HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1998-04-01, Page 18> e, IS .taViuto s
Thanks everyone for the
kindness and oone.arn
shown to, mai while t was a
Izationt in the Winghamr h
pitel ant on returning horn.
Ira riot tate hest way to 4tItt
out of dein chorea. Thd nkS
again aortna. —13*
We would like to thank Or.
LFII,. Or, Brown Zr Alrpavget
and D'r, J Rouir"ka.: the OR
staff, ICL1.an4 the terrific
2nit'floor nursing staff for
• :heir outstanding ear% dur-
rrh our hospital stay.
Sp ciat thanha to everyone
ntho visited and called, sent
• 'lavers, cards and gifts. A.
oig hug, and Ilio to Paddy
and -,Grandma, and Grand a
'or their continuous support
during Riley's long awwaitect
arrival ,and ai.nca "Gaming
'tarn,. Everyone has been
so kind Thank you Use and
vomof'tyt,E1 •
vlom and: I' would reelty, like
a thank daddy for helping
)ring me into this wortcf.and.
also the staff at Wingharri 84:
)istriet Hospital, a speniat~
hank you to N,gfda Scott,
:m.ity Phillips. .Sharon'
vloDQUgail and Andrea
;lamitton for'their everlest-
• ng, kindne.:.. Sig thanks: to
)19 l rother Andrew, arid,
' 3•ran 1paronts, friends' and-
' tel. ,htiere for all: of their
,rtppoxt and tl otighttulnese:
T:B:'Thankk tg all who
)elpeO. keel) grandma
koodg together, Kim and
layley, " t 3xc, •
. tea.
Dun :ganrton 'Unite -el
3hureft, Aprit,5; Sittings at 5
ail: 6:30 p.m, Adults. $8,
:hitdrert, up to,, 12 $4, foul
end under• free. T cket~a. 6411,
Jan 529,755; Jerry 5294
743:. --12 13ar.•
4{ rit 2, 6 3Q to 7,.p.rri. Watch
ler them corning door'to
Bnloy fashion . meals at
the- Kintnss. Commt:inity'
Centre, between 4 and .3
p.tri, On and. April 5,
l a,1$ee
Parade committee meeting.
April2, 7:3Q p,rtt.:at,Tourism.
Ci#lice, AnYPne interastect, in'
helping.. or,: with.'ideas,• "
,Please"}Qin us.:Catt-T:om,
395.519 or ,lim, 52&-x:144,'
GQ#fei r Tfipertre, art evtrrr'
Pf gnteriainmentwith lob,
Bundy,, Floyd=•Herman. and.
legal artits,. at13,roOkside,
SchgQt, Pit Aprii9;,8:p.an, $Q,
per parat>n. Proceeda�: for
uhool'proloot4 Tickets
from 529-79QQ•
e adariola' i!kni ,ht i A
ctsumbw every Thru4day,.
7 p.m. ColUrnbus Centre: •
Parson's Court,;
in prizea; progressive
pat $1,OQ4• roomier la['**
Slaw mrs t go".Op.,
CUM. t.Saturday et
avert rrtcutth., 7 •p.m.,
• Columbus Centr , Ql
Mini. 4ac .p $t;$QQ
Ja kpcit. , Total. . Prizes
$4A0Q. igitgEtSe. Sirear
Star Provincial Gamd every
Mingo Night;,.- 07tfer .'
Regular . meeting on
Wednesday, April: 3, at 7:$Q
pm. lit 1 ucknow Town Hail,
Mrs. Ron (Maii) Hitt of
Tee;;uater wilt's show; slides
of Irrelai'rdr and also flowers.
Everyone vvel alae (note
change of time). -18',?oar.
f$A0F0D14 SA4t~
Daffodils tot ttha. Canadian
• Cancer Society are on sale
Friday, April 3; 1;3a to.4,3+O'
an main street (Perrier
Marge* Speciality
$hp(Pe),13 �W
t.;1 "CKN,Cl rt.UNFr'
Sunday,. April 5,:" S and 6;0e
tx:rrirk Sittings. Prices:: kinder-
garten and presehoof free;
under 12° -:$5; aduits $7 50;''
Tigkets avaitable„ 'at `'
isileganagh Insurances.
Finlay Deooratgrs, and'
Ltoya's. golia Pius.--1Z`13ar
Li.lekn ow Town: Hall, April" S
1 p.m. Sponsored by Huron
•Chapter at the, };astern Star."
Evaryane Welcome: ,w 13
14xe • •
Ge,orga's: An ii:can
Buret), 99 Woolwich SL, ,''
tielph; April. 4; 3 Van.
ickets,::$1 Q, at door :.$t'2.
irector Wifi.em: vart`
- ,'tijdam; organist L&&cas
,hor"psinski, soloist Cellean„
• reidanus. lnfarrriatior :tilt
1 J�$3a-245,1. 11,12;.1'3x
'Dont, inisa out! ,4oin in: or
he,fun. et the .8th• annual
.ort-corr�petitive Flan of
t l?o'°Trail. Ride• & Carrie9e
-;rive, to raise. -money for
Diabetes Research,
_ ,aturday,-Mey'2$; ini l nira,, -
`ots; offun and a,,w,esome;.
-rizest . $$Qr3,Q0Q 'raised tp
-date! For info "519.648r
For, the spring -season. on .
Thorssdty April, 2 W are,
ot?pri Tlurs ,10 :
;Apo 2..
5 Fri. ?..!.ehd $at; 2' 5. if,
yen wish to consign clothing
p1eae: eontaet lklarjarie Hill.
92- 41 or J
at $. 8 . 4 oyc,e
MacDonald at- $924184- for .
a• cor signee'. number Alt '
articles:. mWst. ba Glean and
in goodconditian. If you
nave gaa@stiona: cQngptning;,
• pi004"9,,o4 1, rrre. at 941.486;
Ui6 .12,13"
Latckntgwai Lad Atoll
baseball tnaeefing,
Wedrt.iasdayi.April: a. VA
iZtiit. t .tteknowAronar:—t314
' AllatiRt ' 1f►h. O .
Pancakes, eggs, -toast.
saitisarttit 41 14 ttashhrowns
"AUbtirn Haat.. Sunday, April
$,. �arie.'1 IVO% SO/per-
Sart' or $aq' family, Maple.
syrup. donated by
, Rebirtserr'a. P1roceeds. for
'Phildretri's Miracle Network
Telethon, Children's
Hospital et. Western,
Ontario, 13
arussw is Legion ,Sonday,,
Apri3- 5-, T ami. ; i ajn., $8
'Par, person. Music by The
Westernaurs,. 13c+ •.
Annual rrreetin ' et' CPt stiatr.
Heritage, Rarty; ' Huron
Bruce Riding, Friday„, April-
17,- 9:30; p,rti Clinton
Qhristiatn S Thool $1 S, Oalf
to' reserve: 3956663 13-
; atutd4y Apra 11,
Sungannon Agricultural Hall
starting at 6:30 p ret,;
Adrrtfssrorr $151•pareon:
Advance ticisets only, 1 G'aIl`
$29-79.14: or $2%31sil, Age
of rrtalority onlyr 13/ 14ce
Q NAO3A1i +t 2MNl
VE `E1AN '
t3ave iiirQadfoot,, brirl9,s.. hie,
.One-man show. to:; Blyth
Festival Saturday, :April 18, '.
a p.m,, Qat! 523-93Q0 for
tickets ($25) information, R.
Sponsored by, $0,41O:,th
rietlltluraf. Society,` April 1,
'arid 2, 5 - 1:Q p.rn;'at .the
Seaforth•. .4)4.0i.jF'fex;;
dmission-.donati.ons to ''
Se'aforlh Food 'Sank --
BELMQRK MAFii;,l SvRtjl?
FE$7,vAf l ANC„l
featuring; Lulu's Roadhou4e
Sand, Saturday Apn) 11;• 9
p,rn,-1,'a m. 5,19,o4 per per-..
eon, . Age 'of' Majority,
$elmtre Arerie Floor, OPP`
irtspected For tickets caul,.
3$5.6302 Or 392-6222 --
13,14, •
5 rEP'TEEN;`
&ysternetic•` training For •
effective parenting; o#•teena:
,off ers-a--praotical,'way•tis:"_.
meet. the :Ballengee,, of rale:'
ing teenagers,. today. A,,
group dlaruasien.prograni
-that, helps deiretop.improved.; ..
Parent -teen, relationships,
more:: resPorr64e teenage_
behavior in home, sehOO.
and community-,
teerra9n spit-'o$te rn and
self-reliance, Brookside
$chQ01,, PLR, '7, Lucknow,
Tuesday evenings, April 14,
to:dune 2,- 7 - 9p,rn. coat
$3 Iperson, r$4Q:perearwie.
Finaricial,.AA stance';auail-•
aple if.; needed, 5pc,naored,
by W.ornert Today of Huron.
• For more, informations;. c r tq
r49i5terr,,'Neese calk524n
6767, or 1--5.qQ-479=Q 1Q.
For �} V�t4Nli`"..�7't(�6�'j,�y
.1Luokrr:tt.' 4e� Reunion
avant* ` **display ar In
this week's issue for full.
kk�tallit. —1$,140x.
17411gartnnn . Agricuftural
Halls. Sat,, April 4,
Registration t n,m4 Qarda.
400.in at,`Zt in ,--1 ,
Q iitariO Marola, ialF Mmes
of it s c arr,aputer courses
and jar'. training' that. c .
lead . to emplr9yanent•
opportunities or upgrade
skills tbr consumers -mini
are, able• to seek jo:hs or
retupi IQ ttu workplace.
up two in OMHA foiala
The Nlitige rep team is up two gamma
in its bid for the QM.1•1A final series
against Ayr.
Gum' -Qne wasplayed. in Ayr with,
L.uelmow winning, 4 to 2,. on " a. hat. tricke •
from Shane;2etteplaee and a single from
Jonathan IV,lat;i inns n A+ sists went, to
Chris Wainwright with three. Richard
Walk . with two, ani Craig Ii f ffa t and
'`,reg; Courtney with singles,. -
a e
Six Nations. defeated:`
Lti:tK'linor!w's alternate entry
in the Midget longue to.
take the tU` Ontario trophy
Ori the weekend, it wasn't
a wallsraway series for Six
Nations; as the local squad
gave -theft' a; •good, rtln for
the ha.rd%a,re. Ail four
One* were ,only one goal:
t#itferenee '
Tho tee Warriors tray-
eiked to Ayton on March.,
23 for the third gatne tit,
the series. This was a do
or die garne and All:play-
•er•,s, pint forth; a trenrerrtiotis
i ffc,rt tu.stay on. top-ot the
Normanby t ;rrn..
As, the,' • ,gam.Q.. pro-:
grossed, the Ice Warriors
were d+e,fi,nitel'y: the
stronger; looking- taa..butt
ended` up .on, theshort, end;.
of a,3 to 2; scone ii?, over. -
time '•
vertime;'' despite. ; Wiarty;.
Q0411a0 valiant, efforts to
1•ead•,the• team to. victory,
Kevin Cock assisted" on
one of Quinlan,"s. goals.
The Ice' Warriors were
the, Western: Division win
hors of the White :Novice
level` and tinali,sts4.in the
Central White, Division
All the c hes an'd
trainers, had, a, good time;
working with all the• kids,
and, wish, them'good 1uelc:
next year .in‘
ll1pYQUl TQ
Ontario, March of Dimes;
assists in the purchase
wheelcliairs.,canes and
c;;rutehs attd.'wrth�
frig a, variety;. Qf eicctronio
lifts.apd• communications;
tools .for thQso inneed,.
Toy :also repair. re ;yc;le
and ` rent rtfufurbished;
devices which" have het;n
dQisatecf, •
Playing in I-ueknow on 'Friday night.
Lucknfaw came out on top of 4 to 2 sca`Care
when Jonathan MacKinnon pumped in
twu: hand Eau *fret and Dennis Lubbers .
added sines. Setting up tbo plays were:
L ubbets and Craig M.otfat with ,two each.,
and "Eat. flat and, Courtney .
The next game is in Ayr tonight
Wednesday) at 9• p,m..
Nat atacars won the.
seines three' ginner to one,
with 'scores ` of 5 to 4 on
MEtreh 23, to 2' On'Ma,rch
V'. Ala4 to 3 in overtime
ori March 23.
'Goals din the hist three
games went tca: Dax,yl.
AttchisQn (2),. `,Orlon
MM.rew' (2), Jeff Auttrew,.
Nick, Mann; +nnpr'
up e
McDonagh, Mark $tanic;y-
and Oant. Moffat. Asists,
Alison Jordan Andrew.
Stau1ey, Troy lvlo en 'ie,
aitd •-Jeff Andrew. Mann -.
acrd"McDonagh :with two
:each, • '
Coogratulatioita to the
,Luekito1u.Midget •atteri rte
tenor for winning t?M1A
' finalist atedaliions,
z'he .uckncrw Novice
rep, teafn;°hosted, Brussels
on, Match 25 •and sent
the,rn, Yonne with .a 6 to 2.
Dan. Cw! array connected
tor:., hat, trick assisted try'
Mayer',. Meagan
• Garirerony Stuart Eadie and,
Jtihr? Elpltit:lc, . Wcs: JCiv� t
notched two :from Dan
t14uxray, • and `Kenny
Stanley froth Mtrirray; and
On March 26, Luokngw`
eartac from behind' 1 to .0
during play ih -Q derieh:
ands sc41re.d five,. tinan"`
swered goals.
Devin Ksrrip tallied;
three with assists frump
May, r , and Brent
DCB;ruyn: .Viler* ki.ve.t-t
seered ,from-airM,u"riayy
and K. Stanley, .' and:
Meagan Cameron , notched
an unassisted,,
`the .season wrapped.iip,
on Friday, night, when the
MMtonty Flyr's trrctk' 4 tt10ir
parents.: The , rcprtrter
writes the • .. sc:+a,re . was,
"tinniertti >itrrhleL"
Devin Kemp time u''p
with 'coon tless saves 9n •
psa.xent forwards. Wayn
Phillips, iu iray:H.oggarri
Duatie Rivett,; Curd'
Kemp, Al Murray and ,
Stove Chttmney: Excellent
beekcheeking by Barry
Elphitck, and, Douglas” .,
HiarrriltQn kept„ the parents, -
in, the• game while schti .
Dads, such as Kern ••
Iv1.u1-1ay. and Chanute
spent. nutr?erous rnuttutes,in
thepenalty box,
Fittalty. rnoin,coaohe"s
Deb; Etphick and Joan
Sadie eailed the gaine,dee
to excessive roughing,and ,.
h0e$:;play. I irinl• score .•
sorry Dads, you've, ihet',
your rtiath?'
Cr.iaUons Chin'
entirengratulNou ele':tealton .on` a
great year:
n�a J
The Bantain rep
,team .was- defeated."
i0- the:,
semi -.final se`ies.,hy ;Pat' Ps:
losing the final two ;gatrles:2.
to 0 at home and 4. .;to I " in
Parknl,IT. Jordan, Haittiltona
scored the single goal °II a
play set up by:Chris;Haekett:
and Stent; Bare.
.Despite Losing this
: sOries;,'the., team, has had a
good $paean and shotiltl, bt
proud, of,their accomplish-