HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1998-04-01, Page 7Shaws lead
HS and HT-
Marton Jones 259, 713;
Eric Taylor,, 285, g12„
200+ scores: Erie 'Taylor
285,.254, 273, Don Woods
224, 204, Barb Helm 202,
Marioin Jones 259, 211,
243,. Joyce Woods 209.,
Ron. E1liaft 265, 216, 233,.'
Boy Beyersbergen 252,
213,232; Andy Page 228,
Standings No -Shows: 61,:
Toonies 60, Ducktales 43,
No -Way 42. •
-roG The winner pf the
family twosome was
Bocce Kingand Tina Bain
M the Pee _ Wee' division;
Jessica Small and' Betty
Small, in Bantam; Richard
Elliott and Ron Elliott in
Junior; ,and DJ.. Haldenby
and Glen Haldenby to
Senior. Regular bowling:
Stnurfs .. Nicole Berry' 85,
Nicole, Beyersbergen 87,
'Ilisha,Wa11777. Pee'Wees -
Grace Finnigan 102.
Bantams - Rachel Elliott
160, 134 Greg Beyers-
bergen 13.8, Jamie Page
128, Juniors -• `Jennifer.
Beycrsbergen " 1,61,. 217,
The choice and 'exotic
steers and heifers "sold
fully steady, with second
cut selling a:little lower.
Cows sold $1 to $2 higher.
-Veal sold on a steady tnar-
ket'with lambs selling $10
- $2.0 lowersAll classes of
Richard Elliott 161, 165,
209, Tyler Nicholson 157,
Cody .Moue 188,
Matthew Stewart 168,160,:-
Sarntantha Dyk 159, 219*
Seniors' •` Marlene
Johnston 216,275,Paula
Taylor 189..
'1`9vv,a. otol Co'I!atY
andHD Agnes.
Buckingham 217, 369,1
George Taylor 220; Harold
Elliott 382. 150+. scores:
Oeorge Taylor 159, 220,
Harold Elliott 290; 192,
Donald MacKinnon 150,
168,, Ken "Chaput 1911,
Doug,. Maynard: , 160,
Gordon Brooks •155,.
Clarence Ritchie 157, 153,
Lloyd Buckingham 156,.
Agnes Buckingham •217,
152,. Fern. McDonald 183,
179, Ane Anderson 171,.
177, Lois Chaput 168,174;
Kathy • Gibson 178, Mary
Lou Raynard 192, 170,
da.. '.
Shirley Brooks 169,
Caroline Menary 158;155,
Atari MacDougall 185.
Standings: Tulips 47,
Snowdrops. 394. Hyacinth;:
38.5, .Daffodils : 36.5,
Pansies • 33;5, Crocuses
Blau'- QHS "and HD
Annetta Robinson 213,
Shirley Adams 353; Ji to
McGillvary . and Norval
Pollock tiedfor single with
193:; Jim. McGillvary don-
ble 373. 150 + scores; Jim
McGillvary 180C 193,
Norval Pollock 193, Bill:
'Dow 174, Currie Colwell.
15.1,. Al Ross 161, Annetta
Robinson, 213, Shirley
Adams 167 186, Wilma.
Elliott .156; 191, Helen.
MacCiregof 181,. 155,
Helen McCreath 184,
Marina Cameron' 169,
Anna MacTavish: 160,
Marion Robb 159, Eunice
Emnaerton 1.50, Standings;
Swallows 42, Bluebirds
39 Orioles . 35,
Goldfinches 33, Cardinals'
26, Robins, 25;
M '9tfay HS and HT -
Anita Elliott 284, 685;
Dinnie Whitby 246. Eric
Taylor 689. 20.0+0�� - *Gores:
• Anita Elliott 284. 229.
Verna ;Humphrey 213.
Wendy Ritchie 203, Eric
Taylor. 204. 245. ' 240.
Dave Humphrey 202, 244,
Dinfiier Whitby' 246,
Harold Elliott 223: BObble
Gum Balis 64.5. 13arnuts
59.5, Flintstones. 57,
Pecans 54, tion Kings 51.,
Looney Tunes 50.
Tueloav - HS and HT -
Grace Hopi' 242., 642:
Wayne Ithody 257.. Bill
Stewart 661. 200+ scores;
„ Wayne Rhody 257, 200,
Grace H.opf 242, 216, Bea
Griffin 229, .Bill Stewart
•233, 204, 224, Lois Chaput
227, 21:9, Ron Machan
225, Kevin ackert 22,216.
Len Clarke 22Z, Jack Barr
' 221, Brad- Engel 214,
Wilma Elliott 210, Ron
Elliott 207, Merle Rhody
204. Standings: �Gri4 ley4.
63,: Rhinos 60.5, turkeys
58,5, . Tigers -54.5; Big
Dawgs 52.5; Bears 47.
exotic steers soid steady
stockers sold on a steady There were 256 Cows to 80:00; plain Holstein:
trade. onoffer selling from 40.00 55.00 to 70.00..
There were •304 steers to 57.00 to the :high cif Lambs: under 50 lbs.,
on offer selling from. 89.00 70.50.. 190.00 to 237.5„0; 50 to 79-
to 94.00 to the high of There were 25 bulls on lbs.,, 177.5° te' 210.00; 80,
102.50, 'offer selling from 54.50 to to; 94 lbs., 147.50 to
There were 291 heifers "..'63,50 to the high of 69.25.; . 190:00; 95 to 109, lbs.,
on offer selling from' 89:00 ' There were 344 veal on. 147,50 to 167.50.
to ,94.00 to the high of offer selling, Beef; 90.00 Sheep: 540.0 to 92,50.
103.25, to'134.00; Holstein: 70.00. Goats: 19:00 to 170.00.
Did you "mow?
Working to : save outdoor education
in 1914, while in the way
to join his regiment, Lt.
Harry Calebcryrn.stopped
in,'White lover, Ontario,
and bought a'; little
orphaned cult bear for $20..
He named her Winnie for
his :home town, Winnipeg,,
Manitoba, and took her
With him to Englandas the
regimental mascot.When
came time to, leave to
fight the war in France,
Colebourn left Winnie at
the London` Zoo. Author
A.A. ,`Milne 'and .his son
Christopher befriended' her
there., Later, the 'author
would •iii iiortalize the .lit<
tie Canadian "bear in his
chii,d:ren' • book • 'as
,centre. doxiations-we co :e
' The Inspired'By Nattire.Campaign has' represent a growing portion of Our clieri-
been establ$shed to raise funds' for the tele).
Institute for.' 'Outdoor -Education and. Tbe§,e, planned new facilities w'ill"'
Environmental Studies: (formerly the ensure the provision of outdoor learning
Outdoor Education Centre) located in ',experiences 'for' future generations of beth
Oliphant, The Institute has been provid- adultsand, students -- failure 'to upgrade
ing students; with outdoor education and out`'facilities now will force the, abandon -
learning experiences since 1972. meat of a productive •and effective learn -
While the curriculum and personnel at .ing .and, environmental education
the Institute continue to offer exceptional: resource.
learning experiences for students, the. Should you, yourbusiness, community
Current facilities of the. Institute'` are in ` ot service group wish, to assist in `the.
"'urgent need of replacement';• Thedornuto- • replacement of these facilities;• donations
ries, classrooms, arid dining room are may be addressed to"Inspired By Nature,,..
houses, in portables which are beyond the ° p 0 Box 190, Clesley, Ontario NOG
age Of service; In addition, the 'kitchen' 11,0,
facilities are inadequate to serve the For More information on• the Institute;,
needs., of the Institute and the dornutoriescontact the Inspired By Nature. Campaign`."
are- not designed for adult. usage (which'°ffiees at (519).363.2014 ext, 270., •
FRI, •
-APR: 3 - 9
7;30 PM'. .
1;30 PM
SEATS 54,25
1;..'N N h:' R
11.ACA EM WitilDS`-BISI'P1CfiURt
nt' • i • el i o*W..CE
,Leonard & Shirley': Stanley of L.ucknow`
would like to announce the forthcoming
marriage of their son Terry to Dominique
Williams,` daughter
-Bryn' &. '' Jan
Viltiams: of South
ustralia :& 'Marie ' &<
Kevin. Dertieck of
Western Australia
The wedding will
tate place April 25,.
1998.at St: -Johns
Anglican Church,`
Betel( deception to
follow at The Hahndorf Old Milt..:
Sentinel, Wednesday, April MO -Pep 7.
Mr, lion Kta8i• of
Coclerich and
A1rs: °Jane Klagea of
Pork tk5in aiuiouncae
the engegieutent of '
their dqu titer
Nicole Denise; to
Dale .priap„
the son of
I�1rs, Mt tytaa Pciestap.
. Irwin and •the late
Qeralci Driestap
of Luc1Cnow.
Dune wedding 1
The family of .. .
elna &6'11114100$01.14KNAN
like tocongrattilate there Qn
M occasion Of their
40t17v eclalr'ag anniversary.
Cove fmrn Arnie 46'4404
�$lats a f: Cindy, Kende
£'lsa. Sally EC Dave and
The l arniof Rosatad Berniry'
are hyo df ans Open J-Iouse iceHect
r• on ,Sunday .April 5,199$ •
at the Dungannon Seniors` Centre
�r.K+ .from 7.:00 pmt to 400
Best Wishes Only *.
•�a$hiWindo s;.tbors&Siding,: •MarmsttEntarpdses
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4:Pant's cladding instaliatton$
• Watkin Products
The:WOed Men
4''Rainbow Systems
.Cobble Design !no,
Famish W*World%
Stearnati of Huron/Perth
,-Scotia aanN/.,haUonai Trust
• Grand eg d,HeatingCansultrnts
%.Culkgaa4aterTrearment '
Stewart's HOfne,Renovet ons
+i' (*OA od Nursery
+ God:loon Heating & Cooling Ltd.
*'Sunset Construction
• Lynn Hoy Enterprises Ltd.
• D Glass'Aastiwodd Window & Dont,,
l &A:Sauthwesi,Satellite
• TEEMTarmti
• treytiayen Gardens
+ Nortiiolm Decanting•Centre,...
• Ain 5eckertonstruction
• Godaich PUO - •
• At,nn,Riley ; Eletitrolux
• 199s1soving Match gommittee
• ARG'Water Treatntodt, .
• Gray`sOak &,More • Fina Ftittiilute
• Rivett's Audio Video Microwave Cent(e
MMRTINA WfLLMAN ., Wlghttnari Communication$
.sza-sea9", •and'morell
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Proceeds'help Minor Figure Skating