HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1998-04-22, Page 12a rage 2 °1,44440.0 Sentinel, ell ieisday, April 0r< Computers COMPUTER; FACTORY Special -1 year no payment or free scanner (QAC). Pentium 166 mrnx, fully headed, color printer and .software bonus. InterNet ready. Free delivery and set Op. Call 1.8Q0-515.5545.•* 1347 Adopt -a Pot FREE T4 GOOD HOMES' Four year old Beagle, Oliver; good with. kids. Call • 807-6178, • Male Springer Spaniel, with; papers, friendly. Dorothy 369.6675, • Mate Lab •cross, `black and:. ginger, SA lbs., needs new home. Ralph 52.8.3525. Female grey tabby, beauti- fully marked and wants companionship. Kathi 52$- 3045. . Harley and Daisy, sibling - brother and sister, 1 112 year *rots, are fixed and need new bottle together. Stephanie Spotty, male Husky/Coble pup, would like someone to play with him,: Gloria 366r 2631. ` To place your animal here call; Ralph. Wyndmen 9.6 'at 52.8-8525 or Kathi Newell 1.2.7et'S28-3045.. -12nx 1Ob Horses WANTED HORSE equip- ment - 46" Girth; winter blanket and cooler suitable for mediurnllarge horse, .. Also.a cooler for a":small ' pony. Gall 8322234.--15, i7nxe 1 A. LUV►osti FOR SALE S1MMENTAL,' bull, 15 months old, ready for service: Birth weight 92 ibs. Call 624-9838.-16 11. g: For Sato JOH,nEERE 7,700 corn:. pla ter,, 4 . row; $4500. -• Pho�i _ 4090.;.-1.54'7x0' ?t 529 TEE-JET.ELECTRIC con: troller for :sprayer, includes pressure gauge, remote: regulator, and boom valves. New, never. used•4350 Phone 519-529-3241• 'evenings 7-1 §-iocc .FOUR SURGE RX• claws with bases and air dividers, extra parts working order, • :0110: $150. Phone :519.52973241 evenings:--16-18xc 11f. Produce, 70 - 4 .x, 5 ROUND BALES of hay, alfalfa timothy mixed. Stored inside, ,Good' feed, Srriall square bales of alfalfa timothy !nixed.. 4 x 5 rotand balesof wheat straw stored. inside.; Call after'6 p tri. 529.7017.--15-17xc OA'f PELLETS High fibre, low cost, cereal based feed, no additvOs,: available in bags or bulk. Nott Farms, Clinton. 'Phone 482.7439.-=15tfcc 998 GOAD 1-IAY,, stored inside. Phone 529*7273-18.17cc STANDING:: HAY. Calf late evenings .528.208:4.. 14- 16ac SEEDING - CUSTOM frost; 4 wheeler equipped with broadcast spreader. Winter wheat, .pasture, and hay ground. Phone after pan. $95-53.98.. °r -12.17x,? EQUIPMENT REPAIR On site repairs to farm and construction equipment and small engines. Rob Campbell Mobile: Repair, 519-396-6806. Servicing Bruce County..,-Q6tfcc CUSTOM SEED Cleaning. Get your own seed cleaned for spring planting: ;Barley, oats, wheat, soys, begged, or bulk. Full line of Novartis NK seed. Don Ritchie 395- 2805.--14-i 6xc 111. 'ililarited to Rent TOP RENT paid in advance for land for.1998 or longer. Must be drained. Reply to drawer: 4094 cid The Huron; Expositor, P.O;, Box 69,` Seaforth, Ont NOK 1 WO, 13-18cc WANTED TO rent - approxi- ' mately 50 acres for crop; Phone 395-4647.--15,16cc WANTED TO' rent good - cash crop land. Phone 233- 7467. --16-19cc 11M. For Rent • HAY GROUND for rent. Phone 529-1143. --15t6 • ,NEW :SKID steer forrent, With or wfthout operator. Phone 3954647.- 15,16cc 12. Real: Estate POiNT CLARK, w' new 2+ 2 bedroom raised. bungalow, double garage, . on a well treed corner' tot. Seven year neW home warranty, $130,000, Clarke's Homes 395-5454:-16tfar HURON COUNTY, Dining Establishment for sale, licenced . for 93 seats, attached home on 0.59, acres. High traffic location, desirable clientele, Unlimited potential with 'pending casino and sum-' mer. .'games.Favorable financing' Listed at $199,900. including , -land,.: building,' and- business, Coldereli Banker, Stonehaven . Realty' 1-888- 30Q-5505 ,toll free. --13- lScc POINT CLARK, nev4 3 + 1 bedroom raised 'bungalow,.`. j ,1/2 garage, on well treed cul-do.sac lot. 7 year new horvie.'warranty.- $120,000 Clarkete Homes 395-5454. - -14tfar 12 Roo; Is t, 1 1)11,111 1 1 1:i,t i "i,., 1 111k 1„ t cow titeu- tt R MOO ♦•, . ♦ -, Banke1. • . 1{sa..ntM SpringOPere "louse, Celebration"•, IDEAL FAMILY 'HOME. Solid brick 4 bedrooms, format dining Mom, deep' lot backs onto pond 4 pc. and. 2 pc: baths, double detached garage, new high: efficiency furnace, main floor laundry, $105,000. Your Most Richard Aske$'. - READY To RETIRE? You" Should take a look at this 2 bedroom bungalow with main floor iaundry, good sized living room, dining, room, some ,Iiardwood floors, full basemen,,. nice lot, single car garage, Paved ' drive, one block off main street, listed at $54,900. Your Host Richard Askes. OPEN FOR "YOUR" INSPECTION. satulyday i April •20th/98 .53911tivelodke St* 563 Wheeler St.. 1:00 3;00 PM . ' 10 AM -12' NOON RICHARD D. ASKES Sales Representative .019)524-1175 Bus. (519)5254935 Res. ('t)I 1)111 1 1 It \"l 1 It - 1 \I,,,1 Cltc iic.t. i s h 17. Apts. ONE BEDROOM apart- • ment, $250/month ,plus utili ties. can Paul 528241.1. -- 14tfar_ - GROUND FLOOR .2, bed- room apartment, newly ren ovated; two bedroom -upped apartanent $250.;- both' close to downtown. Phone• "'5528- 2431;--42tfar 't Oo 1110048011 "COUNTRY HOUSE for rent, 3 bedroom 15 minutes from Goderich or Lucknow, $500 plus utitities..Call: 529-7273. -110cc:' , HOUSE FOR .rent 2 bed- room house 10 minutes. from Goderich: $5$Q/month. Available May .1; Phone 529-7876 or 529.3252. -- , 14-16xc ONE BEDROOM apartment for rent •an main.: street, Lucknow. Phone 528.3932; 35tfar , GLEN HAVEN Apartments, in Lucknow has spacious.' ground floor.' and 2 bed. • room :apartments for, rent,' fridge and stove included,. controlled' entrance, Cool- mon om r non room and, laundry, room: Phone 526-3227 or Gerrie Or ,Payne at 1-519 262-2029.--4ltfar LUCKNOW - LARGEE2, bed-. room apartment, ground. floor, laundry room, mail, delivery, private entrance. Phone 528-5600, --13tf ONE `OR TWO BEDROOM apartment, private ground entrance,. park like sur- rounding, utility area, 'faun-' dry mat, mail' delivery. Cresthaven; Apartments." Phone 528-3511 or 848 2215 after 6 p.m,--03tfar TWO BEDROOM apartment;, in Auburn, 2nd floor apart- ment is roomy with ,a great view,: has laundry room, eat' in kitchen,., large livingroorn,' lot's of storage: $350 plus': utilities. Available immedi- ately. Call 519-526-7355. 05tfcc 01\11 -ARIA 1� 4 OF DIMES THREE BEDROOM farm' house,',.2' miles. south .of Lucknow. Large .livingroom with fireplace; full base- ment, with' bathroom;:. attached 'garage. References required. • Available May t. Phone 529-3263.--15-17, THREE BEDROOM country; . home for rent, between Lucknow Viand Kincardine,; Open'concept, easy to heat, $550:per 'month plus utili ties.:.Cali 482-5091 :or 482- 3578.--15,16 HOUSES FOR SALE or rent in Lucknow, Wingham, Lisipwel and Wroxeter 1 2 arrd 3 bedroom apartments: also available. Phone 335-, 3766. --16ar TWO BEDROOM mobile home in :Wroxeter area, suitable for. retired ;,couple, '6295 per month plus utili- ties, all 'appliances. Phone 519-335-6798.--16ca STtJIE `FO. f1: rent,' main." street frontage, Lucknow. Phone 528.3932.-•-Otfar to May WANTED! OLD tubas amps/receivers. e.g. Scott, Fisher, Elco etc,. Please can 832-2234 or '832.2147♦-- . 8.ltfnxe ANTiQUE FURNITURE,. Glassware, china, sewing machines, lamps, Jewellery, post cards,. magazines, Paying 10 cents each: for Crown fruit jars.• Brian Sutler, 271 Burns St., Strathroy; Ont N7G 1G2. Plane 245.3142.--13-16cc WANTED - 2 panel doors. 30' wide same design: Co tact Levi L. Miller Jr,, R•R'2,. Lucknow, Ont. NOG 2140 'on 9th Conc., 6 mites west of Belgrave.--1518x0 26. Help Wanted. WORK FROM hence - call for free'info,Toll free 1-900- 881.6782,-,13-l6cc FULL TIME POSITION. available as heirdsman. an swine seedstock-operation In the Goderich area. The, ability to be self starter, and to work with limited supervi- Sion and have verygood communication skills are of, importance. Experience " may be an asset, but not essential. A positive attitude and a keen, desire to learn will also, be••given serious consideration, for'those that May belacking experience. Interested individuals should submit:': a resume to Naturally Pigs, R.R. '6 Oocderich, Ont, NIA 3Y3 or fax 519.529.3052..--13-1 ear • LOOKING FOR work, Part- time; or full time will do odd Jobs, painting, yard work, farm help, etc. Call:' Ken. 528-2706.--15-17 PRODUCTiQN SUPERVI- SOR - Local producer of • hardwood products requires an':• experienced • Production Supervisor. The ability :to 'coach a multi -Skilled 'group, of employees in "a two -shift: environment is a must. Your hands on team approach•to staff motivation wilt ensare you meat the goals which support our customers. It you are interested in, per- sonal development, .daily challenges anda fast paced '. worIWt9 . environment, please forward your resume and 'two work related refer- ences to : I .O. Box 190-P, Walkerton, .Ont. NOG 2V0, - 16cc MANAGER FOR local- busi- ness. Apply to' Drawer #28 c/o `T'he Lucknow . Sentinel, Box 400, Lucknow, Ont. NOG 2110.--16ar �» b vDZ.p c T RUCK. _DRIVER required for the spring season. Contact" Dave or'Heather at. W.G, Thompson & Sons Port', Albert 5294901 28411461P Vianted SMITH STEEL A, ,FABRICA- TION ane♦ are.,currently seeking applicant# for a welder/fitter ppsitiort. ' Experience an asset but net essential; Please drop off or mail resume to Box 152, Atwood* int. NOG 150. Or- faxx it to 519-:356-241: Previous applicants need not apply. Only those . required for an interview will be contacted -16ar RAirY FARM_laborer required. Milking experience preferred. Call 395.243.9.-- .16,t7cc 'AVON CALLING! Join Avon free. Enjoy earning extra money. No start up. fee April . 28 and: 29. Call now to - reserve your Free Kit (519) 887.6305, -16oc NUTRITION . and THE ENVIRONMENT. 'if you're with the rest - you're not with the bestl Write for FREE LITERATURE: 1.93 .1.3. ruinsma, Wallaeeburg,. Ont., N8A SOS, two@Kent net--l6bc $A,T1'ENTION STUDENTS$ Make a lot of fnoney, selling chocolate bars. New `• prod - !acts available. Nothing to pay in advance, Fast deliv- ery 1.800383-3589.--16bc, LOOKING FOR A . NEW CAREER or just need extra money? Sell': C&M Gifts'' 'unique line of affordable home decor, toys and gifts, Call 519-258.7905, Fax:5.19258-0707 for free catalogues and information about this wonderful-oppor- tunity.--16bc Mi:ANITOULIN' HEAL1 H ` CENTRE operating two. rural hospitals with a com- bined size of 70,000sq: ft.,, requires :a Director of Environmental Services responsible for administrat- ing progr=ams tomaintain buildings, grounds, equip -... trent as well as housekeep- ing and laundry services. Successful candidates will possess first or ,second class stationaryengineer certificate,: proficiency with computers and computer- ized building systems,: and solid managerial experi.- enc°. Please: submit resume and salary expec- , tations to: Personnel Dept, MI -IC, Box 640, Little Current, ON POP 110 Fax: (705)368.3603.-• 16bc TOWNSHIP OF KiNLOSS` COUNT DOGS'' The. Township of Kinloss requires a responsible'. pex'son to count the dogs in> the Township; 'issue deg'; licences and tags, and t0. collect the required fees. Applications in 'writing,'. stating residence, and price: expeoted perdog, are to be; in the 'Clerk's Office, Holyrood, by 4:30 p.m:, May 4, 1998. Any application' not necessarily accepted Mark L. Becker, A.M C.T Clerk -Treasurer, HOLYROODt, ntario NOG 2; 51:9-395-357;5