HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1998-01-28, Page 12- Luc ►uw i .t '„e4*et p„,J4It920 Rome b ► Naked.Lorne missi:ort John Kranenburg has returned from a missions trip, to Salluikt. an Inuit Community in tits. :Canadian . Arctic,. ;Experiencing. Inuit hospi- tality,. eating 'their foods and finding out more about their culture was` great:. Especially ' good to see were the numbers of people who ,are respond- ing :to Cod's Love in spite of the problems of alcohol ;and drug abuse that have. been, .prevalent them. • If you happen to sae 'and hear the fire truck with lights flashing and siren 'going it doesn't always mean that someone is in trouble Sunday'. • evening* the Luiknow Midget hockey teams had a tour around .the town an the .fire truck in recogni- tion of theirwinning the North: American Silver Stick Championship ou. the weekend; Well done; Visiting. ' with • the Kratienb°itrgs for one. week. annual meeting.. Brum .and Bat. Cindy, MehMie, Cu and Nicole returned Thursday front a three-week holiday 7tn Virginia, Florida and • at bristraas time were Tenttessc their exchange student., Sympathy is extended Jacob' Schalixetn"s parents' to Jean Whitby tbty and faanily and his sisters Sine horst in 'the passing of george They then,..v„ Whitby at his. home on cited to New Zealand.. Tl ouch... A tnennerial ses ing Mark K.t tnenburg with • ` vice will be head at the them. Legion -op Saturday after - Congratulations " to noonl lrrtyrde< fere:) attd .' Thi~ Li cbies aiiaaiily hid Cornelius Zondervan who' adieu tea ,uckaiot as they m were arried, iii the ve. , hatransferred to Lucknow Preshyteriau' Lindsay. a tower of about . Church on : Saturday after- 2@.000. noon. Ron and. •son Tux left, its Congratulations to Are . December,. and Sande Stewart . of l?'inecrest Beth, Josh and Andy fail:;' Manor who celebr'atesihis : lowed last weekend`, 92nd birthday on. RUui was the pastor at ykrednesday„lata. 2S.. ilia Luc'know Christian: Sunday morning in the Reformed Church. 'lie' Lucknow United Church. family moved Isere sixi the choir, under the leader- years. agog Sandy $id. ship of Isobel Shepherd, moving from the, Inter-elity' was in charge Of the ser to'Lucor ' was "'quite ai vice. After the service change” batt tine they. there 'was lands an,d the enjoyed i;titnaensely. Attend PresbteziaI e.:,tri Jean Rossi Mildred Put don and Dora ' Neilson attended, the annual meeting of the Maitland Presbyterial at St Andrew.'s Cburcb.• Wingbana,, last, ilonday, • Mr.. • and Mrs. ' Ted., McClenagban of Kitchener were Saturday vi'sitors' With Mildred McClenaghait, aced; JOhn Ntct<innOn, , Myrtle Sleigtitholtn 'of • 'Brussels has been visiting with Mr , and Mrs. Elmer SleighthQlm.:; Chaihaers, WMS Members of the Chatrners, Wonien* Missionary Society gathered at the>,1 ore,. of,Norma Rintoul on Jan. 20 Fera Neilson was. convener and read the poem Trust Unknown4 followed with prayer,. Mildred Pardon read the seri tune, Vera Fakn gave the meditation Oalled:`Whither Bound. Jean Ross reatt.a p'oetn walled Be Stitt based an ps•alin 46.. `Norma . Rintottl. read; - January... Mrs, .Neilson . gave the; topic Journey of Faith- The rolleall'was answered with. a New Year's, verse; Jean•RosS. presided for the business.' Tho group decided;to use the booklet ou . Loaves arid: Fishes to • preparer the nteet- U) S by Erlma ahieb.by Jessie Moon •is a patient: in Kincardine and 'Diistrict Hospital., We. wish you better days ahe<'td Jessie. ..Received a letter. from Altan.' Raldfa.nby, Barrie, e, Barr on NVednesday after=. thanki'tig nie' for the col- noorn. The.. programs for ima.•Kep the news cotxi_' the Coining yeitr .were', piaraeied.. Isabel • Thompson Wayne i?ece y, had the devotions, Edmonton, a rived in the '•Coitgratulations, to. area Tuesday CO s:peitd , Myz`►te .' :Percy arid tztzxe with family, renaw. • " C`.ofn€ lath L'Qntivtva i who old acqua i'ptaaces, and ; were: married On Saturday attend his.Mother's wedgy tit L, .k I'resb nett n: di►ag.': �,r :' _ " Cuero.. with Rev. Peggy. The Prnsbyrterian. GYMS ' . i martian officiating,. Both: taut at the' Borne of Joan 1lamili4s whits to the s 'l The Huron Bruce Swingers, nne 'exp and at.it again starting their, .winter session din Jan. 7 followed by .flat Night on Jany 14 when the; ribbons, flowers, and feathers cattle out of retirernent, , Qtt•Jan. 2t. 'the.'Swingers Ge1- chvakcei' Bt bWo, Mums ttiglat veaxiztg.taditional piaidss, and. earn S,ctitehctns;"white thety., sung$, and, Calaforaia, twirled' to the music of s by Arn'hie FklrtlQn cladin his kilts; Embassy: Resaur4nt. linttirditne fbr; the reeep= . tiOri:: . A reception on Sunday afternoon gat'the :KinIoS . Township` Building was •attexided: by a liiz , .gre7up• ot'Well wishers. Who had :a good' time: renewing old acquaintances, Ivlyrtle Percy unci fami- ly reeoiued word of the passing of her t ephew, ' Delbert Trat'ford; C he .ted The visitiitiQn was hwtd 'llanovor ightozi Funeral Lloe. on Saturday and Sunday with 'the.funeraI on Monday, .Syznpathy 4 ; extended to.the 'farnily. izrloiigh Presbyteriati serrcices were led by Robert McCall, Kincardine, On, Sunday. busk rrtt Wino! p ,y{int, trtaana$. tread;; sec?zpicica 31 .s., Visrpi)l x Oi s,,t,' k a1ladOktl4`l assheOpe.t' tog. iimmommi Advertising is . ;. 'p<pe 1'as.e•,. Ad's citing l r ve ►'Hent . t lit atilftt, ' 24st t TAIL %TIRE - with 2 . �Cit;AQttk a�r,utttwitt: lti7ibits caiditaptr .. 1't*ACRES - Novi bUn low.1 , host gains„ d: 44 y ofkatik7,• t hie rp. Sa1494act. 50�.A� � - rb Q(�� t berm 34 MKNkab! t,t , $19+�x Y ' AUBURN - Thee bedroom ;'tefNtts� ' p�it,4 est?, let *Oh'24" X • fr Waco,. Rt t. auskeEESS . 'F-4144090 ram:. Call kto POGO - 3 ieckci h ickkvinyt Z 'year, okst; addition, new a coerix& 3. • ASHF1EI.0 - 113er ores. SI • wprkaitte, :tandem dtainege. sur+oklOW - Wktt'i ; 3 taedpn�i.e�.n�t(Sy;� nit haat Havelock': ,$41;9(10,--Catnghekt St: 3 bedrooter 't'.• storey, t vt` trig, new 000karxf windirws. QOq -a bocce nt ren> avatted tib .with garage, *otith: 40943 -ott larov�,.fi aoratc4; • !NEW .BUNGALOW - Olitclrrec1 f t &11 sq;, tt, 1,aot'e stat, $0030090^3 ' 'W041%143. 4 rte rtizie.i, edge 'o! town. karaael new. • 14tchentOeafe, lame kik, KJN1 OSsr PAIR:- $S7�3QQ. a '1 trectrnotte hglise, t 3? shr ctilo & pori BOG Sr-•3;ttedkeetit,, tr4statin• stag, reit,. .5.1 ACRESR ; t tetuire, new: 'tenet. qdg rot toric $6„C QO. ' attached 3taax'garage� t st $12S,W1Q., :• , . • AS$f EL • a boded ttocis�a ttth `gonc., civet .acres tort i.14.0(400404:1740.- EN „IMO' worPurrocoordp Cbut-tereki Accountant is swbc1411.944100figgiog, tli 4ii MM.4 GMNRr trite„ il�cwlrt t'ik 14104/41010.0.110* l*WiSt 0.00400Wk 1:9041040 44* 4 11 n4 r1 ra4"wrvtK . MOW t?oerrtac I „ELF 'Nowa Frafk; t.kt c./.4 DNA Col ».te **et Ra7Tt4NtArwi • riotoi t .art" nn ultoottior Tor_ . for 0607 ' Sank of iliontioot Staff 'At *irtt edu1e' Jan 21. o Feb! .3 j hoar Miura alit 44ti prim minx Hq ( 7'O p m t atin-waciparr: F .ire 44JSkating. p. Req. r -'9 pts. Mimic x -a pito- Ncwtc '• Rep XS t;titilwd- 6;;4453 p ttw. t ve,w+4it.itryr - J,ay . 3 t • F7gttre a`�tatihq - &Qi a,rn.. Ming H ek.W- Ngon Tyk a v4Vlt - 2:Oo pari:. Miciar Hi may. (FSI : 3 p.m* , C'siriS va aiolw s i 4XICrp,rn., P'tewawsys lytta* -'s., .omni ! thorn:ava.Fatta a s n-�'QQu.1n, Juvenile v$,tttlaitr F%c bre Skoti - (f avgla?rnetit;t7ay) (tit t ubiteStsatitt ,l Ftontat•- >{t'.itw. owars> vs Ciltttpa - a,'1 0 n m; Minor H4c1tay - S;qo s:rtt Mil at AE v Park Elg n - Sc.3Q�t itP Mires► ,Hockey" (P)-- 4 4S R tib P stale Playrsatk, , 7 W &; 9tQO etre, Figute Skating 4 t)Q P.rm, NoiOcet vsE'-$3tkp.m MtP Hockey (P) Rae Huei4ey g=3O'tt tn.. $150.00 .00 interested, in f '.F .; First Aid. &," Bataysiftirig durst ? .Qontapt',©ave at; Sports Comtplex 528r -309g dr Margie' LQugkteed att'$2$-36Q . • slmiget'k00' .111 f " Pra�zt: rva 'Y r9rgr,�y09Ft,Pftt !'i ft*, , 2Q,'t� 04:131 a P/0,QFNE1:'PRV etips- eR E 'rO cqui, ati 't EHMENT SgLEO':'(ME :KAY ERFnt :i t&ki orrli *aye i c.pte " Y: Ott '0 Kerty4,, z 0 .toga (CAN) ' (CZE) : a , ' Shiahat az', _I Sunciin (QAtNN) , (SWS) ei - Weight; .' :." Sure, , (OSA) .' (RUS) NI ,.C1 Sak?c. , • (GAM s . ' :.qtr. • (USA) c : ' Aifredeert • (S.WE) •.. M 0 Forsberg (SWE) 84r '.androe -.. 3{CAN) cn :' 3rtnd1Arr,+aur .(CAN).' as' -1 Sttattne,' • .(FIi4) has,_' :sit ei (CZE)' , c ;.':Arraonte.:: • (USA)-;• Af t, G3 ', =a'it''. ' rte Ytin Af3< .0 Grateky. AA4: LF KraNa. • , " A13." TIcachulo, • • , (VSA). ' (RUS)' • (QM): (FIN.) ' `(USA) Et1 t •'' RehiPerq. ,ase ,, YterfYtan 413 ' MQdana ;st4 Lehtinen ars,' ._i t'camerfatt - ' (StIV X (CACI) (USA) (FH) (RU$),, pi r (;12 Q1.3 3Gi4 cs5' Liinden:. :. ;rhamnorr ` ' `Annderson .; 1 @adrrrarsh •' Corson (.G: 1) (Rlis} . (SWE) .{USAj,;; (CAN);;,, i:'anvaa ' �QLi4�1„$ Alt '. Rucittsky,` (QZE) ',EA2i-. S nrr eau (CAN) C,2t ,'" 'Leetch- . > (USA)'-,. 2:,' Rtranick : (USA), s22, rikartrren : (F)W33 622 Lidstrorrrn (SwE) , A23 , i' hp4nen A24 ',,5 Flqury- (RN , (CAN) ' 1323 • '' SugdsROrn N. :Bzt. .: lzugriti• - , ($WE),- (USA) ' C2 ..'. SGUrque.. • i' Niintmaa • (CAN),. . (i i1N);" A26, ' }Covelvnko'. (RUS) 1325. ', Zcarfiftuer .;": (CAN);' C 5 Zh+tnik:-.._ (ZUS),; 6 .; Gr 4i7gylt•. nitt s ; • (CZE)-.., 22 0. � ,t ones. • (t)$A)" 1 33 ', Slake- : • (CAN) ' Gumple• (F1' ];_'', Kesperrtua_ , (RUS) ' 'WI' - ` Rev' '' ; yld e)4;. .s3a+ ' vartaie.sdxvuck. - 4 '.' rriip 83s 1'Jtnsaph- : (CRN) (CZE),• (USA) ,: (Fit) ((AN) - cat C32 c34 , 'ca cis ,Richter . - -°, 3redeur • i; Co• Knl; ` . ,Shtalenkou (USA), •; (CAN).- (SwE): •`(^tN,) '' .'(RUS)3 • RdjntN014"42ierl,94 T4'11ow,: t ?rwa Ja Chat 2 priwta As itis.µ point. 1001404k, Gual-moi paint ,42isat„-24Okras%~ aa{tkTxfar �Yyin 23'04 ; . 11 23'040; NAL St,11#4 Hit&staot pit,i4bg0400400,1n,U144RcatNe40Skp13's..tofei(40:4RRkorMurrr;h,,h3t4R;anna4naRFf. $4P93n' "Aiftxs}nes,w 3P4;r at'J#d,trw 31.4431)1413" tnrtiPmRa swrttn&faWr 4,44,4 3t4snithMME9a41>kiFatz, , 4. 41,,001;i4.324.0 ,1440l4M, ?{Ateutcai<014( an,Ciytraird 144ir 1064t.Wat$ 14ndb0 are nae 04 0,40 10(.1b9 cwrta4t..... Ai(Zi�c4taa w l 6a tkilo; ngr aia'raranttr str#r Naw{ ,rutin. 4 ' Far tturih+irc ix #4XhOgian u ,.ht air *1440., i' 1 n. . .*con -Ay . cues t(irlutt 7'AL G9o.