The Lucknow Sentinel, 1998-02-25, Page 40 044 C#'fitia Yi M�. • Changes otaddress, orders for subscriptions. and undelottrable copies !return postage guaranty aIIe to be writ to The i uckuae,, *OW atale Adams indicated 1ere, Advertising isarx'epted:otzthe rondidonthattotatee eutofatyptgrapbical.tactthepor- gazi of the % spate oanpiedby the 'ereueous.boa together with a.reasonable allowaneeforsignatuze.'w I not be chorged fat but the balaaace tithe advertisement 94abePairi at tine appiicab a rate, we i P d4 t11 ff LL 1A11�.➢$y livArspaper 6W C"r flilpbell P.O. ox. 400, Locknow, Ontario N0Q 410 phone: l5191528-2842 fax 0191 528-3529• Establish!e+d 1873 - Tom Thumps n - Adv e* Pat Livingston - General; hYllis Matthews HelmOM* d rainistrator. .T� TT^R�. Joan Courtney Typesetter subset. ipt ora Rates advance: Regular $35.6 6 Una. postage and 0.s.T j ..Senior $23,02 ttna postage and G:S:r.) Foreign & USA - $90,00. Publications Mail Registratiorgilo. .37656 held at Coderich, Ootarto. Ptdoiisbed 52 tins a lu tebur ntet.on„ca She's questioning advanced Technology isa wonderful thing, and most tines I greet new technology .with open arms. In Amy job I'rrn exposed to changes in this area quite often, 'Recently, we acquired .a dig- ital camera that reduces the amount of time 1 spend in the darkroom muckingaround with chemicals. 1 simply. "download my pictures from the' ' new cameraonto the computer and with a few simple steps 1 produce a black and white pic- ture ready for the newspaper. However, sometimes I have a fear of technology. . Take for instance those new super duper car washes you find in the . cities. You simply drive in and sit them machines go back and. forth and you:. exit with a clean earI Now Mrs:. l ixit uses these 'all the time. So he was the first one to expose me to them. I wouldn't say I"mclaustro- phtibic but even as a passenger, I had a feeling of being closed in, After accompanying him a few times, r became ..quite relaxed. So last week. I decided to da it all by ►yselfl It's still too cold to do the bucket and. hose routine atuhome. Prior to entering the car wash, , I read the 'printed instructions carefully. Slowly -I. drove my car in, thedoor closed behind me. .The green light said "GO" so ,I crept" ahead slow- ly until the red light can.e on say. ing "STOP". Which I did. Then another light Calle on telling me , to 'BACK UP", • Now my first thought was this' must be a trick. Where I atn supposed to back up to"? kluwever, I. put the car in. reverse and slowly backed up.. The "BACK UP" light is stall, on, but by now my rear bumper is close to becoming part of the rear door of .the car wash. So 1` went ahead. The virtgCs .. A new division "!n the;;Royal .Canadian Legion's public speaking is "story telling": for • primary grades. Placing ,tint In the story telling speakoif et Lucknow Branch 309'was Shelby Graham of. Brookside school (left), fol- lowed, by Rachael Kuyvenhover►, I ucknow.Chrlstiart, and Keksie Beasley ,of Brookside. Making the presentation to the: youngsters, Were Wayne Cranston' (far left), youth education chairman and President Ed Pyette. (Livingston photo) et stdd P: zolluelnaaw/, sign is still on, So 1 backed up. Thesign is still on. So I. went ahead.... You get the picture? .y n.ow 1 am starting to panic. Here I am' trapped' in: a car wash, 1 thought about ,get- ting out -of the car„ however a picture flashed; in front 'of my eyes - it was•me outside the car covered in, soap and water with. huge brushes tangled in 'my hale: 1 !gaited on the horn, to no avail and: the attendant wasn't looking out the mini -window. I had a cell, phone beside me, but 1 didn't know the num- bet: I was completely embar- rassed by the whole situation. Into reverse again, back into forward., Finally with a clang and a bang, the unit started up and did -what it was supposed In our readership sur- vey, one thing 'some • said' they disliked was the•fact that 'stories are 'continued' on another page. When we are putting: the paper together, we try' to lay it:out•'in an attractive manner;. one that is appealing .to. thereader's eyes." Unfortunately, if a.,• story is quite long and is run on one page, particu- larly the front page, it can be rather, grey looking. So we use 'turn overs', or ;continued'. We try our best not to have these, however, it is impossible every week to do so. • One way we are trying to deal with these is to ,to do. I ignored the sign telling me to drive slowly underneath the " huge blow dryer! l exited that' building and left the drying 4' Past of the job up to the ele- nients! If ever again I enter one of these by myself,1 know Fit try incaospicuously to get their phone number first. •— well you just never know *Or** .Anybody outthere looking for one of those great hats our Canadian ,athletes are 'sporting at the Olympics? They've becomeso popular, Roots. Canada Ltd,,; the official outfit- ter for our Canadians, is having troubte keeping . the polar fleece "poor boy' hat on its store .•shelves: It sells for. $39.95. mw; •.. Cutis, the readerwill have less trouble in finding the continued part of the story. **** use the first word o. f the headline on the continued' Page. As an example: where the story ends on one page you will. sett "+see_Plan, page 2". Whenyou turn, to page 2, you will find the head- line pertinentto the story youare reading startswith the word Plan. By doing One request was that all. •the minutes from councils be printed: in the pager. We simply don't have space to. run ewer rthing in the rain- ' utes. However, for any per- son wanting to read the full minutes of, any coun- cil, you .can do so *your municipal= office. These are a matter of public record. 50 years ago Feb. 26, *948• hest becomes popular Chess has become popular with the boys, of Lucknow High School. This popularity has developed: since. extra curriculurti activities were adopted at the school. • Ends W years phone service -'Mildred Cameron, who recently resigned as manager of the local Bell Telephone Exchange, concluded her duties this week, after 10 years service, Oppose licensing beverage roods Petitions were circulating' in L ecknow and area in opposition to the graining of a, beverage room -license at Riversdale. The petition circulated in district centres that were "dry" as it was, considered they would be adversely affected' by the granting of such a license. 2Oyears ago Feb. 22, 1978 ottery ticket update - 6b4 tickets have been•,. sold i:tt the Lucknow :;District .Community Centre lottery. Deposit from the lottery tickets `ta date. is $55,166.' High school, teachers strike - Huronv.County - :,Secocidary<School `teachers are in ,a contract dispute with the Huron County Board of Education over two clauses in their teaching:'agrcement °and,hayc been staging rotating strikes iri the coOnt y"s; schools. Heritage Day.,winners Pat}1' Heim, Bev Dell and Megan and Erin Johnston woo first, second and third. respectively in' the best heritage,costume. Other win Hers in races were Stephen Pritchard, John V'an Diepen,-'Rod McDonagh, Larry MacPherson, Floyd Courtney, Brian, Smith, David Pritchard, Dave Gibson *Lance'Sanderson, Grant Murray, Pail'. Johnstonc,, Brian .DeGroote, Robert Conley,. Fred Flanagan , ..Brad DeGroote. Rodney- ,Conley, Scott Gibson, Charles, Murray, Paul; Helm, Dana Humphrey and Brad Taylor. The event took pace at the arena. 10 yearsago Feb. 24,1 lire destroys: home _, The home of Donand arj MacLeod, east of Lucknow,. ;.was corn- ptctely, destroyed by fire last week. 'While the home was burned to the ground, Fire Chief Bud Hamilton says it is fortunate there were no injuries to report: Olympic flange - Luckrtow has its own Olympic flame thanks to .the work of Lucknow Christian` School students who sculpted it .from snow.; along. with a huge loge track : 4.