HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1998-04-15, Page 16e -- LUelititow Sentinel Wedake�, *prait U$w t AtLPt FREE TO 0000 HOMES Springer $paniel with papers. v;ioclnatert, male.. i.00kleg for new home, Galt Derothy 3' year ofd male Rettweiter cross, 50 lits.,. call ,Rail lir 5213.3525. .. Bearded Coilie- or Airedale, male, approximatelyr> 2 years : oldb Ca11,Ralph 528-3525. AdeIt Tabby .oat. ggrgeeus grey, friendfy.:fernaie. Coil Kathi 628.304.5. Blackie, 6. Months Old. Husky/Shepherd crass, male, needs a new Kerrie: C'agait400or Connie 338'- $70 .' . Oliver, 4 year old. ,male Beagle, is vaccinated ani, good• with kids. Paul' 887!61.78, - • • Spotty, 9. month old, kftislrytlCrtoflie Bross is arta; sous to meet his new; own- ere.- Call Gloria .356-g 31'.. Daisy and Harley sibling. , .cats, are fixed, ready. for new.herne together Due f altergiee.call. Stephanie 33S- 3796 • To place your. animal here . call: Ralph WYndran 9.6 aft 528-3525 Or. Kath! Newall 12, 7 at 5213-,0. -l2nx lib. Waitnt•d to Buy Qt.Q LAYING hens; done Cyclo, ttOoka over i00. Orifi,• reed on pick up. Phone '528- 8QI7, leave message.. --10- 16x WANTED; HARDWOOQ, LOGS, Prompt-payment•ear hardwood logs,.. prepayment . or timber stands. Veneer W ,tog prices. Provincially licensedtree rriarkers and certified equipment; apera- tors; 'Special Gare taken in., harvestingL Penrtill Veneer Co, tete", `est, 1927, 34Q , Louisa St.., ° Kitchener (519)742.5887.--15bc, SUFFOLiK• CROSS. rams. $200, Phoria 395-2733.- 14F•15xe EI'GFIT YORK.x Landrace gilts_bred Harrap.x Durock,- O ie April ,.15.,.Glea.e n. Bauma►t, KR, 3 Holyreed,--'. 1445x:. . ' FOR SALB Siininentaf: bull;' 15 months old, "ready for, service; Birth wetght.92 lbs. 0011,524,98 5.--15ce 2Q CRO$ "- RE D oalires; 400 $50 .s,,395.5591,--.. .1 11. or Sale BARN .FLOOR timbers from' barn 50 x 70' good condi.' tin; one 1921 Fordson, compietoty restored; 190 MaaseY. 30; Massey #F~, piow, ready, to use; .. ones• Sriltioe seeder, excellent condition. Phone 395-2711,. -13.15tt. '• JOHN DEERE 7000 corn plenter, 4 row; $4500. Phone 629-7090, --15-17)0 STANiDING IIAY Call late evenings 528-2084.--14- 16xc 70 - •4 x 5 Ftf UNQ -BALES of. hay, alfalfa timothy mixed. ;Stored inside. Good feed. Small Square :bales of alfalfa timothy mixed 4 x 5 round: balesof wheat .strati stored inside. Call after 6 pm. 5297Q17. -.-16-17x# •OAT 1PEL: LEt$ High, fibre, tow cost, cereal' .based: feed. no additives; ,avaitahle in bags or. buck.. Nott Faults, Clinton; Phpffe 482-7439 --16tIce 11b. Services SEEDING CUSTOM frost,. 4 wheeler equipped with broadcast spreader, Winter wheat, pasture, and hay ground, Phone after 6 pm. .395-$380 012.17x# EQUIPMENT REPAIR On site repairs to lam and oonstructiort equipment and small ' engines, Rob Campbell Mobile Repair, 519-398-68.06. Serviei'ng Bruce County.-06tfce CUSTOM: FROST seeding broadcast spreader. equipped ATV. Spring • wheat hazy ground. pastures, etc, '$3/acre.: Phene:528-:. 3017, leave message.' -4.0* . 'CUSTOM SSE° Cleaning, Get your own seed +cleaned for spring planting, Barley, oat% vwheat. soya, bagged. -Qt bulk, Full lino of Novartiai NK seed. Qan Ritchie' 39S': gem-X14»18xo Iit. 'Wanted '.. to Rent: PASTURE teind° wanted for 98 season. Phone '629- 7785. -,--13-1,5?(0 629-7785.:--13.1Sx+ TOP:,I RENT paid in advanQe for, land for 1998er'longer Mast be drained, Rept y ta. drawer; 4094 rto The -Huron Expksitar,,,P.O. BOX 69, Seeforth, Ont. ' NOK 'IWO .13-.18oc ° WANTED TO rept �:alzproxt», ' mately -.50 aeres for crop. • Phone395-4647.-.i5,l cc 11 m.' Fair Rent' } L HAY GROUND_ for rent. Phone 529.1143, --15,16. NEW SKID.'steer,•fer, rent. with, or 'Without operator. Phone395-4647 ---15,1,6cc 1ii y >, Real' Estate HURON COUNTY Dining Establishment for sale; licenced . for. • 93 seats, attached 'titins on' 0.59E acres. High traffic $oeation, desirable` : ciientele, Untirnited potential: with pond4ng canine and suni- mer games: ;Favorable financingt, Listed at . $199,900, including tend, buiidirtg .ante. busineas. CRidwpII Banker, Stonehaven Realty 1-$88- 300-$505 toll freer -.713., 1600 COLOILlett, LAN*Rim **Points Realty Sorlac nicksmaifdec#,4 13%* Stem Few ROSS ROSS ST'tif$E1", L UCKNOW, • .TotuUy remodelled, S bedrogrn new addition. open concept, ,'family roam, modern kitchen. sunken living ratan,, math fluor . undry, AO 4 .pa. bath, protea;siunalty landso'lned, quality home with- e $144,9.. • NEAT AND TIDY. vacua grioeci: bungalow for young or otrt, at only $04e00, you turf settle Into yew, starter or retirement One block to main street. lame treed tat, lrvtnq room, dining room, a Po., bath and more. Don't IVO drive by, oak Richard tar a ales/AM. aAcK _ra NATURE, ehacK riot this tOQ acre, natural setting, 2a acres workable, . s acres. retoresCod Cone, the balance bush, Over and creek en PWpadY, gaad.buildia4 and Pond site; great fur skiing or fishing,. .atte97•Z.- DOWNTTOWN 4.00KNQW. CR.ntreit toceted' Photo commercial property,' steel ciad buil(1ing, twit targe overhead• 'daors,.huge.shop area, recent obviates. new front entrance, ample:parKtng, Start'yaur own' bruSinoss.todiay.. TWO FOR ONE. 'rive tots tor the price o1 one,.$1'4,000 hugs yyoou tills 13R'mtif7' owes, aced, Leval lane for permanent home, 15 minutes* Qodeticb or taka M9)524-1175 524--1' 75 o aurorae Lot, 'Mese to larcknee in small village, :good level double rot, ci sa to tisttirig,. stream, onty 514,`100.. Me) 5284535 1C 1 ,,n. t ,in ;,,.t. r POINT CLARK - newi3 +`1, bedraor raised bungalow, 1 1/0 garage, on well treed 0ul-d6 sac lot. 7• year new homo„:wurrarttyr. $120,40Q Clarke* # Irtrrfes 395.5454 -' --14tfarr LUGKNOW LARGE.2. bed-. room apartment welt deep-: rated, tavtnclry'roomt, omit delivery€, private entrance, Phonea5265600 --tett . 17« ,pi -its. C•gtr laND- LOtif3 2 tied- room apartment, newly ren- ovat+ d;• two. bo Broom upper apartment $250.,taoth close . to downtown, phone- 628.- 2.031.. !'42tfar GLEN' HAVEN Apartments In 4uelinow has: spacious ground flop, 1• and ? bed; room ataartuents.ter rent;` fridge and -stove inatttded controlled 'entrance, atm-•' • mon `.room: and laundry, .: • roorn phone; 5283227 or Gerrie or: Jayne at 1.619---. •262.2026=-41tfar'• .ONE BEDROOM apartment for rent on main street,; LuokitoW, Ptlone 528.39$2; -=3$tfar ONE OR TWO' BEDROOM apartment, private 'ground entrance, park like sur- rounding, utility .area,laun- dry' mat, mail delivery; Cresthaven Apartments. Phone 528-36111 or' 848- 2215 after 6 p.m,--Q3tfar • ' TWO'BEDRQOM apartment in Auburn, 2nd floor apart meat'. is roprny with a: great view, has laundry roots, eat in kitchen, largo tivingroem,, lois of `storage. $350 plus utilities, Available, imrnedi- etely, Calf 51:9.526.7355, -- '05tf ONE BEf7RQQM, 4Rart- rnent, $2$$0tnionth' plus, • ties, Q011, Ravi 528.2411, RENT QAFFE0: to incorm apartments, to . Gunton,' E teter and Goderich, for. Women and ehitdren,' who have experienced abuse, Cali Phoenix of Hines 524.- 3624, 402.5288, 235-3183,. 15 COUNTRY HOUSE for rent: 3 (bedroom.:15 ntinutea from' Goderioh. Or lareknOti r. $500. plus .utftities Qall•529.727$ .-1.ltfcc • HOUSE FOR rent .• 2 fled roach house i 0 rrrinut.es. froth Goderioh; Available May 1, Phone 529-7875 'or - 529 -3252., -- t.4�.1 axe' • THREE BEDROOM farm house, 2 miles south of Lucknow,,Large iivineroam, with fireplace, full base - 'with bathroom, atI shed' garage,. Referenges required: Available .May 1, Phone '529-3263 .-15-17 THREE BEDROOM country horn #or rent, betWr3eri LttoknoW and Kincardine. Open concept, easy to heat,,: $850 per monthplus utili •ties, Call 482.5091 or 482- $TORE ,FPR rant,- maul street frr titaga, kttCknavu, Ph nO $28. 982.--$Qtfar anted 'e Out • ANTeo OLD tube' ampsrfrsceivers e.g. Scott, Fisher,, lice etc. Reesecall 0 (2.2234' or 432-g-141-.. .. 51tfpxe: • ANTtQV FtlRlltiTURI,, Glassware, china, sewing rnaOhrnus; Iarnps, tawelturyr post cards, magazines. Paying 10 sante each ler . Crgwn fruit jars., Brian Butler. 271 Sztrna . St.,. $tratttroy, Ont. N70 1:G2. Phone 245.3142. --13-14cc COLD WOODEN telephone or pints. am a Oolleetor riot a dtiater. Witl pay cash, on ooll+ct 36$4306 after 4' ' TRASH ° QR TREA;. SURES??? Wanted Pre - 1970 Coliecttbtes: COMM* Advertising. Ooca-Cola. . Barbiet , Dolls', Records, givis .Presley,: Beatles, Costume ,Jewellery; • Watches-, . Dinky' Toys, Magazines, Toye, Oomi ; Collections, •TQL,L-FREB 1- 88P490 -46b fi It lief W*nt l4 WQRK FORM: home oval! for tree roto. Tott'iree 1.800- .881.8782,,-1.3'16aa '• • FULL TIME • Q ITl1 i available ,as herdsman en .sw.ine seedstook operation- itr.'the $oderich area.,. The ability to be self: Starter: Ott to work with limited stipend, slob and havae mere geed • aommunicatien skins are of irmpertance, Experiancei :may be an assot, but not essential, A positive attitude and a keeen desire: to team will also be given serious - considerat'ion for..those that may, be lacking experience;. interested - individuals shouldd submit a.resurne;to• Nat'io:aaily; Pigs, `f .R 0,. Gederit,h, =Ont., Ny'A 8Y3 or fax 5.19-$29.345--1$416er 5 X P E'R I E Iii: G.D. . S.ERVER' S,.Peek at Cottage Kitchen Restaurant; • INTERNATIONAL, ARI-,'... CULTURAL„ Exchange - Ages - AO with aEgrict4iter- att experience tQ live/work, • with family in Australia*, New.. 'Zealand, Europe, -Japan. Costs/details -'1-800-263- 1827. Catgaryk Alberta.-- • TUDENT$ tAiik 't Part three sales. must be-interest- ed einterested in modeling' and retail:. Na investmentin-kwentury Or equipment.. , Free. ,. ▪ brochure and details.1 8313.5791-T18ty Lake Range. Ftd,, RQint Gtark,' Bring resumes, -1S. 1.6c+a LOOKING. FOR'work., Crk, part - or hill time wilt do odd jobs, ,Painting', yard work, farm help, ,ete. CaII Ken 528.2706.--15-17 AZJOZ DRIVER required for 6 $ weeks. May.Iead•'to:, 'further employment. Olean record' and able to work long`hgurs a must, Please forward 'resume to,'Cgok`e. E$gvators, Arrtberleyr, 395 3601, 15oe $ATTENI1ON STUt7ENi`S$ Make a lot ot money sailing", chocolate bars, Naw Prod- uots available. N;tithing:to pay ip advance, Fast, deny, ery 1-8QQ-$63-358$, 15be- LOOKING: FOR. A NEW. CAREER or just need extra' money? Sell CBM Gifts` unique line of affordable hove decor, toys and, gilts,. Cali • ''5.19.258-7905,' Fax;S19.258-Q707`:for free catalogues; and 41.4/nation about .this ereederiul oppor- tunity,= -1.51 o ' maintenanneimeettanicat maintainer ' For Food Processing Plant. ,h,pptfcant should have- 3-0 yeets eatftetience,working in a :plant etmosphera with ,,titans,{- supervision. Expedenea Ire e.[ectnrat and miitwrlghting • required. •Exceifentbeeefit package. ' Floris sendRiv,ant# te: P11lp ewn Cheese RiN' Ripley, Ontario TRUCK DRIVER, required for t ie:. spring. Becton,. Contact Daueo or -Hegfher. at VV G; Thompson.'i Sons Port Albert' $29-7901 • TOWN$. IP OF'KINLOSS COUNT DOGS The ,Township o€ Kintosa requites a respgnslble person to count the dogs in 'the Trtwnshlp,issue dog ticences and tags, and to - collect the o-collect.the requir'ed,fiees. ' • App{icatins in writing', .statirsg„rasideoce,.and Price tetpected per dog.- are to be •111: • the Cterk°ss:,.Office,... ':N xtyroad ,by4�30 May 1, 1°9k Any- '• application• not necessarily accepted Mark t:. Becker. A M Q,T. ,,,, Clerk}Treasurer • NQt:YRPOD, Oeuirio • NQa 280 , 5181395=3a'l5 . • ' . 28. Business AMAZING: FAIT "• The tntornet wiit'grew by 2700% in. 24 ma's, Earn, up t:a° • 15ktrno. with Canada's. . fastest growing Internet '.Franchise; Fuli training. Ir uestrnent Req`cl; 1.688- 87$-7588.--15bo' PERFECT .PART-TiME HOME BUStNES$!.'Aghieve urtlin ited $$$$$; 2 hat4rs. per day; Hands en'trainieo, Learn for free, FREE 24 hr..:' 't'nitrritation •message. 1- 800.299.5001, Ext: 50401.- 15bc $140,OQ0tyr potentia{, ¥est Profit Magazine, says '`Best Rusinags,to go into Low overhead & no invents, rye , Very Profitable Francbiset Call now,tree information "1.888473- 2201.--iSbo