281;'20t•; -.,t+ -1.60t,
4A 00.01t, QAMPOtf
1999 Blyth
aria,.iiwy;tt. , North .qt
Presented by Barn,
ance ttletorical Socioty..
Tickets and,04,mpit g Iola
1;;0941001 or' 519«235-.,
Q559; rlStzc:
aikfilto •
S,^^wa, n •K4'0.
a e 5o3.WNQ
QI�I�atek OPOrtii wort1.
«tug t11N;74$4Y.,
�(f� Mil Mllla,• {
Tot Maar Ampa 4
by Maaar aairet Erarbigton:
and Teresa Courtney
ttn'at:ttlations. to Ted-
ed`Martian anal Patricia Hines
wbca wore: married in,
Hamilton on 'Saturday,.
April 18. •
Attending from this
, area were. Ted's, daughters
and sazns-i n=taw and
graridehildren: Sean arid.
and family pf,,tbrce; Paul
and Jennifer (Martin).
Gaavigan and'. family of
two;;:h:is brothers and sis
tars -in-law Peter and'
Diane Mortem, arid. ,sen;
Chr,.istQph r Martin and
f p urcc ,lady Om irrr eine?
Pat Martin and fatrri:ly
Tim,. Paul. ani Arte.ttta
Martin•;, Ted's sisto;ar 'and
brother-in-law Clarence
and Loretta :(Marrtin)
Doherty and daughter
Joanne and Shawn and.
Lat io Dalton: ;
Congrat•ulaations ...ta
,Lake van Osch, sQR'•0f.
.Bernie and Bridget, wlrc
won th rd prize of. 540-
tcprQsenting the t,ucicnow
Lions Club at the Qistrigt
-A 4 level. in public speak.
'log at Orangeville ' on ;
-°'Satardaay ,t,,aa:kat sp#kc oto.
"Sheep,'' a huiinoro 1s talk
sb ta,
The annual` Blights of
Csalurntaus co'rnmaniaa
breakfast was held at Si.
Augustine Ramaaaan,
CathOlie' G.hirreh. on.
Sunday, -
• • ROV, 1. M,.:Sher1ocl.,
OxahOpi:pf t can, ccle .
-,t rated Masa- and., was guest
$peaket,at the br'caakfaist -
"' Sincere; sympath-y' to
fatrailyy . and- friend Of
l avid King whta passed•
away hast, Friday. Mass..
was t;etebreted,
Peter' Ctur'eh GQdct'tch
cn April 20.witb burial xtt •
the,' csWeter-cernetory, •
The.' Agrieniturail
Society caatcrcd.at thio -fogad'
•:tooth' at the ,Pontlaaa,4
• 1 staat;c aatctitart '- 40' a
P,rayPrs • and: P9.00at
tonnes go' . toFturna '
Fxauka; n end foretty o t
death of her father,Art Watt
aril ton,' a..w trzaa
buried ;in London,,;laist
We otiiahome Parona
Riverview, Fioridat to Jack
and Ma ry Fairish, R.R.7-, ...
.i!Mueknov..iack<ataii' Mary
s eem N. 5: to
.Apral. l4fro•(5, monovths}-1in.the. ,
Amoy south - ' .
April` 14 was Mary's
birthday and she not only
reCeived a grQat>VIlccrtuC •.
iron hart family' but titan abirthday' telepha. ire "ea11'
tr.otu nor brother haat
Courtney of Ctrresland,
%. toil'e'to page f