The Lucknow Sentinel, 1998-03-11, Page 5fl .
Units and Z of the
Luclzowxl'nid Church
Women met at Puree .Z
on it 47 with 2Z merry-
,bers'present and sn:'ueraft.of
the residents. attending the
"Lent:" meeting.
.Lois Walden presided:
and told xis' *What. tent
res. ft comes front the
word 'Lengthening' as the
days of spring approach.
The -are ' days: and six.
Sund s'in Lent Easter is
the first Sunday afiter the,
first frail moon ager the
2tss of Much. The color
G for Lent is purple„ sig y-
ing penitence and hixmrli
l*nston played sonx* lily e-
Visit Eyes Are Smiling,`
f'x'islr Rosen" inck•
"Sweet. PeggyexliMl,
Edna lton. • read
"Somethintg Good: About
Yoe." The meetings was
closed . with an fr'isit
Frayet Ti* lunch commit-
tee assisted by the kitchen
staff served. cookies acrd
beverage ge. 'The sepa-
rated and, had .heir husi4.
. 4sti rrxitted by . Alletne
• Bradleyy.. .
Luis opened with an
Easter. Call of Worship:
Laura StefReriead the
scripture. Lois gave the
'meditation. " and Edna
Alton the prayer..
The ming, hymn was
"The Old Rugged Cross*"
with Eisie R,usLQsz pla -
ing; the piano. Jean Conley
played two guitar solos,,
"There fs Power in His .
Bands and "Qnwa.>d'
Christian Soldiers.
Lo .s. coodhu .read. an
article on.Letts. We sang .:
the hymn " u' the garden:," •
Lois 'hada shirt story on
Fed steers and heifers.
+rveKr. setlin: , $2 ttigbcr
$xtssels Iasi wc4„,..0
Old •Qn a.. steady t041,cot-
Be* area sold on, a steady
rnaike ` with Uolstei» .real'
selling $2 l .wee 'Lala &.:;
traded: cin, a sitrQD$ m0'1 .
Allelarsses'of.stOcker sold
. • on a;'steady trade; . -
tEtare Were 227 steers
can offer selliug•feam:WQ0
. to 95.00 to: the.'.high..ot
105.00. •
There woe, 204i: heitecs
Qn offer $elllzig from 89.0Q
to 95:90, to, the, high of
There ver@to' ,2 i a#rsts,,
on Differ seilirig froin'3.7..QQ
.` to 59 0 too the- high Qf
7130.: ..
There vier :l7.lauiis on f,.
After selling froth 53.50 to ,
68.QQ;to'the high, Qf 72.00,
There were 293veal
offer 'selling 'from: beef:.
9Q,Q0 to 1:2&'.0Q; FQ1M fl .
7Q.0Q !4,
&S,00;; plain
7101 tern 6Q..QQ to,.70,00,
La,tn1ts: oder 50 lbs ,1
207 50 Ez ; 250,0O; 50. - 79:
2iiC .Qct cQ Q, Qty, Q t(1
94:1150.00 to 172.50.'.
Sheep:� E
7: '
2 $ y
tale a
We Q
Wait= f t.he.
Luckirowlir byteri arr.
' `omen'S :' Missiona 4
caeiety were guests of
LTult -3 ot, tire: f;tacktxrrve'
'United Church 'Women at
the United .'church the
evening of March 3. Mary' .
Lou° Irwin, Unit 3 leader six, ea
welcomed iii..and' read a
?nein orr 'rdenims.r",
Norma Raynor& leader
"of the WMS. chair it o the
-program %sheat was pre-:
serxted by the. WML,
,opened, the devotions Withy
a"poe rt. "Take. Time" and
prayer, Ldisr Parrish gave
the devotions frosty Stn
Mak. chapter 4; 1- 9:° She
desexibect a garden 'as a
plane of life and place. of
.growth wtb and manna* 4 it to
our lives« The bynnia "Ttty
'Ward Is Like a Garden.
Lord' Was sung,
Lindsey Raytucmd.
fawared: wi th . musical
'4u -utters on' the.. flute.
Offering. was herr by
Muriel Moffat and Joyce:
Iohnstone, Voireld,4
Moffat accompanied the
hymn 4 the piano.
Marian Rayner& with
use off�y : $11dl�",y� r,, acilta`.
4 'Mf94 s k4 about the three
years she spent rias' tlto.
Island of Iona« s i.ua1 4 Qn
tfte west. Cease'softkiund,
WO, miles north of
Glasgow- The island,is one
and Intif � miles wide by
three miles• Jong with a
' population of 90 people.
growing to ,30C 50oi ixz
the swiiTiier,, ,• .
Marian Worked' .as- a
domestic supervisor in
char .:of .kitchen, house-
keeping and coffee beuse..
" and leading in worship; at
the ionaAkbbeyf a'religious
Retreat Centre:
200,000 ,..a.:; G, .comae to
visit each year. faia.
.Abbey. wap ata aWiltVe
monastery in the 1 ala "-.
i7t r coma* .and lay its
ruins until the, early' 19.00s
when rebuilding be°%n, It
baxue+ aetteat in the lar
Courtesy remarks were
given by Somme Len nips:
for the WMS nnd Susan
Alton for the UCW, 'Tao
meeting closed with hymn!
and pmyete d;the hostess'
ceTtI flittee for the tICV4
served lunch. The ladies
'enjoyed a. trine .;Q€ fellow --
(submiitte4, by' Reverley
41110y: Seturtty
• Ali smerictio6 .. .
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Re to less rt
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• Arty
Jilt itidt>5"
. Mgst;Powerful: .
Engine in'
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tat Z001110 Yir
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:Alt Londitieninj,
Aluminum WbeeiS�.
«truite Conttgt '
Safety *rel.
tHnrfivest- ...
' Possible 0..S. Goveremort
friest,ea4 WI tot .
ntieg4 far beth liiyer ek
- aviation
eigy Abs,axbinq>
(rumple Zones
lnxludes t e. xuxlr
Qf'Quai Cdellit's Chairs;'
Qr Make:One
single Pomo(
Qt 59,110`
and Divg far
Z4 Moths'
j 4x M WfI i at i
. $319.
• -
' • 1399
$ �►.41;68.
.w, Privity Glass
• A$/f$.Stereo Cassette
tight Group.
Power;.WinlieWs, Cocks.
DiuoI er they sue of t
� 3,U1Ya Engine • Air Cifudrtioniir , Eitteoded i $th;., 4mily" Entry System':
• Depoytered Second-Gerierition: > + 4 Spee4,Autea !t ('.
D041 Airbags.. *.,Toner WiudowsitackS sad Mirrors
•r1PasSeagerSgatrng;•.AH4flt-Ste.fa ,-t,^Whee.145*,:Sial#r Tinted lilts.
¢GuW:vaifE;Sr6"�A C@tN.'.W3?iTi.t,�{ r�SrmRr7i�4dreL:k�MGGhGo-�yY o"
rQl,r a3}mz rt:kntli”6coo%s.cgic'Vepot±SQcii;4d"haaioceO0 W1•dg.4,34.0i 4 PPiii11.aftei.Stcftoioa.totq x61,01 a:OrAnyof o*stFti[fiheioivossQaolcslOott¢d 50,0iiatior04cAqifl lcJsBsolobro
copr9vedcctItek ,p tot$utearpanht .5occlOri ksadami, alOst4tlgnT? 00Maloeenvppka*Aoj excwrn4l!.fm?s){u'F, ?Kancaanigtolk,40 ,btunaY
crt?eW441,Ct1102,ichA0'0N -119110. t4M tp?a(M:"ik5 Hp;i4ialbhvrlGcli;TDlratim 461,5wca^ptrogeFiu-svtx.Z$4OV�Stg,Ootokt *APO, Pa.COcdaknllv4atlist15f41,i