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The Lucknow Sentinel, 1998-02-25, Page 16
• • 16- Luc o. en Vliedneoda ;February 2$r 1998 1998 Windstar The first Minivan to earn stars in front-end Crash teSts1 On a '98 Windstar 61. yO(1.could save in Interest compored• to $.7% financing:* 1998 Explorer canades bewsoung•,11011 utility vehiclel On a'98 Explorer 4 -Dr, XL.T you• could save • in interest compared to 8J% financing:" Make your best deal and get is Financing on all 1998 Wiridstars & 1998 Explorers EJ =RD 111* UP, ENDS FEB. 28t 1 Mercury livOl4TOOkilitenlitAMAL4*0 9,996 f/isefti011 likalke0o4todcul4rwttwirwitovvrewooloodosroit.,....iook)148-.. mow.,,,,,ipp,o4uwiit•r•ti,so•egolvogokoi.w‘oi.o.tpromawloeto,01,00,41.,,Acworpkommits32.4.7tewto 40401%1 /a %SaMf 4114 IMMO tlat Wald $1.5,111111.1**011003,010aymoot now0110 toot qvallablq b,y10),t0y other of* .1,910,0N,01..witlf1.1011571/1vittil $4.00411p4.10,01 Ls% afflWal 00,genteie Me ler 41 month% 11, W0301104 1,0010isomparsd to tiontbig fee* of II% tor 401110m) boupwing l4r4it0. t.lapow *door kV Omkkolth SWIalflAioad 14% 4100 Paraall• alte la a ma*. tat 00aemeklg flan,04. all‘Petar tq foloC,1^1(taaa. a ill% ta a manlu.odptborfeW109100,01'Fm rfropo Opt woo. takwmisoi oisv.Liimo otiK offs* qifi KNosi wjtiscm notke. fixt tufionSifigtmov soar motontok. dal, too c9,m.veln0 voitklitsvitNn 2244 tr,w lox woo n r.o,p,roii, po.-wyrottorrt. Some 10,411.0111 froryi Ford cmit. Sit Deflt# toi cktaltt. 011atioFMPA. PQ!Oro,OakIt. bile l4)$E4., , 1994 TAURUS OR SABLES 1995. EXPLOREFl XL.' " .1993 F150 XLT .• • •• • USE VA* L. • Vet auto, tow mileage. 4 dr., V6; auto; tilt crulee ABS,bal. V8,auto, p w p•d I, tilt,cruise,air, 8 - 1997 TAURUS G $4 4 inichE • . • •• of facto wdfra red...s green, 83000 ' • '• auto,tit, cruise, ritr; ABS brakee_; K 11: • • .,QFQfilaw 1198 VVINOSTR.AL'p rYir "t)f' , • babance.nt warranty. ; • , 3.8 V6 aUto, tilt, cruise, air, p.it,„ • • t„„ 22,995. i . . -13,995. K ai L 1 pww*-40.1 EXECUTIVE SERIES - bat, et fao100/ Warren1Y, ql.lad seats, 1995 EXPLORER XLT 1993 EXPLORER XLT $.1 irtmkE• 1994 LINCOLN, TOWN CAR . ,2P0,do..01.,:km1613:7, pa. citY air/ heat, Alas, •• • •, • •• 1997 CONTOURS -• -Loaded With luxtiry. red. .• $23 995 4dr., fully loaded Witeather interior, .§ oYI., far, auto, tilt, cruise, cass., • K white, 6660o km. , p.d.I., p.m, red, 74000 km. L $18 995 $24 995• K 97,495 L K • 95,995. " 1997 AEROSTAR XLT L • 1997 CROWN•VICTORIA 1994 LINCOLN TOWN 7 Paes., quad bttekets, 4W • V8, loaded, 23,000 kms. blue. • • CAR EXECUTIVE SERIES •• extended, P.d.I., p.W., tilt, 22 995cruise, air, 1995 F130 • • SPORT 0, • 1993 AEROSTAR XLT Loaded 84,000 km, tan. 4.4, aim :1)Klustoi26°°° kmskr;4ii 6 cr. 5 speed, $ 1 3,495 st"Atzpotima au 0. ITtte,nplect,d1',„Vilsaouotoo,kmair,.cbrultiies, tilt, t 1. • .$ 1997THUNDERBIRD LX L "WWQ41 1995 F153 9 995 1997F150 4x4 XLT EXTENDED L p • Warrant)), 2?,000.1011., 4 cyl, auto, tilt, cruise, air, pAt., plitpoh, p. 33006 kM, re'd. V6,auto, loaded, balance of factory 1993 PROBE LX • air' auto lilt cruise, Cass 6 c1/1” 93.495. ci 10.4 EXPLORER - EDDIE • , g • 1110y * . .switwgrirmor+vor 6 cyl auto p w pd.t rear air'. red, $0, 9 • ' Soci aprig 1994 ASTRO VAN . ' •BAUER • . 4 r„ 4x4, 6 cyl., r, auto, cass„ $1.7 995 p 4.1 red. - 1996 TOYOTA " .1 • . ; 3 073 , p. seats, leather interior, Dx plus, loaded 52000 km.. , • • 996. INDSTAR s 1 0 0 km, $12 995 green '128000 km 1992 Foal) FESTIVA • 3 - • 113 495 2 dr,, 5 speed, 96000 km. ,3,8 L V6 auto tilt criiiie air p w • •K . . ' • 9 * $3,C0C)0 d I ABS b., 'ct) of ta'cto'n,l " 1994 cHev ASTRO CL • • 51 • K $16 495 warranty, t;iC111 capacity air/heat 1992 F.150 XLT 4x4 1996 TAURUS • , a , c‘.11 11% A Oim V6 auto, tilt. cruise, air, pm., p.d.l., 1992 OAERCURY S,ABL,E L 64000 Y L & K 15 995 "./ p • m, ore $ , , , , , , Super cab a cyl. Elk atito tilt cruise 95 XL,S 4,9 cass pdl p 10800Q km. 6 cyl., 4 dr., auto, p.0.1., p.w.. L• 1996 CONTOURS , tilt,Cruise, cass., tan, 139000 km. 1996 F150 4x4 $1 V8 auto tilt cruise, air, running 1994, F150 4x2 K ' ,9 4 95 • , . 1.81K : . $13,995. ri : : . ' . :, ' ' . 049001. eardS, bedliner, green & silver, Supercab, &cll., air; auto, tilt, cruise, .1991 MAZDA. D2600 ' , • 1096 'CHRYSLER. CONCORD ' 1992 SABLE' GS TAN . , . ..70Q0!„,,,... ,s19 995, .tissi,..0.d.i.,.p.s.,:, 64000.km, red. , Cab plus sport 4X4,','4 cyl., 5 sneer', ' Fully loadederedo6otaurp, „- r: ' '.V6, .*Lite), tilt, cruise, air, 1, .. . ' . : , • ' : . ' '-' . lk ' K :. . . .7.*17. 495. .ii.; 1329Q"!1" Whitt . ,:. .$ r 5, 95, power seat only o0,0001Fil,.. .•. • 1996 i%EFIOSTAR. SPORT... • , . - !1- ' • • - • L. ' .1 L 11 99 fal , sit 995.. V6 auto, p.w., e.d.1., cruise, 1994 in 4x2 • 7 99 • • . • L y 2/600 km, green/silver, bal. of • s 8 i air, auto,tilt cruise, 1991' MAZDA MPV 1995 TAURUS:. FORD t4cto ty uPerce cy, $ 4 ail, ilkirk,e 1991 ESCORT ry. arran ' cass.,sp.d.l., p.w„ topper,. , • 7 Pas., cYl., auto AM/FM, L & K gap mpwQF ;11 6 995 74000 km swig steree, biee,1800.0u km. L • 79495 K .495i • 1 • • red K u ' $ C1901 TMOYUSAT4QUES & 2 dr:. auto, 12°°S6C)5krn4,— 95- 1996 ECONOLINE CLUB 1093 Fiset stjpEil ciks , -133.1 AERosTI4R ExPTE. NDEp L.& K • nn 1M• . • (14 . • • A/C tilt cruise AM/FM cass 7 pasa 6 cyl. auto, tilt cruise, air, • . 7 paSs quad buckets rear air & • • , ' • 113;000 krn.preat for trailer towing. stereo, blue, . , , • 1995 ESCORT WAa0N ated sea , ba o actory warranty, , 1891 BUICK LESABRE 't I f f air, aute,.P.W., Ak/1/.14 440op km, .green,; ' • $ "6.995 97000 • $5 99. , 5 .L K 1993AEROSTAR AVYP .1994 BUICK LESA.BRE LTD . • ", • , .• r • • • cyl., air, auto:, tilt,'CruiSe;.casS - • V6,0,00,111t; cruise, air, rear air/heat, . • stereo, 63000 km, white. , ' 6 cyl., 4 dr., air, auto, p.d.t., p,w,, • $25 995' 9 ' $8 995 1996 RANGER SUPERCAR 4x4.• EXTENDED 4 dr., loaded, 64000 km .19390.100TkHmu, V6NriauEtoR.stilt170 red, 47000 km u LP v v p.d.I., 100000 km $1 00K *97.995 * $4 41) 1994 MUSTANG 5 a cPtidui„r alLr' P.VV", $5 995' MO'S E EXTENDED CAB V6, auto., tilt, cruise, air, p,w., p,d,l., • ' A/D, tilt, cruise,p, locks, p, wind„ 1993 F150 4X2 - 1989 EtUICK I QARI1F p.s., AM/FM cass., green, 84000 km. Am/Fm•e,a,ss,,, 60/40 seats, remote 8 cyl., air, auto, bit, cruise, AM/FM Excellent condition. 4 dr., leaded, 129000 km. ' entry, 120,098 km, Drily stereo, blue, 51.000 km, $11 995 L $6 495 K 22995.K 91,995. 1< denotes Kincardine Dealership I., denotes Lucknow Dealership , . Serving You For AS IS 1987 ECONOLINE VAN V8, auto., tilt, cruise, air, blue L. 2,595 * 1988'GMC SIERRA SL PICKUP 03, 595 V8, auto, - FORD P150 S/C 4X4 V8,- auto., Lariat, rthlning boards: cap, 2 tone red $3395 . . • . ,•••Dutittg, • , our SOth .-,Anniversary Celebratiot* . , .for -aviary sale, we.'witi YOUR TOTAL II9ANSI?PFITATIC)N DEALERSHIPgive a,. hatto the gentleman perfume to • KII\ICARDINE, ..; • -LUCKNON -..519-3P0-3436(1-400=26.0,0781).,;:, -51952!3-813.(1-800;567-2012)