The Lucknow Sentinel, 1998-03-11, Page 3Former education trams h.onored for iarge dOiatiO Ata special gathering of past.trusteesof the for- mer Bruce • Couuty Board of Education an SQu. th,mpton last week, Lillian. Thompson was• honored four her generous donation Qf $20,'000 to the Campaign fer the institute for Outdoor Education and Environmental Studies, In a tribute to Thompson; Murray Elston, the campaign chair and former Grey -Bruce MPP; highlighted Thompson's extensive commitment to the cam -- mutiny as a teacher., coat triunity volunteer, trustee and chair of the Marton Health Services. Foundation. Thompson was recently named Senor of the Year byo, Abe merle Council. "Determination > and coni- mitment describe Lilliarir." said EistQa. adding that Lillian graciously "takes on every challenge that comes her way." Asa trustee for the, Bruce County Board of Education l.ittttnr repre- sented A1beiraade, Wiarton. and Annabel -1 epworth from ' 1992 to 1993„ ,AM avid supporter of the Institute for Outdoor Education Q and. Environmental Studies, Lillian sits on. the Inspired by Nature capital earn - paigrt: committee. A spe- cial area, called the Circle of Friends in the proposed new dining hall will be named • •tn honor of Thompson and her legacy of dedication to the Institute, education and the environment~. n,y „The present envirUnlw merit roust be carefully guarded and preserved," said Thompson. °'•tbe future should hold a land" that provides' a happy, healthy lifestyle ler The inspired by Nature campaignhas been urge-, mired to raise '$3 million from the private sector. in support cif a renewed Ontdaor 'Institute. in Oliphant Both students and adults fren t grey and Bruce Ceurnes will bene- fit from the new facilities., OW YOU KNOW' Easter Seal staff serve families. all over the province through a net- work of regional and home-based 'offices, Dungannon CGIT raise funds to feed Children'are the. hope. of Sur future - thie light itt'a dark, world: XeS many of them .are walking in a dark .world wandering .alone,. afraid and: often ' hungry, Today, thanks to World Vision's 30 Hour Famine, a difference:eau- be made,'.: , Dungannon Ctx11T have ' been participating in the World Vision `30. 14.04 lr•;aniitte For a- few years now:, On April 3 and 4,,they; will once again go without road for 3tl hours to expo~ rienc the hunger that oth pry feet; Thirty-four thousand kids die from honer :and 'hunger -related Cal/SOS every Bingle day " , hut it doesn't have tea be that :way.. "That is why.'the.. Dungannon CGI' raise ►,e ey. to help. feed And care. for children. Aa little as; $1 a day tett 'feed;.a child In the next, few weeks; the IDunganndn CGIT will be out getting sponsors. Please help the girls reach their goal and; help some- one Oise less fortunate: If you are no contacted. directly for sponsorship, and your interested in. being involved, please call Elizabeth Irvin, leader, at .629-7394. ' • by Gregor Campbell .Gambling has paid off for the • Huron -Perth. Catholic District Schoch • ..Board. "We have done very well on again' in, the `Fantasy Lottery', director of: edtteatton Oaetan Blanchette reported to'the board's Feb. 23 regular meeting at Dublin. "On the first lerrttary, 2.510:. (1 2.$5 per .cent) tickets were ° purehased by resi- dents of Huron and Perth counties. For the second 'Fantasy . Atery'. 3,250 (14::32 per cent) ° tickets Were . purchased' by resi= dents of the two. ''This translates; to anet proceeds . of $12087 .coir :our system. " $y cotrnbiningthe pr- coeds of the two lotteries with our 'TPP 2''•pruject, teckznology for Students in our system has been great ly -enhanced," the dircG tar"s:report'continues, "We e ertainly would not be tybere, we Are today • in technology without it.' rustees approved -'par - otter nets 6,500 far board tiepation' in. the third tot- - .tcry of .the Monsignor Feeney loundatan, now' in the `,planning , stage, "with pre c:cds directed, towards, the enhancement of technology for our stu- dents." "Fetter Odds". Tttus.toe- Bernard' Murray s<t,id ae was "pleasantly surptized"-lay the sneeess of the first two antasy" lotteries here:.. Trustee Mike Miller said despite the reluctance. oaf Some to gamble,. school boards have an advantage when in ct?nws to such lot,' aeries;, which have preilif grated in the provincae: and,` eQati.try far variob* meney,unakin,g purposes. r CeCently... ; . 'Chair ' Ron: Marcy ag%eetl. Much of: this, par - Ocular Lottery's successis bcecause people know their me ney is going to the enhancement' of.'educatien for the2ir ehtldren Trustees' noted the area .b0at4 Sold 740 more tick ets for the second "Fantasy Lottery" than, it; . did the first,, .and that for.: the most recent "we sold'' out the early bird draw." . The third lottery as pro- posed. will'involve> greater adverti.sin,g. nests, 300 .more ,tickets, ' (23,000 rather than:22,700 and expand to Kent 'with_ the tendon District' Catbolie School Beard. and. St; Clair Catholic`, District SebQol Board • as partners, It wild involve a "siitti' illi iutjer, prize board as the last.one but with better -oodsA;" director of educa- tion Blanchette teported, Lacknow Sentinel, a eta Mara 11-.1990—>i"age Maybe you figure other retailers in . your line of business are going to cut back their advertising. so its pate for your. too. Rit` Your ' for the QQnsur er dollar with every other retalier in town,..rio. mow what he sella. People' have only s+ man dollars to spend a -it they spend` the for What You sell, they'll spend . them for somethin + la+ LUCKNOW.DITRICT CO-OPERATIVE INC. BOX le, LuCKNQW, QNTARio.Nel0 2H0 no s8 RHPt,E' t QtaTARioNaergnq Tni,,; ($'t9) 62$./'956 FAX; (519) 54,4•110 . PHQNE (619) a9S,ass4 FERTILIZER KANT PkONE WO) $29.795& FAX (5t9),39S 426Q cep rd LN ro a es Meetin :e: ednesda , March ere: Luc n w & I District `� 'rovided *R$V f r:tunuh gr:eatt r appreciated: e st Speak r : *K'an1Yfte Leask ^ O$ M; A.. Manager l or card Contracting *lir.. John Mar in Sheep Specialist *lelra Kenn aMeA4k .R.I_lk *Kelly Severn Waller- -rowrnar . . Feed Qr rula0on oMordinator unp QmpleX. lase`. w i t Kith :Todd 4C '