The Lucknow Sentinel, 1998-03-25, Page 16Page lzUuet,: Wedae?`,e fci by ;1 The calendar says it is, now officially spring, and Luckily we missed. Seale Qf the ice and 4now storms. that wernt.arouirit us this, past weetk. Arroyo;. Mae uuter-iS lime again after spending. a. week visiting with her son .Peg in St.. Catharines as well as her sister `wen" Parker' at Washington, Hitt. White she was there she and Qwen went to visit anether siakrir, Beatrice in the Rogersville Hospital, • Fern. MacDonald spent front Tuesday. to Sunday in London with her -son .tiin,n and fa104 Boband Mari:Qn M'eCazmb' and fapaiily. were home ,for Atte weekend with Qordon and Bernice .1'ahnstane, ' It is good.to, hear Grace 'aznn a is able to be, home orae Rose Street .and' to ri3T,' If all went aevording. to Plans, . those of its. IA. the +tcktnow exchange. dill. kleabler to dtal tet free to Ooderieh effeettve Meeh 27! ; Retternb , you'11 tyavt to reprogram your tele- phones, autotnatte dial+rs. atarin gireuit*. and fax m4010110S. fore' any prei o- graixim d numbers. in.:the, new. ` •r•ocal: calking . exchango t?tclf you; !snow? t~;r`�tig Keilbuger, age 14, . ol; Thcrnhtll t?Ltt-ariti,.' gained” inLv;rnil iioria I ((.Calm in I()&)5, For dr�rw hg global ttte,ntiori to a inodern roomer: slavery .-- bonded chi id labour ih an ettrpet: t'acLorie • Visit the "Free `the 'children!' Internet site at http.://w,wvv:Ireetheellil- dren-org, (NCj' by 44t4.40 $.14a.thy iss e$4 ,led te. John Canter,,'*OA broth er Gonion. p is<ed u+ ay"• Mardi. 19 at: Listowel Hospital. Funeral" service has, bol¢ l arch Z1 horn- tl Trendh Funeral Horne, Lstowet; '• Vic and klelen, Fenton .' Of ;; B.rockyille spent a four days visiting, with klelcn.s, mother,. Olive Necdtani; ;heather and Vrraharn harper, of Barrie, , were we wish •her aoaAtinued. itngrovernent. • 'phe • flovvers in then Luckriow. Presbyterian Chuff h. on Surday, Karch t were glace in 1bvang m meaty: of Dornalc .Eisher by "hitt fatuity, • 3itthday wishes1*a,; data chis ` week to Ste. tvaxt„ .$r coley who turned 90 on March, 7,4- and to Verna: Finlayson who will be 93 March 3°l. Botta of these' etlebragts are: resi dents at Pizaecrest Mario 'hese was a very good crowd out Sunday .after- nosini at the Community Centro to .enjoy the magic tricks sponsored: by the Optimist Club. The rs. unicti t commits for- Maur it Great in 18 received a big boost for the fireworks fund when Steve -Hackett (loft), an behalf' of the local LIQP8 Club and Jeff Taylor (ri'pp% on behalf ot the Legion presented, hitacraiet MacPherson: and. Lynn 40110020 witha cheque tor *ma. The prQCOacift are. from the fun golf. tournament the .twa~'alubst: held; Last fail. (Livingston photo)., by Karen Lubbers returned,. to. Durand. Rapids, Michigan, Last week to restiine her studies at Rcforrri Bihl:c Lct11cge, after being homefor a' reading wee) • Don and>Jean Ross. and Merle.M.c,Farlane :visited. on Thursday evening with;. Russell' Gaunt in Wingha. The . cononuni.ty is pleased to heau that 1~eray F�iutoul' was. releasedfroiri hospital and is taking; it' zany, at home, %Vhite+ hurch Water Board Tlie Whitechurch water" sys.teln annual meeting,:: was ;held, on. March -18, at the hall: with;.l4 in :attvn (Comae. Peter Brink:explained what wvtk had; been done on the system the past The maintenance tee wilt be kept at: $90 for this., )lea' with. a V discount rl , paid by April l review of the bylaws` took place. Moray Simpson Cathy-.:. L,trhbers and • Kathy Qibsoir will stay on as,. C114.t Scott Blake Atiarch27, 1987 , 11. Yes OA. Sillily. MOO* Scot ">WO27, 19$0 Week* Hackett . M40441900 March 29„1$0# 2.Y0are Alai: Lan Simon Mauch SO, 1997 1 Year"Qtrl Braarey Notiigkinson Marcirao,1 1.0 Yeal" Qii1, .loet.Alto+ wool. 1491 Brittany MCG ynt Maroon i999, .B Year. cllct Anew Relit. Mamba -1,19w • 8 Years: Qrd HAVE VOU HEARD president, secretary and treasurer respeetively., 1M'1akntenance• man1!, Peter Brink with assistants,' Angu; Falc,oancr,' ,etth; Foster. and Allan 1 ennington. Brenda; Ward will loon after Water'sarzi, pies, Vera Falconer and Agnes, Farrier, will he the auditors, year. home to, visit relatives for, the weekend 1-larold and Kathy. howald 'returned. Koine from ,a" Florida. vnatiori. where they; v.,tsited, her family. ' Gloria" "and Norris, .M,,essenger, rind N,a cv 104 F1tit ^,were"di?!iner guests. with Don acrd: keit), Bell. Q&he dinner guests during: the, wekend`Were Olive, Ha )Oak andMax.and An111 Belt, of Gotrie Congratulations. " to. Phyllis, Dual"1aPe ($teor) who is a first, ttmo•ga d' ma Ruth and, Don 4011, were supe ,&ue is of Bev and N.iek, $-eycrsbe gen. '. and faini ly , oir Sunday. night,