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The Lucknow Sentinel, 1998-02-25, Page 1
• ; VOL. 12$ • Wi t I.S by Pat Halpin' The Biuewater District School Board says art is not .;a.frill for -its elemen- tary and SecOtttiary s ;hoi,I Students,' The board. Wants is •+expand, instrunientat music to all: Grade .6 classes in the two counties. It also' states 'elennentary< and sec,, ondary•studennts: should have aaecess.to "vibrant. vocal, and instr'utnent'al musicprograms", , possibly `• through the use of pilot projects, . Trustees. Went an a littib by making a Commitment to. arta programming in the W r SD two counties even though they don't. know: how much that decision cost. Final tudget• tigures will 'determine how ;Fast• music program expansion 'takes place. In the mean- • `time, education director Paul: Martindale applauded trustees' stand'. • ,• 'i his isa historic state- . ment to say art is POI • a frill," he said. Superintendent Doug strgBRVARY 2$,1998 "I• think it's iniportant • for the .board to take that - stand .ber:ausc to have a..., well-rounded individtaal; nOt only do you have to be.:, trained: for, business or • commerce as the govecnw meat would liketo•lead us to -believe, but you also have to have other things,' `Matz said, •'"You:,bnue to have. a: background in, arts' and: music and athletics; so. that 65` ITICLUDES Cumming said the recbmi you, are ,a; more ct mpletelV .�,• udelnts at LcP�, reeei+re>�� a lesson on farts safety last week: lf's one of n • veral sessions, co-ordinated by Ian`Clarke- on, behalf ©f the ucicfo+ mendattott;#' . onus.. otr.. peirson I think that's the se Music beccause.of the: costs function of schooling, to . Agricultural Society. 'thea Society and some area businesses sponsored involved,. but he.said the • make' as c insplete a person the cost of supplying octet 350 saw becks to Grades S, 6, 7 and 8,stu- arts also includes, drama;, as possible. •, dents in the four area schools. These students, Kyle Johnston, Heather andvisual arts. The • recommendations Sande and Matt Pritchard .(lit) and , Trevor .Mitchier.were to cing a quiz "Let"s riot forget the are subject •to change, on•poison look -a -!hies. (tel* *1000 importance, of -the arts at u ,dependint;kon, the. board: time core compulsory subs final budget figures. jects are being proposed": Currently, most: Grey he said. County, schools start • "This :report 'shOtr'ld•' instrumental 'music in Aµ; to shipsay stand.. 5o. testi ng;a is tlx tt its xrette: itt't: ulusuat ro Rob' s ,brie Year, but the iebirds are a bile's'nit .start'` • They tlte, trees;;:( sclVes ixwyi.. n •lit bu the fl0Wuri lrai» last year;, Thert; 4., gertttlaitaall called sayid he saw a flock of Call travelltng7 �rl'hwest tow! arts � ICd Plie wondered do: ly to 'Osumi* tits. m 'ilio •south.; owve r, ch king"wl . g ir► *rl tip to corn L:ai a(ta tt1CSo winttt dtpparcntlyt+►,su'tlt' ,Cit Pow f}Intl" , easily tlt?t> k to incl 'hitrnan tn$s if yott gOe- arty.: tgtts of sprng, give us a call; at.52R 2$22. reassure parents that arts ,Grade 7 and offer vocal • +� ti wont 'r�et• lost in the shufi .'• music in.Grades 1-6. Grey CSE. said trustee.` Ruth County also has a strings • by•PaE Halpin Vice-t,hair Ron Mintz;, to Bruce, instrumental said; board -woolbe; instruction begins in. , "doing students a disservice _ Gradelem 6,. while all een- if it didn't give 'them tart'.grades lave vocal opportunities in hearts music: Hrrtente d program .Bruce :County's finance ' Finance' Chair Roland enue neutral" for "Brace corninittee' stilt hay. a long „ Anstctt said his committee ...County. ' list of questions. about the is waiting: for, '2v1PP Barb ° ; in .•a• question' and' financial impact of the Fisher to clarify more than " answer session with coun- provinee';: downloading half a dozen, critical issues ty cOunc l,Feb. 17,' Fisher before the county can set atctrsed councillors of. • its.;l99S••budget; • .' being "hypothetical" by .n "The Major question is '.predicting a. tax increase • the education taX room thisyear. �+�*• that we have in Bruce °'You' don't know you'll '. i.rE county," Anstett said .at . haveto*tax Bruce Cvttrtty" council increase,", a she -'said tit • Tuesday, Feb. 17. ; answer ta�,a que4tion front. Bruce C iuiu 's c>lihci:tl. opposed to: )U aeres?" .lie. "Most: ;farmers would • "She has not; as of yet..Teeswater-Cut*�oss reeve• t c y pp plan cots Id. tie 'headed tc asked, noting that larger admit it's: very ,difficult, ; to . got back ,to tis and we will. Ralph. Krcertzwiser: ;tht~ '-'Ontario Mttntc.•iptit. parcels: are .regularly.; faiths 54 acres if that's theta, not .bo going any';further '"There: is a way: to do it Board civet° the issue ut' "paved over" for urban entire incanne," She said.: ` on our budget delibera- : and over. time- it will farm sizes: •`` developrneitt •insouthern tions until we get do "got bec°onte- more Obvious. The Ministry of • Ontario. "Also there's :a concern •' some information. from , You•will find a v ay.'ti, - Municipal' Affairs wants Fisher .:Said smaller, that people severing 5Q her;" Fisher had no informa- Itla aies as the rriinin tan farm Tots are not in the- , acres are doing' it _fair, An update ,froth ,the titin° 'oft' what ,if any for. a , Tarin,_• lout Brett . hest'intcrest cif agricu1 development:,finance:cornnaittee shows Community Reinvestment .an additional S1.36..mil Fundingthe'county will he lith' in ambulance costs. •eligible for, bat site object - for .the_ bject-for'thc- county; and that:. ed to cciuncilloirs' refer - social si rviCes and•chitd, • ences toprovineial '"dowvn- care cysts, have. ,been loading"...' " "undere`stimated, at a, titin,- "Don't call, it download- 1 iauilrt, $400,QOQ" by the . log. Call it opportunfl for province. :restructuring• and €inding The cosnirtittee says it so rte.:000ie#tct to than,"•' 'continues to, be a trays', , she advised tery' whether lite Later,'Ftsher said-sUtire • Province's takeover ;of municipalities are already' education -taxes will offset finding those :advantages thoseand other additional and•as ordin tax., increas- expenses, cs; In an interview, Russett, "They're, not. telling me said he `1 hof iia ,fat it°`can't % done,. thery're, prorrtpt, answers from the saying what do I do in this Pr;tti•inr e that Will :allow situation; and how, do we: his coini Iittee to deal with do; this, But they're riot (Mal figure, "and get t>tt •sevfisher'spage 2, plan. get 4n more a with a :budget that is 'rev.: ount is 1�111Str' by t''at Hatpin „Why is, the province so: ture". County's draft plan calls for. 50 acres: as the Milli"' 11)111ri: The plitnnt,ng�'atirtartiit ted_ snow consid ririg; whether to ccimprc>intse'01i the i.Stier .or stick'to its pasittntt and appeal:. to the pNif . So tai, the comtntt-. tee has not' chosen which • optionto fOilaw,°`°and looking for councillors' comments Ott the issue e`e s w ater-C n lrps:c` Reeve Ralph Rteutzwiser- raised the, question of 50 xicre-'farm severances dor, ling a, (Notion and xrnswer period, with 'MPP 'Barb fisher 'during last Tuesday`s meeting,' is i years young Sadie Ronin#on, a resi- dent 'at` Pinecrest: Nursing ome, cctehrat- ed her 97th birthday on 1�el), 24. Last Friday, residents and visitors; Offered ,their birthday wrhes, throng11; $on,',' when everyone had gathered. in.tltc ottarttoI room for happy hour with the representatives from the 1 ui know Legion, tt-iy $*tori photo)