The Lucknow Sentinel, 1998-03-18, Page 46Pogo 30 Progress `9'8 Wm, Heillahan ilt-Sons Construction Ltd *Earth moving. •head Building •Erosion Control' f3ill 8, Paul' 1519)6234339 (1?) 34-P2300140i R.R. #3 Blyth, Ontario NOM 1N. gniApplicator "t• J ar ;L',r •: ,+_', Itr la Ili IN SideKiak"" makes manure nutrient management easier. -NIi.679TB tt&li.. $6,000: N.H,519T.B.,R&tt a ,,,....:S3,OQo „ • „52,700`* N.1 3639 T.B., R&R$9,000 , ,I.D. 6607:3; lt&R $6.500' t1.11:512, work3, $1,000 N.ft 6197:B.,.works ,... 51400 :`,N.1.3632.T.B„E,G.,11&R. $1,500 N,F.244,works $2,000 NJ. 213,10,400e1 $4500 N,E1 6$0, T.B„R.C. R&R., -.., $6,500 mi. 3732, new, want wade , March las extra discounts on old stack and we will take most anything on trade. '1ON FOiGlst'CONSIGNMENT. ACTerleNS4.14. SAAAPrtIL 18 "STAMiLEY'SS.° NEw Ir, orvh: ,395.4434 Pork producers should implement food safety risk inanagernnt pro aa. by Rick Keri ork . Producers in Ontario should implement a. food' safety risk manaerent program said aspeaker from, they, department of food sciences at the University of Guelph at a regent area seminals Citing evidence from various media sources! Dr, Douglas Powell said reports relating to raod safety have increased by 200 per Gent during the past five years: "Tlie concept of. food - born illnesses has entered the public's conscious- ness.' said Dr, trowel! in .his. presentation, • to an audience of approximately 100, at the Centralia Swine Research Update, held at the JirktonWoodham Community Centre Jan. 25. He said, his research leads himto believe the change in the public~ per- ception regarding. food safety , began in. Jan.. 19 1993, ' when the. health department in' Washington REPLACE YOUR OLD EAVESTROUG H WITH NEW 4".:and'5'a .SEAM'LESS EAVESTROUGH 'REPAIRED' •REPLACED *CLEANED 'WINDOWS 'SOFFITS,' "SIDING *FASCIA ALSO - Galvanized Eavestraugh Installed COMMERCIAL -; RESIDENTIAL - RURAL THOMPSON EAVESTROUGH DIV. OF DURHAM LIGHTNING ROD LtD, FAMILY BUSINESS SERVING THE AREA SINCE 1963 Free Eatireales 39S41010es.• & Fax 39S-6601 Ras, ASK FOR RICK State issued the first Warta same day the Jack-iin-thee- inglinkingconsumption--of Box announcement was undercooked hamburgers made, He said Clinton, the with an outbreak of B. coli . first "baby -boomer" presi- - 0157, sotntimes known. as . dentit personified the aging, hamburger disease. He reasonably affluent baby said the outbreak linked boomer population, which with the Jack was in search in the -Boit of a fortritain chain of of youth,• restaurants increasing. the eventually, c o n,c, e r n killed four ;'° ' ° about food” young people' t• safety, . - and sickened D r . , over 700- . , Powell said The Jaekinn : the public's the -Box out- break cata- pulted to the .top of .tire public agenda Or., Douglas ,Powell of tered a trend in the 'United the Food 3otenceS of scrutiny in States, said D o p a' r t m e, n t,.the food Dr. Powell, University of Guelph, i n'd u s t r y because the (Kew photo) which., starts story had all with .the pub - the elements of a. drama; • lic and works its. way back children were involved, to fanners via food manu- facturers and processors. Cautioning the pork producers not” to under estimate -the power inher- ent. nterent' in- that scrutiny, he cited a 1996 food -poison- ing case involving frozen hamburger patties in Denver. response '- to the Jaek-in the -Box, out- break has fos- the risk was unfamiliar; and a sctrse of outrage developed because •gov-. ernment inspection sys- terms were inadequate. Coincidently, said Powell, Bill Clinton was inaugurated' as president of the United. States on the $andcvicJ Walls Manure Tanks 4gricultural, C'onrnercial & Residential • Ready -Mixed' Concrete Concrete Pumping Aggregates . &,Excavations RIS# Dashwood 23? -3641, . 140 Thames Rd., Exeter 23,55 0338. A victim of that out- break, said Powell, was a. ,male nurse, who made the connection between his if#- ness and recently con- sumed hamburgers. He said the nurse took frozen samples of the suspected hamburger. patties, to a research centre, where DNA testing was used .•to affirm the patties caused the man's sickness. An immediate regal of patties manufactured by Hudson, Foods was ' ordered and 10,000 pounds of meat was recalled. 'That recall mushroomed ir►to a. recall totalling 21 million pounds • of hamburger. Three weeks later, he said the firm, . which had sales in access of SI billion, sold at "fire - sale" prices to Tyson Foods, a giant -in the .U,S food processing industry, "Why? Because of all the public. attention.", The -Hudson story;, reported deaths in Japan from ingesting spoiled radish sprouts; 21 deaths attributedto eating at a church picnic in Scotland and 18.: elderly peopleb• 'dying in London nursing homes°are but some of the ' stories , that- have entrenched food safety in the minds of the public; said. Powell. . The, public knows that ' any. reported outbreak is just, ,the "tip of the ice- berg," he said. adding,. "The public is paying attention," Processors and mane facturers,with good man-. agement practices, are heeding the message con- tained in the public's con- ,cerri andare- looking far- ther down the line to ,the, producer in order to ensure safe °,food. practices.. Consumers also are look- ing towardfood producers • with a Critical eye. "They have.. the percep• - tion .that if something is .not natural then: it's. not safe" This stemmed from the scare imposed en people - see 'Food', page 31 •