HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1998-02-25, Page 75,000, tases cleared inOntario in197 by Crime Stoppers Statistics reported by 34 ,of 40 registered programs. in Ontario, from Jan. 4 to Dec. 31, 1997, show that •4,999; investigations were :cleared by police as a result of • anonymous.. tips to •Crime Stopper throughout Ontario during the year ' • 'Furthermore; has a resulkof this information, more than 3,656 persons mere " arrested and a total of •$1i,598,947 in stolen property was recovered together with the •seizure of $27918,715 in illegal drugs. Total property and .drugs recovered or seized amounted :tb:' Winners in the junior division of the Lucknow $39,417,212. Lueknow.Sentinel, Wednesday, February 25, 19118 - Pa Legion's :public speaking On Friday night. were In return, Crime Stoppers Programs authorized pay- from the left; _ first, Shea :Hamilton, LCPS; sec- ments for successful - tipsters totaling $609,704 -.in cash ond, Stephanie Morrison,LCPS; and third Tim '• 'rewards. That produces a provincial, operating ratio. of . Luymes, Lucknow Christian, 'First place now $64.81 in stolen property and illegal drugs recovered or advances to the zone level in Clinton on March seized in, return for each dollar of reward money autho- 14;. Youth Education: 'Chairman, Warne .. rued. , • . Cranston (left) and, President Ed Pyette made the presentations. (Livingston photo) • :uron heart health surve process 750 th be called 10th- dimer : an:d. auction. for MCF This :yeasmarks the Feb. 23 Marked the rni factors such as- high fat services throughout the ti.ation of the Huron diets, physical inactivity - county.: ` • . . 10th' anniversary of the County Health Unit's and smoking. Participants We look .forward to • Maitland Conservation Heart ..Health Needs will, alsobe asked where your continued support • Foundation's. annual 'din- Assessment. Within the they- would liketo get throughout this project, If . ner and auction. next three 'weeks, about Heart Health information.' You would like additional: More than 175 •diction 750 randomly selected; Results from this sur-. information please 'contact • And raffle items werehouseholds in Huron vey will be used by 'the, ..Anne Haley or .Tricia donated to the, event last County will;be contacted . Huron Heart Health Wilkerson, Take Heart . year. "The support the by telephone and asked to " Network in the. develop. Huron project co-ordina- Maitland. Conservation participate in the survey ,Network. future heart health: tors at 482-3416 or 14kQ0- "Foundation receives from The ,questions cover risk '- Prdmotion programs. and 265-518.4; the area businesses is otic • standing," says George, :,. Wicke, chairman. "Many • • people recognize; the, value of the conservation education programsat the Nature Centre and are willing to contribute .to its success." •. Did you know? Provinces and territories have their .own symbols and "e.rnblems. Did yeti knew that the lady's-slip- per is the official floral, • emblem of•Prince-'Edward. Island:"(NC)` Takalo & Burt CHARTERED,' ACCOUNTANTS 567 Campbell .St Lucknow. .For, * Prsonal Tax Returns Small Business,• " Farms. • Doug Miller C.G.A. Lucknow Office'Manager' Registered E file Agent "LUCKNOW 519-528-3633. Goderieh'S19-524-2677 PEOPLE WHO READ NEWSPAPERS ARE. STUDENTS WITH (BETTER GRADES It'ali start`s with Newspapers Health::• . Cootie a �.• proposal .A. proposal by ,tbe submissions were accept South Bruce Grey:Health • ed. It is anticipated that Centre for funding has another opportunity may been denied. exist and we are seeking The " proposal was:. additional information made to the Ministry of, which May, enhance our Economic Developtnetit prospects with a future .trade :and Tourism for submission. ' funding to assist in devel- ..-:In ,' the meantime,. o . iri a" telecomtnunica effort's• continue. to •estab- ..for funding p ,. tion network among the li h an electronic network. • four hospitals of the with representatives from 1S d en.led • •South' Bruce Grey Health. • other' governmelt agen Centre, . andlinking linking thein cies-and industry under an to _referral centres in initiative of the Grey Owen Sound and London, " Bruce District Health Only six of over 30 Centre: Happy 75th Birthday Grandma .(R44 Gilmore) February 26 Love Nick& Jocelyn 1: Planning a.Wedding?' Bring your fiance and a friend, free! Additional guests'•; $5. dQ XetetJ3ritfa(Sfiow Monday '11arch 2,' 199$ •5:00.'- 9:00 pm South Huron Recreation Centre, Exeter Professional advice about all the"necessities and accessories for your Wedding Day Fashion Shows Dors D'oeuvres and Punch Door Prizes Including a chance for couples to Win a 3 ft.tall, crystal Clear "ice sculpture! Grand Prize Geta�utay' f or:`wo from cali$ofl I it owned and'operted. by eitison Travel (9rtde must be In attendance for the'drew fo win) Pre•register'now`to qualify for the ' Grand Prise, Call'keculture"toll-free 1-885-2514967 • 7 ■ � Avon;; :a' Brookside htiaitland' Gw.1.'1�1. aVN�•,N Public School -KINDERGARTEN AND JUNIOR KINDERGARTEN' -REGISTRATION Children .born in 1993 and 1994 are eligible to enrol in KiNDERGARTEN. and JUNIOR. KINDERGARTEN respectively for September, 1998• • Contact Brookside Public'School. as soon, as possible to confirm your intent to register.. Your call will allow us to provide you: with registration ,details and will assist the Board in planning for staff. Proof of age and, confirmation of ,property, assessment information will be required. Lois M.' Tebbutt Principal,.•Brooksid'e Public School Lucknow '& District Horticultural Society Carpet -Bedding Contest Since this is the Horticultural Society's 40th year and the Village's 140th. Weare planning -a Contest to design a planting plan- for the new sloped carpet -bed in Waterworks Park. The bed is approximately 12 ft. x 30 ft. end sloped toward Campbell St; - Rules: 1) Plants to be for Summar and auttitr►n display • 2) Plant budget to be under $250.00 "wholesale. . $3 Indicate, the vanity of .plani foreach' section of the bed using common trade name. 4) Entry. must submit a clear drawing of the proposed •plan on a letter or l• egal size paper A: prize of $25.00 will be':presentpdfor the.winning entry, All entries must be subttrittedbyMarch 18, 1998 The judges decision will be final: M "il entries to 130,616i •L,ucknow, Qn: NOG"2NO • `' Qontestants•rneY phone 528=21Q4 for further. information. Lottery Winners: "Another.; Way To Piay" ;Lucknow Lancers #88 $150.00 Clarence Allan • #788" 575.00 Cory & Caitlin Hamilton #239 " $5000 Lucknow' Sports Complex (Schedule Feb: 25 - March 1) Feb, 25 Figure'$kating4:00 p.m , Girls vs. TeesWater - 7:30 p:m. Minor Hockey (P) `- 8.30 0.01:Lancers (P) - 9:30 pan: Feb. 26 Minor. Hockey (P) - 4:45 p.rn, Rec. Hockey - 9:30 p m Feb. 27 •Novice B2 vs B1 - 5:45 p.m •'a . '• Novice Rep vs Hanover - 645 p.m: , -"• (Game 4/5, Hanover leads series 2-1) Atom.Rep vsWingham .-8:00 p.m. (Game 3/5, series tied 1-1) Feb: 28 Figure Skating - 8:OQ a.m. Minor Hockey (P) - Noon Tyke Devils vs Goderich 1:00p.m.. Nocle B3 vs Mildmay 3:00 p.m. Peewee Rep vs Wiarton - 4:00 p.m. (W.O.A.A. Final; Game 1/5) ''Midget Rep vs Smithville "-;5:30 P.M. (O.M.H.A. quarter final 1/5) Bantam13 vs Minto ; 7:00>p.m. . ' Mar, 1 Rentals='11:00 a,m. , Public Skating-1:30p.m.` Rentals - 3:00 p.m, Minor Hockey 4;30 p.m. Atom Rep (P) - 6:00 p.m. • Atom 8 vs Wingham 7:15 p.m, Midget ASE. vs Mildmay 8:30 p.m. (Game 5/5, if necessary) Spaces still available in First -Aid & CPR Courses. Call Dave at'528-3002.or Margie Lougheed at 528-3607