HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1998-04-01, Page 1570..Motorcycles 1902 650 YAMAHA SPE - OK, new tires and battery, safety check last year. $850. Phone 395.-5656.. -- 130 8.. •Computers CQIiIIPUT.ER FACTORY Speciiai -1 year na payment ,or free. scanner (OAC). ;Pentium 166 mmx fully "loaded, eolor printer and software bonus. interNet • ready, Free delivery, . and set up. Call 1.8OO-515.5546,-- 13-1.7' JUST 59.00 PER MONTH. Absolutely. C.ornplete!! NO Money Downl! No.. Payments for Three Months!!t.•From the fifth largest . PC manufacturer in Canada: • 200MMX, 24X CDROM, 2.0 GB Quantum, ATI 313 EXP Video, 33.6 full duplex, 'Intel 'MB and Processor, 16MB. EDD 14 inch SVGA, 90 days FREE Internet. Don't be fooledby other offers[ Credit. Approval 'available right over the phone! i-888-860.9190. more info/to. order. Fast FEDEX delivery, to your door anywhere in Canada.- 13bc" THE;.BEST COMPUTERL • the Best Price. Delivered right to your door anywhere in. Canada! Just $69.00 per :month, No Money Down. For Tyrnannus loaded' 166MMX Multimedia "Package: 166. 'MMX;,; Motorola '56.6 Fax/Modern, Stereo surroundsound, tat full -motion video, 3.2 GB. HD,- 24X CD ROM, full colour 14 inch: monitor, loaded current software (list is -too long for. this adcall uslll)lnstant credit approval available right over the phone! Call` 1-800-551-3434 to order/more informa- tion. -l3bc CANADA -WIDE COM.PUT-• • .ERS . Complete Systems'' from $48/ninth. No Money Down. STUDENT FINANC- iNG! ` Full Line of. Cornponents, • and Accessories: FREE CATA- LOGUE! 1.800-525.8.952 or www:' canadawidecotnput- ers,coti 10. Pets ATTENTION. PUREBRED. Norwegian Elkhound; pup- pies, born Feb. 2. Well, liked pets. 'Excellent tempera- ment. Easy trained, $200. Ready to go. Menne t. Miller, R.R. 2 Lucknow, Lot 24, Conc. 9.'--11-13xc. PUPPIES - FREE TO good homes.- Make great family • dogs, Border Collie Cross. Ready to go. Both parents can b s en Ph n 529- 7423.--12.14xc Adopt -1 -et FREE TO:GOOD HOMES Found in Lucknow, female black and tan 2 -month-old pup, possibly part German, Shepherd; but going to be small to medium.. Cali Ralph •528.3525. •• Abandoned in St. Helen's,• friendly,. female tabby cat, grey, full grown: Anxious for a new home, indoors. Call Kathi 528-3045. Must' go due:to allergies; Harley and Daisy, sibling cats, both• fixed, one orange male, .one black female, 1 1/2 years old. Would like to go to a new home together. Call Stephanie 335-3799; Spotty, a black and white male Musky/Collie cross, 9 . months old, 40 lbs„ is look- ing ooking for a new home. Call. Gloria 360.2031. To place your animal here wal: Ralph. Wyrndre4419.6' at 528-3525 or Kath1 Newell 12 - 7 at. 5284045. - -12nx • lib. Wanted to Buy OLD LAYING hens, done cycle, flocks over 1.00, Cash. paid on pick up. Phone 528- 3017, leave message. 10 1 $x • WANTED: .HARDWOOD LOGS. Prompt payment far hardwood logs, prepayment for timber 'stands, Veneer log prices. Provincially licensed tree markers and certified equipment opera-' tors. Special care taken in harvesting rennin Venee r Go. Ltd, 'est. 1927, 340. Louisa St.,1 Kitchener (519)742-5887.--13bc it e. Livestock ONE BLACK LIMOUSIN cross Shorthorn, yearling bull for sale.. Phos a 519- 395-5390, --12-16 REGISTERED PIEDMON-. `TSE bull, 5 Years; one Pied cross Angus bull 3 years; last year's x Pied calves.. Phone 529.3651:- 13-l5 CALIFORNIA/NEW ZEALAND cross does for sale. $10 each. Phone 395- 2733.--13-18= 11. g.; For Sale MA$SEY HARRIS 17 run seed drill on rubber; also -4 section of diamond harrows' complete with leveller, good condition. Phone 395-5373. --11-13xc JOHN. DEERE disc 14 feet; round bales of hay 4 x 5. Phone 5297814. =-'12-14xc:;,,' BARN FLOOR timbers • from barn 50 x :70' good, condi- tion* ondition* one 1921 Fordson, completely restored; 1950 Massey 30; Massey #26: plow; ready to use; '2 - bale, thrower racks` with wagons; One Brillion seeder, excel- lent condition; 1.24 Massey baler, good condition: Phone 398-2711. --13 111. PrOLowitatmemosw100 APPROXIMATELY 47 4' x 4 1/21 round bales :of second out fray:, stored inside. Phone 529-7412. --12.7:4xc 200 SMALLER .square. bales of first cut mixed bay. Call after 6 p.m, 529k7303. - -12-14 ° 'HAY FOR' SALE, large square bates. Calk Phil Clark 524-4457.--12,i3cc 11N. Ser V ces Luekuow Seetlilr, el, Werth* 12. JR..lEstat HURON COUNTY Pining Establishment. for •sole,. !loomed' for 93 seats, attached home on 0.59 acres. High traffic location, desirable clientele. Unlimited: potential with pending casino and sum- mer garner. •• Favorable financing! Listed. at. $199,900. including land, building and business. Coldwell Banker. Stonehaven Realty 1-86a- 300-5505 toll free. 16co wanted for WIC Galt 524,8F37 524.1715. or leave rnessagQ SEEDING CUSTOMMfrgst, 4 wheeler equipped with broadcast spreader. Winter :wheat, pasture, - and hay. ground. Phone after 6 p.m. 393-5390. 12-16x'• EQUIPMENT REPAIR On site repairs to farm. and.;. •construction equipment and small engines. Rob Campbell Mobile Repair,. 519-396.6806. Servicing:, Bruce County. --06tfec CUSTOtvt, •FROST 'seeding broadcast spreader equipped ` ATV:' Spring - wheat, hay ground, pasture, etc. $3/acre. Phone 528 3017, leave message. '7-10- 15x" FARMERS WANTED who are paying too much tax or not; using all the tax•breaks available: Phone Farrar ' Business ConsultingI1c. (London).'today at 1-8Q0- 265.1002 --13bc 1a k. Farm real estate FARM FOR SALE -. 100 acres, 40'acr'es has riot: received' any chemicals or artificial fertilizer in the Iasi 9 years, ' just farmyard manure. Good house and; barns. Phone' 395-3190. 12-14xc 11.1Alianted to Rent PASTURE land `wanted for.. 98 season.' Phone 529- 7765. --:13-15xc TOP HENT paid in advance for land for 1998 or:longer: Must be drained.: Reply sto drawer:; 4094 c/o The•Huron: Expositor,'.P.O, Box. 69, Seaforth, Ont. NOK iWO, --` 13.18cc 11m. For Rent 300 ACRES FOR rent, .Beef cows for sale, some with calves at side. Call 395- -5407 after 6 p.rri. --13cc ONTARIQ: MARCH M d QF DIMES 12,. 'Real Estate ade, April J 1998 - ruge 15. 12. Real Estate HOUSE FOR :SALE -. Picturesque all season home on river, 8 miles south' of Lucknow. Workshop and:" storags shed. Treed lot and other. extras. Call 1-619-529,- 7541. --08a13* MAIN STREET LUCKNOltlf upper level -one bedroom►, heat included. Available immediately. Phone 620- 2845. --32tfar • ONE AND TWO bedroom downstairs, heated apart- ments, in Lucknow, fridge and stove. Also 2 bedroorn. duplex on main street. Fridge and stove. Phdne 328-3723, --Oltfar. GROUND FLOOR bed-. d- room 'apartment, newly ren ovated;.two bedroom upper apartment $250-, both close to downtown. Phene 628- 2031. --42tfar , 12. Real Estate 17. Apes. oilntlhl�I�rMlaw► 'ONE ;BEQRQQM apartment for rent on main street, Lucknow. Phone 528-3932. -, 35lfar • GLEN HAVEN Apartments in t.ucknaw has spacious ground floor 1 and 2 bed- room apartments ler rent, fridge and stove included,. controlled entrance, corn• - mon room and laundry 030 01. Phone 528-3227 or Gerrie or Jayne at 1-519- 262-2029. --41tfar LUCKNQW - LARGE 2 bed - term. apartment; wellydeoo- rated, Laundry room, ;mail delivery, private entrance. Phone 528-5600. --13tf 'ONE QR TWO`BEDROOMI apartment, private grounc ' entrance, park. like . sur- rounding, utility area, laun- dry mat, mall delivery,, Gresthaven: Apartments. Phone 528.3611 or 848- 2215 after 6 p.m.--03tfar TWO BEDROOM apartment. in. Auburn, 2nd;: floor apart- ment is roomy with a great view, has laundry room, eat. in Kitchen, large tivingroom, lots of storage. $350 plus utilities•. Available immedi- ately. Call. 519426-7355. -- "05tfcc RENT GEARED to income apartments; in Clinton, Exeter and Goderich, for women and children, . who 528-2411, Paul Zinn .� have experienced abuse. Call Phoenix of Huron. 524 1620, 482.5288, 235-3183.1 OPEN --13 PEN HOUSE ` ON MONTH free rent with Sl lease:• 1' bedroom apart °» aturday, April � 1� )nems. $225 and :. $250./rnonth ,all with appli- ances, ,slew, carpeting. Call Pau! 528.2411:.-,09tfar 10 AM -12 NOON Commercial building;_ 60$-614 Campbell St. Retail area & apartment. South side of Main street. $90,900. 12 NOON -2 PM Edge of town. 4+ bedroom home. .86 acre:` lot : with:; garage. Eastside .of, Huron Cty. Rd. #1. $149,900. CM i 11 It\M R - I:.pc( 1uwI,t.i. COLD titieu. BAN KestD RICHARD D A$KES': READY TO M01[lr into 2+ ' bedroom farritly' home,, new exterior,'paved dirve, private lot, 'quiet 'neighborhood, format, dining •room, main floor laundry,_ close to the 'country' and •more, :$02;000197-A.' ,GREAT -LOCATION. 3 Bedroom LutknQw home, close to medical' centre and park; upgrade(1993) features new siding, windows, roof, insulation, drywall, main floor laundry,. 200 amp service;`. S76;900. GET AWAY Southern Bruce VILLAGE LIVING., 3 aedraot County, 48 aortia on paved road, 1lh, storey on nits clean_tot dosi - camp. fish, canoo,'ralax beside to Goderich in.West Toeswater River, some' cedar, Twp; Large kitchen, 4 pc. bath, 'and hardwood bush, 20 acres •targe master ballroom; main floor workable. $68,900.'112798x. laundry, new addition' & front door, appliandes included; $58,1100.813797-A.• tiI+GraFIa,a. ASl(ES Safer► Representative . (519) 5244175 Bus..(51.9) 528-3935 Reel. ( 1 r1 IAA\ 1 1 1 111\1%1 it • l Nett i ihi ht.,. i 18., Houses. _ COUNTRY HOUSE for rent, 3bedroom, 15 minutes from Goderich or Lucknow...$500 plus utilities. Gall 529-7273. -11tfcc. • FOR RENT.5 bedroom farm house near Dungannon Phone 524-9217.--13;14 23.Commercial - ' STORE FOR rent, main street frontage, Lucknow. Phone 5283932:--30tfar 25. Wanted • to aptly . WANTED -'..OLD tube amps/receivers erg, Scott, " Fisher;: Elco 'etc. Please call 832-2234 or 832.2147, -- 5ltfnxe .. WANTED'•TO BUY chest type: freezer in . workingcon- dition', . appearance not important. Phone 395.34,39. --13 ANTIQUE FURNiTURE, Glassware, china, Sewing machines, lamps, . jewellery, post cards, magazines: Paying 10 cents each for Crown fruit jars. Brian Butler, 271 Burn's' St., Strathroy, Orit., N7G 102. Phone 2453142,--13.16cc