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The Lucknow Sentinel, 1998-03-18, Page 23
*1& page 6 Wool) and food-ra:l;.ttotl (stitch as Mille and to Cream. Applt:s. Cereals). themes ft's a different therntc every weekt April'llflf�; t>%stc;r at th* Farm lifts aro bopprctg"this wookenclr Cuddle rabbits. see newborn lambs, s, and joinin an Eiastc:r eg •hu:tnt on our grounds. 9 pt. 7 . I?aity latcrpretatkat and, thamostratioas Our drew Qf frig actty •'irttorprecers is btc:k for another season. `Bike part in daily stemonstrations, tuakv 444 t4Ste SO= iere tire414-, IWO 4041etbint • nowattQdt st r rn1ani104J,, Qt $eta :elizs0.441r 194 at; Q00 QE Qur 411e axr Ya'ls: 1:. P l>t� Qtir annual sheep cAttaxatpota �sitkr Sip , ariII bQQrttitio nn Udcdet elates. betdh$; OtQQp. WQQl crafts,..(tis- plays. QhitO ren's activities and tots morel Junk 044 Make;Qb Qso,, s, parat cream, ehtirn bottet', meet . $onac iitQats,: Sec.hc?w cc? is weer, mttkecl u the past. 4,44110W we nni<tk their , . toy Ca niJa a ata tha Fmk; Frcc 440445 i(11,11 a fort fillod, clay, ` titin We' crow making, aesand hayrl4ea • 414A�uk� 1.4,•174A,, Z4.4. `` uq aat,thc, VOrra $t nnn#@>4..t ay c'A. P �hildt'Qtt (altos. 0.14) • ,oars} t,tis,4oVor fanning incl (QQcl "throe&h !tut tc: the. barns,, etatly QhorQs It tttrc• sAtcligs, cbolting. agki it[ a, crafts: an 0:; goat s,CaifQr tnkartt'tatiot . • July 13--L' Aug, 1044 Jtu*4Qr- Farmers>l ay Cain Yotaths {a s- It --l2 yoars WO learn some of tits: basks of an c ;trirtgthese one-week sOs siQns. 1:411' g9t-3O 3, for ittfounation August 1 . Ram :lfreeds; wait See ram breeds of f*tom animals, meet rntettnt rs Q£ Rams timods Canada, mid' and gut ttQw yQt)c:atr Loehr abQat rare plants Septamber COVA iFvulr' A corn.0 Qpia of eorb. telatu4. utilities.. Corn' eQQlting, etrrtr displays, eQt<•nslts ancl{ Of cQtt. cereAlt the 4Qbt, Loara,abQ.utt IcactiotOge, rese ;e;lt., ovQtx` hcaw Qts e411-4§00 14,01%4440 WQ.N'1 sotto It's 4 SeeQ0,(1 MOO O.: Terrific `\ie,sdays 431.1g, A ricultore Musentn, ' QL atkdyour .l[ttl.e' bu4s4ies. ,. aged to 5 y4'tzt s, i1 C:Q invited CO stn, hQtti',Q$ Batt;,. P14.)4 crafts, animals afkt: QY h a, Iitt;lt IQarning-at the Workshop`. x:p1or . ty.• variQty of now 4043114w* 4311tttfiat:' and food-relatod themes; It's a 41ifkront ttletno• ovQty, viNk,t. Q4t, n4 orscpowc Front tho. fit's ° harness to, the late4t in Q111pt?tpt.-. ize4 tartn n,•fartim pQuior' has, comic a'. kt)g, way!' I`t>t;: wedkett • sQQ taarn.s. Qr• homes.wQ! k-ch4 fi lis, f,41 t.h .arQari4 st14k0- Qn4Cir. ttio. might: of a 7-,QQQ It tract,K tf4 ,rho, k9 Qs Qt; sit. ii1 tha Q>t'tc oit! Q rtQwesct kra09rs'4r041)4, Thor- wilt t mKhtnQry Cie, inQrtsvtr atiOns. wAt.¢rt ri4lk*, 444FUr4 f91:41'' Tel; (5191 +-4#t p Fax (519) 2 17 1114WIPOIMENT,SAM OWL I4 NU/FAC'7VR' S AA'ltF' Q1&71414 417t2Fi$ QF Quality Fruit Vegetabia,, Nktrsgrlr. and Whir Spfogia zed eautfrment (new and tried) i .FL *t; Medford-, Qui 14012144 a DUNOANN ICE CI John' OeBruyn. St Qgml$01/14UtcMcfoveRepir$ Gla "Nticsr4. Meighatnic.. 5*941 t.. ' EI1( atm V,94,4,5P(4,444400. ut; 4)4Z4, . • `ILSMOtt.rell, 4340 O f + pwr *W./10m atauk whcWs,, 7 � ' 01,9txt `` MV, SAFARI Six, blup,4 1,, • : V6, 4spct,, .4b.,' QID, au. AlC, kii4� • 4'rutso, NOM' c,asS,/GDD prvic. win /l ks toot w# 4' 5 1(4 '9.G1 $,!" $tLrt..44 lit V.tr, 4•"s_0 ,• antR.w Q4. aid tilttct *, $ . pww'» wind/locks, run4tip b0,011,7paten er, f9 k>G'k1Vt43t1l11? YQXA60U Brook VS; auto•, Q/D, Ult, cruise, pw wtnd,/l air. cas.$ (VW V A SI V IXQ M Kool 30, V8;, 4.s04, auu, y Qom.. atrttlikeruiskvessette 3,40,900 14%900 Gil t?:Ri(1 1kT: STEPSON: 4X4,, 1,,oCs, V4, autp.r Q/l), air►:. buttkets,tiltierei e, pw(�r wjetlow.s/le0ts, , rte/ C17; Only26,000 king 5;94.4 M sit` b> i O V•' At RQ ra '� . air, qts, . ; feat hr,Atla,x; ANlli~'M cass,} gP•cl G?ptut k. 1)10.0044444410044$ GID Y SUBLIROAN,. 8ron, 57 litxus, v , spit, apto , 0/4 dual air; tiltlaruise, c$•, pwr witttl:ltQck$, ui 4W4,.4 000 km • A9S,Glge,'SWAXIMPl, white, S 7 litres. ;V8,4spti,;a4tvi,,Oil); 144i0luuruise cos , pii+r witrdil ee..4,_alem wheels; only Gp (OQ Jran, l?rofessignall ,lawerr4, . •tF" $Z1-