HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1998-04-01, Page 12rage 12 Luekuow Senttneh, Wednesday, April 7►, .99$
Plage Tree`
And Reap
Here's .l over it v corks!!!
C,u a� 80 line ad or larger April
at regular price and get.,
Sarre . size ad April 15th at 25 x► off:.. M
Same size adApril 22nd al -_ _ __
Ads must :run 3 consecutive weeks to
eIiggible for discou ts
Bruce Presbyteries.
gather for annual :
eeting, Kincardine
This: years arlrtira
n eeting . of Bruce
Presbyterial. United
Church Women was. 'held
at Kincardine, with our
theme being `".Rejoice and
Risk."' Opening. worship
was led by Rev, Norman
Perry,nne Laird, and
Shirley Harris of the host
church, with: special music
provided by David
The time of reflection
was on "A Ministry of
Providing,' noting a most.
significant shalring: in..the,
can muck n service, with.
Jesus being the provision-
er and all of usthe recipi-
The Ripley UCW. led
us in a time., of
Remembrance for all who'
had passed on during the
Ann + FIeming of
Hamilton Conference staff
was guest speaker in the
morning. She shared
thoughts on '"getting in
touch with our spirituali-
ty." We need to seek Soli-
tude and loop within our'
selves, an opportunity to
look, at' "who and whose
,we are."
Bible study leader was
$e:r..nice. Santor of, the
-..London area, whose use of
the medium of .quilting
hetped. to interpret the Sto-
ries of women of the.
Bible. *ler banners offered.
new .ways of seeing Elie,
Rtlda, Mary Magdalene,
Martha and the Samaritan
Woman at the well, Each
of these Women held' a
hidden treasure to share;
they were "pearl -s" of a
great price: '
Chairperson cif lr.uce
Presbytery, Installed the
Executive. A warm wel-
come was ,extended cd our
new president, Elaine
White of kions Head.
Pine River IJCW ladies
led us in closing worship..
using. the Parable of rhe,
Mustard Seed • .10 share the
theme of rejoicing through'
risk. There is no telling
what we can accomplish
by. theplanting of seeds of ,
faith. ,
A special duet was
shared by Marion .Lawry
and Berta Scott during
the receiving of the=i'tffer~
tng, designated for the Ice
Storm ;Re lief, Fund:
The. election of officers
was conducted.by Jessie
Clark, th'e Past President`
;of Hamilton Conference
UCW Wilda Thgmpsvn'
presented the State of
Officers for 199$, which
was accepted by the Wen -
dees. Betty Ritchie,. as
,1111 RI Is 1111 1,I s1 PI 1, 1
I"+ 1 \Id t 1111%1 1\1,
i1 1111\ \k.'
' SAT 7Hf
*arch 3l' April 7 & 14, April 1, &$
Far Information caU
Rott Wittith,Witionotn 357-4586
Jar assert' Cth tan -402 9'531(dayl,`
April -22 & 29 Aay 8 & i3
For information eon ;.
Fulton Chariton 524,2878'
Auto? Boot? Home/•
Antiques? Garage Sole/ -
Or,is it a service bike -
Painting? Pluml inn?
Odd lobs? Cabinetwork?
Whateve you have to sell,
we can lelpyou seal it Easier,.
Cali 528.2822.
and place a classified ad
for SQ little, you'll heves
sell anything,vrithaut it
,again.146 question about it.