HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1998-04-01, Page 1• • V Pak Liviagstniv The Lucknow Waterworks is qc.mt a 0-10.4/bqr ef the 'Cut, Iron Pipe •Century Club." The destg, nation pays. tribute to ' Owein the past.and today indtoosing titer*. mate - 40; installing them and maintaining thorn,' . The Membership was.. .conferrci by the Ductile trOit ' Pipe , Roseate') As00404n for having east iron underground pressure naius in, service" for tt -cfnttlrY, Or"MQr0'. •:Luk»ow i nOW ane of Zet water/ga.s uthtics i 0044 tq'bs s� clesignat'. About 52Q:: utilities aerOas. the United .States, tick Canada hay.e.this des- • ignation-, : • The waterworks syStent was installed backin 8t39 as 4 rrie4ns of proVidiUg fire prote'etion to the. vil-, 1,4$4, The water supply. was, taken from a pond, -which was fed from' the will dam, • - " Lii 191, .the. system. ' Was ',001,,Pri•ed'tt(.? ciraw. f waterfronsstan,„-Pipe. and lines, were then run into the, homes 'I • some of , that original crt4 irOn:pipc'ean stilthe found on Most Of, • aavelock Street, and 611 &tau ffer between Campbell and Haxiiilton. Looking"bnek to' the' May 9, 1890 edition of The Loatatoyw Sentinel, we found that high praise was heaped upon the viUages fire proteetion systent .by representative of the Underwriters! Assoeiation. ` The system consisted of 363 feet of .$ inch main, 9,337 feet of .6, inch Main, and 5,, 439 feet of 4 inch* • with a standard hydrants. A steam presSure cif about *,see 4300, wERNEsw APRIL It 1998 The Laaknow Skating Club pre - slanted 4A Year at Slattin9...4 •an Sunday attrnaan4 a. a Windup to its eaa-, gesstallear that saw largo nomber at area children take 'advantage at. the excellent pie gram altered by the 040. gheisee Adamson (lett) and KOiSe$ Cox Pertrayed NO** 0,1t ICA 48 pert el. the, "'September"- numheri More plataree NYtattenPhQtQ) 650 INCLUDES G$M, The ,t1a ; 4 0 .0 as, of the Cast Iron Rii) tot* the quarter,linals and 'Port Club. Keith A. Bean*, regional engineer for Stanley Ari-tkie sOrro,firia4•, Ductile Riot, Research: Association,, pre- of the, 0141,1k series all pertqloate ,04 membership to AO. dime poles straight. Port kvakoaw'a: ropy*,Stilirt Reagje(rlEiftt) 4n0 Poq, $-:ta0OY: ,an old rival ;of fQ.4.40111#0. 90-tx.kistiolaAtA0eki (Livingstoni 1-410cttowt$•; defe4ted, the Don't. forget, ta tOrn your clockS'aftead Juveniles are OMHA ca p For tht. Itits), Iline in 17 •yeui:s,tIii. JaV.enile. 'C" diyi,siou:OaktA Inner C,4111e$ back tu, the. Sepey Town. .• • Under roaches Mike 000u -toy and .113:rian Dratoor, local Juveniles did • it all eliminating, Creenagre, • Friday night The,teatn seetno0 to bo: hung, up en. three Ones,. • stiaighe As th.,y ed Shallow Lake. Ovitie- n, noiogo WOAA round, NV011ae,e, 7ke4pn, 9fik, Tr4c,e.Y Mg1400• , rteggkAtifEMS4• , Lu,eknevv's. 140th'birthdo is. just around the -corner aad•what bitter way to COkOk4to, than with- deeorations. This, Year's cOlots, are purple, itishia, and white. A election of decorating,qptions, are for sale by the Reunion "9/3, committee with all 'proceeds going to the reunion. • • Tnere is, a display set up in the tortner Your • Favourite Things window, showing the pretnade swags, • ' bows„ and buritings„available. • , .• wewould like the village to start looking festive- by the long weekend in May. QrderS;ean he placed at Everlastings. the deadline for 'pretnade sw ags is ,April Keep in riling we are planning a "Best DQCO-CaLCd gine" atid,"Best DeeOrated Business " contest. Fox itlftlrinatidti and t place ordcrs, call Qk drop by Everlasting& Flowers. and Oilts, 528,33 12, • Happy decoratng„.! , • segli7111).44 and , Witt the'04006,•• rte tirst two garrieii,ifl the Crceinore series.saw• Lacisnow aod, t to •in goal tenders! Baine that went into over - ti nie. with, CrOg' Moffat; scoring 140 only "&941„,„1, ASSible'41*-Stre'Xildrew: Ryan Courtney was the', • , net. • , game .three on, Friday night. in OtOirtore, ended to .3.- fOr.,LUcknow. Bill Draper started:the seoring::, -by talting-a slap shot iron.) instde lino, before the One minute inaik in i.tic first period. Ivloffat added,tWo note in -the firSt; Period:, Chad .Freein an scored. one goal, in the, see - orirt- period, Liiekn4-iw a 4,‘Wo goal. lend che end of period .two, in period, • three-, hd ec'u,10j9Y got the fifth gOttl, • With- twa ininutes left, ' Creethore pulled: ,their ..".goalic,t,gind•Drap&r-se01047' llis,'seebrid goal- of the game iv serieS. Assists during ihe game wept to Chad )4offat .(2.); Jeff Porter; Eric Andrew (2) and Jon lvlaeKinnoi: It as late when ihe* tetin arr ed horne eatly Saturday morning .So ,the vietork parade was iteld at: ' • 1 pan, on. SatordaY, aftcr- iooii with the Lucknow District Vire Depallraent, '.* see Tela40, page „I • • . • • . 1700. 4acknow.h.#004*.,getogratod. go, Saturday atternaaw*terWirtritrig,,,, 010,4000,4-,q41114.,i00:40,..Frit4v,•040i,e1100,044qrtilpntio*AtOer;000e* • *raight:The,100, ,'"posej for• 1,40kokolgOo*:00,.tf*tii*tf,ogicksod:' ttoi*jb4';t0000t4: • thQ fire trek daWn,, the, lhath;' street for the victor pit 0. (photo submltl