HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1998-04-01, Page 17r10 SALE
arm Machinery & Mtsctiilgrieous wile( tri hakffee:
Jame!. E. Farrell
R•R;1r1, Kincardine, t„ of 8S,'Conc. 4, Hut*" Township: 3 anti as
Hath Of' Arnberfey, or 10 milers south at• Kinc rrdkte on Highway :
21-114 mde,soura of:Pena River cheese Factwyv ••
Wednesday . April 8,1990 at 12:30- RM.
MACHINERYt Case. fel 2096 tractor M a wheel drive. fir, sit".
fully equipped, 20+:-88 •tires, approx, 255Q hours excellent
condition, sat of duals (20-8.88) sells separate; 105 White
tractor. now tires, new angina . set of duals« MF 510 combine
cab. riles*, pickup and, reel - goad condition: Mf* 773 hydro -stat
swather. 12 ft, with hay cs ditioner Ili S1O0.2t,rurr seed drill;
956 David Brawn WHeader& drain. press wheels. dress seeder.' •
aH :graln (Soybean special); Glenna 21 ft cultivator. clrlinders
hydraulic wing$; M $s Chalmers 15 It wheel dim Mis.Chalmers
2000.4»18. plow; New Holland 354. mix mitt, two 180 bub
gravity bins (1 'Turnco); holler with 140 bushel gravity bin;
Lucknow 4 it double auger. snowblower; Gehl 250 manure..
spreader (as is), Westffetd 51 ft grain *igen, 15 ft. stoke tr iler
with goose nock and hiitch;, Veniyl weed sprayrer - 35 ft. bosun; 3
Pt4 (foidup): �,
MIsCEt:.ANeolUS; Ford seeder:.a 4 In, grain• augers. pig:
Outs; lumber rai;kS for talon truck; air compressor, ice oteai n
spfloelitter er Darden tEler, milk carts; steel faint gates. pa baa wood,
Wagon, loaad of ti is ellaneous items:
Farm rs sold,•Plan tq :attenstt
TERMS Cash 9r acceptable cheque with proper 1:Q.,day of
sate• Not responsible for accidents, Verbal artnauncemenis take
precedence over advertising, (terns listed, as described by
Fbt more information. calf .lim: Farrell (daytime) 518-8g:6411.5•
(after 0 p.rn,) 310•305,5217: ' •
AtipTIQ$E.ER • ::
Brian Rintoul - (519) 357-2349:
39 Edmasti l
Classes held April: 18.24,
'98. For. infor .radon• contact;
Southwestern" Ontario
. School of Auctioreoring,
, R.R. $5... Woodstock,
Ontario, Nees: 7V3a:_:1-8,80-,
866.735 ,-'1 .
WRITER.,. with Our: great
home -study course,. Calt
today for your FREE ROOK.
• 1.800-267.1829. Quality of -
Avenue, • Smits 3018,
Ottawa,•ON:'Xi 1, 0.12.
40 Lost .sod
porecins rosponsible'for bor-
• . rowing the deter off our front:
.fawn please>.return it: :Ken
Alton. -- 13
42 kitsirrio
Pearl' Loctella Lloyd (Boyle)'•
passed away peacotully- on
March '11,1'998: at The :
Pinsk: tong Term.. Gare
Fal{illy lit ;' Bracobridg
Where : she• had reskied for $'.•
yearsme;' fors resident cit
era+, ` uc,kr►ow area In tier
95th year, Wife of WanPIA . J.
Lloyd (deceased); survived'
by •her•san-loan a01 Landon
•'and ' l?or•is _ Tomas of
Bracet ridge, ,Also 7:',rand,
children, end 8 gr, =`,grand-
ch'il+ ren. Uurial at 4futer;
data in London, Or tail -1 ';;'
Y r .
a l
Bu it : t
Final It
Trade it
a. .
Lucknow Suntirxal.
.Q100010 40
James; R; . l tchison, of 481.
Ross Street, Luokriow,,
passed away at ttte•
W►tngha'ni . and District
HQspitat, . an, March. 28,
• 1998i, in his 76h. year .Mr,
AAitcihiaaon was a. ,ratirtki
West Wawanosh. Township
farmer- Howaai born circ
•Sept. 2, 1922, in. West•.
Wawanosh Township. a• Son
of, the late Ar hie and Verna:..
•(Gaunt). Aitchison. _ Mr
•Aitchison. is survived, by his
'-wife Cealiaa:. (Wilson) of.
1,4000%! and children. ,lack
aand'.:Annabette AttchisQn, of
Ripl$y.. Verna Oct'.
Jeaff; Norgate at':Wuigharn,
and:: POO: and Nancy
Aitchison tet 'R.PL., '5
- Lifcknow, brothers. Qt -
1 l naw, ` Jack :o#.
Londesborough, and sisters •
Mario Sutton of 'Blyth, Japan'
.Errington of t?ungannoo,:
Peg".Purdor of Qodarioh.
an'd Davina Morgan of
Kerwood and eight grand!:
children t -le was, :predo- .
ceased • by an infant '84,40:
,, Kennon
Kenneth. Visitation ,was: at•
the MacKenzie and
McCreath Funeral Homes
Lucknow,. where•the funeral
service was:.conducted by
Rev, P4ggy Kinsman of• the
l uckrtout. Presbyterian,
Church where Mr, Aitchison
was a mormber . Honorary
paii:beare.rs were:Marvin
• Scott, ' Ross Gartunio,
Arnold'1aYu1111g, Keith. Hart:
Bob Cantpbeli.,aand Chardon.
Struthers. Active patlbaarer
-Are Jeretrry, Brown, i aryl
Manikin, Mark Marnilton'
• tBariari MacDonald. •Rob.
Brandt, anti,Tota Broome
Flower 404 t014. were Lorre
Itatttiiton., Naanay Aitchison.
Jilt Astchieon,• Jennifa r'.
•Brawn, Dsirleenaa Astchtatn•
and Jeilrey Norgete Spat+;
interment :°' -a cei3�ithrlt
Corneter , Lucknow -3
At Alexandre Marine :
General Hospital on
Thursday„ MEarch 26. 1966.
Hugh Cherteas McConald of
Godearich and formerly of°•
Lucknow in histst year.
Beloved husband oft Ruby
(Reid) McDonald. Gear
latther of Joyce and Keith
• Cranston of Wingham.
Gladys and -term Ftyfogleof
Point Clark and Alan •
McDonald of St. Helens..
Loving grandfather of Brian.
Jim, Panel, Penny, Shaawn.
Chris, Angela..: Adam.
Alison and great grandfa-
ther of Jessica. Brittany.,
Hayley, Isaac;; April and.
Jeremy. Also survived ` by
sisters and brothers Dorothy .
Miner et, Lucknow, Helen
and John Nicholson. Verna
and. Chester Nicholson alt of
Belfast, Earl and ,Rat •
McDonald of . • London.
Harvey and Gladys
McDonald of Torento,
Marvin and 'Darlene
McDonald of Mitchell and
sister-in-law : Rozellaa
McDonald ,ef R.R. .2•.
Lucknow. Pred'eceased'tty
brothers Norman and
CaQrdon. Charles farmed in
Helens fol` 27 years- He
was a Qeuncltlor for Wrist
' Wawanosh Township and
'also: a, school board mere- •
• ber at tate tune ameksidO .
Schaal was farmed, Ho.
moved .te Lucknow w. here
he.,.tock emptoy.ltent akt
Wictgh un tact&pita,( for 10
,Years.:, Ho also an eyed gar•
doting, Charles rand Ruby_
retired to Gederict 1Q.years. •
ago'Charles was a member
of :• .North Street • United `
Church and MacKay Centre •
Where ho was on the board,
Ho articled. bowling, cards,.
and shuffleboard, Funeral
service was held at the
MlcCalltfnt ane. Palls Furteraat
Herne, G'oderictl volt
Sunday, March° 29. Rev.
Robert Sail off(ciatod.
-Kathleen. King -,Martin was"
• soloist. IntermentGrereritilk':
'''Cereete•ry, • Lucknow.
Pallbearers were Brien
°Cranston,:,tirn Cranston..•
E2arrel ' Cranston, Sean
Fryfogle,, Chris Eryiagia and:
,Adam McDonald. Donations
.to North. Street United.
chetah or Ateaxandra M.arrnc.
& Qenerat Hospital`grateful-
ly acknow(edged, ;-1.3co
Shawn, Kirit, and' Gig brath.,
et, Andrew are ate* to;
antnou the s .teauiv$ at
,Hayley Hunter, G6; tan y
March, 22',,1 at 1(Vrrtgt am
District Hospital -wee :Z`.
ekes,,: og. 'Proud grartrll ire
eitt% aree Flobett and. Brenda
Woods, ot Auburn and Keith
TYter of t.udknow :and awe:
Tyler of Pt -gleam -len, Great
gra:ndparerrts,.Gordo5t and
Mary Schutt? of Q.ode rich
Jean WoQda Qt`tMK,1on,
:Leder, Boit the fortratert
Carter of Qreenock
"t`awrrsh..p passed away at
County. of Enloe General
Hospital, Walkerturr .alt
Saturday,. Match at,. twa.
She was 64, Beiaved thrift at
Neiman Elelt of Greenock
Town i wilt be sadly
.hissed by longtime family
member Belt Carton sister
Sertha and her husband
Alan Reid of Srannpton;
brothers David Edgar and
Jim Edgar and his wife
Rorer alk at .St. Thomas.
Also survived by three
nieces., eight nephewsk
three, uncles, one aunt and
several cousins. Pre-
deceased by her grandpa,
ents Peter and Bertha
Carter, parents Howard and
Jane Edgar ancE o :te brother
Jack. Funeral servo was
held from the. Tanner &
Pearson Funeral Home,
VWWalkerton.:on March 25
with Rev. Robert Lu:ictan
•otfirtatin,g. interment: in
Myrtl ° •, Cemetery.,,
Greenock • Tc4 nahirt-
Mematial donations to the
County at Bruce, General.
Hospital Foundation orthe
VAIN. would be apR!eciat
ed as expaessions of syn i.
pathyr, Casket Bearers were
E)llt; Ryan, Les:Broad, Dick
Fitzsiknattgts,. Man Sawyer„
Tony Vanderlee..and Cart,
Wiens,.--13ar. ;•
Rod and Lisa aro ocstaatic. ter
armouocs the airivat of thele!
darling' daughter.'Riley.
Etirabeth on .M:arch 20,
1995 at Mit & t Hospitals at
12:50 aril. weighing
15 a stcettching 21 ineh.es.
Dolightad ars first flute
grandpar.:ertts•. Frank and;
lhyilis= Scott;; : 5th tirite
grandniotheer Beeth
MacLenrtatt, also step ,great
grsndrrtothor Cora Clay*on..
In'.loving.nary, of ouirr der,
lingi granddaiagitter and
niece. Shartnort Matte
Vincent y40/p0**ed'aw ,
APO 41, 7
E• rendpe end Grendinta
Os rrw, Awita Joyce*, if ncla,.
?rc . Kev o,, Ort Gary and Aunt
--1�3x 13
adear d u sister
MSS, stens passed
away -ApoL4,, 199?
Your' Presence we .friss.
' Yt1ur memory wetrees_sure
Leaving you always
• Forgetting you: never
(Neill. Joan &t iklaatgaaaret
47. Cards of
Thank yen, tos the i cI nc.wi, •
an -op for printing flyers to
advertise Ora, UQ114, Club
ROP calk Ggglection preje t
for fundraasir.g foe Oa .tom
Your help is g; sally apps c
ate ; ry-10dg
A big'tha#r1r,. your and Fess,
yort to alai my relatives and,
Wends. for vtsrtSa beatltiftlf
cards. gifts;. Flowers a$.td
phone ca lls: It was air much
appreciated Matiet -1$
The,;. Lr. cknow Fre-Tytkes
would lake• to thank their
sponsors: Pudde3decir
Daycare; tired Humphrey,
Carpentry; Hamilton Posies.,
Mayfair Reetaurant Annie's
Gas. Bar; Henderson
Lumber!; Pegg Construction
Euis* Fence and Guide
•'Reitz Lw know Legion;
Mother's Auxiliary. to,' Minor
Sports;. C ih! MacPherson;
DaveMaack: Hap° Hail; Cliff's
Plumbing and Heating:, the
arena staff for all their heip,.
referees' time keepers, per.
ants and fans for all your
help Without you; the toes
nament would hat not be the
SL Ama` CLUB':
would like to take this
0pponurtily: to thank thekilt-
iltbrain litrainesses.tri,tber
supportot Durr 1$9* slkalif
eaarntvaat0HQ Hans Rani*:
Hardware, Pizza Del ght.
Harniltort Fuaf , • RM Central; '
Pharmacy, tom' witliw Tire,
•:Service. The' Luckovat •
Sentinel,. Shaer Design, by:
Sal•I,y,..Arrnstrertg`s Home
Bakery., Pinecrest Manor
N:a.trsing •Home;,
Kranenburgis, Butcher Shom;,
Henderson; Ho,rnecare • .;
Building: Centre;, Luckrrovat
out •& Curl; Gallant •
Corn,riunications;; f;uc)cnovai
Village Market; Decker,"s, •
'Milk.. Paul Cranston; The :
Kids- §boo;-, Lucknow Farm;,
Supply. Bank;of Montreal;
Pegg, Constr,ucti,on, •
Building; Centre;: McDonagh
insurance ,B•rokers Ltd..;
Montgomery: tulo�t.ors
Limited-:. Brad' Humphrey
Carpentry: Caritppell
Heating Service; AftorrisoR
Berries;, Finlay Decorators;
ve.rla tint's Flowers.
Drifts;;. Dungannon, Custom,'
Builders Ltd; Tar,Man,;,
Gilchrist. Farrn: Supply;
.Martyr. M►echanacal.;;;The: •
Shop Video' & Variety;
Ritchie Electric (Lucknow),.
Ltd.. We -:would also like to
thank all, the- parents whe.
helped in sod. a ,any, Ways;•;.
the= arena.•stat•. and that:: pror,
Extra sial. thank. yoi s. goo
tP,. the; Onion caeca , with-
out -born the C kate'pro
gr woe ikj nOt exist. Your
Continued en ies.lh•week
ofte#r'ek ipcg yurQtin
aad.tatiente w b younger
akatv.,rfi,;i,s a 0001 to Yo+ •,
and creat h yJ rr►.etirto,-.
riper; for •alis Ord.; tit* skater's.
Thank* SO rYtadah. L.ucknQW,
Wei -ostia like- t0 thank tb :
!'Littto Davila" for •sucl Bl.
• great year:, Many thanks:feu
the plaque and`ftawers wet
.received at the yearertd
party ^Speiat• the uks tak
levo, •Sill v@�c.. Boalh�ii' and
Dalve. Beca•,gse of all: th
dedication putt forth•by.ttte.
caacttes. plaaye s ant ptar-
!nts, the Devils; had"an:.
excelte;nt year.. T'hianks'
earn Sug and Donna.. -.'131c.
would IikaR to•:thartk nny
family,- friends and rteigh-
bons, for the calls, visits :and
9,et well wishes l received .
Sincerity surgery» Dorothy.
'i 1e wish tc ,thank our tela:
three and; neighbors ter their°
cards,; visits. ph,orte caffs
- and flowors on our 55th.:
• weddi,n,g • anniversary.
• Special than) to Helen and •
'Harold for their.,wertOartul
dinar. Dawid•,ana l Isabel
The players and coache of
thew uoknaw,:,. J uver iles
would: like tw thank alt, thgsn
w.ho have supported us
. throughotut the•'year arid.
during` oar 'OMHA
Qttarnpio„,aah'ip: Series
J,eiinniter; tci Carie Mdtfdt:
Gordy• Rintoul; HaptHall:
Qhuck and Naancy BO:0ser,,.
-Marianna. Rorter.P t uarkhow
Lancers;, Sl ila:Hunger and
140.e N,00adttani; Bill and.
Donna M.oltat; L uc-knowi Eire
Departtea,at; 44.c10ow
Midget Rep6, aril cow ;,
Chris eastSteve Freeeman;
. Qt0Ot •Ghisholnra;, daft and`
Kent Alton,, And to all; olf ;rs •
wtt4 helped to re M( this
year `a citta@ iii litres win
poss,ibte.;: We; appreciate
Y,o<ur help .and, support'to
Skating CtuD` :- ;Sal;