HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1998-04-22, Page 2.,,46 ;of, t rri,t$ e. pr. te • ,1,40,-.1*,, rit Al roe:0' )00,41" Page X '"i• loveltrow Sentifiek I'Vedneadwir,. April 22. 19*.t . . come celebrate ourv,.. • 5th Anniversa .Surprisea Evarywhare„ Fltecitict; to ••-, • ' • Come join the fun April 23, 96 .pm' • 24,9-9• pm . 25, 9-5 pm #.6" insiletosp)T10 Ws have - •something for evearns Shopping Plaza WINGHAM 519-357-4390 1-558,896-6772 • iffeettalip k c4,1441111 Quite Si* k the nowt . EVC.V.IBULAR RESIN • QI,ALIT) , A LASTING 44141110 IMPRESSION • •j 1,1nQflTVRE titihveti:en il‘\ mi. '; .,1 f • p, • •,11AMMOcK5 " • ttiCES ANOttglArfitS "SHADE nousgs • • ACCES$CMICS A714401uff 4n WrinrniitAnti • , •2`,,••'" k adt Ak (tall m*,e,,,vo.,ftwitkups,eafiltg0705,1, GRAND BEND 238-211.0 Hwy,' la E (2 MO* fram,tho vviet•r Pitint,1 . • Mon,Thurs. 95 0 Frt. 95 • Silt. 3.04 EVE RIIIOC)D POSTS - forever! Fdr cieateringtfirie contact EVERWOQD — Tel: (519)773-5889./ FaX: 6191 773-5575 OST • No more broken, • •• - cracked or rotten fence posts. Everwood • posts, manufactured from recycled plastic • • . containers are everiatsting. ' 11' WILL NEVER . NEED REPLACING! • . Information arid stiOr)lieS avall0Ple from; .Your Local Fathip . • Si.ipi)lior Dealer . -Se*ago:flo*.....rariptet needs replaeed• by Pat Living$00 Lucknow village ecittlleil received some good news and' some bad news when Ontario Clean Water AsSociation , representatives attended ,its April 14, meeting. ; - f • The good news is that the earlier flow. measurements taken, at theSewage plant • • are actually about 36 per cent lower than .• what it was. thought to he. in l'an4,ary.”. after a Ministry of.Envitonment inspec-' tion, it was re'ported that the MEW appeared to have increased by 50 per cent: inthc last three years-, This news means - that the plant is not overloaded ancl'was- n't overloaded. in January. • • The bad news. is that the present metering systent is not accurate and of course that means spending money to• replace it. • Currently an ultra sonic goW meter is Used. OCWA representatives say kis really a kind of second/fly device pressed into service as a:primary measurement device. because of the failure of another piece of equipment. • , • When the flows appeared to be sub• - stint; ally higher a2fevv' months ago'OC'WA conducted a monitoring contort-- son using. three different methods. Those • Methods Included the. ultra .sonic meter now in place, a draw dovvn and a portable doppler meter... • • The draw down' and the tioni)Wr mea- surements more or less agreed with .one another and were considerably less than the nitre sonic measurement • • Gord Eagles,' Operations Manager with OCWA, told council that the'Ministry of • Etiviromnent 47ants the flow Meter to present more 'accurate flov,vs. Whatever: , system is used, it must be 'Within a fiVe per cent plus or minus ae,curacy.range., • • Council was told 'that'are at least -a • couple of alternativei.- a magnetic flow meter or 'a doppler, meter. OCWA was told to inVestigate Anise two options and '• any others that are appropride and cost 'effective.• -- • ;• • - Clime= work • . • fr4n, page 1 • in, only a fire department • will respOnd..-Campbell said it is up, to 'the. discre- tion' of the fire department, • to decide if other services, •• such as 'police or ambo - lance, are required. •• • 'Bruce County was act - ink progressively when it • voted unanimously in 1994 to implement the ser- , Vice. Only about half of .the • counties in tlit province provide 911. •• Currently there are 70 • different.einergency num- bers used in Bruce County. Campbell'iaid` 911, will : prOvide a 'uniform number That is, universally accept= • •ed. . • The, civic addressing • syStent was also a benefit•. 'said Campbell; as people •who live in•rural areas are • now part of a comprehen- sive mapping system. When a call to911 is • placed, the person' doesn't even.need to speak for operators to know where 'that coil is coming from. • When the water flow appeared to be- • •toabigh a few Months ago, a:camera sys- tem was used in certain ,areas to deter. :mine if there were any specific problems. • •'At five manholes there appeared to be • excess water flowing into the -small holes in the cover and the tiny crack'around it ' • Sealed basins, that will trap street water. and debris, were. installed under these Covers. When.the basin fills withwater, any excess 'will continue to run down the • - street. • •Another problem WAS found witha. " Water proof manhole. These are, the ones whereyou see a vent.coming out of the •side and running Over to a lamp post or Pnle." Occasionally those vent pipes get brokenandWater starts, running in. In this • instanee the Vent was plugged at the bot; , tom eta ' . One service connection at the sports, complex' was found to have a lot of, water Coming In around OCWA : reps told . council that this should be repaired too.. Maintenance • Coundil was told that a Maintenance • program shotild be instituted. This would " involve a truck erinipped with hoses that • will suck out the sewer pipes, to. keep' them free of debris, that Might cause problems over a long term. This program • will be imPiereented in areas of the town , on a revolving basis. •"*. 'It is iMportant for horneownerS' to • remember that weeper tiles or roof drains ShouldnOt be draining into, the sanitary • system. This effectively costs`titeryone • for treating water that Shouldn't be treated • ' and•affects the capacity of the plant. • •: •• • • • , What is OCWA?'' . • • OCWA is a crown eCappration, it is a spin-off from the utility operation branch -_ of the Ministry of Environment that was put in place in November 1993. ••• - • The village•has the Association under •Contract for three, years to operate and Maintain the sewage facilityand take care of all dealings that arerequiredWith regulatory agencies, primarily the moB, ene es are ust a an ut • tram page 1 • . realizes thepeOple pushtng for the flew benches have' the bes,t'interest of•the town at heart" howeverth'ese • same people do 110t. live downtown." Steer is concerned that the benches are an invitation for certain people to hang out and litter the area with cigarette butts and spilled beer. "The, older people who would appreciate a place to sit will not do so because -generally the batches are too filthy and littered," Steer . wrote. , As a resident who lives across -the street from wherea , bench has been, situated; he said the noise keeps(him • awake at night. - • ' Steer's letter said several merchants and residents of the downtown area were in opposition to the benches. • Mears told council she did a personal survey of the business owners and received a favorable response from every()nt.,,, There was' only 'one who requested that a ' • bench not he placed_ in front of their btisiness: • . • ' . Subject to approval, ouricil Pool- •• • 1 from the transition board, accep• the recommendation of.the ts Lucknow council accepted .• 1• . Lucknow and District • poo ., ' Joint Recreation Board to • •accept tile quote of'Dar- ii LJ • e.‘, 4. •• , • Lynn Pools for renova_ •q ut, LoU ' tions to the