HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1998-04-01, Page 4Page 4,— Lueknow, nt nei, Wednesday, rr 198:
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held. at.Goderieb, Ontario. Published 02 tomes ayear.
oaltsent hurontauti.
,iuter?.net adder. Wiwi/
Last week's kissing
derby in New York
brings a few questions: to
You've no doubt heard'
that the whining couple,
married for. 16 years,
managed to hold the lip-.
lock for 29 hours and
won themselves a week-
' Tong trip to Parisecour-
tesy of Breath, Saver.
Because the sponsor- •
ing company bad no idea
the competition•. would
• last so long, they decided.
to give the same trip to
the second place couple
who dropped out 22 min-
utes before the "Winners
Seven other couples
Competedin the
Under the rules, the
couples had to remain
standing, their lips had to
touch constantly and no
breaks were allowed!! -
The first thing that
popped rnto'rny mind
was how tnyone.eould
$o 24 its • without
ans.:t t r ,:e's call to. -
the h:khr k ,
The couple should not
only have their navies: in
the Guinness J3 ook' of
Records for the longest
kiss, but should also be,.
named as the people with
the biggest bladders! '
Now 1 didn't .experi
ment with'this, but pic-
turing myself_ kissing my.
partner, T am sure that
two bodies, do not. mould
into _a ,comfortable pesi-
From the mailbag
iron ; for such alength of.
time, One would have.to•
actually' lean in to the
other .to ensure the lips
remained in contact con-
tinuously. Qh, my' aching
necks Where's my ciiiro-
,irtetor? Where''s. the,
Would one's body -not.
lockup,' and cireulation
become,ncuiex'istent after
standing un your feet for
that length of time?
Then there: was the
one woman who"s4id her
partner's beard stubble'
rubbed her chin raw,
• This certainly ,isn't .a
contest you'd .want to
enter with a .mouth.`
breather, You'd beout-.of-
luck.'before' you started.
And you certainly
wouldn't have waisted' to
catch a colts before the
What about dry
mouths and, dry lips?
100 ng•
1 wonder if the span- for former'
goring company supplied:•
breath mints, Were these
heavy duty... `kssers
allowed to slip a -mint
into• .their mouths all the
while keeping the lips in
contactri truly hope so!.
I suppose everyone
wants to lease their mark
• on this world. Will the
Griswolds-of Michigan
be remembered as the
couple who held. -the
longest kiss? • '
Having accomplished
• this missiion'witb such
success, one cant:.only
hope they Will be as sus-,:
cessful on their next -
conceiving a ehild. during
their Paris trip,
Good luck!
Dear editor,
Th& Lpcknow Central
'Public, School Grade 8
Class of 1977/78 is plan"
ning 'a reunion during the
'village's 140th birthday
July 22'to 5
We have Managed to
contact all former students
with. the exception' of.
Rejeev Mehan, Tam'
- Griffiths, Bonnie, Purves, •
John Eames and Michele
.. Van. Boven,
If you know how .we
• can loaate these former
stud ents, please, call
Connie (Stanley).,Hcrwald
528-3338, Atiita Guay.'
Elliott 528-3437, :qr Liz..
(Black) Brown 52471734:
Anita Elliott.
can showcase items at
t • » Deareditor;
CHP is alternative Attest roil " all
Dear editor:
At . it recent public
.meeting .sponsored• _by a
local MPP, the latest solu-
tion for Canadian ;Unity;
known. as the Calgary.
Framework, was dis-
cussed. At that meeting
the question was asked,
:Is Canada still' to be. con-
sidered a Christian count
try?"' The emphatic nega-
tive response should spur.
even the most laid back
,political spectator to re-
evaluate the curtest cal structure structure and mainline
Canada`•was formed
under British Comnion
Law with Judeo-Christian
:principles which are now
in total. jeopardy.
The .Christian frontage
Party, of Canada offers an,
alternative, both princi-
pled and workable. The
local riding is hosting
Deputy Leaaer.lan Knight
at its annual, meeting en
April 17 in the Clinton
and District :Christian
School; 'Your vision for
Canada; is at risk under the
current political process.
This is your chance to
look at the:alternative.
',John Clark Paisley.
Manufacturing and
Service' Related Industry
(MSRI). The International;
Plowing Match and .Farm
Machinery Show (IPM) is
set to shine in 99 - hosted
, by Huron County!
This is an open. .invita-
tion to all industries and
services .both profit or
non-profit. Although,
September 1999 is along
way off, now is your time
to have input ;into and
receive ;information on the
MSRI display within the
en at it foa
"by Pat•Livingstan
Ruth 'Buchtneier has
been doing her best for the
past 16 .years to keep the
community ' of. South
Kinloss in the ;trews
However,:.as'with. all rural„
correspondents these days,
she finds it; difficult to
gather the news. Shed like
to have more comings and
goings recorded, but
unless you phone ;her, the
South Kinloss news col-
umn is only a hit' and miss
Ruthassures her read-
ers that, she only reports
Ruth Buchmeier
the new%she is asked to
ears nos
This correspondent
keeps herself busy as press
reporter: and • vice president
for the South, Kinross
Women's Missionary. loci-
ety, and does..some work
for Statistics Canada.
Ruth and her husband'
Ray farm in Kinloss`
Township. They have one
daughter, Carol, 'and twin
grandchildren. In her spare
time, Ruth enjoys baking
and cooking.'
If you have some ,news
for the South Kinlcrss'col.
umn, please call Riith at
Huron County Exhibit at
the 1999 1PM.
Briefly, the purpose of
the MSRI display is to
showcase items manufac-
tured and 'services
nanufac-tured'and'services p'ovid ,-
ed in Huron 'County, to all
those attending the IPM. It
is our intention to 'allow
any MSRI interested' n
participating in the: display
to be ..represented,
Representation will 41161,:y
increased' exposure and
awareness o•f your prod-
uctsand services..
Limited space is avail—
able. Please contact Rob
• Dionne. at: 2367654,,., e-
ntail dionne@hay;rtet, or.
Fax 236.7.517,
Rob Dionne
Industry Chairperson.
These little Valentines were dine of tete slumbers at, the' Skating Club;s
carrlai, A" Yesir cif Skating, on Sunday. rack raw, franrt rise lett:
Stephanie Andress, Grim Murray, Eric Zinn, Mi+eheite :Van't?ieptertbeek.
Centre row: Alex• Beattie, BrettHendriks, Kent Van.Osch, Matthew Nivins. '.
Ftt:int Melanie Dunkley., Absent: Jaden Corbett.