The Lucknow Sentinel, 1998-03-18, Page 25Ontari While there ate two shows; Qnrw • 'each' day, the Overall winnersare. decided on Aug. 30 by looking' at the highest source'from both: days. Those winners 'accumulate prize - money and points,- w Orkin : for a' spot in the ORA finals. at the end of the season and: toward the Dodge, Truck Series which wraps tip at an A-1(. rodeo, prior; to the ORA finals: . Cowboys and cowgirls , t'.oiner f nr acit'ss Ontario,. Quebec. and parts Of the United States travel across, Ontario 'ter the' rodeo sites to compete, often travelling to ,rodeos in tWOdifferent eo mtnnunities iaii. one !eekend:• • • ,And with: In and ()snQF € cQw- boysecsmi, more. 444: nrnnre< spectatorsaara, who ate diseuvering; ' the Qnn.4ario *cult, Foster stud she cons into people at rads, who are' fans of the evernts they Watch• pr). television boat '. weren't aware there Wass au Ontario: em . acro as follow circuit, Foster said part cif what is adding (tithe success of rodeos is tht work committees perform in intlividu;ai towns. . . : They make it a faritily event _with • activities throul hotat ,the weekend • dance.. • _ . Sunday. the c;urnmittee is plan- ning games for children in addition to the regular i•t fleo., 'Emits' will also' run in a period• called "the slack" in which more Cowboys and cowgirls ;compete. out side the regular show -.tittles sine there, Are too malty c;otppetitors 'to t`it .in the two, roma, 'events. One of the, events with: the largest number of participants,,. is the tear roping, with more. than 6S teams in the associa Banti Teresa Hoist, coinstti.ttee member. had decided it ova tittle Lucknuwr proven it could be a rodeo WWII' and stated talking; about it around the townn... Binet the - idea was first pitched,. Hoist has become, more encouraged. about the event. Calls have come' daily.' with people interested inr the stampede She hopes L uekuow will–be placed in .the limelight. that. week-:: followed by a. i eetbarber ue; and end, iv4e0 icecie ' m ztz, Lu w, the weekends aetiv- hies aegis with a cowboy breakfast at the I,e iQ.rx where: residents and visitors willhave a chance to meet . some of the cowboys and cowgirls, Following, breakfast will be a.. parade.tn the rodeo she, about three. kilometres east of f.ueknow on Highway Sh at lib tvlurray's. farm.. The first rodeo on Saturday wilt AUTO i*es,+ Ur every job,..For every; trail., For every rock, stump and rut, there's: an, Arctic Cat ATV with your name • on it Introducing our full line of new ATVs. -From the, all-new 300 2x4 anal, 4x4,. to: the powerful new 500 4x4.. Arctie f at ATVs feature everything you look, for, inciuding exu,lus vc; Suspensran systems and superior ground.ciearance. Bager to learn more?. Were -eager to shQW you, COW :in' today.C 1998 DEMOS, .. 2x4 54S95.°4' 454. ' 4,x X4. Flinn proams `913 — Pag 9 Dairy 'farmers hope you v % . "Orin,.. Love We.' 1NG)-_Unity FufanerS of Ontario (IFO) invests a lot of effort informing consumers aboutthe value of milk and ,you should see:some•new approaches as the current mi- grant has moved into a new phase. Continuing the .sauce "Mira Milk. Love Life Codi'' to at:tiunn,. it has added punt and new transit advertisements.. and an'inforration brochure, "Drink Milk. Love Life." launched February includes television:pominereials featuring a lively rsnnrsi- coal adore, borrowed ftprnre 13eetboven's•puwerful Ocie to JOY. Other media have included billboards. transit and. dairy case banners. New transit ads appeared in August, 'Tie print cam- paign debuted in. September Consurnetniagazines. Sig different.ads feature everyday foods—se-Oh as pane e ,' sandwiches and shepherd's pie—that; cnusttmers assctc,. :ate witty drinking, Milk. Capuonns beneath appealing: pito- tograpbs .of the Meals stress .that at glas;t of milk nolo pro;. vide 45 per cent Oran adult's daoY caleiuth regnirement,. Another part of the campaign provides key messages on;. rrt lli„'s: nuttratiQxnat benefits for the whole family...I *Q is distributing .more than one million eppies .of; a new booklet in"supenuarkets and as inserts -in the magazines- Today's Patent, Reader's Di$est and Toronto Life., Thebooklet's cover, featuring the cqw spotte4 eon doctor frntrn the televisions, eo rinrereial, .points out milk's nutritional benefits for children and adults. lnsid'e: it pre,_: vides recipes and:fu'rther. nutritional iriforshation. The. bat k page has a. '?nide energycalcium counter" .•:it shoves the datlytcalciun retnuireement-for nnates•an+d'ipnnalts by age grtnrpr anal the limber of "glasses of nnik they show • drink to achieve it Gerrnail enginete(ed exciilenee .has nacteo STfi iL than rtin»btikr, one .chain C41/V.' woridwIde, with.. featu.r.' s.;sugtt. .' Lifetime .warrantyon electronic ignition for quick easy starting olk,ptuidicatop.ik inertia- ecti'vateci-chain brake for, greater operator„protection r; Anti -vibration systerYa.'tgr„ nereased Liser. comfort and safety 5tartirt0• ai $299?.”, S,T.IFII quality is oven more afford. bre .with Sl iHL 0O L�. 925... (7.26.. 034 Wpod Brass, and 036, models. Tn'gvv.4 n ,sate;:• StiF4L t;hain-s,awa are bt it'tii last' and priced to : stilt, S D -I ensures satisfaction on, aif prodciet;puruhases with amQneyiback guarantee. - , 40 unto Juno 2R, 1 98; ac What! S4I�Pllus It s�,. • • 600 Maier Street South, i xeter- (519) 23§,2757; Fax 235-4067: