HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1998-04-22, Page 1320. linolosees Oppo AMAZING FACT, The. . Internet wilt grow by 2700% in 24 .mo"s. :Earn up to 15k/mo, with Canada's: fastest growing Intern Franchise: Full training. lnvestrtrent .Req'd. 1.000- 676-7588.--10bc CHRISTIAN FRANCHISE. Join the. World's lst online Christian Franchise, Exclusive. territories: yielding exceptional ROI. Full train- ing & support. For free info Call 1.800-663.7326,--16bc $140,004/yr potential: Yes} Prt6fit Magazine says "Best Business to .go into '913,.," Low. overhead & no Invento- ry= Very Profitable, Franchise!, Call now;free information . 1-880,679 ' 2201.--16bo . THINKING QF HOME - "BASED SECOND income?. Details, FREE. Phone. 800- 811-214.1, code 51350.- '161x° TOPLINE DISTRIBUTiNG is seeking active dealers for outdoor hot water furnaces. Gas 'heaters, hydronic corn ponent$,: grain. and fertilizer, Conveying . _equipment. Phone/fax• 1.-888.508.4850,: -16bc 31., Service Qirectoi LAWN SWEEPING avai able. Walk behind sweeper, swiesps debris from lawns .. 'Or gravel from. ditchas and .. aerates lawn at the same time. Debris is bagged and hauled away, This machine also sweeps: paved, drive-. ways or smallparking, tots.. Reasonable rates. Phone 395-5655. --1:6448x.. 31. melee Directory 31. Service Directory CARL O. ,+ i GENERAL, cONTRACTiNG: Box 209 Teeswater. Ont. N0G 2S0 R,tiAe!idential ! Agricuiturat * Qommerciat , .Suppiy And or Erect .f rer.Engineered Steel Boding (519) 392 6491 Fax ; (519) 392-9199 AGNEW 'JEWELLERY REPAIR; -watch, clock, jew- ellery. Free estimates. Pickup and delivery can .be arranged. 698 Havelock Street, across from! Medical Centre. Gall 528.-3532 or 528.3940,--15tfar 33. Mise HARP SEA pa. only $22.50 + S/H $5.50 (five- fiftY)` per bottle; For Informa- tion: 1.888.23641896 or 905.387-334.9, fax: .905. 383-3200.--16bc 34. *arsenal *A coat Mil be Incurred, EVANLY-RAYS Psychic Answers, Police use 'u$....Rated #1 in Canada. instant answers about love,. •money, career, tacky #s, relationships. Achieve suc- : cesstl! $2,99/mire., 18+, 24 hrs,,.1.900.-451.4055. --10- 24cc.. . HAVING A DRINKING • PROBLEM?? AA can help. Phone Goderich 5244.6001' or Walkerton 881-3635. 16ar ' rA .:oat tAtllf tie incurred: HAVE YOU CONSULTED REAL CLAIRVOYANTS and" mediums. before?Then, come discover the. unexplic able experiences of.:, .Karenonna.Zanmort, (inc.); 28 years 'experience; very precise.:She can.describe:: and give you _your sign. Learn fromher other well knownmediums, and clair 'voyants.' TO find out your :future, CALL 1-900-451,, `9602. 18+,' $4.99/inin.; 24 hrsf7days.--16bc' . FARMERS WANTED. who arepaying too_much tax or not using all the tax breaks available. , phone' Farm Business Conaltfting. Inc. (London)"today at 1.800 265-1002_--16bc 45' STORAGE TRAILERS for rent. Economical; stop.' •;>age, .ideal' for. contractors, farmers and home owners,. Phone; 395-5167.--34tfcc LAWN ROLLING available in , Lucknow. and ,area, Reasonable rates,Call early' to book. Phone 529.7003 'after 6. p.m. or Leave mes- sage. --13-16x . CARL SLOETJES Sales, Installation. Renovations '•Repiaceninet Windows .Doors *Kitchen Cabinets, !Vanities ' Carpet and Linoleum *Roofing *Free Estimates R.R. #7 LUCKNOW '. 529-3164; R.A. 'HAVENS ELECTRIC "Residential & Farm "Commercial Electrical Contractors Light fixtures, lamps, bulbs; • electrical supplies. Dealer for:' • BRADFORD EXCHANGE Evening appointments avaIlabto Rod Havbns LUCKNOW 528-2861 34. Personal ARE YOU experiencing the aftermath of an abortion/enlotions youcant. explain? Most post-abortal women experience traurl1a. in their fives. Call. out 24 hr, hotline collect (519)' 3234: .3751 for, confidential super port.--16ar_ MALE IMPOTENCE cor- rooted, and prevented,' Decline `associated with age; medications, surgery, diabetes, Injury can be over- eome. Free 1nformationl'advi4Qp: Performance Medical Ltd., Box 892, Vernon', BC:, V1.T 6M8. 1.8Q0-663.01'2*1:,-,- 16bc• 35. Legal. .. Notices NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS • in the estate of . GORDON LESLIE RI,NTQUL Late of . the Village. of Lucknow, in the County of Bruce; Alt persons having claims'against the, Estate of • • Gordon Leslie Rintoul, 'the above no!rned deceased, Who died on or about the 13th day. of February,' 1998, are hereby notified to send to the:.undersigned on or before 24th: day.. of April, A.D., 1998;their names and . fun particulars of .their claims. Interiediately after the. said date the estate' Will be distributed having regard • only to the :claims of: which notice has been received. Dated at Winghat ,' Ontario, , this. 30th day o.f.'March, 1998. • *A'cost wili'be IOcurred. , 'IT I5' UP TO YOU.. Several live 1.1 psychics for you `to talk With . Relationships . • . love,, money,',future, advice. Call now 24hrs .1-900-451- 7865; 18+$5.99/min.--16bc ADULT ENTERTAINMENT. order the best by mail & pay less. FREE catalogue, FREE video offer. Discretion 'guaranteed. HMC Video 4840 Acorn, 201-C"Montreal, Quebec. H4C''1L6.- 16bc. *******************. KATHERINE'S PSYCHIC * P*tm & Tarot Card (Readings' * • advises on all problems of Life, Love, Marriage, - * * Business,'Health, Travel. " * * Free 0uestlori - See her ', * she tan help you - * • 519-238-8404 * ** Available for Parties ****************** Conditions Are Right For $ovingt In The GattIfl ds CRAWFORD., MiLL,& DAVIES, Barristers .& .Solicitors Box 1028, WINGHAM; Ont NOG 2W0 Solicitors for the Estate Trustee.--14-16ar 36. Announcements ATTENTION ALL horse lovers, between the ages of 10 to 21. The Dungannon 4- H horse Club is having its organizational meeting, Monday, April ' 27 at 7 p.m. To be held at the For ;more information call Marie: Salm '624-9064'. or Annette Lockhart 482- 9648: -16cc: �nann0 a ; Healthier: FUtune; PatlR aila►a*7i7. 13Vf ila,f'ixwr1elE I74+174 10 b� 44±0r 37. Mortae s 1" fk r' Mortgiage M*niey� Absokdery Wit/Wont Epee Avellable its taw as. • 650% interest Personal Loans Ityou qualify; payments M9,1�ayMOnt 0.000 141,4e "10,Q0Q . r• 00;03• 41%00Q *12540 consotidatu your della: • • .4111519)363-021t1400-331=1932 I ASTRAt.: FUNDINiG INc. 30. Auctiolfis YOST C AUCTION SERVICE FARMS ESTATES HOUSEHOLD Selling: at our',. Auction Centre or your premises Robert Yost Auctioneer 519-595-8750 519.528-301.4 AUCTION SALE Of Property; Household vEffects &. Antiques will. be head for Peter & Evelyn Cook,'.579 Wheeler St., Lucknow Saturday, May 2,1998 at 10:30 a.m. sharp PROPERTY LOCATION; 579 Wheeler Street, Lucknow; Plan' 20, SPT Lot 3.4. 1 X14. storey, sided house with two car detached garage, .. 11/2. baths, ofi. heating, new kV! five years ago, Lot 66' front, 102' depth, 1997 taxes approx. $700. 1997 hydro, water and: sewage approx, $1,000. • Route is half insulated with urea formaldehyde: TERMS ON PROPERTY; 10%0' down day of sake. balance on closing (Immediate . possession` available).' .•' HOUSEIiOLD EFFECTS: Horne 'Line • nticroWaie - email • Moffat% Stove; ,Westinghouse • dryer; Westinghouse washer; :Westinghouse' 16 cu. ft, refrigerator; Philco 10 cu. ft. refrigerator; pots & pans; Phillips. TV & stand; • numerous small, appliances; Lowrey organ; ' brown' & beige bed Chesterfield; brown & beige couch & chair; glider •rocker; pink rocking chair; nlumerous• clocks; bookcase bed with mattress.:& box spring; bed wtth.mattress & box spring; bedding; white day bed with mattress; small tablet; chrome table & six chairs; .nUmerous dishes;. 2. china cabinets; tablecroths; towels. A''NffQUES: Dresser : &' washstand; cherry dresser; rocker; sewing !Machine; cupboard;bevelled mirror; chairs; cupboard sideboard; • trunk; child's wooden crib; set, of dishes; bone -handled. silverware; quilts & blankets; numerous omen items. MISCELLANEOUS: Tools-- including Skil saw, drill, lig saw; shovels; ladders; lawn mower;_ walk- behind Snowflite snowblower. ' • Lunch Booth. Plan to attend. Owners.• have :moved .to PinecrestManor. • 'TERMS:, Cash 'at" 'acceptable ,cheque,With proper LD. • day Pt sale.; Not resporisibld,.for, accidents. :.Verbal announ 1bments' take precedence over advertising,' items listed as described by .owner. • ' For' mare' information call Elaine Steer (519)528-2709; AUCTIONEER: BRIAN RINTOUL (519) 357-2349x.• . 30.: Auction* /33. Auctions REMINDER NOTICE SPECIAL STOCKER SALE et i•uoknow Community Sales Barn Dungannon, Ont. on, Monday, Apri) 27 7;00 p.m, FOR FURTHER INFORMATION OALL GORDON 11 BRINDL,EY AT (519) 5294625 Bus; 023-7870 Res. OR WED. AT (519) 528-321.1 CONSIGNMENT$ STII.I. • WELCOME. REMINDER NOTICE. AUCTION ' Very, large machine shop auction. of machine shop 'equipment; woodworking equipment; ; welding equipment; vehicles; etc. ' at -Brindley Auction Yard ' Dungannon,, Ont,. •\ OR . Sat.,. April 25/99 9:00 a,m.. Sharp VIEWING;. Thursday, April 23: & Friday, April 24, 1998. For completeIlst,cafl..r 519-529.7625 Bus, After Hrs, 519.529-7970 Res. or see last week's paper: TERMS: Cash or approved cheque with proper I.D. day. of safe. • AUCTIONEER; a3RINDLEY AUCTION SER. ICE; LTD.. DUNGANNON, ONTARIO • (61$)'529,7625 Auc of i' s Salo Saturday, Apr a5 ' *Fred & Jean Kt eh Wellesley Township . Falrn,Machinery ,,; Saturday May 2, . Peter & Evelyn Cook Property & Household' Effects; . Lucknow . . • Saturday May 9 Robert Maybury Farm RR #2 Wirigham . Saturday. May ; Kurovvslii Zygmunt Household. items & Toots ' :Brussels. Monday May 18 Wayne & Kathryn Todd 5t, Helens Saturday May 23 .Dive Dennison Welding, Automoitve & Tools West of Lueknaw, Hwy. #86' Saturday May 30 Jessie Joynt ,Lucknow Saturday June 6 Leiper Bros. Farm Machinery ; , Hullett Township Saturday *lune 13 Rt n Campbell Property & House Kincardlne Townshlp, Annow TUe"s..&'Thurs., KW. Stockyard, Fridays Brussels Livestock AUCTIONEER: Brian Rintoul - 357-2349 . AUCTION SALE Lucknow Arena Friday/ May 22/98 Good clean ot:insignmenta accepted until filled. Allan R, Miller Phone or Fax 390-5062 39.Educational. BE A SUCCESSFtJL WRITER,,, with our. great home -study 001040. Calf today for your FREE B.00iK. 1-800-267.1829. quality of Course, ' 31. ,McArthur Avenue, -Suite: 3045, Ottawa,, QN K1:L 662,-r 16bc COUNSELLOR TRAINING Institute, of Canada offers on -campus and, correspon- dence courses toward a Dipl'orria in Counselling Practice•, to begin this month. -Free catalogue, call 24hrs. 17800465-704.4.-- .16bc • WAW!E0 YMCKIES i/t _nut yukinies in Moir piece! 142. Obituaries MURRAY ALEXANDER TAYLOR . At Braemar i,letlrernent Centre, Wingham on Tuesday, April 14, ,1998, Mr. Murray Alexander Taylor of INingharn age 79 years: Beloved husband of the for- mer Mildred Thornton. Dear father of Ruth and her 'bus - band John Haines. of R.R. 5, Wingham and Douglas Taylor and his friend Lou Bennett of Scotland, Ontario. Grandfather of Bradley, , Brittany ,: and William. Haines Brother of Vera;and Gordon Miller of London, Harold_ and Maxine Taylor of Wingham, Donald and Marlene Taylor of St. Helen's and Doris and Ernie Waiker:• of Wingharn, Predeceasedby his parents Chester and Vera Alberda (Ferguson) Taylor. Visitation was held from the McBurney Funeral Home, Wingham with funeral >set - vices held on Friday, April' 17 with Rev. J. Rea Grant officiating; Interment in Wtnghatn Cemetery, Tumberry Township. Huron" Chapter . 89 Order of Eastern Star held a tttemori- al service at the funeral home on April 16. Memorial donations to CNiB, .The Canadian -Bible Society or Wingham'United Church would be. appreciated as " expression of sympathy. - 16ar