The Lucknow Sentinel, 1998-04-15, Page 2gage 2 * Luc i w SWednesday, Alp tli; 5, 1998; Z Z:94 Chs s1sr c T..4( #7341A -Great carp goo t candttion, Loaded with features: ,and finished. irr sky blue with blue rntorial. yIgris{rr winters. wig ` q rosil of warranty. • 199 lCaro n SE . stack #Aa9M. Special Edifier( package, Nicely equipped von -4, with power • features and Vk engine, automatic and stir conditioning, hull warranty. Utagit pitiaRt 1994 mu* Gland Voyager LE stock #441P. Great Von ).erose edition. Loaded with features, including- power seat:option,Very '' well maintained Excellent warranty• arid financin8: ' cA. PRIC*D!'' i 3:, `5 : • 1993�y1tli th Grund Voy O stock# .418A. Extra clean ve Kul, loaded' with features, including, paw rkeel> , • power. wericrowsilacks/Vents, ati01 White Exterior •E' esilent Bull �L limit CI PRICtIlot ,6 1993• Ford f 1 50 Pickup stock #392Pg Great.vglua wit this attractive Ft 50. Equipped wi automatic:tronsmisston• and is;' compiimented with on.:attractive . ',fiberglass. cap:: • C►RAt!b4 P*ICIlpl,:' t i*�� < i -• t. 199 l?akefa 4X4. stock #825 -_A,. Super truck, 'Nicety egpipped wish automatic and 4x4 system, ultra Crean and Box' cover inducted. Excellent. warranty and financing. SALE PRICIDI. 8 y975 r� d mostihmi: 181: !'M1I Fran Farrell of Huron Township was recently recognized; for her.contribution to rural ruing, She wee presented with the Tomnny Cooper Award; (Fry photo) IWSANTtNGTEDS: PAUL ZINN Ki.4 4-.nlos5 ACs, Res. * Sup528ero;, t11ot, WAREHOUSE- 35'' x 60' with office3, area. on `double; lot, $69,9Q0, • 3/4 ACIt:E - building• lot, • serviced, Inglis St. $3.5,000• RETAIL,. STORE: �` With 2. bedroom apartment. Pcceilent Condition,:$69,900. • • 114. ACRES New bungalow, 2 hog ban*, shod, 84, workable,, Cu, iross.1 Nnship. $289 00U•:.. SO;;AQPIES . Newer'butigalow, 'quonset hag, bam, 35 workkaabble, KinlossTwp, $199,000: AGOURN, Three; bedraorn house plus. extra lot with 24.':X 30';shop. Reduced td.$61,90O. `NEAR, WINGHAM - 'brick, bungalow;_ .2 barns, new- kitchen, e.w kitchen. $427,900. ° BUNQAf..QiM - With carport, 3 bedrooms, oil heat. fiavelook St. $51,400:, • • BRICK. HQMt; -.5 bedroom, 14 .etre count lot.$i10,000. ,100 ACRES - Kiftoss,,brick. home, 40%50 'shed wits} 6: box. stalls 55 •'crop, 15 tray,, 15 pasture., 50; ACRE-- 131./,h _retreat, 2 bedroom cottage: $99,960. ' HAVELOCK St. -_Atteched harne : with 'double garage. $85.000. ASHFIELD 7 4, bedroom brick, 4;6 acres; parklike setting. ,61 ACRES Culross TWp. "A" frame eabir154• acres, 10 ygar, bid. pine, 5.` acres hardwood S, BEDROOM' house, attached 3 bay garage Bob, St+ 3125 000 . ASHFIELD•- 3 bedroom houses 11th Conc., aver iii• acre, lost $52 500. 30'15,50' •SHO 'with 145f14 •door, office;'a ea, -112 aero jot, $64,900: ' • 1.5. AQRES. ' with creel, - 3 bedrooms, 18" x, 24 shed., -$6 6. 900 K 8 -:.-UNIT- r r:n r SIiIC ape t, g X cornplex, 2 bedroom, •units. •Good long, term .inve;;,trnent.. $24S 000, 100 JIiR1=S * Ashfield wor}tabie, new Berns, 4 bedroom• house $290,000: 'Ct,Q$E'.Ti tQWN :1 acre lot witiv stream, pond, 3 bedroom. house and workshop:;$97,309.': WAWANOSH - • 153 ,acres, 5 bedroom• brick' home, . pa workable, 18: pasture.. 'YEAR•RoUNC1 HOME- On Nilo Mite ' rivet; . 2 bedrooms, woedlprgpane 'heat Nice. W0110017.$6.8,500. LISTINGS, WAXTErX by Scott Middleton Fran Farrell of RR#3, Ripley has won the Too my Cooper Annwd Award, The award, given by the grey and $111.00 Counties' Federations of Agriculture, is given: to the person when ha made the greatest contribution to agriculture and rural living. in Grey .and Bruce coup., ties in the past year: Tommy Copper was. an Ontario Ministry of Agri cultura. representative for Grey County from 1920 until 1959 and dedi- c aced •his• life .to agricul- ture. : Farrell is the Chairperson of Roots of .Bruce, a group that pro- ,tngtes agricu'ltuural edu a- tion to students, She is also •, the- .• , President of Bruce, Soyth District, Women's Institute and was. the chair for the •.grey^Bruce Wo mesh's Institute: Convention. • Farrell is ,a 4 -IJ leader, was the presidentof the. Iipley , %istrict. `ell wins Coper award Horticultural Society and of. Agriculture. She was is the associate director of presented with. the award. .the Ripley Agricultural : by CFOS Radio. Station Society to name just a few and the Owen Sound Sun of .her many '1e.adership Times at the Grey, Country roles. ' • • "Meet The 'Members Farrell: was nominated • Meeting„ on. Saturday. in • was- nonminared by the Puritam. Bruce Cauttfy Federation Lions will collect aluminum at dum West •' Wawatl:osh. Township ca in,e 1 has given approval to the: Lut:loiow Lions Club to collect aluminum cans: front the municipality's landfill site. A container will be placed* the site to receive Ike cans: The . Lions Club is. spearheading this project 48' a means- of raising funds for the repairs to the. Luc1tnow 'swimming,. pctcil: Lions Member Ambrose Redmond itlade the ,proM. posat tocouncil ra't, its April 7 meeting.. B .a nrr e: r rn.a n-. Construction Ltd. of Museum pprograms altereor thisyear by"+:at LFvingsto i 'The Farni Museum., the former Ontario Agriegitural Museunft, at:Milton, is .alive. However, •tlkings could be going, a little better, according t� John King, -,general manager. In i998, :only, eduga. tional programs. for schools will run. There wilt be no ptiblic •program • In the. Farm Progress. issue, carried in 'this. publication; on March 18, 'an article' referred to a long list of public events planned for. spring, summer and fall ,at the Museum. The article .was misleading - 'in that.cireumstances'at the Musetiin`:had changed sitiee the calendar of events was,:.. distributed The Farm Museum is a • not-t'or-profit organization operated by, Country Heritage'Exper,ience Inc: • In late 1995,- the, provincial . tpent'announced there would be nb fund- ing for the Ontario Agrictiitural,Museutn, King explained that a, group of`peppiegot together, formed, a' eotxilnittee and made a pitch to. tlae government. . "A riot -for prot►tcorpczratton. „. u wo ld b e created. toottanage and preserve the. Museum, and keep, the facility for the benefit of the people. of Ontario,'" said .Ki'ng, The'government accepted that approach: King,. said the, government: still owns. the. site, the,colectio> and; -the artifacts and .does provide :''a little bit of financial assistance" to cover sbme;of; the' basic Operating `s osts.because-it i5 Their Site; Country heritage Eicperienge Ine, took. over April 1,1997. "Unforttzriateiy,.. lite first year for the new, corporation brought with it some unforeseen costs, associated with the start to and the• revenue projec- tions were not up to exp tis,ns;' King, Said.. • Asa result, in late ° 199,7 it;,was.'tieces- soyto lay off:: all of the staff -:and titre s'?re was secured•for the Winter:' The beard -is noW.;in the process of, reviewing thebusiness plan and trying to' identify' sortie areaSfwhere• the Farm Museum can continue to offer some kind ofprogratn, "but- todo it without the financial risks," says King.,, "Our, school program haspredictable • revenues and we, can staff the.site accord- ingly. The". teachers, pre -book.. so they tell tis how marry:'students- will be.coining," King said;: ' However, a public program on the other hand brings with it total uncertain-. ty, "We would have staff on the -site and sufficient Teop1e doii".t conethrough the doors,; we wauld.have a •red -ink day, said Me general tnanager.. "We don't- have the , resources to be able to sustain y' 4ed ink days. For that reason the board deter rhine4.that wJ-iile.a public program would be ideal; we don'T have, the: resources to be able to do it?" ' The educational programa is tentatively, • •slated -to start near the, end of :April.' Ding.: remains;optimistiC about the future of the . Parni'M,aseuin and public programs The Farm Museum is. located beside the 40'1., exit at Hwy, 25. Milton. The; . phone number is`11.905'-878-8i Sal . , •• a registgr your project i`uu lin,"visit PITgH-1N c DA's vvob site at vuwviir,pitph4in.+ a PITC F IN CANADA Week, May 4-10 Kincardine was awarded the tender for gravel. Prices are: 15,000 tones of 3/4 ine11 gravel at 8410 per ton; hauling and placing "A" gravel'ori township, roads at . $1.10 per: ton (from Johnston boundary: pith ; crushing iO,0QO tones of 314: inch gravel at 780 per ton; haul and place "A"' gravel to town— ship roads at $1 per ton;. .crush and: stoekpite 314•.. inch granular "A.'" at $1 per tone •(from St Augustine pit), • 'Council passed a bylaw to provide for- the •erection; • of stop signs at the; filter_ section On' 'Queen and., Turnber.ry Street, and Turnberry and Gbdericll.. Street, in Auburn. A'•,bylaw :was - also - passed' to provided for part •.of registered. plan :291', iii •Auburn, to be designed: as a highway. . Mary Garrioek'wall be given an honorarium .of Si 50 to serve as, the, town ship's representative on the-Alotabdra Marine" and, General•1;lospital Board. •cJ A.review •of class sizes in the Bluewater school' board shows a,relativeiy Close snatch in Bruce and Grey County schools. unt . G is. Personnel ,superinten- dent John Lennon said iiti t'nost cases, ;classes in Bluewater schools: are snialier.''than the provincial, average, - "This is good news," Lennon said,; predipting that the province's new tllkaximutm, Class size ,regu- lations won't have,, any affect oh classroom size, ,. across the two counties,