HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1998-02-25, Page 5Megan'
ing wen.
�au ' us recovery
health -:care provider (four times a week to
ensure that she does her exercises:
Megan also has a '.tutor who eomes
font' times a weeks We also have a social -
worker and :town and• country support
service coming through the door, which
=Ices for abusy household.
Megan is going to school to participate
in activity centres and reading buddies,
Her school• involvement is mainly for
social purposes: alibis point. 'Hopefully
she will be .going for half days three or
four timesa week very soon.
Things, are going well here. Thant you
again f+ r your concern anti'thoughtful- .
Jerry, Kay, ,Megan, Derek, •
Carrie and Gerrit Logtenberg...
Dear Pat and staff:.
We really appreciate all the .thoughts
and prayers that :have helped, in Megan's
recovery. We feel the .Sentinel was instru-
mental in helping to keep everyone
informed. The whole community has
been so supportive! It makes' us very
thankful to be a part ofa rural area.
Megan is doing well and has made 4
miiaeulous recovery- I believe she has.
exceeded the doctor's expectations. She is
starting to return to an average level for a
sig-year=old. There are areas that need
more work but overall, she is doing
She has physiotherapy three times a
week, speech therapy twice a week,
occupational therapy once a week, and. a
Calling all Hotel Dieu
babies to special reunion
Dear editor:
• lam writing in the hope
of reaching those readers
who have a personal con-
nection to the early history
of Hotel Dietl Hospital in
St. Catharines, which is
celebrating • its 5Qth
anniversary this year,
To help' mark this proud
achievement, Hotel Dieu
as planning a special. and
historic reunion fbr all.
those associated with the .
original maternity hospi-
• tal, which operated from
1.948 to x953. ,The reunion
will be • held on ;Saturday,,'
June, 20, and is being.
plaime,d especially for'
those wito were born at
the;.hospita'1 their parents';
and families, as well as
VT ,4714
acres, 60-70 workable, partially
fenced $97,600. •
1.5 ACRE. Building lot,:
WAREHOUSE 35''x 60' with
office area on double lot.:.
3/4 ACRE buitdkig lot,:
serviced, Inglis St, $35,000.
bedroom apartment. Excellent<
Condition. $99,900.
114:ACRES New bungalow, 2
hog;bams, shed, 84. workable,
Culross Township. $289;000. •
58 ACRES Newer bungalow;
quonset tog bam, 35 workable,
Kinloss Twp. 5198,000.
AUBURN - Three bedroom,
hoose plus extra tot with 24' X
30 shop. Reduced to $61,900.
bungalow, 2 barns, new
kitchen. $127,900.
BUNGALOW - With carport, 3
bedrooms, oil' heat. Havelock
•$41,900 - Campbell St. 3
bedroom•1%.stdroy, 1t baths,
row deck and windows;
FOUR PLEX -1, bedroorn'units,.
tufty rented. $79,900. '
bedrooms, .1150 sq.•it.'1 acre'
10: $60,860.
SPACIOUS -`4 bedroom) home,
edge Of town, ga'tane, new
kitchen,bath, large lot. •
IdINLOSS TWP, - $97,300.'-3,
bedroom house, 27 x 37 shop
creek Ni pored, ••
51. ACRES -. Pasture, nous:
fencing, edge df town. $60,000.
6 BEDROOM - house,
attached 3 bay, garage. Bob St,
ASHt IELD - 3: bedroom house
11th cono., oyez' % acre lot
those physicians, nurses
and other' staff who
together played a central
role in this special part of
Hotel Dieuts history.
.0n behalf of the 50th
anniversary organizing
com.mittee, I invite ail
maternity hospital 'Yalurxx-
ni" to .contact us to let us
know who and where you
are so that we can extend
to:y, ou a personal invite -
tion and provide you with
more information about
this festive. occasion,
Whether or n.ot you are
able to attend, we would'
still appreciate hearing
front you,. Pleasecontact
the Development and
Public Relations office at •
Hotel Dieu Hospital at
905.687-3703 or by fax at
Robert Edgar
Chair, 50th Anniversary
Hotel Dieu Hospital, St.
LucItaai.w SentipeWednesday: February Z5 1098 — Page 5
Here •
Answer an Page 9 .
ant to know . more about your property assessment
Over the,past;12 months, all properties in Ontario Were assessed on a fair, consistent and up -to
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municipal property"' tax rates.; During February; more:than 3.8 million Notices of Property Assessment were mailed to individual
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Check the list you re'ceiv'ed: with your Notice of :Property ;Assessment, call, toll-free, 'or visit the
website for inforirnation about sessions in your area and about changes to Ontario's property
assessment system.
For more information
Gall the Assessment Information Line at 1-890-8271857 or contact your Regional Assessimen�t
Alice- Or visit the website at www.gov.on,ca/FIN/enUlish/propenp.htm
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