The Lucknow Sentinel, 1998-03-18, Page 2Page 2- twat owSefittnet, Wednesday► Mare .8,
GI:immunities mus wor get er
:front page t
work as a team. in •a proac*
. tive manner, creating ole -
tions to the problems
caused by ?changes at the
'Bruce Nuclear Power
Development (BNPly).
"We must be ready with
a new design for the cro-
noetic .future of •our com-
munities, a design that
could be realized by tak-
ing advantage .of any
potential' funds available
from Ontario, Hydro
and/or governments, to
offset hardships .caused by
the downsizing."
He suggested all coin-
munities work together on
enhancing promotion of
the Bruce Energy Centre
(DEC). byco-operating in
efforts to lobby for the
expansion of a gas line
and anything else .needed.
MvlacGtegor said besides
a gas line and low, .Jong
terra 'natural gas rates, the
DEC also needs .low, long
terra electrical rates and
processed steam: rates.
He said Ontario Hydro
isn't ready to bring naturae
gas to the BNPD, Birt:will,
provide its own heat with
Dunker C oil.
litre we are, no differ-
ent from Lennox burning
heavy oil to produee
MacGregor said there is
still potential at the DEC,
but he has never been able
to convince Hydro to
become an energy compo?
ny. instead of an 'electric
"Opportunities are like
buses. They tome, stop;
you ,get on, or you miss it.
I'm getting nervous that
we're going to miss this
He mentioned the.
opportunities ,that have
come to .the Eastern
Seaboard, with .hibernia,
the West `Coast, with
Ballard fuer cells,
"California chasing oppor-
pportunities, and here we are in
Ontario, with all: -kinds of
potential, goingto hell in a
"The opportunity to
synergize all our potential
depends on the:community
pushing the wheel on one
side. We pced one, tindi-
, vided foals."
Cunningham said, it is
*-up to the larger •communi-
ty '.,to define where
•ress ur+ees for diversifica-
tion should be focussed.
"We need to ,document
a diversification strategy
which positions the DEC
to achieve,"
She proposed an eco-
nomic diversification 'offi-
cer be hired to facilitate a.
consultative process, to
identify the issues and
opportunities and to iden-
tify priorities for diversifi-
"An economic diversi-
fieadon: officer will work
with the community to
identify fareas of develop
If you boyo j st arrived
from another town or know
• of someone who : has.. rnoved tc
-Ashfield, West Wawanosh,..
Kinloss or Lucknow
We*would like to extend a
weICom v�thour;award
winning newspape
enhance BEC,
rent and economic .potent
The impact eommuni-
ties have had unsuccessful
economic development
officers before,
Cunningham said a- devel-
opment officer's primary
mandate was to market the
local area externally,, fo
attract industry or business
.to the area.
" diversification offi-
cer will not actively be
going outside the area to
bring industry or business
Cunningham said com-
munities have to know
what they need, what their,
Priorities for development
ape and who the players
are. Then they need to
include the federal and
provincial governments so
they can assistA realizing
those priorities. •
'We need a good plan.
One that converts depen-
dency with Ontario Hydro
into interdependency with
Ontario Hydro,"
The Entice Community
Development • 'Corporation:
hasplaced ads for an CM
noinic diversification offi-
After the meeting,.
Cunningham said there
was a general consensus to
proceed with a strategy.
.Another nleeting among
the interested groups will
be held in the near future.
s sit
on North
Ashfield Township council is informing. the North
1-D.uron Restructuring Committee that it, will not be
:sending any further representation to those committee'
meetings. Council is still interested in receiving copies
of any minutes arising front the meetings.
• *****
Communicationfrom the Ministry of Environment,:
regarding their requirements for the 'operation of the:
Courtney subdivision waterworks,was discussed at
the March S meeting. ,
A meeting will. be arranged with Duran Township,
to discuss the feasibility of extending their water sysr
tem to servicethe subdivision.
Steve Burns, of BM. Ross and Associates, will be
asked to provide option costings for the provision of
water, according to MOE requirements.
**' ** •
.The deadline for municipal applications to the
;Special Circumstances Fund has beenextended to
April 17. The township's, application Will be tiledtfol
lowing the ;anticipated March 31 release of further
provincial financial funding inforim ation:
Council•authorized the reeve and clerk to execute a
development agreement with Van Oenen. Farms Ltd.
in accordance with a bylaw passed in 1997.
Council met in dosed session to ;discuss legal mat-
The road superintendent reported that several com-
plaints had been received -regarding manure, mud and
debris being deposited on township roads. Such.
actions cause increased road; ;maintenance as well as a
safety hazard t� motorists.
The road: superintendent was instructed to remove '
such .debris and -invoice the property owner responsi
.ble,"under the; authority of Bylaw 14, 1992. ;
rest C
•. from page 1
Christians were arrested
and brought to a mock jail.
The object sof ,the game.
was to teach awareness of
Christians being persecut-
ed in many .parts of the
world and to better appre-
ciate the freedoin of, wor-
ship that is still . ours to
enjoy in, this great land of
On Saturday evening
,there' was a , talent show
followed by a dance at the
Community Centre.
The youth worshiped
with 'the 'congregation. at
the Christian Reformed
Church on Sunday morn-,
ing with a very' full house,
Following- a::soup lunch,
everyone returned home.
The young people at
the Lucknow Christian
Reformed Church meet
every Tuesday at. the
church to enjoy fellow-
ship, • singing and worship:
There are between 20 and
30 that, gather at 7:30 pan.
This is open to all teens 14
to 19 (high school). You're
welcome to check them
out. •