The Lucknow Sentinel, 1998-03-18, Page 3Joint application made
for $723,230 under the
en Melo, lt1'e0ne04ayy
Crime :Stoppersof Grey
Municipal ROstructuring Fund orrice Inc. wants :to
remind the public of the
Kinloss Township• council approvL a
joint application with Lucknow .and the
Township of Huron,, under the Municipal
Restructuring Fund, when they met on
Marsch 2. •p .
The application is for $723,230 in
expenses, The total savings once amalga-
mated being $306,153..
The Township of Huron will proceed
with making the application on behalf of
all, and will be the treasurer of this rev-
enue fundand transitional expenses in
1998, -
maintain the south: endof the municipali-
ty. Cost is 60 cents per cubic yard,
Gravel From the north end of the town
ship wilibe ,.purchased' from Glen
Haldenby at 95 cents per cubic yard,sub-
ject to the road; superintendent's discre-
tion if gravel does not meet the necessary
***** ,
Tax sale proceedings will be initiated
on some properties .which are -presently
three years in arrears,
A bylaw was 'passed
amending the name
of Highway 86 to.
Bruce Road 86, for
9.11 purposes:
An extension of
time (April 17) on
applying to he
province for fund-
ing under the
Special Circumstances
Fund has •been given. Council will be
delay its application for the time being.
Council had -approved applying for
$655,353, .
The fund is a one time assistance fund,
and the municipality must review, ser-
vices over the long term and initiate pro-
grams to increase revenue to offset
expenditures. It must also investigate
long term user pay fees'to offset die cost
of basic services, 1998 is a transition year
to shelter' the impact of the losses of the
farm tax rebate . in a predominately rural
Approval was .given. to a laneway
application by Dave Qibson. The town-
ship will provide a 40 foot culvert, pit run
gravel and do the work. Gibson. will pay
,for the culvert if itspanslonger than• 40
Council agreed that gravel' from the
township gravel farm would be used to
Upon request of Huron
Township, Kinloss will apply crushed
gravel to the complete Huron/Kinloss
boundary in the spring, and bill Huron
The Mennonite community has agreed
to clean an area of scrub brus at the
Kinloss Landfill site, for future develop -
meet, in exchange for what they salvage,
• Arrangements could iaot be made with
the township •solicitor to have
posed site plan for Fisherman's Cove
completed for council's March 2 meeting,
since he is on vacation: ,
The clerk was instructed to ask the ,
McArthurs, owners of the Cove, for
copies of various, documents they have
had prepared .by Paragon Engineering, in
regard to the site plan.
Application has been made through
the Ministry of Tourism and Recreation
for a $2,000 recreation grant. on 1997
�t�re�ing for 1V�isti -
en's pi�tu.�e. wial be o:
cross Caac�ada:m�ilaut
by Scott Hilgendorff> • paigns, such as posters that are distrib-
The image oflviistie Murray, missing uted across Canada, and; forwards that
from Goderich since 1995, is arriving in, information to police.
three million homes this week. A new poster with an updated photo
She is the fifth missng_child. whose . graph of Mistie and some new informa-
image and personal information is being tion about' sightings from London and
distributed on the backs of CIBC Visa .. Toronto, was distributed last summer.
bills that were mailed, out this week.. Now; with the Visa bills, Child Find
across Canada through ,a nevi endeavor hopes to have had some 'callsabout
by Child Find. Mistie in the next couple weeks.
"We look for all missing children and • Cutmore said they have had "some
never give up hope on finding,. any of calls about other children since the Visa
them," Said Jackie, Cutmore, executive bill program began a few months ago.
director of Child Find, a national organi- , But Murray ispdised to receive even
zation that helps find missing children. more 'exposure, possibly by the end of
Children selected for the bill.program the month, when her poster will be dis-.
are those who have been missing for a played on the back of trucks travelling
lengthy period of time; not children who.
have jut disappeared or runaway ay.' and across the country.
� There are 30 transport truck compo-
• could'be found through conventional,nies willing to have posters affixed " to
methods.' their, rigs and Hurray's poster is expectei
Murray; the daughter of Steve and ' to ,be on the highways. at the end of the.
Anne, hasbeen missing. from Goderich'• month.
since May 31, 1995 and has been report- eCutmore said the track program_is a
the seens •uiinmer of1995, in the London and Toronto areas wonderful. opportunity for Child Find
in `
Cutmore said 'Child Find believes a where drivers, in.. traffic behind these.,
programsuch, as the visa bilis, or a simi-: trucks, are„given a good look at the miss-
lar one that reaches ,one, million homes' ing child's face whichhelpsincrease the
through Rogers Communications' bills,' odds that someonelias or will recognize.
gives more visual recognition to the pub- that child.
he Also helping the efforts to find
"You've; got to open up that enve- . Murray, the Kinsmen Club has been dis-
lope," Cutmore said tributing"the latest, posters across Canada;
Chid Find receives calls from people ' Child Find can be"reached at 1 -800 -
800 -recognizing, children through other caro 387-7962..
part they .can play in the
area of insurance frauds,
"We have received
quite a few tips about pea»
pie making false insurance .
claims over the last -two,
years- and 1 kn.w a Jot of
them have had merit,
' Unfortunately: often the
tipster waits too long to
call and it is much harder
for investigators to reopen
a case and follow a cod
trail," says OPP Detective
Constable Steve Starr.
Whensomeone makes
a' false or exaggerated
insurance claim, your
insurance costs go up:,
Cleating on an insurance
claim is .fraud and .that's a
crime.. If someone you
know is committing fraud
'ori their home, car or busi-
ness insurance poliey a,n
relation to a claimthey
have made or are planning
ad'eb xs , lE -Pogo 3
to make you can reportit
to Crime Stoppers,
Like any other crime
your tip will. be pgassed.
alongand if it helps the
pollee or insurance inves-
tigators to uncover an
insurance fraud, you will
be eligible for a cash
reward. Call' Crime
Stoppers at 1-800-222,-
807, provide the informa
Sion' and be confident you
will remain completely
anonymous, Why pay for
crime .you didn t coni -
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