The Lucknow Sentinel, 1998-04-15, Page 18T_ALE i~,tllttQtrtr gena Frit trd okfan gollsiNpmetnt% cutest until filled. . ' r. R. Itliter. Phone or Fes; 395,5002 :SERV • .EAPM ES L TI . „ ueet-IC"LD egtling at ;ttr. A tngtitQrr' entre or , • your promises ' ll'stttel'Yt sfi Au ittneet 41696-0756' 01.$-420,-3414 AUCTION SALE Qt•. Ognsigtnments sit. Horne . Purnishihas' and Arhtigewifl be held irr Teeswater Agr tQUrt Bldg . Qtt• Mon., April; /90 Q .p AVGT(ONEERSS.. • „ tNalla Ba tag, •. Toeowater -*•49.4.470,t711 Gra:nt(lc0Q04.4 • RiplO .w• $95434$• I . t rid tyi 111;+1 . `Ainia'Tgwf$hip, Farm machilleiY.4. Household, ffects MQn4ay. April!. i� .. Dgn 4: lizobethn Stob0 Cuirose Tew,nship , ' Farm, Machinery 4 Househeld•Effoets, We4nes4ay, April i$ l russets Livestock 0,0144Y Apr+! 1 a $tatitPy Equiprntont�. . ' RFi;#4, Kincardine; Consignments,& Fant Machinery ...tastes Akprit bn-• ,Frgck;:k,lease.Kti \NOleslgy YQwnahip • • f=arm Machinery $, 4XdayMgy: . Peter,4,Evelyn QQQk p,,Koany.A, Housatiela. Ffiebts; Luoknpva, `atki,N4y May + Ro ort Maybury'Farm ; fiR #i2 Wingham at : r 4k 44i1*- :Kurowski Zygrrru,rht ,: Hpcisshotd items 8< Thi& Brussels • . ttWrday;100. t Dov,@ Dennia?o '' Wgiding,; Autan Qt v,o,4;7-9,0A,. • West of LUckrww,, 40.ilt 6.. $ rd ay NO y,, 0 'Jpssia Joynt • Luckppw, . T''es $te Thors ' KV /.. tQ,y,QKres: r,i00 , 8ritOeist i.iyestt ark. A,140:.iQNNEf Bran~ Rrrt T.2a49: Aptil 10# MIS CONSIGNMENT ALIC,TiON, sALE Of r11rOXImatafy 100 10 4(44,7 t war baa pie ua af< aquiprtrerrt: vt lnict s; item; ttr hoktat larincitey- Sales Yet Dom'non Qr /j� A r: 24198 'ski ,Apht CONOIONMENTS W fiQME FOR Fttia,.413TJNQ Tema Cash gr a.tstitrat with proper Lar. - B% lxtiles TO. ,and 7% %.,1'; where ap#rlicat#ta. Owner ar aectianeer not restxanaiele. fpr aRctistarita Qr tQsa• Qt purthaaa data of sate, Any anhotinoementa: day of Sate taint {treoeditnce, over. writtenadverffsina AUQTI(1MM* CiOROON;14.. aRINDl„. r (010), -7g71TRe%. ($1•4$20,7620 Butt,. AUCTION SALE Qf Mprae• Pttrnrshings; Antiques• &; a MQtarhorria wilt 4e heltt at tate pavtttaun, Qentre, liinaatdtna +d ,p!!yyril`tr.t Fier th$;• 0stgtes Qt M. Vera EQtargrice) Urquhart unci Mr. Vernon Frickey bath of. Ki nn?ardfne • pins '; other consiynmente. ` ink. iron curio cabihatr curio tattles: `modem woodoval lahle, with . ressb ok. .lots:; av4l trent c ro,,,` calzine.t; oak washstand; with: towed= tzars. 4. mirror; carver 16ihattt9W1atAgnW ll w.batnot;, pining. morn 'smite - tabtei 4 dhairs; bullet and chinai> cabinet; pine roil top desk;':: chip."s.,activlty centre. and desk; oval lamp, aoto,-: love. seat, done can chair; cane; .tub chair; teb1a-arld.4.chaire;,. mahragany quilt stand; mgdern.bedroom sults•- bed:. dresser, armoire '& 2` night $lete•.tabtes; bedrppib suites quantity Qt.,. dishes. •titassware., cups & saucer erld• coaktng; utensils; migrow.aves, fridges: stoves; treezera, • wasihers. :and:• dryers 6.4r.4004 ••!: Oise- new: ondition;, garden'•and hand '`togls; Workmets.work tench; 21" Lawnbay faWriMower;. cc.sander; router; tench vice; patio• dQQr;1977•Dodge.• Tt094, it Mo14rhgrti4, with. fritiCie; stove Washreern; -;furnace, either etec.tric/ prepare haat, sleeps; 4 '.MokQrMme: in. good 'condtti0n, . • Many other inteiesting, items.; ;Mian to,attend;' Lasting sutiect td. change„ ?:Witndut.notice. :P.reviow atter_ pan, Friday 71 Rfy1S't Cesh(phe0149: with,; prgper G,i?, ni9ht.dt sale, E &!, G IAN#:: �R►ptey, Wof l,a4 'reBS+Nuter, &170, rr PU. Nqt u imputes; expeirienct rta e5 aryr• -, tciitincq opl artunt- tiies now available in t pt$er Proc.Xarrtroinw We wilt: trent etcitabigt t #putts. Celt QM. tctlt-ftiel'wBQtl* 4z7, -$ 911itt i" «. with szttr greet home -study oQUree Os 1t today for your PReefiClOK. 1.000-2.0,1020.. Quality of aeurae,' Ntoi rthor Avenue, airttta Ottawa. (1 L of ie... tou Gomm q4cts. ant arta Lina Ttgert• qt Fera ta, happily announce the birth of their' thuds son, Nathan Alexander, 7 ghee, 12' a . an mato' tr zettrr.. A~ brother for dock and Lim:: . :Prouct 00erents efe' crelOre•e Wart Gear, otleriell, 'dank and Rita. 'fitted, Port Albert, great, • gra'nrdmother. Yvette Heffernan, Huronvie:w. •`Grandpas Anter t ie watching'. • over Nathan, frorrz Revert, 1 :Mini Jackpot„ $1,60Q t. :jackpot., Total prizes. Stas • RrorrinclalQat, every.: RIO. Night :-„07ftar Annttat.neet.+ng: of'Otifislia» Heritage: R'at'ty, . Huron, Thanks to 1 int Kens, i—Th At and cOpecietty` 'Maim and the nest of the orew•. darn R$- SPirtlf 019,1"4-: «. 1"irx HENRY' We would Bila t thank, our, relatives. nelohlapie and Meads for the girds* fit}w- firs~ gifts, aria odt to oto- ,Carate slur 00th 8rtnivers r, A1; ,o special# thank to our. 'family fair hooting the• omit and a special, thanks to - Yvotsne for the helps she,. offered: Thank. yttu: Fila . andRernin e. -*1 Qederich Knights of Qolumbua, every Thursday. 7' p'.m Gaunt t& Q ntre, 39Q 'Parson',: Court. $44O0.. in prim progr.essitiie lack- pet at kpet $101)04 regi,ilax -jackpot $1.500 •m:aat go: talc; #17.92Q; Ftr.st Saturday of every. month, 7 p,rrt,. golttntbias Gantre; $$00 HAQKE 1 would like to say "thank you" to 50 many; $uxenne, and Sill Andrew, Sonya' r f Aiton, F .e���Phi1l ._ lisle.,. Ritchie; Wiltiarn lrvih. for their help a(fl; kindness, to,; rne_ ulna slight of my accident, at Trihity °hurt h: Ppeetat "thanks.'! to- Olt Andrew for driving; rrte to the, hoepitdl,'. lips thea rnany eardes, !'otters, flowers, treats and visits: `during; my. seven "weeks in ;haspitat and, Since returning: tQ . my hanye; to finery; Rn obison for.: lgoicip, , afters my' pt`ants..and• the many kindnesses she is still deirnq for. Me. A. very;spec3ai';- tnart to„ my,-44t40?ters'. Wile -4.. and!Darlene,'; for all.. their, help,nan patience;: Everjri7na s ; visite . have • helped • the• rriQnths pads;:: snore quiek4y. Shirley, 1$nx': A sincero'tha+ k, you, tp: farm., IY, neighkors. and friends for cards food,' telephens and visits.' at the time; of.Our: beresvement:,• ThankstQ the staft Of. Wingha p hospital. ; J.geln;, .Jeff and Mary Olen* :'MacKeniie•ar}d• McQrsath. Funeral, Home, Rev,.. Peggy Kinsman,; for. her comforting words. and', 'Mary. Leif:. Rgyrtard for' her, rr•i4uetc, Gerry MoWOJ'4y for t i pip. in9, _afrd to ihex.iadies; of the Presbyterian Qtiurgh fpr the: ghyroh;tunsrh@eni All, these; acts of kihdnessware: apprcieted,nd won't be.-. forgotten. ThanKs. for alt donatlens glV,ert to W,ingham• taI,„ 6.)abete4 "ancl. Luc;knainr$. ree.byterian: Church. Thanks:. to the PalltracYers; Hornerary, Pallbearers, and Ftewgr t eareta, l eltaw Jatxk and'Arinaballe, Verna ands Jeff, Doug and'Naricy-•-15x, l ,00.0. Llc, #3100$0. Super • 'Sryce Riding=. Friday, April 17, E;~.3Q para,' Q1inton; , .Qttristiar, $,hoot $r15 Qall to reserve, 395.5658.-13 l5Xc 'T Donee to interface, April 24, 1,20.rn, at they t*u.cknow Gomt»(trillY. ' 'Qentre • Adwan $614dttit, • $4•/12.. and. under, $24/farni 1y4 Tickets. Lloya'.s or. " QRt►inis•t.ti e ..b r ,: 1.6xp TQWN,WlD 3-. <. GARAOR:SAM;,, sons.Qs, the d atkhvalCQQ topwn.•>nrric gar3rage, sa:le,Saturday: May. 0. Bright and, -early„• rain or, ' shine;, Be- part of • the maps for • your utmost, success -$.1 Iztegieter your 'garage' sate. for a; $ '.fee-before-.Apri124,: Fear includes;, your';garage sate; lo,catiorn. Qn•`map. map..,. availability qn w e c;prior to;. event map;' distribution,: advertiaing, in_ locat,.papers... Dutof*townerscannboo. a,. spaot. at - arena parklnc lot” lnturmatioh- and regist ratiert+ call, Margie iVMacPherson, event co-ordinator, 5213. 2627:-14,16ar, Rt1�tY Gt#t11-tNC�r Glti6 Annual • sprng • meeting: Vtiedne;day;: April, 16, at` 7:3Q'at Ripley Ctartip tut : Everyone.wetcon --15Gc Plartnin9: melting; frtr local crop `� growing. lojec,t`, • Monday, Apri;i 2OYat a. Pan: at United out rbh, Lu4fiPOWy Land- is. available, for the crop, All aeisOrts interested` in &ttppgrting thie,projeet are encouraged to: attend --15, • 40.01,. bxings his, orae -maxi Sinntt tto lytta'. Eesiinrat $ . • ay. rr it 10, •S.gi'.3rr•: .at &2$:-0U` for tickets ($25) intormatipp 12~1�ape ' (fife' l rtrlchment . tsar Alzhefrtnar 14ationtte)' . "liands"ore' worKshop qtr. xltrry; April: 30 4 Knox. lxres#yrteiriaar Qhctrc.h..irx **deft 7 p;m - 10 p. Organized by ttte Alzheimer S,'ocietty e.l H+rort, County. Seating limited; Registration 9,3A • T' pun. CrOst $10. firs. 'Society members,. $15. far ..non-ntearnbers, gall 1-000- -0012. or 4$Z-14,62'fou maze details -;.150660 ,DI F`AilitaklWA `' Volunteers welcome- to loin us• 8ttnday, Aptit 19,i Moot at $t«."Jasepte$, Icing ridge . parking. tot. at 2• ia..0 Port. Att ert 4 H G1u> 1 a MARY' ORattiHOU. Si, April '17 and 10, 2. to 4 putt;. and 7 to pm; at the home Of Diane Park For details 529.341Z -.4.-. . At Brussels- Legion 5t4May,; April` 19..7 p.rtr. ;per perst)n Wale by the• B[andor •.�e s..1, � . KAM. t R HQR; Q001Migt. r:0.441k Join: &fl c r the fun at, the $th.' annual ..star aumpetitive, Flame: of Hope Trail Ride t?: Carriage Drive,, to . raise money, for Diabetes:; �tseacch. Saturday, M:ey 2$ in Elmira., ,wets;: of fiun' anc awesotno Prizes, $3Q8x009. raised, to data! For -,info 614-640- 6.06.17.--13116 ;=19µg40;-6.061;-13115, WHRR t'S QRANP„Ittl�► • s A.r POIttigtir April 231- g4: and.•25ra,p.m. at Lucknaw 'Central-; Public,'• $,Khoo,, Adnisign• Adults.' child..rerr $2,- Span's rs, Lucknow,;; Agricultural Srieiety. Tickets at Holyrood Store>:Hadgns. Hardwares or: PhQne'Sag,8.2Q 7.-14,16a,r:' •15TH•TQRQNI TOY SHOW 4.unday• April 1:0,, foam., 4prn, , The.' international. ventre, G$Q•Q Airpizrt Roads luti$s swage Thousand&- of Arttiquejoilectib1e toys. tor, sato, t ring the: whtie.farni- tyll-,i 5bq- FAMtI YQAN , Friday,, Apr1124, 8;,p: